Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Articles (167)
【原神】狼的末路 替换 吉他 ("Wolf’s Gravestone" Replace Guitar) Ver1.0
说明 · 【原神】狼的末路 替换 吉他 ("Wolf’s Gravestone" Replace Guitar) · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 模型 (Models) : 原神mihoyo ( Genshin mihoyo ) 其他 · Ver 2.0 新版 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
【印花姬】MK13手雷(替换土制炸弹pipebomb),(轻微涩涩)带夜光效果。个人生日作品,当福利发放。个人不喜欢珠光效果,有想加的可以自行解包添加。 图片画师P站:寻風解元 原MOD地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2548598279 original:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2548598279 效果展示: https://steam...
【碧蓝航线 雅努斯】踌躇的换衣时间 平板电脑 (替换医疗包Medkit)
【碧蓝航线 雅努斯】踌躇的换衣时间 夜光/动态 平板医疗包(替换Medkit)。随便做做玩的,就发出来给大家用了。如果你喜欢我的MOD请为它点赞!评论!收藏!谢谢~ 54张图片做成的动态效果医疗包,尽量压缩到100MB以内,保证流程和清晰并添加了夜光效果。白天比较暗,这个暂时没有完美的解决办法。 原MOD作者:徒手开根号 MD链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=975438239&searchtext=%E5%B9%B3%E6%...
【碧蓝档案/blue archive】圣园未花游戏提示图标
Créé par DA*ZA
替换了游戏内的提示、警告的图标,截图仅展示部分内容 Replaced the prompts and warning icons in the game...
【 补档 】黑猫本子面包车 懂的都懂
Créé par 裂波斩
http://i.imgur.com/OerL787.png 替换了游戏内随处可见的面包车(replace van) 懂的都懂,在这个物欲横流的社会,奶子生存不易,大家好自为之 Author:蒜蓉炒面 PLEASE http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg...
【 补档 】Honey Teto replaces pilot (white)
Créé par 裂波斩
http://i.imgur.com/OerL787.png Honey Teto 替换 飞行员(白色版本) Honey Teto replaces pilot v2 (request) Honey Teto replaces pilot white Skin. Replaces for the Chopper Pilot Credits: skin - confeito Honey Teto replaces pilot v2] https://www.gamemaps.com/details/28230...
【L4D2】Ultimate Special Spawner Training
Author:是我星魂哒 【CN】 Uploader : 雪が落るCarmel 【CN】 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/933815190129255998/51A4926FE00F816B3EDAEA47AAC96003F8F72CAA/ 1. Automatic blood return system (completed) 2. Self rescue system (completed) 3. One button bhop system (c...
【Arknights/明日方舟】W 替换 Hunter
Créé par 星月沧海
明日方舟W替换Hunter 这个mod很久之前被人举报下架了,个人找了好久才找到其他人备份的 因为原出处不明,如果原作者或者原上传者看到希望可以提醒我一下 ...
【R20/R18】----随机门替换常见门(RNG DOOR)
Créé par 清酒不还
随机变换门贴图 高清贴图较多,与配置无关,闪退请把L4D2页池内存改低降低贴图质量 基础常见门 多达60张高质量【R18】PNG贴图 移步原作者的作品 还有9天就过年啦,开冲,,. ...
Créé par Beau
可以兼容我自己做的HUD,其他的应该也可以兼容 控制台输入 cl_crosshair_alpha 0 隐藏准星 MOD内包含隐藏近战准星的贴图 这种小准星打15连 30连非常准,整体通用性感觉不如圆形 目前只做了绿色的,想换别的颜色自行拆包用PS修改颜色,没那么多精力弄了 注意:如果是使用官方HUD则不会显示,这个主要是为我自己的HUD做的 BeauHUD2.0...
ゼロツーZero Two Dance Healing
Créé par Hori Kyouko
Replaces First Aid Kit Healing With Zero Two's Dance OST...
印花集 双持武士刀
Créé par 偷跑仙人
替换武士刀 希望大家喜欢 视频链接https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1e24y1Y7DV/...
幸存者强化 Survivor Strengthen
Créé par WH_Muato
强化内容2.0: 1.打包满血,100血 2.快速打包,倒油,给可乐,救人,拉人,3秒 3.倒地爬行 4.重生满血,100血 5.增加倒地拉起的血量,80血,倒地次数,4次 6.吃药满血,掉血时间减少 7.一代火神固定机枪冷却时间10秒,过热时间30秒 8.更改受伤血量,10血 9.肾上腺素持续时间,30秒,增加使用后的移动速度,使用增加血量,50血 10.推人次数,20次,推人间隔减少 11.近战武器速度略微提升 12.装备镭射后精准度提升50% 可搭配备弹MOD:https://steamcommuni...
拾取音效拿来吧你 ai三月七
Créé par 彩虹肚腩光线
流歌ruka 可爆装备R18版本 替换boomer
咱又来整活了,感谢各位在甘城猫猫mod上给予我的支持与鼓励 这次的mod是boomer的mod,正常情况下是穿好衣服的流歌 击杀后变成 全裸 ,同时有几率爆装备(我自己测试大概4到5只左右会爆一次装备)(掉落物为 衣服 裙子 胸罩 高跟鞋) 不多说了,还不赶紧订阅开冲? 瑟瑟流妈的日子来辣!!! 希望不要有人偷传我的mod去别的地方哦! 我会伤心的。QAQ mod内容包括 人物表情(虽然我知道特感几乎没人留意表情,但还是做了) 基础飘动 击杀后变成全裸 有几率爆装备(爆装备本质上是游戏内boomer的碎块,...
Créé par 花の韵❄
adrenaline 多贴图&夜光 像素较低 高点线条过于明显 但1080p看起来还行 看起来没必要再改了 保留 不再更新...
Créé par orefro7
关键词:菜单 bgm Dying Light...
Créé par PAFF
修改装备位置 3号位 (手雷武器) 伤害降低 无限弹药 射速加快 切枪可直接射击 主要设计思路为快速切枪发射来应对突发情况或清杂 *更新:太强了,增加了弹夹限制,弹量为 5备弹量无限 仅单人游戏和本地服务器有效...
Créé par DIO·不懒惰
所有特感生命值翻倍 此外无其他功能 单人模式及作为房主的本地服务器生效...
Créé par 岩仓玲音
Créé par mmi开心
竖条样子的 ||||||||||||||--------
Créé par YURiZono
我自己在用,有人想要,所以发一份 另一个:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2860596886...
Créé par _XiMuMu_
scar:伤害44-50,射速857-1090(因为是三连发实际测得的射速为495左右),总体精度提升15%,后坐力降低10%,移动散发降低20%,回弹速度提升16%,穿透层数2-3,穿透后剩余伤害50%-60%,主弹夹60-81。 重制版:修复了一代角色没有手的BUG,链接如下 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3293685905...
Créé par Krasty krab
Créé par Deadpool417
尸皇之剑,取名定秦有“安定天下”之意 替换高尔夫球杆 模型来自逆战 包含: 第三人称模型 第一人称模型 高尔夫球杆攻击动作 自制右键动作 这版是黄金定秦 原皮定秦链接: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2968796333...
(R18) iPhone 6 [Skin] : Hentai anime girls(RNG) Ver 1.3
Créé par Petunia Pretty Paws
Only subscribe to this mod will not work. You need to subscribe to the original mod too. This mod replaces the screen of the iPhone 6 with 30 RNG Anime Girl hentai screens. original author : Ellie iPhone 6 with WhatsApp : https://steamproxy.net/sharedf...
After Dark
Créé par Nemo2333
After Dark is a 3-chapter short Campaign In this campaign, the four survivors escape a zombie-infested city and attempt to seek refuge in a shopping mall. As night falls, the mall grows darker, they must find power generators to turn on the lights and gate...
AK47加强 AK47 enhanced
Créé par Yuki_Cat .da!
AK47 伤害58→60 后背弹夹360→650 弹夹40→50 射速0.13→0.09 后坐力降低0.5 射击精准度全面提升 Damage 58 → 60 Spare clip → 650 Bullet 40 → 50 Firing speed 0.13 → 0.09 Recoil reduced by 0.5 Shooting accuracy has been comprehensively improved...
Anime to Nigra Witch
Créé par Mango
idle its hentai noises but aggro its the nigra yell...
Charger's rainbow
Créé par fox.57005
Charger rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For hunter...
Cinematic Lighting Effects
Créé par Red Schism
Changes most light sprites and some particle effects into a more "Hollywood stylized" effect. Adds horizontal flare to pathway lights, changes 3rd person flashlight glow to a smaller more realistic glow, new sun glare, and changes various other glowing lig...
Chinese Posters in Loading Screen
Créé par 𝑰𝒛𝒛𝒚
Chinese version poster made based on the original style. Including campaign thumbnails at the campaign selecting screen and titles at the end of each campaign. Special thanks to hamani and CCOLD-BX. I can't make it without their help. They made posters of ...
Azur Lane 碧蓝航线柴郡 可畏 替换特殊子弹盒(高爆弹,燃烧弹)
Créé par 玩apex像吸毒
AZUR LANE 柴郡 可畏 替换特殊子弹盒(高爆弹,燃烧弹). 特效和子弹盒外观不用一起订阅,完全看你自己的喜好. 可畏替换高爆子弹盒 柴郡替换燃烧子弹盒 正常展示 https://files.catbox.moe/xsl52s.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/3k9015.jpg 夜光展示 https://files.catbox.moe/ozd475.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/ftnofo.jpg 特效展示 https://files.cat...
COD16 SCAR replace (SCAR)
Créé par Happy happy happy!
替换 SCAR。replace SCAR 展示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1kw411P7p9/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=f297c52373fb4c07cb1c7192c79904a0 感谢老板 无名的定制免费发布! Thank you for the anonymous customization and free release, boss! MOD制作者:Animal33 MOD Producer: Animal33...
Créé par Cele
As i concerned,and of coz u,its time for a grenade launcher add-on for GHSOTS weapon collection,but the L4D2 logic isnt compatible with this model,so i wrote a script to give it 6 rounds capacity to kill zombies,which is compatible with solo or host game p...
COD:MW 870 Black Custom
Créé par Denny凯妈
870:D http://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Replaces Chrome Shotgun 替换铁质霰弹枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Infinity Ward/Activision - 870 models/textures/Audio Viper - Original Compile/Ripping/textures/Animations 70R3H - Textures Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/Audio/animati...
COD:MW 870 Wood Custom
Créé par Denny凯妈
870:D http://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Replaces PumpShotgun 替换木质霰弹枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Infinity Ward/Activision - 870 models/textures/Audio Viper - Original Compile/Ripping/textures/Animations 70R3H - Textures Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/Audio/animation ...
COD:MW M9A3 Black Suppressed(Fixed)
Créé par Denny凯妈
M9A3:D Replaces pistols 替换9MM手枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Infinity Ward - COD:MW M9A3 models/textures/Audio Denny凯妈/Infinity Ward/zmg - Audio Viper - Original Compile/Ripping/textures/Animations 70R3H - Textures mav - Original Compile/Animations Denny凯妈...
COD:MW MG36 SD Black
Créé par Denny凯妈
MG36:D http://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Replaces cs:s SG552 替换SG552突击步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Infinity Ward/Activision - MG36 models/textures/Audio Viper - Original Compile/Ripping/textures/Animations 70R3H - Textures Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/Audio/anima...
Créé par Denny凯妈
SPR:D Replaces AWP 替换AWP狙击枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Infinity Ward - SPR models/textures/Audio Denny凯妈/Infinity Ward/zmg - Audio Viper - Original Compile/Ripping/textures/Animations mav - run&idle Animations Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/Audio/animation editin...
Créé par Denny凯妈
MP5A2:D http://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Replaces cs:s MP5 替换MP5冲锋枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Infinity Ward/Activision - MP5A2 models/textures/Audio Viper - Original Compile/Ripping/textures/Animations 70R3H - Textures Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/Audio/animatio...
COD:MW SPR SD Custom Black
Créé par Denny凯妈
SPR:D http://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Replaces Scout 替换Scout狙击枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Infinity Ward/Activision - SPR models/textures/Audio Viper - Original Compile/Ripping/textures/Animations 70R3H - Textures Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/Audio/animation edi...
Créé par Denny凯妈
SVD:D http://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Replaces Hunting rifle 替换木质猎枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Infinity Ward/Activision - SVD models/textures/Audio Viper - Original Compile/Ripping/textures/Animations 70R3H - Textures Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/Audio/Texture e...
COD:MW SVD 瘟疫苦难 四倍镜 M203榴弹发射器 (军用连狙)
Créé par 鬼方恂
COD:MW SVD 瘟疫苦难 四倍镜 M203榴弹发射器 替换 军用连狙 感谢Animal33的制作 ·模型和材质:Infinity Ward ·动画,音效:Animal33,SagiriMyWife ·协助:鬼方恂,SagiriMyWife 如果你喜欢这个MOD然后想进行二次创作的话,请随意(不过最好在你的简介底下备注MOD来源和该MOD的创意工坊链接) 玩得开心 COD:MW SVD PLAGUE SORE 4X+M203 Replace for Military Sniper · Model and...
Cure 2 by Hitten Z Dirten
Créé par {aic}
Our survivors crash land delivering "The Cure" to the lab... but the infected find it first... and we must get it back! Follow-on to the original campaign....
Dead Center Navidad Latina 3.0
Este mapa es la adaptación para el modo TANKRUN y versus del mapa original DEAD CENTER CHRISTMAS EDITION DETALLES : -Este mapa de Dead Center de Navidad, es una edicion de las canciones de navidad en idioma castellano - Se modifico el mapa usando comandos ...
DOAXVV Elise - Bouquet Dahlia (Nick)
Créé par powerwalk
八人包链接在bilibili的专栏上,我b站id:powerwalk。 replace nick。 伊莉丝的大丽花。 使用了MLUI大佬的模板,shuubaru大佬的模型, 做了飘动骨骼、第一人称手模、眼球跟踪、表情、vgui。 ...
DOAXVV Elise - Rotwein (Ellis)
Créé par powerwalk
replace ellis。 使用了MLUI大佬的模板,shuubaru大佬的模型。 做了飘动骨骼、第一人称手模、眼球跟踪、表情、vgui。 ...
DOAXVV Lobelia萝贝莉娅 (Bouquet Rosen) Louis
Créé par AbyssFaZe
Sorry,Don't report me bugs of skirt It's engine-problem that i cant fix 请不要让我修裙子穿模,求生的引擎做不了 添加hud可能不兼容,请使用官方hud避免小影响 Use the official hud or a compatible hud. 请不要要求我做一些指定的皮肤,我根据自己喜好做,然后分享给大家 Please don't ask me to do some specified skin, I will do it accor...
DOAXVV Luna露娜(Makeup Sucre) Francis
Créé par AbyssFaZe
贡献 mlui - mod制作模板 shuubaru - model ported 简介 人物 - DOAXVV Luna露娜 replace/替换-Francis/弗朗西斯 这身真的好看 露娜生日那时候就想做了 All the doa characters are over 18 years old --- 添加hud可能不兼容 Use the official hud or a compatible hud. 请不要要求我做一些指定的皮肤 Please don't ask me to do some s...
DOAXVV Milky Lullaby Sayuri ( Rochelle Ver.)
Créé par Core Values Bro
DOAXVV's residental milf, Sayuri, replaces Rochelle. Originally done by 丁真 & AbyssFaze Features: - FPS Arms - VGUI/Incap Icons - Faceflex - Jigglebones - Zoey Animations - 2 Great Personalities Original Mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetai...
DOAXVV Misaki海咲 (Bouquet Hibiscus) Bill
Créé par AbyssFaZe
Sorry,Don't report me bugs of skirt It's engine-problem that i cant fix 请不要让我修裙子穿模,求生的引擎做不了 添加hud可能不兼容,请使用官方hud避免小影响 Use the official hud or a compatible hud. 请不要要求我做一些指定的皮肤,我根据自己喜好做,然后分享给大家 Please don't ask me to do some specified skin, I will do it accor...
DOAXVV Nagisa - Bouquet Carnation [DL] Coach
Créé par 丁真
可以的话在这个mod评论区打出 丁真 理塘的王,让我看到大伙的热情和支持 你们赞的越多解锁的越快哟(^U^)ノ~YO 大佬是我们工坊经常制作doa系列的abyss,人非常好,技术也很过硬,他制作的mod大伙都有用过,质量怎么样不必我多说 这是他的b站uid:140478932 大伙可以多去给他点点关注点点赞 他有个小群 702767157 可以一起打三方,有自己的服务器,每天晚上开车,他的mod也都在里面 可以进来聊天一起玩 我所上传的人物MOD均为我老公ABYSS所做,宝贝们注明原作者时请指定他哦 注意 ...
DOAXVV Shandy姗蒂 (Kiss in the Dark) Zoey
Créé par AbyssFaZe
---------------------------------------------- 注意! https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198415967093 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2879583144 steamid 小星空 盗mod 引流 请帮忙举报 谢谢 ---------------------------------------------- 添加hud可能不兼...
Dragon tattoo( magnum)(glowing)
Créé par 徒手开根号
The use of HD material, and CS kumicho dragon of the Dragon Tattoo, modified the dragon, has the characteristics of self luminous Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my crea...
Elysia voice replace Zoey (AI Chinese Voice)
Créé par 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! Use Elysia, a female character in Honkai, to replace voice of Zoey. Target language of voice is Chinese. Hope you like ...
ESC-Magnify flashlight
Créé par 徒手开根号
Press ESC key at the beginning of each game to enlarge the flashlight with one click. No matter the local server or any other server is valid. No matter the local server or any other server is valid. No matter the local server or any other server is valid....
Enhanced Blood Textures - Tweaked (L4D2 Version)
Créé par FallFox
No ugly green squares, high quality blood textures. Enhanced Blood Textures by Psi7, original by TFA...
Fire axe
Créé par TiO2 EvoLve
Fire axe...
Freezing Point: Director's Cut (Campaign + Survival)
Créé par Kyle H. McCloud
The Survivors Explore the Frozen Wilderness Again! (1.1) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Heading north seemed like a good idea to the Survivors, but the Minnesota winter has strained their supplies, and they can't ...
Genshin Impact's NPC voice (AI Chinese Voice)
Créé par 锦恢
I use four different speaker id in VITS to make AI voice for the replacement of NPC characters: Whitaker, Virgil, Soldier1, Soldier2. I use a low pass filter to simulate the space effect of voice. If you want to make your own voice mod, I have written a de...
GoreMod V2
Créé par RiDiCuLouSTiEs
After 9 years in development hopefully it will be worth the wait. This version is an improvement from the original, the blood effects no longer uses the water particles (yes, the same water that makes you run like a turtle and the same that makes the blood...
HD Skyboxes Remix
Créé par Atsalenios Timoros
This is a collection of my favorite skyboxes from the workshop, edited by me. This mod is not supposed to bring anything new to the table, you have seen most of these skyboxes a million times before. This is just my favourite combination of those skyboxes ...
HK416D 2035 (战术模块)
Créé par Dazzle_白麒麟
本MOD替换的是【M16】 本MOD的主题是有些近未来科幻风的,通过我自己自的喜好DIY整把枪,可以说是除了枪身是HK416D 其他哪里都不是了2333~ 当然我觉得好看就行,因为做MOD也是个人的爱好,所以大家喜欢就用来玩,不要太考究什么真实性和抬杠啦, 我自己设计了一个 全息投影的,少女前线HK416,分别包含,透明,呼吸灯,动态,夜光,还有闪烁效果, 以下是预览图与渲染图和我自己设计的卡片: This MOD is replaced by The theme of this MOD is somewh...
Hunter's rainbow
Créé par fox.57005
Hanter rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For charger...
HuTao voice replace Nick (AI Chinese Voice)
Créé par 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! Preview: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nX4y187Xt/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=3f248073d6ebdb61308992901b606f2...
Grenade Boom(RNG)
The trace after the explosion.... 爆炸后的痕迹。大概。。。...
iPhone 6 with WhatsApp for Pills (Core)
Créé par Ellie
http://i.imgur.com/aYht8f3.png This mod replaces the Pain Pills with an iPhone 6 that includes WhatsApp and a lot of neat animated features. Basically, now that your Pills are an iPhone 6, you can check the time, admire beautiful wallpapers and the last bu...
Kamisato Ayaka voice replace Bill (AI Chinese Voice)
Créé par 锦恢
The MOD is sponsored by BiliBili User BigHooch-Swagger. Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! Use Kamisato Ayaka, a female character in Genshin Impact, to re...
Kokomi voice replace Ellis (AI Chinese Voice)
Créé par 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! Use Kokomi, a female character in Genshin Impact, to replace voice of Ellis. Target language of voice is Chinese. Hope ...
improved common infected gibs(僵尸高清内脏)
Créé par 年轮
本人不是mod作者,很久没玩了,原作者出处已经找不到了,我以前的收藏备份,纯搬运,分享一下看有没人有人需要 ...
LED Flashlight (infected & survivor)
Créé par 徒手开根号
Infection with Led light, Let the infected vision become clear.soft and not dazzling, replace the main line of sight of infected and survivor https://i.imgur.com/jExUKcs.png ...
LOL心之钢推人音效Push sound effect replacement Heart steel
Créé par 豆花不加辣
Push sound effect replacement Heart steel...
Lux's Survivor Legs script
Créé par Shadowysn
NOTICE: This addon uses scripts. This will not work in Dedicated servers. Use local/listen servers, or singleplayer instead. An upside to this is that if you can see this addon's effects, everyone else can. This is a port-to-VScript of Lux's Survivor Legs ...
Créé par PAFF
M16步枪脚本 伤害提高 45(33) 射速提高 0.07(0.08) 后坐力降低 换弹速度加快 弹量更改 40/400 移动射击扩散增加 秒杀普通丧尸 站稳射击有非常高的精度,移动射击精度较差,远距离伤害提升,运用好特点可以造成恐怖的输出 相比AK脚本,移动射击精度更好。但是伤害比AK要低。AK脚本比较极端只适合守点,m16脚本适合所有情况使用。 *备弹量平衡脚本可选,标准备弹量为800,平衡脚本400,游戏性方面推荐订阅 ...
M60 变态版本
Créé par Yuki_Cat .da!
M60 伤害50→55 0.01射速(相当于每分钟6000发) 主弹夹一亿发(游戏内最高显示255,第一次捡起武器显示0,但是没有任何影响,如果想把主弹夹打完可能需要11天12小时 Ps:中间是可以换弹的) 后背弹药无限(可以换弹) M60 Damage 50 → 55 0.01 firing rate (equivalent to 6000 rounds per minute) 100 million rounds of main magazine (the highest display in the ...
Magnum strengthens script
Créé par Yan
Damage::600 Firing interval: 0.2 Magazine::10 ...
Melee hit fly effect
Créé par 原神职业选手
This mod Modified the melee weapons. Enables the melee weapon attacks to strike flying zombies. This mod can only take effect on the local server. I'm sorry, my English is not very good. 这个mod修改了所有的近战武器,能够把僵尸击飞,效果可能很鬼畜. 仅在本地服务器生效! 我认为打击感较好的是平底锅和撬棍......
Melee in Round Start
Créé par 洛琪希べ
Drop at least 8 melee weapons at the beginning of any map...
More Ammo(更多备用弹药Mod)
Rifle:360→720 突击步枪 Sniperrifle:180→560 狙击枪 Shotgun:72→150 单喷 AutoShotgun:90→250 连喷 SMG:650→960 冲锋枪 Huntingrifle:150→240 猎枪 Grenadelauncher:30→200 榴弹发射器 M60:0→900 重机枪 More Ammo,Use these ammo to kill more infected. 更多弹药!使用这些弹药杀死更多的感染者吧! 注:并不是必须订阅此mod全武器加强才有...
MW2019: Bat Collection
Créé par mav
Lethal sporting equipment. Lightweight bat with a cork center or hard hitting with a metal structure. Swing for the fences to knock your enemies out of the park. A wooden Bat and a metal Bat. Features fully fixed and accurate game animations, sounds, and m...
MW2019: Holger-26
Créé par mav
A versatile fully automatic 5.56mm light machine gun. Modular design can be configured for a broad range of engagements. The Holger-26 in LMG form. Features fully fixed and accurate game animations, sounds, and materials. Credits: Scobalula: Greyhound YuRa...
MW2019: Shared Materials
Créé par mav
Required shared materials. Credits: Scobalula: Greyhound YuRaNnNzZZ, TFA, FlamingFox: Materialization Method and Assistance mav: Animation Porting, Model Porting, Sound Porting, Project Lead Note: You are not allowed to modify, use parts of and create deri...
MW2019: SPAS-12
Créé par mav
Semi-auto shotgun. Reliable damage and pellet spread. Moderate recoil and visibility when firing. A custom-made SPAS-12. Features fully fixed and accurate game animations, sounds, and materials. Credits: Scobalula: Greyhound garkain: Original Model and PBR...
MW2019: Crowbar
Créé par mav
The universal utility tool. Its sharp blades are designed to pry open tough surfaces, but can also be used for deadly action. The Crowbar from another time. Features fully fixed and accurate game animations, sounds, and materials. Credits: Scobalula: Greyh...
MW22 M1014 CQ
Créé par Dazzle_白麒麟
替换游戏内 (一代连喷) 采用答辩19 的动作,阿巴阿巴 ,没有别的介绍了 贡献者名单: Dazzle_白麒麟 M82A1闇冥 以下是渲染图和预览图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2313229111605213537/E6622288376095D2188F707302B26A239C5534A2/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=fa...
NanningCity PART-1/2
Créé par HerobrineAce
PART-1 包含地图自定义纹理和模型 请忽略地图与PART的互相冲突...
NanningCity V1.14
Créé par HerobrineAce
-Introduce A four-person team led by Nick boards a helicopter, and the story begins with Bill's team not far from the helicopter. They learn that the final evacuation point is set at the city center square. -Supported modes Campaign and Versus mode map ava...
NanningCity PART-2/2
Créé par HerobrineAce
PART-2 包含地图自定义音频 请忽略地图与PART的互相冲突...
No PostProcess
Créé par 1s7eez
Modify on the post processing remover plug-in, Retain more effect. Original address:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2196813893&searchtext=post Original author:kin Only removed: -Color Correction -Bloom -Filter and Lens Recommended fo...
Créé par 林月夜溪
Créé par 林月夜溪
Créé par 林月夜溪
Créé par 林月夜溪
这个是安全屋的涩图,是有一些遗漏的不想去找了,然后图片都是挺色的,真人二次元都有,荤素搭配嘛,都是带光的,怕看不清,希望大家玩的开心吧 ...
Créé par 林月夜溪
Créé par 林月夜溪
可能这是最后一个作品了?毕竟为爱发电嘛,终究是不能永远的,曾经想过要不然拉点赞助,因为真的有点吃不起饭了,但是一想没有技术含量的东西,拉赞助不好意思,脸皮薄,放不下那个脸,这个桶本来上面圆的地方也想搞动态的,但是一想做起来,太麻烦了,索性就不搞了,这次不是坐艾的视频,是四个女生看烟花和泡温泉,喜欢的话点点赞吧,谢谢大家了 ...
Créé par 林月夜溪
这个在群里放很久了,今天才发,挺多都四星了,挺高兴的所以发出来了,内容看封面,上面是这样的,下面内容你懂的,正反面都不一样的,是动态的,一点点光,希望大家点点赞吧 ...
Créé par 林月夜溪
看评论区哦 ...
Créé par 林月夜溪
看评论区 ...
Créé par 林月夜溪
好久不见,大家,不知不觉1000粉了,哈哈,谢谢大家支持吧,我也基本凉了,我搞不懂我给大家发福利,加我qq来把我当奴隶使唤的是什么心理,当我好欺负,不说那些了,群里现在都是发涩图为主哦,如果大家有想法欢迎加3472178061或3477493913,希望大家多点点赞吧,谢谢大家了 ...
R18碧蓝航线货车 Azur Lane Truck
Créé par 裂波斩
http://i.imgur.com/OerL787.png Replace Truck and catering truck(Version 31 July, No RNG) 替换了货车和餐车(7月31日版,No RNG) Original:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2535090365 Author:confeito 如有侵权请联系,我会立刻删除它 PLEASE http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jp...
R18音效替换人物受伤音效 V2(R18 sound replaces survivor injury sound V2)
Créé par 叫我MAX
低创烂活,替换了生还者骨折和黑白时的心跳声。 V2更新:删除原本的骨折声,心跳声;声音增大50% It replaced the broken bones and heart sounds of the survivors...
R18 League of Legends Heroine Vending Machine
Créé par R18收藏家
Adult pictures of Jinx and Ahri,Ashe,Zoe and other female characters from < League of Legends > replace vending machines. The pictures are replaced every 30 seconds, with a total of 30 pictures. Some of these adult pictures are cartoons, and some are gener...
这个mod是以下两个mod整合的。 ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 救援播音机,集装箱,涂鸦:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2937181197 海报:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2895586092 本mod:替换海报涂鸦安全屋和外面墙上全部替换,还有救援播音机,集装箱,集装箱还有部分没做完,后面会补上。 后面还会进行优化。( ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ 涩图都...
Créé par Chocola
R18????????~R18????????????????? ?????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????...........?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.........?????...???????????????????????? ??????...
Raiden Ei voice replace Coach (AI Chinese Voice)
Créé par 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! Use Raiden Ei, a female character in Genshin Impact, to replace voice of Coach. Target language of voice is Chinese. Ho...
Remove Explosion Flash
Créé par Rainy
Remove the flash of explosives. This mod removes the screen flash of all explosives. All explosives in l4d2 have a red flash on the screen when they explode. It obscure the screen momentarily, so it interferes. Therefore, this mod removes it to provide a c...
Remove the visual interference of smoke after the death of a smoker
Créé par ZoomFly
Remove the visual interference of smoke after the death of a smoker...
reupload jokey xdr +18
Créé par
------ Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwis...
reupload smoker xdr +18
Créé par
------ Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwis...
REUPLOADED R18]Honkai Impact 3rd Kiana Kaslana Bunny replaces smoker
Créé par
https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2881756860 ???? Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair...
REUPLOADED xdr boomer?
Créé par
https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=spanish&id=2893658143 ??? Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and resea...
REUPLOADED [R18]Honkai Impact 3rd Raiden Mei Bunny replaces charger
Créé par
https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2881757498&searchtext= ???? Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and re...
REUPLOADED [R18]Honkai Impact 3rd Bronya Zaychik Bunny replaces spitter
Créé par
https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2881757998&searchtext= ?????? Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and ...
Rosaria voice replace Francis (AI Chinese Voice)
Créé par 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! I use Rosaria, a Geinsh Impact character to replace Francis Voice. Target voice is chinese. Voice is made by vits-uma-g...
Shenhe voice replace Rochelle (AI Chinese Voice)
Créé par 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! Preview: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nX4y187Xt/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=3f248073d6ebdb61308992901b606f2...
Shove Other Survivors
Créé par 你带孩子先走
Survivors can now push and shove each other, which is only effective in single player mode and rooms where the homeowner has used this module's local server. Only the homeowner needs to use this module, everyone in the room can enjoy it. Make things intere...
Créé par Husama
地图移植自csgo “风流倜傥你杰森”的rooftops,做了些修改来适应模式 https://steamproxy.net/id/qq1849294544 地图到生还者模式里找~~~ 我在此基础上做了一些修改来适应模式。本地图设置了救援,分为简单(10分钟)和困难(30分钟)。 微冲mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3007695587&searchtext=%E6%96%AF%E6%B3%B0%E5%B0%94...
TDA Succubus Haku Witch R-18
Créé par Vaz0w
This addon replaces Witch, and it's not for all ages. IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, PLEASE DO NOT SUBSCRIBE IT. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: Bylaya -------------------------------------------------------------...
Stronger Flashlight (GLOBAL EDITION) 2.0
Créé par H.U.N.K
////////// READ BEFORE USING IT!!! ////////// Unfortunately the (GLOBAL FUNCTION) doesn't work on "Campaign" mode you have to play on "Realism" in order for it to work for everyone This ONLY works on "Local Servers or Singleplayer" The HOST MUST have this ...
The Footsteps of high heels[V2.1]
Créé par Ribonsan
Make a small update Deleted the footsteps of the infected =The footsteps of high-heeled shoes replaced the footsteps of survivors= -Secretly updated version 2.0- *Correct the sound effect of missing tile floor walking quietly and squatting down. *Slightly ...
The Curse of Lazar Castle
Créé par K.
~{ History }~ On the mist moutains of Transylvania, the strange and ancient castle of Lazar remains in silence. Some say that its abandoned. Some say that strange lights shine on night. No one ever dare to come too close. A journalism student decides to do...
The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area - Main Files
Créé par мяFunreal
This map pack is made to test your work-in-progress mods without having to load a campaign and use console commands to stop the director from throwing infected your way. You can simply spawn and pick up any weapon, item, upgrade and carryable object. You m...
thirdpersonshoulder 第三人称(中文版)
Créé par 凝萱
》第3人称脚本:订阅即可《 《 NUT + CFG 双版本 》 该脚本包含NUT和CFG两个版本 单机或者本机服务器下NUT版本会自行生效 非本地服务器则按下指定按钮使用CFG版本 ========================================= 在以下情况下生效:《NUT版本》 1.完成战役 => 单人模式 2.完成战役 => 与好友一起玩游戏 => 创建新战役大厅 => 服务器类型选择:本地服务器 3.自行探索 -------------------------------------...
TUMTaRA - Chroma Key
Créé par мяFunreal
These maps belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Sometimes you just wanna use a greenscreen. This idea was suggested years ago and honestly i don't think anyone ever used. But hey, here it is. Mapnames: tumtara_chroma-key tumtara...
TUMTaRA - Doors
Créé par мяFunreal
This map belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Download the main file to get all required shared content, and load the map through console. Otherwise this map may not work properly. This map only contains doors, for your texture ...
TUMTaRA - Item & Weapon Test
Créé par мяFunreal
This map belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Download the main file to get all required shared content, and load the map through console. Otherwise this map may not work properly. This map is a super compact itemspawner which a...
TUMTaRA - Overlays, Ads, Signs
Créé par мяFunreal
This map belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Download the main file to get all required shared content, and load the map through console. Otherwise this map may not work properly. Mapname: tumtara_overlay_decal_ads Contains: Bl...
TUMTaRA - Playground
Créé par мяFunreal
This map belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Download the main file to get all required shared content, and load the map through console. Otherwise this map may not work properly. Mapnames: tumtara_l4d1_playground tumtara_playg...
TUMTaRA - Infected
Créé par мяFunreal
This map belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Download the main file to get all required shared content, and load the map through console. Otherwise this map may not work properly. This map is made to test all infected models th...
TUMTaRA - Escape Vehicles
Créé par мяFunreal
This map belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Download the main file to get all required shared content, and load the map through console. Otherwise this map may not work properly. This map is made to test escape vehicle animati...
TUMTaRA - RNG testing
Créé par мяFunreal
This map belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Download the main file to get all required shared content, and load the map through console. Otherwise this map may not work properly. "Random Number Generation" mods were a bandwago...
TUMTaRA - Survivors
Créé par мяFunreal
This map belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Download the main file to get all required shared content, and load the map through console. Otherwise this map may not work properly. This map is built to test Survivor animations a...
TUMTaRA - Skybox Textures
Créé par мяFunreal
This map belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. These maps have absolutely nothing in it, just so you can test skybox texture mods. Mapnames: tumtara_sky_day01_09 tumtara_sky_docks_&_highrise tumtara_sky_l4d_c1_1 tumtara_sky_l4d_c...
TUMTaRA - Water, Ragdolls, Music
Créé par мяFunreal
This map belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Download the main file to get all required shared content, and load the map through console. Otherwise this map may not work properly. Mapname: tumtara_sound+ragdoll+water Contains: ...
Walther MachTac 2 Machete
Créé par S0kk0
Replaces machete with Walther MachTac 2 machete. Has Mav's MW2019 machete animations. No camera shake. Edited materials and model. Clean texture. Has HUD icon. No sounds. No scripts. I like original mod, but it has obsolete old machete anims with melted le...
White Muzzle Flash 高亮手电蓝光弹道
Créé par 抖音CsgoDabao
我师傅春上的作品,开枪时全屏高亮手电,蓝紫色弹道 完美视觉体验,分享给大家 还有一款专为我订制的 粉色樱花子弹 开枪时全屏高亮手电筒 子弹模型是樱花形状的 很多朋友想要樱花弹道,实际上由于子弹速度过快,樱花形状并不明显。个人感觉还是这款紫色弹道更炫酷 ...
TUMTaRA - Vehicles, Paintings
Créé par мяFunreal
This map belongs to TUMTaRA; The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area. Download the main file to get all required shared content, and load the map through console. Otherwise this map may not work properly. Mapnames: tumtara_vehicles tumtara_vehicles_sho...
Xdr charger animation v3.6
Créé par 阿友
你,秒牛失败,现在进入战败CG(不是 -------------------------------------------------- 一时兴起粗制滥造的缝合小动画(侵删) 游玩愉快.... 补充一句哈,制作此类mod本身免费分享,如果你在任何平台发布视频展示或评论推广,请注明作者 本身也不图利益,看到大伙喜欢我作品很有成就感,仅此而已. 3.6:更新生还者姿态(扶墙 ------------------- Replace the Survivor's controlled movements. (Sl...
xdR: TF2 Sniper Anims [Spitter]
TF2 Sniper anims for Spitter ___________________________________________________ Features: - Slot 19 for Spitter - Idle, Crouching, Walking, Running, Jumping, Attacking, and Spit Animations ___________________________________________________ Animations fro...
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Créé par xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
Yae Miko voice replace Louis (AI Chinese Voice)
Créé par 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! I use Yae Miko, a Geinsh Impact character to replace Louis Voice. Target voice is chinese. Voice is made by vits-uma-ge...
Zombie no cam shake
Créé par CHAUS
Description:Removes screen shaking when hit by zombies This addon only works in a single game and a local server (the creator of the lobby must have this addon so that it works for everyone) Описание:Убирает тряску экрана, когда вас бьёт зомби Данный аддон...
Créé par MxDlZnB
Special animations and sounds Model: CFHD Sound effects: CFHD Animation: CFHD Texture: CFHD Melee Animation: MxDlZnB Material: MxDlZnB...
[BF2042] PP-29 "Blowback" (Mac-10)
Créé par Axeno
Legendary skin "Blowback" for PP-29 in Battlefield 2042, with COD:MW2022 animation and Russian OKP-7 reflex sight attached. Replaces Mac-10. No RNG reload. Custom HUD included. Source mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2951701205 A...
[Honkai Impact 3rd] seele replace tank R18
Créé par 黑桃
It`s R18 mod.The characters are naked. There may be a problem with the action, but I don't want to fix it. Using this mod may cause changes in the tank's hit decision....
[CF] Dual AXE
Créé par LE37
replase frying_pan ...
[Advanced Bot AI] 更多生还者AI功能
Créé par 奉神御詠歌
各种奇怪的功能 1. Bot的战斗方式有整体的提升,提升清特感和清小僵尸能力(优化一部分被包围后处理小僵尸能力)。 2. 更快的救人速度。 3. Bot能够丢一部分的投掷物。 4. Bot能够使用除颤器。 5. Bot能够使用弹药升级包。 6. 手持投掷物右键Bot可以交换Bot身上的投掷物。 7. 如果玩家没药没包的时候,Bot还会主动把自己的资源递给玩家,不管是药,包,或是投掷物。 8. 避免一些Bot踩痰救人的情况。 9. 更快的反应速度。 10. 玩家死了之后又没有包,Bot就会plan b(会自己...
[HUD icon] CF Dual AXE (replace Frying Pan)
replace Frying Pan HUD icon ,Dual Axes are a special weapon sub-class of one-handed axes. There are only two dedicated dual axes in the game, Havoc and Malice and Whirlwind Blades. ...
[MW2019] Fennec: Royal Coffer (SMG)
Créé par MxDlZnB
Model: CODMW Sound effects: CODMW Animation: CODMW Texture: CODMW Material: MxDlZnB There are three submachine guns in this game: SMG, SILENCED_SMG and SMG_MP5, That is what you are talking about UZI, MAC-10 and MP5, It’s okay to write SMG, but I don’t qui...
[R18+] Hunter Segg Sound
Replaces fleshy sound with segg noises - uses with THE hunter xdR mod Included HD version if you have custom sound cache...
[xdR] Modified Crouching Animations of Zoey [Slot 31]
Créé par Kokkorylien
REQUIRED ITEM: xdReanimsBase. zoey_slot_031. Modified the idle crouching animations of pistols, dual-held pistols, pump shotguns, semi-automatic shotguns, gas can (propane tank), oxygen tank and chainsaw. The angle of thigh lifting and knee joint of leg is...
[R18] Kizuma Akari replaces jockey
Créé par Klovod
This add-on is not my property, I am re-uploading it at lordchaos' request. Credits: confeito (That name comes within the VPK) If the owner wants me to remove it, it will be done. ...
[xdR] cod zombies
Créé par xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Occupies each Common Infected Slots 5 of reanimations. Original motion data by Treyarch...
[xdR] RNG Shove Animations
Créé par ChapCanai
Punches, Teeps, Elbows, Knees, Headbutt They are mixed with the 5 vanilla shove animations Standing: 12-24 animations Running: 13-30 animations Bug: The animation won't change if you don't let go the shove button for a while. When you hold down shove and t...
[xdR] RNG Tank Run Animations
Créé par Andy's Toy
Gives the Tank RNG Run Animations (kinda forgot about doing that 😭) Requires xdReanimsBase. Occupies Slot 15. Only works on Singleplayer/Local Servers. Link to a Non-xdR Version by Niko. Credit: Turtle Rock Studios & Valve: (Animations) Andy's Toy: (Compil...
[xdR] Stagger Roll - Mixamo
Créé par ChapCanai
Replaces each Survivors' stagger/shoved animations with Rolling animations from Mixamo. Requires: xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Uses Slot 038 Problems: Chainsaw not holding properly even though I copy pasted the grip animation from vanilla. Credits: Mixamo.com Mr F...
[xdR] Tank F
Créé par xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Tank pays respect on death Works for custom player models. Occupies Character Slot 36 of reanimations. Original motions data by Valve....
[xdR] Tank TF2 laugh taunts
Créé par Minnie Mouse
Replaces the Tank's taunting animations for when he hits a survivor with Team Fortress 2's Schadenfreude taunt. Requires xdReanimsBase, uses slot 14....
[xdR] TF2 Crypt Creeper [Survivors Death]
Spy's 2023 Halloween Taunt but it's a death animation for survivors. ___________________________________________________ Features: - Slot 21 for all Survivors - Death Standing and Incap Animation ___________________________________________________ Animatio...
[xdR] Witch Death Animation - Mixamo
Créé par ChapCanai
Replaces The Witch's Death Animations with Mixamo Motion Capture Requires: xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Uses slot 021 Non-xdR Version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2732383075 Works with: Unofficial Witch Facial Expressions by Cuba Credits...
[xdR] Zero Two Dance (Self Healing)
Créé par Unique Horn
Original link is missing, I don't know why removed... :( If you want to include sound in the addon... https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2369853628 Slot: 13...