

73 ratings
slightly smarter ai
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29 Apr, 2024 @ 2:45am
7 Jan @ 9:05pm
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slightly smarter ai

Changes how AI plans its resources, manages its jobs, and decides what ships to build.
- Ai prioritises Minerals in the early game, incase its space mining is lacking
- Ai, especially militarist and genocidal, have a much higher focus of Alloys
- Spiritualists/Hives will focus Unity, Materialists/Machines will focus Science - but not to the detriment of alloy production
- Ai will disable Clerks where they aren't needed, and Soldiers when they aren't needed
- Ai understands Holo-Theatres and employs Entertainers better
- Ai weights for ship type choices and section templates are redone, missile-preference empires will use cruisers and corvettes more than battleships (except in times of crisis, where it will absolutely prefer those)

- Ai will now properly force enforcers where crime events have occurred, to try and shut down criminals
- Ai is blocked from using Bio-Reactors due to the confusion to production it causes (it sees farmers: oh, food! it builds it: wait, i have food deficit now?)
- Ai will have its factory/foundry designations re-set if it nears or is in a deficit for either resource, preventing the ai from deadlocking its production
- Gestalt AIs will not use Habitat Hydroponics designation, as they would have no way of producing amenities
- AI will destroy some useless buildings every once in a while, such as hydroponics or commercial zones, where those jobs aren't giving any value.

Other change(s) this mod makes that aren't related to AI:
- adds clerk/soldier automation options to manage their jobs but not build new buildings
- the Destroyer Picket bow is now 4 PD slots, instead of 2 Small + 1 PD (where it lacks a slot due to small slot equivalence rule)
- Acceptance for Subjugation is reduced significantly

AI on Ensign difficulty can keep up with the player, instead of totally falling behind in early and mid game. If AI's brain turns off in Lategame, let me know

If you are a veteran player, or know how to properly specialise your worlds throughout the game - i suggest Captain difficulty with SSAI. That makes up for the efficiency that you, the player, understand with civic/tradition/job choice.

Game version v3.14+
Place this mod above all others to allow overwrites

- foundry/factory colony types, habitat gestalt farming colony type
- hydroponics farm, commercial zone building, archaeostudies lab, bio reactor building
- colony automation exceptions, colony automation categories (all)
- economic plans (all)
- corvette, destroyer, cruiser, battleship section templates + ship sizes

for NSC3
Cheesemongle  [author] 18 hours ago 
Thats pretty much what it has now. Economic plan in game files, it'll reach a target then increase it once its met the target for all its resources.
KyberWolf 19 Jan @ 10:42am 
I have an idea to help with getting the AI to plan ahead. What about yearly growth targets? I was reminded of the "obsessional directive" civic for machine intelligence, and thought it could be adapted to make the Stellaris AI smarter. Maybe the AI could be told to try and increase production by something like 1-5% every year? Something that would nudge it to grow more than it needs to like a player would.
Falling5tar 12 Jan @ 11:35am 
Well not sure, reading the patch notes they were like AI empires no longer adopt virtuality, but doesn't this mean that if they already had virtuality they would be able to use it?
Cheesemongle  [author] 11 Jan @ 10:53pm 
I thought the ai wasnt allowed to have virtuality at all
Falling5tar 11 Jan @ 5:37pm 
Is there a way for the AI to actually employ everything if it has the virtual traditions? I released a few sectors as vassals and they just unemploy clerks and enforcers, even though there is no need (since they are virtual)
Cheesemongle  [author] 7 Jan @ 8:39pm 
Hrm. That is pretty annoying yeah, I can probably add an automation option for clerk management.
Bluedot 7 Jan @ 9:20am 
Is there any way to disable the clerc/soldier auto unemployment thing? I prefer having clerks over not having them, especially with some mods having things like orbital elysums in giga, where it adds jobs based on the total number of pops on a planet. When some of those are disabled, it cuts down on how many pops it can have employed, putting an exponential dent in the planet's usefulness.
Cheesemongle  [author] 21 Dec, 2024 @ 12:06am 
Congrats, you've figured out the main problem with Stellaris AI.
This is not something that can be modded easily, and is also not the point of my mod.
硕大的根 20 Dec, 2024 @ 9:45pm 
I discovered a fatal flaw: AI doesn’t plan ahead. It only starts building when resources become scarce in the later stages, while as players, we are constantly building. Even with excess resources, we only trade them with others to acquire what we need. I hope the AI can improve in this regard.
硕大的根 20 Dec, 2024 @ 9:06am 
When I release a vassal, unless I have built the necessary buildings and carefully calculated the jobs in advance, leaving them to manage will result in chaos. I hope this mod can help my vassals manage their colonies better.