Slay the Spire

Slay the Spire

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[Arknights] Typhon
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24 Apr @ 11:50pm
9 Aug @ 11:12am
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[Arknights] Typhon

In 1 collection by FimmlpS
3 items
English is updated by myself on 4/29/2024. So tired. If there are some mistakes ,please help me fix it.

Add a character from Arknights (Typhon)

Now there are 4 basic, 19 common, 36 uncommon, and 15 rare, 74 cards in total.

There are also 9 (or 40+?) Status card to play with the bases.


This mod is not constructed with strong numerical values
There are many combinations in the deck, and if you find some cards with incredible effects during gameplay, it is highly likely to be associated with several other cards to achieve powerful effects.

The core gameplay is based on the playing order of attack cards and skill cards
A supporting mechanism (see below) and related ability card coordination enhancement have been designed around the card ideas of these two basic types. If it's your first time playing this mod, why not grab more "Continue" and "Alternate" related cards?

When you have fun, you should also love Typhon
She is so cute, dude.


Card attributes. If the type of last card you play is Different, increase 1 cost and play once.

Card attributes. If the type of last card you play is Same, reduce 1 cost and Exhaust after use.

Ciphertext and Declare
You can obtain a series of ciphertext in combat through some means, which are divided into two types: top and bottom. When you play a ciphertext (assuming the type is top), you can search for the full draw pile, hand, and discard pile to choose another ciphertext (assuming the type is bottom) to declare, which can trigger the effect of multiplying the number on the top board by the effect on the bottom board. Maybe it's complicated, just give it a try and you'll know~

Collapse and Paradigm
Collapse is an effect similar to the original poison, but the difference is that it takes effect at the end of the target turn. After it takes effect, the number of layers will increase, and the holder will receive the same amount of damage block after triggering. Paradigm (status card) can strengthen a debuff that holds a collapsed target and weaken its attributes.

All the materials for this mod are sourced from the official materials of "Arknights", some of which use the second creation art (1 common card), and the card background and other special effects were created by myself. Some of them refer to the design ideas of other mod creators. This mod is not intended for commercial purposes and is purely driven by personal love for Typhon. If any rights are infringed upon, please inform me to delete it.

Thank you, Charming, for your testing assistance and optimization suggestions during this process.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
1 Aug @ 8:23am
PINNED: BUG集中营,来挽救坍缩中的提丰吧!
9 Sep @ 11:40pm
PINNED: 卡牌及部分配合强度反馈(超模,或欠缺)
FUNMaze 9 Sep @ 11:23pm 
FimmlpS  [author] 8 Sep @ 10:46pm 
alexzyf 31 Aug @ 12:49pm 
做的挺好的 粥mod玩了好几个 ,以前各种mod都玩了不少,很多mod完全没有卡组运转的意识,能通也是靠个别滥强牌,提丰mod玩了第一把就惊喜于连射机制减费烧牌一体的机制。以及对萨米肉鸽的机制还原的很不错。不过范式最多挂四个感觉对BOSS运气不好的情况下影响有限是个小遗憾。
FimmlpS  [author] 15 Aug @ 12:55am 
@附加物 :sts_ironclad: 笑容弥漫,毕竟提丰mod是我的早期mod啦,mod界面也忘记改很久了,我做mod的习惯是做一些尽可能简单点的机制,然后会在金卡设计上把单卡复杂度拉高,这个实在是很抱歉,发布这么久了居然还有人评论我也是蛮惊喜的
FimmlpS  [author] 15 Aug @ 12:50am 
@附加物 创伤的25%易伤是可叠层的,2层创伤就是50%,3层就是75%依此类推
附加物 14 Aug @ 8:13am 
最后,算是点个人强迫症吧,就是mod的描述一点也不“塔语”,这个还是等作者有空再说吧(各种关键词没标黄,还有奇怪的自造词“攻击值”,“拿到手中”,“一张弃牌”等等等等,明明可以照抄原版描述的说,气抖冷),再反馈一些bug,“遇寒措施”的实际效果是受到的攻击转化护甲,2张就可以少量甲挡住连击。遗物 坍缩之种 在开宝箱时掉血(一个叫Spire Locations 的畸变mod的效果)会闪退欸。都忘了有个“银淞“,基本可以认为是余像,又加个复杂关键词,真的可以考虑化简一些的。密文板还没抓过,就先不评价了。
附加物 14 Aug @ 8:12am 
另外一个重要机制坍缩和范式,其实就是毒和球位(空位我还以为是关键字),本身也挺不错,就是给护甲这个有点点迷,费力叠个20层,又给了20甲,那我打攻击牌不等于白叠吗?尤其是那个坍缩版肚皮(光辉),别人坍缩后加了甲然后给予坍缩层数的伤害,这不就是脱裤子那啥吗?坍缩自己角色也很诡异,本身掉血换甲就不符合爬塔逻辑(就当卖血了,有狩猎加点还算接受, 干扰 上限没啥用,哪有可能上6级)完全为了"汲取"一卡做的叠甲机制,又不给个"熔化",还会破自己人工(不知道为什么破2层),而且没有“催”!上20层都谢天了,导致范式发挥也十分有限(范式球位实在不够用)话说这里的坍缩介绍还说回合结束生效,游戏里就变回合开始了
附加物 14 Aug @ 4:44am 
FimmlpS  [author] 9 Aug @ 11:13am 
FimmlpS  [author] 3 Aug @ 6:11am 