Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Items (40)
Created by kuluopai󰀍
🔎原版模组传送门:全球定位-Global Positions 🔍 🔎全球定位-汉化新版🔍 🔎模组ID:2199027653598521242🔍 自用,仅供学习与参考(原mod来源steam;后续更新mod来源WeGame) mod介绍 帮你找到小伙伴的位置! 这个模组能够将所有在同一世界探索地图在玩家的地图共享给所有人,并且能够用ALT+鼠标左键在地图上标记给其他人看(当然,这是可以配置的) @@@按住TAB键,可以选择是否将自己的地图共享给队友...
Created by 铭之所名
更新1.4.1: 1.烹饪锅料理保鲜(三种锅烹饪后的成品料理永久保鲜) 2.食人花保鲜 3.海洋拖网捕鱼器保鲜 4.背包、箱子可加热内部的暖石 5.茶几保鲜 保鲜【冰箱、盐盒、切斯特哈奇、7种背包、箱子、鸟笼、蘑菇菌伞灯、骨灰盒】 制冷【盐盒、切斯特、7种背包、箱子】 更改放入物品限制【盐盒、种子袋、糖果袋】 2022年 7 月10日 12 时 (作者留言)抱歉,发生了某种错误: 讨论区在您的地区不可用。 改为写在此处: 更改 【盐盒、种子袋、糖果袋】 的物品限制出错是因为 server_only_mod ...
Created by 心悦卿兮
复活按钮和传送按钮 复活按钮点击复活,传送按钮点击生成传送面板。(二者均可单独开关) PS:如果你喜欢这个模组,就给作者点个免费的赞吧! 复活按钮: 1、死亡后,将会出现一个按钮,左键即可复活。 2、通过复活按钮复活后,将在人物复活点生成一个保命微光。 2、模组设置里可以设置 复活冷却时间 和 复活血量上限惩罚,默认关闭。 传送按钮: 1、进入游戏,屏幕中会出现一个按钮,左键打开面板。 2、模组设置里可以设置 传送消耗,默认关闭。 3、NEW,模组设置里可以设置 仅管理员可以进行删除操作,默认关闭。(勉强防...
加速驯牛/加速训牛/Speed up beefalo training
Created by Jade.
加速驯牛。加速训牛。简易训牛。牛牛。皮弗娄牛。 倍率自己调节0.5~100,数字越大越快,默认3倍加速 和朋友一起体验饥荒吧! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speed up beefalo training. The magnification is adjusted from 0.5 to 10...
Created by rabrat
中文汉化版本 原版: 仅修改替换英文为中文单词,已有问题请联系原版作者 服务器 mod. 介绍: 输入指令来重新选择人物 / 复活 / 自杀。 可以通过设置冷却时间防止有些玩家不停的使用指令。 可以设置是否在重生时掉落全身物品。 可配置选项。 指令及功能: #重生 - (重生换角色) ##重生 - (重生并掉落物品) #复活 - (复活自己) #自杀 (自杀)...
Created by 铭之所名
😶‍🌫️自动整理物品 Automatic chest sorting
Created by SYXDlsj大爷
原更新:2021 年 3 月 15 日 - v:1.0.2 原作者:Automatic chest sorting ~~独乐乐不如众乐乐~~ 娱乐至上本地化完善: 模组名称、描述、配置语言自适应、
让你拥有大箱子大冰箱 搬运自wegame 如有侵权请联系我删除...
Created by 毒瘤吸血鬼
犁地之后自动生产9个土坑 1.自动锄地,带九个种子孔 2.采摘、挖掘、烧都会在原位置自动生成种子孔,不用锄头 3.便便能加三种肥料 4.锤子敲打重大作物产物增加20个...
45 Inventory Slots [Fixed + EquipSlot UI expand] 整合版
Created by xuopleu
This update includes: *20240506 v1.1.5.2b Added: ENABLEINTERSEP. When off, all slots have equal horizontal spacing. Fixed: Backpack Merge Mode: After selecting this mode, the backpack now defaults to it after manual operation. Activating merge mode automat...
Asakiri the Cyborg
Created by 早雾 (Trailer) Chapter 1, Titanium Will. Detailed descriptions on the way. English version available in the mod configuration page. Thought you found it LOL Thanks for playing. Dodge & Rush, please try ALT button whi...
Alice Margatroid
Created by kotori~
*Alice of the Touhou (Megatron), with four different puppets, is proficient in using three different spells. This is machine translation Attributes~ -200 hunger -150 reason -150 lives Alice's initial movement speed and attack speed are both 1.2, but her sa...
Auto Actions - Full client mod
Created by Dr. Chapman
This mod will automatically equip the tool fit for the task at hand, and more to come. Also, this is a client mod, which means that only you, the actual player, not any server, needs it. You can join ANY server and it'll still be working. https://i.imgur.c...
Construction Planning
Created by 宵征
Update: Turn the last option in mod configuration on will make chests auto plant drawn minisign once you put one in them (available with icebox, treasurechest and dragonflychest). Push U and write #base to spawn a base plan. Push U and write #base_cave to ...
Display Food Values
Created by Chikowitz
Currently mod is not getting updates. If you want to continue develop the mod, feel free to use all files in my mod. NOTE: This mod can slow you game or make it laggy, for more information see:
Efficient agriculture
Created by 我有一个想法
Brief Introduction This Mod includes advanced modern fertilizer and modern planting tools, so that players can eat fresh vegetables and fruits all the year round, making them healthier! Contents You can find the exclusive category of this Mod in the craft ...
Epic Healthbar
Created by Tykvesh
Spice up your combat experience with this stylized health bar! Epic Healthbar is a new widget which provides information about the current boss: Displa...
Extra Equip Slots (Updated)
Created by Lio
Adds a backpack and amulet slot to the game. What's new? (v1.8.0.3) • Added compatibility with Seed Pack-It (from Reap What You Sow update) • View Change Notes for more info. Backpacks Amulets Source • Backpack and Amulet Slots by Afro1967 • Extra Equip Sl...
Fast Travel (GUI)
Created by SoraYuki
Description the original author is Isosurface. Build a fast travel network and travel instantly from sign post to sign post. Introduction 1. pop destination select dialog when right click on homesign. About Bugs please provide details: screenshot, log file...
Created by 凌子
声明 本mod为个人爱好所做,禁止任何个人或组织搬运和转载、除自用外的修改发布、或其他任何形式的盗用行为。 简介 修改了不老泉的激活方式详细请看世界书下小钻石wiki 创世纪mod是希腊神话故事为背景,以剧情小说为引导,由人物,生态,食物等相关内容合成。其中众创世神经历发生过的温情和悲惨的故事,作者希望能通过mod后续的更新将他们的故事讲完展现给众人... mod详细介绍: ht...
Health Info
Created by NubsPixel
v2.2.03 - Quickfix v2.2.02 - Fixed incompatibility with some mods. - Added new prefabs to white list as of October 2021. Shows exact health of creatures on mouse-over or controller auto-target. This mod is inspired by Tell Me About Health (DS) which was po...
Ice Flower Hat (冰之花环)
Created by 木瓜丷
起初是呆呆点名要的花环。 现在的定位是,后勤、存活、奶妈。 冰之花环:具体参数可自由设置。 装备后增加幸运效果的幸运值,具体在幸运效果mod中设置。 花环配方:15花瓣,2蓝宝石,1红宝石。需要三本科技。 耐久同海象帽(25天),使用缝纫包修复,每次修复20%耐久。装备后回复精神。 采收物体获得对应经验,升级后增加采收暴击率,触发后双倍采收。 采集包括一般采集、堆肥桶、新农场、多汁浆果、刮牛毛、刮胡子、刮海草海芽、刮蜘蛛巢、牛毛刷洗刷。 收获包括蘑菇农场、(寄居蟹)蜂箱、海草海芽、(寄居蟹)晾肉架、(便携)...
Increased Stack size
Created by ChaosMind42
Allows you to collect even more items All stackable items can be stacked up to a configurable amount from 20 to 999 (default is 99). In addition, the stack size can be configured independently for different item sizes (large, medium, small and tiny). Works...
Increased Stack size[+more stackable]
Created by xpolife
Changes the maximum size of itemstacks of all stackable items to the configured amount. (recommended value: 99)...
item info - Shang hanhua
Created by Shang
如果你喜欢并推荐使用,请点一个让更多人发现并用上! This mod is Chinese version, please subscribe in English item info 此 mod 为中文汉化版,英文原版请点击 item info 显示项目的值和更多信息,为支持 Show Me 我做了修改且汉化了此 mod 配置界面 原作者 Ryuu,本mod由 天伤酱 界面中文翻译并微修改上传。 喜欢可关注B站 天伤酱,有问题可在下面评论区留言,或者b站私信留言。...
Created by Kimmu
The original mod was abandoned and broken, so I fixed it—I really didn't care for the character or the other items, I just wanted the Pokeball and the ability to catch DSTmons, so here it is. "In order to catch a pokemon it ...
Multi Rocks
Created by Shang
If You like this, give a thumbs up! More rocks Make the mines have more duration, more mines for players. Let boulders pick longer. Avoid boulders depletion. ...
Mineable Gems
Created by star
Server side mode (only). Tag: "mineable gems" Configurable. Gives boulders a chance to drop gems. ----- Uses proper API style. New updates of the game won't affect the mod (99.999%). Maximum compatibility with any other existing and future mods. Stealable ...
Quick Pick
Created by 辣椒小皇纸
The mod removes the animation of harvest grass, sapling, berrybush and other things, which makes them picked like a carrot. It makes almost everything pick quickly. Changelog Version 1.3.0 -Quick cooking foods on firepit. Version 1.2.0 -Added Wormwood Crop...
Simple Health Bar DST
Created by DYC
Click for DS Version Click for OLD Version if the new one crashed A simple health bar! It will be displayed in the combat status automatically. (It will not be displayed when the game is just loaded !!!!!!!!!!!! don't tell me the mod no longer works becaus...
Show Oceanfish
Created by 豌豆射手
This is client mod The text displayed is your local language. Show the names of ocean fish. It allows to set the text size and vertical offset, and supports the setting of color text for season fish schools. It is allowed to use the hotkey to switch the di...
Sort Tool
Created by Skull
Sort Tool - a client-side mod to sort your inventory and open chests. Usage: Press ']' Key(Default) to Sort Your Inventory! Press Ctrl + ']' Key(Default) to Sort Your Inventory except Backpack! Press Shift + ']' Key(Default) to Sort Your open Chests! Press...
Tweaks Durabilities
description - This mod allows you to modify the durability adjustment of tools, weapons, armor, navigation, ships and more, providing 2/4/8/Infinite durability adjustment options. -this mod is compatible with craftable items of other mod. Note: Durability ...
Your Skeleton Respawn
Created by Беккит
Resurrection from your skeleton! Allows you to resurrect yourself on your skeleton. ----------UPDATED---------- + Added the ability to configure health penalty Bloody sacrifice - | 0% | 5% | 10% | 25% | 30% | 40% | 50% | 60% | 70% | 75% | -----------------...
[DST] CookDiary
Created by 馨儿喵
Author: Jerry Version: 2.0.2 Workshop: 2893991859 Quality of Life Series Mod: CookDiary , Telescope Version 2.0 major update!! Super useful!!! Open the Cookbook and see what to eat today! FAQ: 1. What does CookDiary do? CookDiary adds a page WhatToEat to t...
1秒5捡Five Picks per Second
Created by 刷金刷金
满地石头木头捡的蛋疼?搓木板用了一整天? Wasting so much time in picking items after harvest? Use it! 此mod包含了快速拾取,因此不需要再开启其他快速拾取mod。例如pickypickypicky和quickpick。 The mod let u fast pick, so is unnecessary to use another mods like "pickypickypicky" and "quick pick"....
自动堆叠(Automatic Stacking)
Created by 心悦卿兮
让大部分可堆叠的物品在地面上生成后的零点几秒内, 检索周围一定范围内的同名且同皮肤的物品, 然后自动堆叠在一起。 额外优化: 1. 仅堆叠范围内的同名物品,以避免破坏玩家的造景。 2. 重载游戏时不会触发堆叠,以避免破坏玩家的造景。 提供两条可以在游戏内暂时开关自动堆叠功能的命令:(管理员执行才有用) automatic_stacking.enable() 启用,automatic_stacking.disable() 禁用。 如果不幸出现bug,请与作者反馈。 ...
DST Simplify Farms
Created by AI
简化农场种植,不用浇水,不用施肥,长大时季节正确即可巨大化 1.农场作物只要季节正确就会巨大化(默认开启可关闭) 2.作物不会腐烂、摘下的巨大作物也不腐烂 3.石果不会过熟,会一直保持在第三阶段 4.大理石树、月树、棕榈树不会循环生长(默认开启可关闭) 5.鸟笼里的鸟腐烂时间增加(默认开启可关闭) 最后更新时间 2022-08-23...
Created by 卡得中心
【MoonlightCoda】 In the moonlight, a girl from another world, opened her eyes for another time. With a predestined destiny, the only thing to do is offer epilogues to myriad endings. That's your part. Thanks for playing! Attention: Our mod is now in pre-tes...