Haydee 2

Haydee 2

32 ratings
White Face
File Size
9.099 MB
3 Apr @ 10:42pm
4 Apr @ 12:27pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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White Face

Ever wanted to replay your favorite maps but accompanied by White Face? This simple mod adds White Face to hunt you down.


This mods adds White Face from IMSCARED a surreal horror game that deceive the player by breaking the 4th wall and altering game files to progress. The goal of this mod is to recreate the gimmick of Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion version of White face to any map/save you play.

What this mod contains
  • White Face - Has a random chance to spawn, he will hunt you down and if you touch him the game will crash.
  • Her - She'll tell you the be quiet, if you see this message WALK or be punished

Things to note
  • Having your frame-rate at 60 bugs out White Face from staring at you.
  • This mod injects White face to PawnBase, if a game doesn't use this he will not spawn.
  • White face has a 1-10 chance of spawning, 1-40 chance of despawning, 1-80 chance to become angry when entering a scene, you're given 4 seconds of invincibility before touching him crashes your game.
  • Her has a 1-20 chance of spawning.

Sprites and sounds were taken from IMSCARED and Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion.

Enjoy challenging yourself to a new unbalanced obstacle, or laugh at the idea of an 8-bit head trying to crash your game. This mod is purely for the sake of fun, I wouldn't recommend doing a run start to finish with him in it. But kudos to you if you manage it.
The Man of Sex 13 Apr @ 12:30pm 
its right behind me isn't it ahh look
Glacygay 8 Apr @ 6:13pm 
YES! ive been waiting for someone to upload whiteface to this! i remember collecting audio for it in the past wanting to create something like this! thank you so much!
Cesar 7 Apr @ 6:27am 
Does Hardcore difficulty affects this mod? Did half of the game on hardcore 3 times in a row, he didn't spawn at all. Started a new game on softcore, he spawned instantly, 3 times in a row.
Cesar 7 Apr @ 12:59am 
Okay cool. That raises another question. Haydee 2 sex mod when?
Winget  [author] 7 Apr @ 12:57am 
Yes the directors are in it's own folder, this mod uses injectors so it doesn't replace any base game directors.
Cesar 6 Apr @ 10:49pm 
I assume you made this mod using your own written scripts,not using scripts that base game has to offer, right?
Winget  [author] 6 Apr @ 3:33pm 
I appreciate the comment, Glad you enjoyed it!:GhostFlowerHappy:
Bumpkin Bogwitch of Bubkis 6 Apr @ 1:39pm 
The I-Frame mechanic when being touched adds a layer of tension to this mod, I adore the effort put into it for a game that isn't supposed to be scary. Makes the horror even better in my opinion :shcscribe: :susuheart:
Winget  [author] 6 Apr @ 10:04am 
It's entirely random, the odds are shown under Thing to note.
Sal Shobu 6 Apr @ 9:21am 
For how long does he chase you?