Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor

Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor

53 ratings
Class Weapons
By Fifth_Quarter
This guide shows the available weapons (once unlocked) that each class has access too.

How can knowing this help?
☐ You can pre-plan to aim for a specific loadout (assuming the RNG gods are on your side),
☐ Or help prevents the burning of Gold by re-rolling for a weapon you cannot obtain,
☐ You also know who can be used to attempt to complete weapon specific 'Biome Goals'.

With any luck this info will help you survive in the depths of Hoxxes IV,
Rock & Stone Brothers & good luck down there.
Default Class Weapons:
☐ Deepcore GK2
☐ Jury-Rigged Boomstick
☐ Cryo Grenade
☐ Zhukov NUK17
☐ M1000 Classic
☐ Voltaic Stun Sweeper
☐ TH-0R Bug Taser
☐ Arc-Tek Cryo Guard
☐ Drak-25 Plasma Carbine
☐ Nishanka Boltshark X-80

🔸 Classic:
Starts with the Deepcore GK2 and has access to all Scouts Default Weapons,
☐ Deepcore GK2
☐ Jury-Rigged Boomstick
☐ Cryo Grenade
☐ Zhukov NUK17
☐ M1000 Classic
☐ Voltaic Stun Sweeper
☐ TH-0R Bug Taser
☐ Arc-Tek Cryo Guard
☐ Drak-25 Plasma Carbine
☐ Nishanka Boltshark X-80

🔹 Recon:
Starts with the Zhukov NUK17 and has access to all Scouts Default Weapons & other classes Light Weapons,
☐ Zhukov NUK17
☐ Deepcore GK2
☐ Jury-Rigged Boomstick
☐ Cryo Grenade
☐ M1000 Classic
☐ Voltaic Stun Sweeper
☐ TH-0R Bug Taser
☐ Arc-Tek Cryo Guard
☐ Drak-25 Plasma Carbine
☐ Nishanka Boltshark X-80

☐ BRT7 Burst Fire Gun

☐ Subata 120
☐ Experimental Plasma Charger

☐ "Stubby" Voltaic SMG

🔸 Sharp Shooter:
Starts with the M1000 Classic and has access to all Scouts Default Weapons,
☐ M1000 Classic
☐ Deepcore GK2
☐ Jury-Rigged Boomstick
☐ Cryo Grenade
☐ Zhukov NUK17
☐ Voltaic Stun Sweeper
☐ TH-0R Bug Taser
☐ Arc-Tek Cryo Guard
☐ Drak-25 Plasma Carbine
☐ Nishanka Boltshark X-80

Default Class Weapons:
☐ "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
☐ "Bulldog" Heavy Revolver
☐ Incendiary Grenade
☐ BRT7 Burst Fire Gun
☐ Tactical Leadburster
☐ "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
☐ Firefly Hunter Drone
☐ "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
☐ Seismic Repulsor
☐ ArmsKore Coil Gun

🔹 Weapons Specialist:
Starts with the "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun and has access to all Gunners Default Weapons and other classes Projectile Weapons,
☐ "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
☐ "Bulldog" Heavy Revolver
☐ Incendiary Grenade
☐ BRT7 Burst Fire Gun
☐ Tactical Leadburster
☐ "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
☐ Firefly Hunter Drone
☐ "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
☐ Seismic Repulsor
☐ ArmsKore Coil Gun

☐ Deepcore GK2
☐ Jury-Rigged Boomstick
☐ Zhukov NUK17
☐ M1000 Classic
☐ Drak-25 Plasma Carbine
☐ Nishanka Boltshark X-80

☐ Subata 120
☐ Experimental Plasma Charger

☐ LMG Gun Platform
☐ "Warthog" Auto 210
☐ "Stubby" Voltaic SMG
☐ LOK-1 Smart Rifle

🔸 Juggernaut:
Starts with the "Bulldog" Heavy Revolver and has access to all Gunners Default Weapons,
☐ "Bulldog" Heavy Revolver
☐ "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
☐ Incendiary Grenade
☐ BRT7 Burst Fire Gun
☐ Tactical Leadburster
☐ "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
☐ Firefly Hunter Drone
☐ "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
☐ Seismic Repulsor
☐ ArmsKore Coil Gun

🔹 Heavy Gunner:
Starts with the "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon and has access to all Gunners Default Weapons and other classes Heavy Weapons,
☐ "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
☐ "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
☐ "Bulldog" Heavy Revolver
☐ Incendiary Grenade
☐ BRT7 Burst Fire Gun
☐ Tactical Leadburster
☐ Firefly Hunter Drone
☐ "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
☐ Seismic Repulsor
☐ ArmsKore Coil Gun

☐ CRSPR Flamethrower
☐ Corrosive Sludge Pump
☐ Cryo Cannon

☐ Breach Cutter
☐ Shard Diffractor

Default Class Weapons:
☐ Subata 120
☐ CRSPR Flamethrower
☐ High Explosive Grenade
☐ Krakatoa Sentinel
☐ Corrosive Sludge Pump
☐ Colette Wave Cooker
☐ Impact Axe
☐ Neurotoxin Grenade
☐ Cryo Cannon
☐ K1-P Viper Drone
☐ Experimental Plasma Charger

🔹 Foreman:
Starts with the Subata 120 and has access to all Drillers Default Weapons,
☐ Subata 120
☐ CRSPR Flamethrower
☐ High Explosive Grenade
☐ Krakatoa Sentinel
☐ Corrosive Sludge Pump
☐ Colette Wave Cooker
☐ Impact Axe
☐ Neurotoxin Grenade
☐ Cryo Cannon
☐ K1-P Viper Drone
☐ Experimental Plasma Charger

🔸 Interrogator:
Starts with the CRSPR Flamethrower and has access to all Drillers Default Weapons and other classes Fire & Acid Weapons,
☐ CRSPR Flamethrower
☐ Subata 120
☐ High Explosive Grenade
☐ Krakatoa Sentinel
☐ Corrosive Sludge Pump
☐ Colette Wave Cooker
☐ Impact Axe
☐ Neurotoxin Grenade
☐ Cryo Cannon
☐ K1-P Viper Drone
☐ Experimental Plasma Charger

☐ Nishanka Boltshark X-80

☐ Incendiary Grenade
☐ Firefly Hunter Drone

🔹 Strong Armed:
Starts with the Impact Axe and has access to all Drillers Default Weapons and other classes Throwable Weapons,
☐ Impact Axe
☐ Subata 120
☐ CRSPR Flamethrower
☐ High Explosive Grenade
☐ Krakatoa Sentinel
☐ Corrosive Sludge Pump
☐ Colette Wave Cooker
☐ Neurotoxin Grenade
☐ Cryo Cannon
☐ K1-P Viper Drone
☐ Experimental Plasma Charger

☐ Cryo Grenade
☐ Voltaic Stun Sweeper

☐ Incendiary Grenade
☐ Tactical Leadburster

☐ Plasma Burster
☐ Shredder Swarm Grenade

Default Class Weapons:
☐ LMG Gun Platform
☐ "Warthog" Auto 210
☐ "Stubby" Voltaic SMG
☐ Hi-Volt Thunderbird
☐ Voltaic Shock Fence
☐ LOK-1 Smart Rifle
☐ Deepcore PGL
☐ Breach Cutter
☐ Shard Diffractor
☐ Plasma Burster
☐ Shredder Swarm Grenade

🔹 Maintenance Worker:
Starts with the LMG Gun Platform and has access to all Engineers Default Weapons and other classes Construct Weapons,
☐ LMG Gun Platform
☐ "Warthog" Auto 210
☐ "Stubby" Voltaic SMG
☐ Hi-Volt Thunderbird
☐ Voltaic Shock Fence
☐ LOK-1 Smart Rifle
☐ Deepcore PGL
☐ Breach Cutter
☐ Shard Diffractor
☐ Plasma Burster
☐ Shredder Swarm Grenade

☐ Arc-Tek Cryo Guard

☐ Firefly Hunter Drone
☐ Seismic Repulsor

☐ Krakatoa Sentinel
☐ K1-P Viper Drone

Starts with the "Warthog" Auto 210 and has access to all Engineers Default Weapons.
☐ "Warthog" Auto 210
☐ LMG Gun Platform
☐ "Stubby" Voltaic SMG
☐ Hi-Volt Thunderbird
☐ Voltaic Shock Fence
☐ LOK-1 Smart Rifle
☐ Deepcore PGL
☐ Breach Cutter
☐ Shard Diffractor
☐ Plasma Burster
☐ Shredder Swarm Grenade

🔹 Demolitionist:
Starts with the Deepcore PGL and has access to all Engineers Default Weapons and other classes Explosive Weapons,
☐ Deepcore PGL
☐ LMG Gun Platform
☐ "Warthog" Auto 210
☐ "Stubby" Voltaic SMG
☐ Hi-Volt Thunderbird
☐ Voltaic Shock Fence
☐ LOK-1 Smart Rifle
☐ Breach Cutter
☐ Shard Diffractor
☐ Plasma Burster
☐ Shredder Swarm Grenade

☐ Cryo Grenade

☐ Incendiary Grenade
☐ "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System

☐ High Explosive Grenade
☐ Impact Axe
☐ Neurotoxin Grenade

Back to the Space Rig
Hopes this helps with your next run into the depths of Hoxxes IV,
and remember 1 Dwarf can do as much work as 4, If only they give you more guns.

Things to do:
☐ Keep up-to date with added weapons or modified pools
☐ Rock & Stone

This information is (should be) accurate as per Early Access release version 0.2.190d
If you believe any info is wrong or out-of date please leave a comment and ill aim to confirm and update as soon as.

Fifth_Quarter  [author] 14 Jul @ 11:15am 
It does yes.
For some reason I had a copy of 'Shredder Swarm Grenade' under scouts instead of 'Voltaic Stun Sweeper'.
Cheers for the catch (pun intended)
Semantic Dragon 14 Jul @ 2:44am 
does the strong arm driller not get the Voltaic Stun Sweeper? It says 'all throwable'.
Fifth_Quarter  [author] 12 May @ 4:24pm 
Cheers, not sure how I missed that. I even had it as the top of the list of weapons below that the class could use like all other starting weapons. Guess I become blind to it. Its been amended.
Kharg Meleol 12 May @ 5:03am 
As of the current build the Demolitionist Engineer starts with the DeepCore PGL as starter weapon.
Stegocent 10 May @ 10:11pm 
Thank you for the weapons list.
Take my points yo