Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Items (5)
More Victory Points and Building Slots to America
Created by B1geye5
For v1.14 vanilla USA 简中 & english Divide big states to add building slots. Add some new victory points. Rework the oil, aluminium and steel by state. Add new resources decisions. Not compatible with mods that modify states or provinces....
More Victory Points to FRA & ITA
Created by B1geye5
简中&English 按人口数为法国、意大利、比利时、荷兰添加了新的胜利点,并重新计算了地区人口。 Add new victory points to FRA, ITA, HOL and BEL. Recalculate the population of all their states. 兼容没有修改小地块(province)的mod. Should be compatible with the mod that does not modify provinces. 法国意大利参考的1936年人口普查结...
New Victory Points to GER & POL
Created by B1geye5
简中 & English Add new victory points to German, Poland, Austria and Czechoslovakia. Rename victory points and states when GER controls other three countries or POL controls some states from GER. Should be compatible with the mod that does not modify provinc...
UK Victory Points Rework
Created by B1geye5
For vanilla ENG 简中 & english Add some new victory points to UK. Should be compatible with mod that does not modify provinces....
Soviet Railways and Victory Points Rework
Created by B1geye5
For v1.14 vanilla SOV 简中&english Add new railways, victory points and supply nodes to SOV. Not compatible with mods that modify railways or provinces. ...