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Nomadic Empires and Pirates
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2024년 5월 5일 오전 4시 32분
2024년 9월 11일 오전 4시 34분
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Nomadic Empires and Pirates

Play as Pirates or Nomads
Works in Multiplayer, No Planets required, Any Empire, Any Mod (Propably)

How to Play
  • Choose the Nomadic Origin
  • To be a pirate, choose the "A Pirates Life" Civic
  • To raid other empires, you can declare a War with the Raiding Casus Belli.
  • You can also Raid without declaring war, this mode can be turned on and off with a situation. In this Raid mode you can only attack space assets.
  • Alternative: Start the game with any empire of your choice and Choose to be a nomad in the event. You can Reform to be a pirate even if you only play as a nomad in the beginning.
  • If you only have your Capital System Planets left you can choose to leave them behind and become Nomads
  • WIP there is a 2nd Origin, with 3 Playstyles attached to it, those can be choosen once the game starts.

Important info
  • You do not have any Pops in the beginning. Unless you conquer some worlds you will also not get access to pops
  • I added a custom Deficit system, should you have a deficit situation you also have ship based deficits as a country modifier.

Future Content
  • I want to add a system that conquered worlds have special decisions
  • I want to add more things to do, currently you can do everything the game offers, its just that without setteling down its a bit limited.
  • Currently WIP is a 2nd origin that is more of a half nomadic Empire.
  • more to come
Any feedaback is appreciated.

Concerning other Nomad mods
I believe i code my mods in a way that should make them compatible with many mods, as i avoid changing any vanilla files. It should be viable to play this mod in combination with other nomad mods. I hope any mod, honestly.

Known bugs
  • Due to some updates some systems might be bugged, but i tried to keep save compatibility

댓글 57
Flemmi  [작성자] 2024년 8월 16일 오전 6시 26분 
I will take a look at the 2nd idea, the first one i know that i dont have the skills to easly implement it. but there is a Mod with that feature.
hardcomet 2024년 8월 16일 오전 6시 15분 
It might be an idea to add a type of ship that acts as a planet. As well as have the mothership be able to have starbase buildings. Just to fill in those gameplay features for nomad empires.
Flemmi  [작성자] 2024년 8월 2일 오전 12시 08분 
I also realized you asked for something else, i made it so at the start of the game you also gain all the techs from your origin empire.
Flemmi  [작성자] 2024년 8월 1일 오후 11시 49분 
I fixed both issues
The Nomadic Space part tech is no longer salvagable, this should make it impossible to leak to other empires.
When you become a nomad during the running game, you will keep all your technologies now.
MurgianSwordsman 2024년 8월 1일 오후 8시 36분 
Is there a way to allow the leaving nomads to inherit any technology that the base empire has? I'm wanting to try Extradimensional from the Electroids mod to play as nomadic extradimensional raiders, but without Jump Drives I can't leave the cluster.
Flemmi  [작성자] 2024년 7월 28일 오전 9시 06분 
true, i simply forgot that was a thing. I will implement it.
Skylearion 2024년 7월 28일 오전 8시 18분 
by the way Flemmi why don't you make it so nomadic origin empires have a thing where their ships debris can't be researched that would solve that issue of other empires getting the tech all-together.
Skylearion 2024년 6월 18일 오전 9시 01분 
hey let people know in comments about this mod I just realized exists it might help people have fun with their desired shipset!
Flemmi  [작성자] 2024년 6월 4일 오전 2시 13분 
It might be that regular empires loot access to the components or they randomly roll the 0% chance, sadly that is possible in stellaris. I think you are right about research. Without empire size it needs a little nerv. I am working on a major update and will look into adjusting the balance.
SEVEN GOON SESH 2024년 6월 3일 오후 3시 07분 
Really interesting mod but for some reason regular Empires keep getting access to the special components. It also is HORRIBLY unbalanced in regard to research at least- a raw 75+ for everything per component is insane.