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Loose casus belli
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Loose casus belli

1 kokoelmassa, tekijä Blorg
24 luomusta
Loose War Justifications
In-game English supported, this intro is translated by chatGLM-4, you got what I'm trying to say.
Feature Introduction:
- Made the war justifications for "Requesting a Vassal" and "Requesting a Tribute" nearly universally applicable under any condition.
- Made "Force Ideology" an optional counter-war goal, allowing for ideological conflict even with Gestalt or like-minded nations, and the opportunity to straighten their relations.
- Increased the war weariness of vassal wars, encouraging the opponent to quickly surrender.
- Both vassal and ideological wars affect the entire federation, with ideological wars converting the entire federation to your ideology and dismantling them, while vassal wars enslave all members of the federation at once.
- Restored most of the diplomatic options for "Fallen Empires" and "Awakened Fallen Empires," including joining federations and becoming or taking vassals, although AI remains passive in nature.
- Allows for the proposal to form a federation with a vassal.
- Allows for the formation of federations without requiring a diplomatic tradition.
"Whether one becomes a vassal depends on one thing: whose fist is stronger. Why should I have to completely surpass the other side to force them into vassalage? Facing our vast fleets, even the ancient and unprogressive will have to bow down. If you cannot see the situation before a war, look at the devastation in your own territory, and your country can still retain most of its autonomy. We only want a little tax, so don't resist in vain, and accept our dominion. Regarding war weariness, my understanding is the opposite of Paradox's; Paradox seems to have given some lightly justified wars a low war weariness correction. But countless civilians and soldiers die for the sake of ideology or a little tax, which doesn't make people at the bottom question the purpose of the war and make it easier for them to become war weary? On the contrary, wars with heavy justifications force the enemy into a corner, and everyone is ready to fight back, so they are less likely to sign oppressive treaties due to war weariness."
PS: If you have subscribed to my "One system one subject" mod, you can use its built-in default vassal policies to adjust the default settings of the vassals you gain from vassal wars.
Known Bugs:
1. If you declare a vassal war against the Fallen Empire before the Paradise Wars, it may prevent the Paradise Wars from ending.
Status: By adding an event I wrote that triggers when a country is vassalized, the Paradise Wars can be assisted in ending.
Future Plans:
None at the moment.
- Made war justifications more flexible.
- Added the effect of multiple wars on federations and integration with "One Vassal Per Star."
- Rolled back some of the acceleration of war weariness, although it will make us win faster in cases where we are stronger, balanced wars often end in draws.
Compatibility Note:
This mod modifies the following files, and any mod that intersects with them may conflict:
Related Mods:
One system one subject: (Subscribe to this mod to automatically set vassal terms for recently defeated members of the federation)
15 kommenttia
minos783 23.8. klo 3.47 
作者的创意工坊可以说是把我在群星里想要的最后一块拼图补上了,太爽了 想玩的全都在这了:Gifting::Hire::Gifting:
Blorg  [tekijä] 24.5. klo 5.35 
@Medusa 也谢谢你的肯定:steamhappy:
Medusa 22.5. klo 16.32 
asirjdj 20.5. klo 21.37 
Blorg  [tekijä] 10.5. klo 7.17 
@酒精杀手 修好了,蠢驴乱改trigger,就换个语序不知道又多少mod得暴毙hh
酒精杀手 9.5. klo 0.42 
大佬 开了mod会导致外交界面没有组建联邦的选项 也不能跟附庸组联邦 只开这个mod也是 应该需要更新了
知与安陈 31.3. klo 5.51 
Blorg  [tekijä] 30.3. klo 19.22 
@知与安陈 哎?昨天的更新其实是回滚厌战增长过快,完全没动这部分内容hh
知与安陈 30.3. klo 10.02 
知与安陈 30.3. klo 0.35 