Dragon's Dogma 2

Dragon's Dogma 2

deteringwilliam 6 May @ 11:13pm 
Sorry for the double post, I can't edit mine here, I would also like to add that unless you are deliberately using weak gear for a challenge, then the gear you are using will matter more than your levels anyway
deteringwilliam 6 May @ 11:09pm 
I hear it is 999, but even you were to grind for that long, you will hit the stat caps long before then, especially if you use the dragonforged blessing that increases your stat gains when you level up.
mrorange  [author] 4 May @ 3:57am 
I heard it is open ended, but at 200 lvl it does not scale anymore... also, even at my point fights are super easy. So we have to wait for a endgame DLC ;)
blueking sama 4 May @ 2:21am 
is this max lev or is there more?