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Beyond The Shroud (3.12.2)
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Beyond The Shroud (3.12.2)

I merge into this mod some features from others mods such as :
  • Shroud Arcology from Planetary DIversity

Many thanks to Fresh_Limon for the Russian translation of this mod !

This mod aims to improve psionic ascension path by providing a more immersive way to become the strongest psionic civilisation that ever existed. You will investigate and follow the zroni precursor quest while unlocking new techs and powers.

  • New origin In the footsteps of the Zroni which start with zroni abandoned excavation site on moon (psionic archive relic event chain) and archeostudies tech researched
  • New covenant Traveller From Beyond that focus on mobility/exploration and provides research
  • Megastructure Aetherophasic Collapser for all covenants (mid-late game) 100-500 favor (Astral thread cost) that produces a lot of zro and gives you powers to summon powerful shroud entities via custom shroud lobby
  • Megastructure Labyrinth of Abstraction for all covenants that requires 25 favor. It will provide new jobs and unique features...
  • Mind Over Matter requires 1 ascension perk instead of 2 if you have psionic archive relic
  • New psionics techs
  • A new arcology decision with a district that provide 6 telepaths (replace eclesiastic district) for every covenant with at least 90 favor (rank 3)
  • Astral Rift oriented tradition tree
  • The special project when a covenant is confirmed, displays current favor and how much you generate per month (so you can see how much favor you have)
  • And more...

For more information, here is the mod's documentation :

  • Psionic species expanded
  • Gigastructures
  • Psionics Tri-Expanded
  • Ancient Cache of Technologies
  • Ancient Cache of Technologies - Secrets Of The Shroud
  • Shroud Rising
  • Decadence of Sanity

This mod override utopia events for covenants, so it should be compatible with every mods that don't use these files. Also every new covenant will need a patch to work with it.
Here are all the things that are overwritten (I'll do my best to reduce this list in the future)

# Astral actions
- astral_actions/astral_planes_actions.txt (Tradition Tree)

# Script Values
- progressive_rifts_additional_weight (Tradition Tree)
- scaled_astral_action_cost (Tradition Tree)

# Economic Categories
- planet_telepaths (Tech bonus)

# Pop jobs:
- telepaths (New covenant)

# Ascension
- ap_mind_over_matter (Relic requirements)

# Scripted_triggers
- suitable_for_chosen (New covenant)
- has_psionic_leader_trait (New covenant)
- has_chosen_one_leader_trait (New covenant)
- has_chosen_covenant_trait_non_ruler (New covenant)

# Council Agendas
- agenda_psionic_supremacy (New covenant)

# Stabase building
- zroni_storm_caster (Zroni shield effect)

# Events for the new covenant
- utopia.3303 # Pick a Patron to contact
- utopia.3005 # Attempt to Contact a Major Entity
- utopia.2658 # A Confirmation
- utopia.3310 # Covenant Sealed
- utopia.3190 # Vision 10 - Chosen One
Популярні обговорення Переглянути всі (2)
21 квіт. о 9:50
Bug Reports
21 квіт. о 9:49
Suggestions and Balance Improvements
Коментарів: 50
w.girl27 17 трав. о 10:09 
if i may suggest a "new" covenant that isnt actually new just players had no option to take it before the animator of clay the brother of the shaper of strands thats desires are all about creating machine life and embuing them with souls which is perfect for the machine age update.
Cephalon Sithalo 15 трав. о 13:35 
@JeVaisFaireForgeron Ascension/Energy Beings? Now you are encroaching on my territory :P
I'll have to keep a look out to make a compatibility patch :LotusFlower:
JeVaisFaireForgeron  [автор] 15 трав. о 12:33 

Thank you for your enthusiasm

Actually, I'm working on an ascension (I don't know yet how it will be obtained) that will start a situation of gradual transformation of your species into an energy being (like formless/unbidden).

At the end, you'll have to choose one of 3 different specializations that will unlock the corresponding tradition tree.

Initially I wanted to make three different transformations, but for the psionic one, apart from becoming an energetic species, I didn't find much relevant, which is why I preferred to give same transformation, but with some specialization giving access to bonuses and unique abilities that I think you'll like :)
cubbigummi1 15 трав. о 4:56 
Can't wait for the next update already this mod is great but with transformations it would be one of the best mods ever if we get situations or “only” the new tadition trees?
JeVaisFaireForgeron  [автор] 8 трав. о 4:07 
So basically this update reworks a few things and a new planetary megastructure similar to synaptic lathe (unfortunately, I didn't manage to use a specific gui so it's the planet's default gui).

This megastructure provides districts and buildings with useful effects. There is no resource generation except for the unity.

It also provides shroud portals, relics, shroud boons of your choice, the chances of which increase with the level of the capital building, and more...

For the next update, I plan to work on transformations like in the new dlc (Modularity, Nanotech and Virtuallity) but for psionics, it will be 3 new tradition trees with cool effects.
JeVaisFaireForgeron  [автор] 7 трав. о 13:31 
The decadence of sanity patch is no longer needed, so I'm going to hide it in the workshop.
JeVaisFaireForgeron  [автор] 7 трав. о 12:20 
As promised, the new version is here and the patch note is available (compatible with 3.12).
JeVaisFaireForgeron  [автор] 7 трав. о 11:49 
Hey everyone, I'm happy to announce that I'll be releasing a big update for this mod in less than an hour. Hope you like it :)
Fresh_Limon 2 трав. о 9:08 
@JeVaisFaireForgeron @Cephalon Sithalo
Hey everyone, we have giga structures where all the fantastic buildings are collected, why not make a single mod dedicated to the shroud? Won't your work become more holistic?
What do you think?
JeVaisFaireForgeron  [автор] 1 трав. о 11:24 

Normally, this mod should work even if you use it on an existing save.
If you've already confirmed a covenant and want the new event chain to show how much favor you have, you'll need to terminate the event chain (in your situation log) to replace it with the new one added by this mod.

old_event_chain -> new_event_chain

Composer of Strands
composer_covenant_chain -> bts_composer_covenant_chain

Whisperers in the Void
whisperers_covenant_chain -> bts_whisperers_covenant_chain

Eater of Worlds
eater_covenant_chain -> bts_eater_covenant_chain

Instrument of Desire
instrument_covenant_chain -> bts_instrument_covenant_chain

Example for the Composer of Strands
# In the console command
effect end_event_chain = composer_covenant_chain
effect begin_event_chain = { event_chain = bts_composer_covenant_chain }