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Hearts of Iron IV

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Graveyard of Empires - Afghanistan Rework
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Graveyard of Empires - Afghanistan Rework

In 1 collection by thechtoto
thechtoto mod collection
3 items
A nation of mountains, deserts and tribes: Afghanistan, having come out of a brutal civil war, slowly opens up to the world, while its shaky neutrality only holds up because the country is viewed as merely a playing field for the Great Powers' influences.

Historically Afghanistan didn't do much in World War 2, but... what if it did? This mod adds content to Afghanistan by giving it a proper focus tree, with different events and decisions to accompany your gameplay.
Through the focus tree, you can follow one of the 4 paths:

  • Historical path of strengthening Zahir Shah's rule and navigating Afghanistan through the changing geopolitical climate of the world, while keeping a balance between modernization and tradition
  • Overthrowing Zahir Shah in favor of the exiled Amanullah Khan, and then urgently reforming Afghanistan to achieve Amanullah's dreams of making it a modern democratic nation
  • Putting in power the Pushtun tribal leader by the name of Faqir of Ipi, and then returning Afghanistan to its roots and either expanding its borders through conquest of neighboring lands or uniting the whole Muslim world into one country
  • Instigating a socialist revolution and choosing to either align with the Soviets or to forge an independent foreign policy, while overcoming internal struggles within the party and the country

Only works on the 1936 start date

Some portraits and focus icons are taken from Road to 56 and Kaiserredux mods

if any of y'all really like my mods and want to support me, I'd really appreciate it:
Popular Discussions View All (2)
25 Mar @ 9:31am
bugs and issues
29 Mar @ 7:34am
historical inaccuracy fixes + debuffs (for a more realistic playthrough)
thechtoto  [author] 22 Apr @ 6:20am 
@qwertz148 тут зависит от того насколько быстро ты научишься делать моды и сколько контента будет в самом моде. этот у меня занял месяца 2 вроде, притом что я непостоянно им занимался и уже имею опыт в мододелании
qwertz148 21 Apr @ 9:40am 
долго мод делал? хочу тоже начать просто
thechtoto  [author] 13 Apr @ 11:43pm 
@SunGood его доёбы уже закончились походу, секция комментариев возвращается в нормальный режим работы
SunGood 13 Apr @ 11:04am 
Какого черта вы оба тут устроили?! Датчанин и Чтото я не особо хочу читать вашу переписку, поэтому выражу два варианта своих сообщений
1) (Если вы сретесь) Успокойтесь и просто смиритесь с разным мнением и тем что у вы варазили первее, нахрен шумиха?
2) (Если вы дисскусируете про мод в плане развития его и улучшения) Вам не проще будет в лс перейти и не засирать здесь чат для коментариев?
thechtoto  [author] 11 Apr @ 1:31pm 
I will tell you this though: I was genuinly disappointed when, just when I started working on my mod, both rt56 and KX made huge updates to Afghanistan, because I thought that this would make this mod less relevant for people wanting to play Afghanistan. But at that point I was already excited by the idea of thoroughly researching Afghan history and representing it in the game, as well as making interesting alt historical paths. And when I mean that all the ideas for this content are either original or based on real history, I mean it.
thechtoto  [author] 11 Apr @ 1:31pm 
Historical: 'the historical branch looks similar', yeah, maybe because Afghanistan had one history during this time. Again, if I was copying you, I probably would've copied the individual focuses, but what I made is like 3 focuses representing what happened historically, and, as I've said many times by now, you don't own rights to Afghan history

I can swear with everything I have that I did not look at the rt56 focus tree neither before, during, nor after making this mod. Our focus trees may be similar because Afghan history is similar, but this is as far as this goes. And as for other mods, KX (KR doesn't have content for Afghanistan) is literally alternate history where various people dead by 1936 in OTL are still alive.
thechtoto  [author] 11 Apr @ 1:30pm 
Islamist path: well, no shit Sherlock, when you claim the entire Muslim world, you claim the entire Muslim world. I spent like half an hour on hoi4 wikipedia going through tags of Muslim nations and writing them all one after another. And the coring system is literally just the one that Byzantine and Ottoman empires have in vanilla - and you guys certainly didn't invent that.
Basmachi: yeah, if I was copying someone else's work, I probably would've copied it a lot better. These decisions are so 'simple' compared to what you made is because I made them myself and got tired at one point. And also, former basmachis used Afghan territory to spy for Germany, and Hitler hoped to use them to start uprisings in Central Asia during Barbarossa. I came up with the idea for that focus when I read an article on Russian wikipedia about this operation. You didn't inspire this one, history did.
thechtoto  [author] 11 Apr @ 1:30pm 
Portraits: it always occurred to me as though this is almost accepted within small hoi4 mods, to take gfx from other mods with proper credit. I've seen more than a dozen other mods do it, but for some reason no one is bothering them
Communist BOP: I'm not sure if the all the modifiers are actually the same (again, I haven't taken a proper look at Afghan content in rt56), but what I made are based off of historical facts. Like, it's no secret that Khalq was more militarist, revolutionary and radical, it's one of the main things known about them when compared to the Parcham, who were more democratic and moderate. And there are only so many modifiers in hoi4 to represent these differences, so a coincidence happening here is quite likely.
thechtoto  [author] 11 Apr @ 1:30pm 
okay, let's take these one by one
Illiteracy: I already meantioned why the name is that way, but the 30% modifier must be a coincidence, since my thought process behind it was that 40% would be too much and 20% would be not enough
Military: well, yeah, I read an academic paper online about Afghanistan in the interwar period and WW2, and the phrase 'Prussians of the Orient' came up a few times. When you make a final focus in a focus tree, it's only natural to take some 'cool' sounding phrase and give it good buffs. And the expression itself is literally just a historical fact, which you don't own the rights to.
Referendum in Pashtunistan: uh, yeah, there is historical context for that. It even says as a title of the event, 'The Bannu Resolution', which was Pashtuns (including the Faqir of Ipi) demanding an independent Pashtunistan. So this focus was inspired by a historical fact, which you don't own the right to.
Dutch Plan der Linde 11 Apr @ 12:50pm 
The thing im getting at is this, you would look at my focuses (or even KR, idk their focus tree but its not impossible to rule out) and you would then yourself research it and implement it close to what it is in my focus tree, but you would make it very crude and simplify it a lot, compared to mine.

Conclusion: For a mod that was supposedly independently developed to have this many similarities in terms of implementation and the general effect, the chance is close to zero, when you compare my implementation to the one of KX, KR, New Ways (i believe), or any other Afghanistan mod you see how different they are, but then all of a sudden after i release my focus tree somebody releases a mod like 1-2 months later that resembles mine so much? The chance of this happening is literal zero.