Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

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The most EPIC turkey ever is here!!1



Turkey was born in the future in a family of turkeys who mastered electricity. Unfortunately, his entire family is slaughtered for thanksgiving. Being the last of his kind, this soul crushing memory fills Turkey with anger. With his anger, TurkeyFor his entire life, Turkey plans on finding a time machine, so he can go back in time to the first thanksgiving to take turkeys off the menu. That's right, he plans on going back in time to the first thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu.

Years later, Turkey makes his way to Neo Fire Capital to the time machine. Unfortunately, he learns that Clairen has gone back in time, making it impossible for Turkey to fulfill his lifelong dream. This ignites Turkey's inner anger, granting him unprecedented powers that allow him to destroy literally anything. However, in process, Turkey loses his few remaining braincells, becoming a completely mindless killing machine, and he goes in a rampage. He first violently makes his way to Emperor Loxodont's lair, where he defies all expectations and logic by ripping the supposedly immortal emperor in half with his signature attack, Ultra Turkey Express.

While Turkey is praised as a hero, his fury only increases and he quickly murders the entire population and quickly destroys the entire city. This is when Turkey's true powers activate, which turns him into unstoppable god. Unfortunately, this is also where Turkey's now literal complete lack of intelligence ends up in his doom - he uses his powered up Super Nugget Punch into the ground, which blows up the entire universe, killing Turkey and putting an end in everything.


Turkey is a ultra-heavyweight character with HYPE mechanics. He is extraordinarily weak to projectiles, his complete stupidity makes him unable to use defensive mechanics, and he's unlikely ever to come back if sent offstage, but he makes up for this with his absurd power, numerous attacks with invincibility and/or super armor, and endless zero-to-death capability.


- HYPE ARMOR: Turkey may randomly armor through an attack when grounded. In addition, tons of his moves grant super armor and/or invincibility.
- BIG MOVESET: Turkey possesses a lot of extra attacks. Can you find them all?
- ELECTRIC FIRE: Turkey has both electric and fire attacks. Former cause stun, while latter cause fire damage and are very strong.
- TURKEY EXPRESS: Turkey's neutral special is a command grab with random strength. However, if it's parried, the move is upgraded into Ultra Turkey Express, which becomes a one-hit KO command grab
- EPIC COMBOS: Turkey has numerous way to consistently zero-to-death his opponent if he can get in. For example, his utilt is much like Kazuya's EWGF, while he can perform Mario-esque uair ladder combos that ends in uspecial.
- ALLERGIC TO PROJECTILES: Turkey takes extra damage and knockback from projectiles, and with his lack of parry and dodges, he can't really avoid them, either. Only few of his attacks are able to break projectiles.
- TURKEY LARIAT: Turkey replaces defensive actions with Luigi-cyclone esque tornado move that has invincibility and powerful windbox.

Are you looking for the most hype, epic zero-to-death machine of all time? Then download Turkey NOW!!!!!1
bcf7895 1 Jul @ 3:44pm 
If your gonna make him slower, then I would suggest slowing down his running sfx as well
turrón master 24 Jun @ 9:36am 
for some reason, before the image loaded, i thought i was about to see the country beating the shit out of someone