Wallpaper Engine

Wallpaper Engine

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Items (252)
İzmir -Bora Kurtata
Created by Britisheep23
Night İzmir Türkiye Kordon...
Created by 烻-ZL
BGM:《崩坏3》3.6版本PV 立绘图源:《崩坏3》官方 崩3版更,我也更啦!壁纸从21号做到24号基本就完工了,这次速度感觉挺快hhh。 顺便过来B站捞我一下哇~ https://www.bilibili.com/video/av77251488/...
Created by 烻-ZL
立绘图源:《崩坏3》官方 BGM: 游戏3.8版本PV的音乐 网易云电台搜索用户(达贡之神力) 记得来b站捞我一下呀 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av93584937/ 拿到图开工到完成用时6天,肝力点满。现在真是活学活用了,做一次壁纸要用到,PS-AI-AE-LIVE 2D-C4D-PR这六个软件。 当然视频里面只是简单说了一下制作过程,其实还有很多很多细节没有展示出来的,大家就自行体会吧~...
Created by SHIDO
Created by 烻-ZL
BGM: 新年活动游戏内的音频(本up录制)或者去网易云电台搜索【达贡之神力】即可找到 立绘图源:崩坏3 官方 一如既往的爆肝~ 祝大家新年快乐呀! 记得来b站捞我一下呀 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av84857831/...
Created by 烻-ZL
图源:mihoyo BGM:崩坏3 4.7版本PV 我的B站传送门【https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Up4y1b7H2/】...
「ATRI动态壁纸 4K 60FPS 精修版」ATRI -My Dear Moments-
Created by Nafoul
「在日渐沉没的世界里,我找到了你。」 亚托莉(萝卜子)4k动态壁纸60帧精修版 黑屏的话请尝试使用这个版本https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2141194432 b站地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1St4y197bb#reply3104767810 喜欢萝卜子的朋友们推荐去玩一下游戏,游戏名叫做ATRI -My Dear Moments-...
Created by 荣耀新三国
《艾尔登法环》史东威尔:城门 <Elden Ring> Gate of Stormveil
Created by illusWav
《艾尔登法环》史东威尔:城门 <Elden Ring> Gate of Stormveil Updated to reduce file size....
Created by Killuaaa
4K画质+下雪+纯音乐 有助于放松提升专注 BGM:τ-α·Pav https://music.163.com/song?id=29137873&userid=112131792...
Created by 鸡鸡丸
はろうぃん by saraki in 4K
Created by HISTA
⋆ Check my all approved wallpapers here! ⋆ and make your desktop even better! Do you want me to make wallpaper for you? Order now! Consider donating if you like my works. I'm not the creator of the artwork. I'm just editing these artworks by adding some ef...
Created by 大污师!
欢迎关注我的B站频道"大污师DWS" https://space.bilibili.com/59514408 原画地址:https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/81471534 作者 PIXIV : catzz / 微博:三个脑袋 创意工坊已上线:https://steamproxy.net/id/denjia2009/myworkshopfiles/ 或wallpaperengine内直接搜索“ビール” 转载须注明出处及原画信息 大家好,我是大污师,首先感谢大家这几年的支持和...
Created by 烻-ZL
图源:MIHOYO BGM: HOYO-MIX 幻夜迷迭 b站传送门:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1XK4y1Y7Tf/...
东京日落 带倒放 (Tokyo Sunset with rewind)
Created by _Judi-W
应要求再上传一个带倒放的版本 对云的方向有强迫症的同学请订阅原版: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=823204229 Original version: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=823204229 视频转载自426微博: http://weibo.com/1251297990/ElWKCdV7k Video is reproduced from t...
Created by cyrax
4K版来也~ 喜欢的同学记得B站支持一下up~ https://www.bilibili.com/video/av42250009...
Created by 大污师!
欢迎关注我的B站频道"大污师DWS" https://space.bilibili.com/59514408 制作不易,三连支持 原画信息:404 Not Found Pixiv ID: 67742293 作者: 反骨MAX https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/67742293 禁止商用,转载须注明出处及原画信息。...
Created by
Created by innocent
自制 禁止无授权转载 pixiv id:62492065 森倉円...
Created by Tristone
克西高达-RX-105 ΞGUNDAM(高达系列126)
Created by lop
GUNDAM:克西高达-RX-105 ΞGUNDAM 图层衔接处有点明显的线条,处理没做好,请见谅 感谢原图作者P站:Lolicon,授权的支持,希望大家可以关注一下他的作品。 素材作者PIXIV ID:23812032,PIXIV主页:pixiv.net/users/23812032 B站:Lolicon_Official,主页:https://space.bilibili.com/10675981/...
Created by
原视频地址:http://www.bilibili.com/video/av611261/ 所有原视频版权归原作者所有 如有不妥之处请尽快联系我做删除处理...
太空 地球 earth outer space 4K分辨率
Created by CCTV-sweet
使用AK大神的星球插件制作 —————————————————————————— 2023.06.30 抱歉太久没上号了,已经同意手机协议,大家可以在移动端使用了,有问题再给我留言。Enjoy it !...
Created by 大污师!
欢迎关注我的B站频道"大污师DWS" https://space.bilibili.com/59514408 原画来自画师:Skade 微博地址:https://weibo.com/skadels 禁止商用,转载须注明出处及原画。...
Created by 咕哒咕噜噜
原画:pixiv id=79474577 画师:上官绯樱 动效bilibili:咕哒咕噜噜 最近补了下Re0,蕾姆真的太棒了,如果真爱有颜色,那一定是蓝色 blue=because love u everyday...
Created by 1150220809
此为B站UP主NateScarlet自制 http://www.bilibili.com/video/av8560301/ 下载:{LINK REMOVED} UP主说可以随意上传 - - 第二次更新:更高画质,还是由有爱的NateScarlet提供 基本实现无缝播放 This is Malus spectabilis~...
Created by JHaoYa
强袭自由高达 全弹发射-STRIKE FREEDOM GUNDAM Full missile launch(高达系列97)
Created by lop
GUNDAM:强袭自由高达 -STRIKE FREEDOM GUNDAM 之前一直问了五彩大炮强自,自由的那张不太好看就估计不用了,这张图崩溃的是,我是扣完图忘记备份图层了,没缩小看点了下头没了,撤回不到历史记录。白扣了心态崩了,然后暴雨等了半个多小时终于有车接单。这是一报还一报吗? 感谢原图作者P站:Lolicon,授权的支持,希望大家可以关注一下他的作品。 素材作者PIXIV ID:23812032,PIXIV主页:pixiv.net/users/23812032 B站:Lolicon_Official...
Created by 烻-ZL
立绘图源:崩坏3官方 模型来源:崩坏3官方(游戏拆包提取) BGM: 崩坏3 三周年 主界面音乐(网易云电台上有) 2019年最后一更,挑战一波高难度的!最后的效果总体达到预期的80%了!! 半个月的制作,带来这一张精美的动态壁纸,希望大家喜欢吧~ 记得过来B站捞我一下呀~B站传送门: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av80646177/...
Created by lop
GUNDAM:强袭自由高达-STRIKE FREEDOM GUNDAM 壁纸原图出自,B站:被窝里的TRAV,感谢授权的支持 主页:https://space.bilibili.com/16915559/...
Created by 老蕭來也
明日方舟Your Star 4k 60帧
明日方舟EP Your Star...
明日方舟amiya+4K PC
Created by 腾讯赞助商
画师是阿戈魔AGM 如果出现黑屏请右键打开文件管理将视频文件上传至壁纸编辑器 关于占用异常高的问题,我也不清楚什么情况...
Created by 李擎洲
Created by 李擎洲
Created by Arcpha
引用自pixiv作品"桜の散る前に"id=74078288,原作者banishment id=23223750。 喜欢请支持原作者 This was quoted from pixiv's work "桜の散る前に" id = 74078288 and the original artist is called banishment id = 23223750. If you like,please support the original artist. ...
樱花&少女咖啡枪壁纸2(无 BGM)
Created by Pika木子(菜鸟)
樱花&壁纸2(无 BGM) 2200X1237 P站原图 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=58898122 反转版本 Flip Horizontal,适合图标在(默认)左边的 http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=828327383&searchtext= ...
Created by 弑空
Created by PiFkU
倒影系列最后一弹,想了想就送给世界第一公主殿下吧!还是老配方(咳咳咳)静态miku+动态水面! 原图为P站画师Rella绘制,如果因为咱擅自改图侵权了立删。原画地址请戳: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=38183202 就这样,希望大家能够喜欢。也祝大家在WE里收获自己最爱的壁纸。(以后安静当工坊伸手党啦哈哈) 对系列作品有兴趣的话请戳合集: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles...
Created by karaage
1080P 60FPS Pixiv: id=48382267 bgm:まらしぃ - 有顶天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven 自制 未经允许,禁止转载! *Prohibited reproduced without permission *去bgm+镜像版本: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=836664209...
白丝琴柳 4k60fps(White silk Saileach)
Created by 风易微凉
AE由B站up,风易微凉,制作。与B站画师,玲殿下づ,合作。b站可获取更多壁纸。White silk Saileach...
清流の国 -精细动态+场景变换无缝循环(1080p 60fps)
Created by 污画鬼妖
===================自制侵删==================== 画师(Painter):藤原 P站作品ID(pixiv id):60467270 BGM:谷雨 伴奏———桑葚上的猴子 ============================================== 相比较上一次作品,这次的可动元素比较少其实是比较繁琐懒癌发作,所以加入了场景变换元素,然后加入了bgm发现意外的合拍~ 视频全长4m50s所以文件有这么大是很正常的(The full length of the...
破晓传说 Tales of Arise テイルズ オブ アライズ
Created by lovesorry
无论黑夜多么漫长,黎明总会如期而至。 No matter how long the night is, the dawn will come as scheduled....
艾尔登法环 白雪女巫 菈妮 Elden Ring Ranni
Created by 孟婆干杯-MPGB
侵权必删,转载须注明出处及原画信息,勿做商用。 生活不易。如果你想支持我,可以点击下面扫码捐助一波。也可以定制一张属于你的壁纸。 点击此处可微信扫码捐助 Bilibili传送门(欢迎来点赞) Life is not easy and the income is not high. If you want to support me, you can give me a steam gift card.You can also customize a wallpaper that belongs to you...
Created by 凯奇
Created by lop
感谢原图作者:Lolicon 授权的支持,希望大家可以关注一下他的作品。 素材作者PIXIV ID:23812032,PIXIV主页:pixiv.net/users/23812032 友情提示: 该动态壁纸会占用大量的显卡使用率,以2060S为例占用大约40%,大家根据自己电脑配置使用。 GUNDAM:自由高达 BGM: 【钢琴即兴】君は僕に似ている(GUNDAM 种命 ED4)、 【钢琴即兴】あんなに一緒だったのに(GUNDAM SD ED)、 Kyle Xian - INVOKE-インヴォーク- (纯音...
Created by wolf
轻音K-on 4K
Created by Fragile
Created by lop
感谢原图作者:Lolicon 授权的支持,希望大家可以关注一下他的作品。 素材作者PIXIV ID:23812032,PIXIV主页:pixiv.net/users/23812032 友情提示: 该动态壁纸会占用大量的显卡使用率,以2060S为例占用大约40%,大家根据自己电脑配置使用。 GUNDAM:自由高达流星号-FREEDOM GUNDAM MEMTOR BGM: 【钢琴即兴】君は僕に似ている(GUNDAM 种命 ED4)、 【钢琴即兴】あんなに一緒だったのに(GUNDAM SD ED)、 Kyle ...
量子特攻 Cyberhunter 4k 动态壁纸
Created by 郁世yus
量子特攻 蕾拉 4k 转载:steam://url/CommunityFilePage/2323304800...
Created by Leogh
Created by 月照花叶
雨 樱【 Rain Sakura 】- 4K
Created by liquid
霜星 [60FPS]
Created by 大污师!
bilibili:https://space.bilibili.com/59514408 原画来自@韩一杰 更多画师作品至画师LOFTER https://hanyijie.lofter.com/ 大家好,我是大污师,首先感谢大家这几年的支持和厚爱,我有些话想说一下,也许你们注意到了,近些日子我的壁纸产量放缓了,我的收入并不高,还在使用五年前的电脑进行创作。 制作壁纸几乎占据了我所有的业余时间,有时还需要熬夜,最近我的第二个宝宝降生了,我不知道还能在这里坚持多久。有条件想支持一下的朋友可以考虑捐助一下下。 ...
Created by zhe5270
Created by 倚晴江山楼
霹雳天命之仙魔鏖锋片头曲 - 人中之龙
Created by applexshot
霹雳天命之仙魔鏖锋片头曲 - 人中之龙 旨在分享,如有侵权请私信...
霹雳惊涛普通话片头曲《创世之行》-小魂(闽南语),魂总新曲,喜欢小魂的来听听片尾曲ED1|片头曲OP(闽南语版)|片头曲OP(普通话版) 网易云 优酷 哔哩哔哩...
Created by 杰OvO
Created by 1607577094
飞翼零式高达EW-Wing Gundam Zero (Endless Waltz Ver)(高达系列142)
Created by lop
重要提示:完全真实的加农炮光束光特效,需要设置里后处理选超高才可以 GUNDAM:飞翼零式高达EW-Wing Gundam Zero (Endless Waltz Ver) 感谢原图作者P站:Lolicon,授权的支持,希望大家可以关注一下他的作品。 素材作者PIXIV ID:23812032,PIXIV主页:pixiv.net/users/23812032 B站:Lolicon_Official,主页:https://space.bilibili.com/10675981/...
鬼灭之刃 蝴蝶忍 4K
Created by Sky青空
超喜欢这个动态壁纸,于是对视频进行了优化分享给大家 原壁纸作者: 大污师DWS(哔哩哔哩:https://space.bilibili.com/59514408 )...
Created by 大污师!
欢迎关注我的B站频道"大污师DWS" https://space.bilibili.com/59514408 原画来自P站画师:Free Style Pixiv ID: 77597958 勿作商用,转载须注明出处及原画信息 勿作商用,转载须注明出处及原画信息...
龙背上的骑兵3 CG 动态壁纸
Created by 艾莎
(随时间变化)城市角落的一天-A day in the corner of the city (by 成全所在Ronion)(试作237)
Created by lop
壁纸原图出自p站画师:成全所在 该壁纸随真实时间变化 Real time change 休闲、放松 relax 音乐 music 注意:所有特效均已设置绑定时间自动显示 如自主选择自定义时间壁纸的话,会造成特定时间发生的特效会混乱 (如萤火虫出现在白天、白天放烟火、白天开灯等现象,均为正常情况) 2.27更新 新增3个时间段场景 新增21首音乐 减低阳光亮度和晃动速度,两种阳光的开关 增加水面特效更明显 新增第二时间位置和颜色选择 4.24 新增心情墙和及寄语的繁简体选择...
16:9 プリコネR 公主连结 PrincessConnect! Re: Dive 六星静流 姐姐 弟控 6★シズル
Created by YueZaychik
プリンセスコネクトリダイブ Princess Connect! Re: Dive 超异域公主连结!Re: Dive 6星 六星静流 姐姐 弟控 6★ 主页动画壁纸 6★シズル 通过 Waifu2x 降噪放大 + FFmpeg 60FPS 补帧处理 21:9 带鱼屏适配版:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2148320023 PCR 16:9 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/fil...
2AM Cyberpunk City /w System Clock and Customizable Skyscraper Text
Created by Baba Tosya
Original values are optimized for 1920x1080 but I tried to make enough options for you to adjust it to your screen size. 2AM Wallpaper with integrated system clock, customizable skyscraper text and 48FPS video Visualizer: VU Meter by Squee: https://steamco...
4k Galaxy Spiral with music
Created by a_flaming_sKull
Spiral Galaxy with soothing music. Free of copyright for non-commercial use only....
A Lonely Winter
Created by yunn
I do not own the artwork. Original Artwork: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/GX1VmN Artist: Binu Balan https://www.artstation.com/binu_balan Updates: 12/20/2023 - Updated preview image....
Above Dubai [4K]
Created by FlyingPOTATO
Above Dubai Resolution: 3840x2160 Other resolutions: 1920x1080 FHD Original Video: ...
Above New York City v2 [4K]
Created by FlyingPOTATO
Above NYC v2 Resolution: 3840x2160 Changes - added a transition between start and end - crop out the logo in the bottom right Other resolutions: 1920x1080 FHD Original Video: ...
Created by snowflake
使用说明: 通过鼠标转换方向,点击不同的图片进入不同模式。 1.点击图片名<300的,进入全屏模式,带有落樱效果。 2.点击图片名>=300的,进入视频模式。 3.点击图片名为shuffling的(用四张图片合成的),进入轮播模式(每次都是从图片库中随机选取22张图片)。 4.点击右下角的方框即可退回3D界面。 在轮播模式时,将任务栏隐藏,可以看到三个按钮,分别是上一张,播放/暂停,下一张 ---------------------------------------------------------- ...
4K Project Fiora - [Audio Responsive]
Created by Atri||a
4K Wallpaper of Project Fiora Artist: Chengwei Pan Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/pan ] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: https://youtu.be/bLZHcnuqscU Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/ControlYO ]] >>Lmao>> https://www.youtube.com/wat...
Created by eeroy
4k Put everything I've learned since using Wallpaper engine in this one for 2022. Ik i said that eon was my favourite but this one is kinda crazy lmfaoooo. Also gotta stop making wallpapers with girls and cats omg. Happy new years and i hope u guys enjoy!!...
Created by NNG
AION Login interface 1080p 60fps...
Alps Mountains - Windy & Snowing
Created by Amadeusning
Animated wallpaper Alps Mountains - Windy & Snowing Snow effect faciliated by myself using After Effect...
Animated Forest Snow 4k
Created by PASH
A beautiful forest while snowing in spectacular crisp 4k....
Ancient Castle
Created by wackoTobacco
Put saturation on 70 and brightness on 49...
Anime Backyard Rain [Beautiful 60fps Animation] [SAO-Gracefully]
Created by Lukatta
This is the most complex Animation I did in a while (in total of 25 layers!). 1080p 60fps After over 15 hours of editing, and so, so many crashes finally made something that looks good. If you like the wallpaper please rate and comment! ~~I might update th...
Anime Girl (realistic girl & forest view) -4K-
Created by RuzuK
I would appreciate if you follow my workshop and rate the content you love. <3...
Asuka Langley Sohryu - Neon Genesis Evangelion [RAY 84]
Created by Niara
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀https://i.imgur.com/FIgRLHs.gif https://i.imgur.com/v09WOVu.png 〖 ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴀʟʟᴘᴀᴘᴇʀ ᴡᴀꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴡɴ ʙʏ ᴍᴇ, ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟ ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛꜱ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ʙᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ↓ʜᴇʀᴇ↓. ɪ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴀᴅᴅ ᴀɴɪᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇꜱᴇ ɪᴍᴀɢᴇꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ꜰᴜɴ. ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ, ꜱᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴀʙꜱᴏʟᴜᴛᴇʟʏ ꜰᴀɴᴛᴀꜱᴛɪᴄ ᴀʀᴛɪ...
Reprinted Youtube Timestorm Film 2014年4月26日发布 4k壁纸 Part2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa0Q0... Part3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcFKF... Part I/IV of a timelapse series through the always changing landscapes of New Zealand. Shot over 4 month, tra...
Beneath the Stars With You (4K/parallax)
Created by Renekris
Parallax view of the night sky. With plenty of other attractive sights. -Renekris...
Bloodborne Hunters Dream UE4
Created by konatahu
Bloodborne fanart of the hunters dream. Created in Unreal engine 4. The author is Simon Barle. (I am not the author of this video) The youtube link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X7Vj-MO77w&ab_channel=SimonBarle...
Burning 4K
Created by Future
Christmas eve
Created by FIKSTER
𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐒 I make a custom wallpaper https://steamproxy.net/id/f1kst3r/ 📑Support the author: 🎵Music: jhove - only you felt the same 🎇You can follow me 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄: ❛ 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 ❛ 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐓 ❛ 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐄 ❛ 𝐕𝐊 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐏 https://i.imgur.com/MLLtmSG.gif I am not the...
Cozy Coffee Shop 1440p
Created by 꾸웅
Cozy Coffee Shop 1440p...
Cozy Coffee Shop Heavy Rain on Window 1440p
Created by 꾸웅
Cozy Coffee Shop Heavy Rain on Window 1440p...
Cyberpunk 2077 Lucy Night City View
Created by CaffeinatedWC
Cyberpunk Edgerunners Lucy's view in Night City....
Cyberpunk City At Night
Created by Acneman
Cyberpunk inspired menu screen for an upcoming multiplayer sports game we're currerntly working on Game: Super Buckyball Tournament Steam Page: https://steamproxy.net/steamstore/app/1059110 Captured in 4K Hope you enjoy! 来自3v3球类竞技游戏《超级巴基球》的4K赛博朋克场景,现已上线壁纸引擎! ...
Dark forest
Created by SpookyName GODSENT
a random medieval forest...
DARK SOULS III - Firekeeper [1920x1080] [BGM]
Created by Bloodey
DARK SOULS III - Firekeeper for dark souls fans. Song was taken from the Firelink Shrine Theme. Sorry for the horrendous quality of the GIF Thumbnail. I don't know how to make a good GIF below 2 MB. I promise you that the wallpaper quality is way above the...
Dark Winter Path
Created by Noxic
A beautiful scene showing a path covered in snow, winding into darkness in the midst of winter. Photo: https://www.wallpaperbetter.com/en/hd-wallpaper-niioj YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW_ohPrnx0p2FRMWXQHs3Ig...
Days Gone Forest Mountains Rain Night - 4k 60fps
Created by Pioneer898
Days Gone - Simple loop of the beautiful forest and mountains at dusk...
Edge of Oblivion.
Created by Dragzon
Original Image: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/64080523 Music Used: Jordy Chandra Feat. Jay-Lounge - Puddles hoogway - soulful eyes                      https://i.imgur.com/5EFfZ8A.gif...
DNF - Mistress Second Awakening (BGM - Leshphon)
Created by Wesker
DNF - Mistress Second Awakening (BGM - Leshphon) Dungeon&Fighter(game) 던전앤파이터 미스트리스 2차 각성 pv 중 리디머 부분만 편집했습니다...
Elden Ring
Created by israiamloko
Elementalist Lux - Splash Animation
Created by 糖醋袜子
Elementalist Lux - Splash Animation Scheme color #f2d692 Download the music...
Evangelion 3.0+1.0 - Asuka [4K]
Created by Blvk_Knxght
Thank you for subscribing to my wallpaper, rates are appreciated. Check out my approve wallpapers here.​​​​​​​​​​ Feel free to follow me here.​​​​​​​​​​ Artist : コシク (Pixiv.​​​​​​​​​​ ) Artwork Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/89092853 Music: One ...
Fantasy / Woman
Created by 🌸Mrs.Venus🌸
yue yue <3...
Elden Ring Animated Background 4K
Created by IBVoid
Elden Ring is Beatiful....
Fantasy Liyue - Genshin Impact/幻想璃月空港-原神
Created by bai22331
Source:https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/87845377 Artist:Cupoi/吃咖喱的poi BGM:璃月港...
Created by Bewie
--------------------------------- 💡 Inspiration 🎵 Music --------------------------------- Tags --------------------------------- - Nature - Snow - Japan - China - Winter - Night - Galaxy - Sky - Stars - Girl - Village - Umbrella - Anime -------------------...
Created by Halcyonの玲莺
背景会根据当前日期改变四季,每天日出日落场景会随之转换。 壁纸基于WallpaperEngine-WebTemplate制作 https://github.com/HalcyonAlcedo/WallpaperEngine-WebTemplate ...
Created by Bliss.
Floating In Space - No Astronaut Version - by Visualdon (4K)
Created by visualdon
A lot of you asked for it so here it is, my Floating In Space wallpaper, but without the astronaut. Its also half the speed of the original so it should look smoother. And it's 4K so it should work better across ultra-wide or multiple screens. If you like ...
Fujiwara Haru 20230916
Created by Fujiwara Haru
Vertical resolution 2160x3840 No music version. ===================================== Preview on https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MfK9kiDErpw...
Ganyu / 甘雨
Created by Narthe
gargantua 卡冈图雅黑洞 加上BGM并减小视频大小
Created by Cilantrooo
Gargantua with BGM(First step - Hans Zimmer) 根据之前的留言新传了一个大小更小并且附带BGM的版本。 BGM选用OST中的First step 为了在保证清晰度的情况下减小视频文件大小,把循环时间从5分钟缩短到2分钟同时匹配BGM长度 有需要的可以下载,没有啥大问题的话就不改了 不喜欢BGM的话可以在软件中关闭声音或者下载之前的无BGM版 个人更推荐之前那个没有BGM的版本 之后有时间会做更多宇宙题材的动态壁纸,等我把space engine玩溜了_(:зゝ∠)_...
Created by Gridim
Video Quality : 2K...
Created by Bewie
--------------------------------- 🎨 Art Source --------------------------------- Tags --------------------------------- - Audio Responsive - Audio Visualizer - Girl - Art - Anime - Autumn - Fall - Leaves - Forest ---------------------------------...
Hinoa & Minoto - Monster Hunter: Rise
Created by Max
🎨 Artist: A one 🎵 Music: The Allmother - Instrumental ...
Ice Princess (WLOP)
Created by Kira Nightly
Ghost Blade girls warrior elf sword the armor music nervous testpilot-Deeper https://www.artstation.com/wlop !! friends, subscribe to this work : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2862513197...
Immortality | Made in Abyss
The cost of ending Mittys immortality. From the anime "Made in Abyss" If you feel inclined to help continue production of more wallpapers such as this, i have a patreon avaliable https://www.patreon.com/Rareden Time lapse of creation link : https://www.you...
Hogwarts Legacy: Intro
Created by BaturaET
Então… Espero que todos tenham a oportunidade de jogar e mergulhar nesse novo mundo magico. Muito ansioso em finalmente poder explorar novamente Hogwarts, depois dos clássicos jogos do Harry Potter! _________________________________________________________...
Into The Woods
Created by Waffle Ranger💯
Water movement. Rain. Fog over the water. Rain drops on the water. UPDATE: I added the ability to turn the fog on/off, takes about 30 seconds for it to completely go away Twitter: twitter.com/waffleranger Instagram: instagram.com/waffle.ranger Twitch: twit...
just fly
Created by 大污师!
原画地址:https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/65271057 作者 PIXIV : 织布机loom /weibo@LEaveIt_ B站频道"大污师DWS" https://space.bilibili.com/59514408 转载须标明出处及原画信息 大家好,我是大污师,首先感谢大家这几年的支持和厚爱,我有些话想说一下,也许你们注意到了,近些日子我的壁纸产量放缓了,我的收入并不高,还在使用五年前的电脑进行创作。 制作壁纸几乎占据了我所有的业余时间,有时还需要熬夜,最近我的第二...
Kivotos Midnight Harbour - Blue Archive | ブルーアーカイブ
Created by 夜光琥珀
Angel's 24 convenience store at midnight with 2 min loop. 4K resolution is supported now, if hardware usage is too high, you can rollback to previous version. BGM - Sugar Story by Nor...
Let it Snow [3840x2160]
Created by witolszewski
3840x2160@30fps Original content. An extraordinary, nostalgic journey to a place where everything seems impler, easier, further from everyday problems. A place your parents took you when you were little, or a place you miss even though you've never been th...
Lo-fi City by VISUALDON
Created by visualdon
A slow moving, calm & relaxing 12 hour, loop of a Lo-fi cityscape scene. Enjoy! Longer 12 hour version on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuxI8e5zk5o&ab_channel=VISUALDON...
Lich King w/ WoW soundtrack
Created by TwoChins
Remake of a popular Lich King background, with music from the in-game WOTLK soundtrack. Was made personally for myself, but leaving it open for all to download. I don't update this, and probably never will....
Created by 朝忆z
原画师:NIXEU 动态作者b站id:朝忆z 主页链接:https://space.bilibili.com/29814100 转载请注明出处,盗图必究...
Mafia Definitive Edition Menu 4K (Audio Responsive)
Created by STRmods
A wallpaper based on the main menu of Mafia Definitive Edition that with a fair amount of work I have added audio reactive lighting to and rain effects for the view out of the window and of course cigar smoke. (3840 x 2160) Ability to use the original menu...
Mass Effect 3 Menu loop 1080p(With Mass Effect Main Theme)
Created by Vibin Horse
Got the idea when I was sleeping yesterday, since the other video wallpapers doesnt have music and they were not 1080p. However, I was a bit late to the scene though, there is a Chinese guy who made a 1080p with the Mass Effect 3 Main Menu Theme(Here's the...
Miku-可自定义-雪花散落的冬季 v1.31
Created by Agni_Shine
pixiv id = 7210261 凑热闹做了一个壁纸~ 下雪天中的miku酱,添加了符合背景的雪花飘落效果Ծ‸ Ծ canvas部分的代码是偷懒扒下来的 ( 侵删OAO v0.2:删除了鼠标的跟踪,因为来回切换会很诡异orz v1.0:增加了自定义选项 ——雪花数量 ——雪花降落速度 v1.01:忘记去掉调试用的点击效果,移除了 v1.1:增加了自定义选项 ——自定义壁纸(2k4k屏幕的姥爷可以自己设定壁纸了QAQ) ——还原默认壁纸(如果默认就是选中状态双击一下就会还原了 v1.2:增加了自定义选项 ...
Moon Shower
Created by xenthorg
Artwork Source & Artist https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/82028519 User Choice: 2 Color Variants Update 1 - Added clock option Tags: moon | meteors | shooting stars | angle | water | sky | moon | stars...
Created by justiceのZ
Mount Fuji 富士山
Created by Bewie
--------------------------------- Tags --------------------------------- - Japan - Mount Fuji - Volcano - Mountain - Snow - Village - Dusk/Dawn - Clock ---------------------------------...
Nature | the old bridge
Created by Xina
2D Scene For those who like nature and want a simple nice looking atmosphere as a wallpaper. I did the animation. The picture itself is published on: https://illustrators.ru/illustrations/831680?slider_order=position by ArseniXC ...
Mitsuri Kanroji Ai 4K Ultra +18
Created by Λ V Ξ I R O
Design : ΛVΞIRO...
Nezuko Kamado
Created by Bewie
--------------------------------- 🎨 Artwork by NIXEU --------------------------------- Tags --------------------------------- - Tanjiro - Nezuko - Anime - Audio Visualizer - Music - Landscape - Demon Slayer --------------------------------- ...
Namakxin / Yor Forger 4K
Created by Λ V Ξ I R O
Artist : Namakxin Design : ΛVΞIRO...
night snowfall in the old town 4k
Created by nata_chan
snow falling at the old european town at night, mountains in the background, river, lights...
Created by F2AAAAAA
Night Hogwarts
Created by KostyaAshton
Night Hogwarts...
Night City - Midnight Ads [4K, sounds, music]
Created by Lee
Fully animated screenshot of an upcoming action RPG-game Cyberpunk 2077 from CD Projekt Red. Included: street ambient sounds and exclusive short preview of Marcin Przybyłowicz's audio track as music ambience. You can change volume for yourself for each sep...
Created by 🌸Mrs.Venus🌸
Ocean And Full Moon Ambience by VISUALDON
Created by visualdon
A calming, tranquil 12-hour ambient ocean and full moon loop, 4K 60fps, enjoy! Collab with my buddy @illustake - https://instagram.com/illusktate...
Ocean Painting
Created by p o d
Another pretty room to add to the pile :D Feeling pretty eh about this one but its better then sitting on my hardrive collecting dust so Enjoy!! ooo also the sound was from "Wind, Realistic, A.wav" by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org (ive been...
OverWatch Hanamura 1080P 60FPS
Created by Wonny
OverWatch Hanamura 1080P 60FPS...
Perfect Wallpaper-完美壁纸【落樱粒子+多风格动态音频响应+自定义+幻灯片+视频壁纸】-steam独此一家
Created by 来杀我呀~
2022/10/23 问题修复:之前的免费天气接口挂了,已找到替换接口,已修复 2022/03/26 小幅更新:樱花增加背景亮度和花瓣数量参数,樱花背景导致的白色背景过亮问题,可以调低背景亮度解决 2022/03/21 小幅更新:优化樱花模块,可以关闭樱花的白色背景和色彩,还增加了樱花反向运动参数,新版完美壁纸已经在开发中了,大家敬请期待 用不明白的小白,音频圈没反应的壁纸用着有问题的,欢迎加群552188051、673748076、1036775823、776830214 或我QQ394011315,也可...
Raiden Shogun [4K]
Created by 越小祈
Keys:Raiden Ei,Raiden Shogun,Genshin Impact 关键词:雷电将军,雷晶蝶,时间,音频响应。 字体:汉仪文黑-85W...
Created by Bewie
--------------------------------- 🎵 Music source 📷 Photo source --------------------------------- Tags --------------------------------- - Tree - Flower - Animals - Landscape - Relaxing - Music - Simple - Sakura - Japanese - Forest - Tree - Snow - Cherry B...
RDR2 | River + Snow | Minimalistic Landscape | 4K Loop
Created by slow
This wallpaper features a loop from the game Red Dead Redemption 2 of a deer by the river, captured in the snowy mountains....
Realistic Interstellar Black Hole 4K
Created by 7man
Features: -Realistically Animated Accertion Disk -Rotating Spaceship -Distant Stars -Distant Supernova Explosion -Distant Galaxies -Distant Black Hole -Spaceship Debree -Planet Haze -Planet Matter being pulled into Black hole Music: -Pink Floyd - Echoes Ru...
Rem by Rui Li 【Re:Zero】in 4K
Created by HISTA
⋆ Check my all approved wallpapers here! ⋆ and make your desktop even better! Please make sure to follow artist below for more amazing works! https://i.imgur.com/pcaXcB2.png Support author: https://www.artstation.com/melodyoflosthttps://www.deviantart.c...
Created by eeroy
4k Last wallpaper was kinda moody lol. Something brighter for once. Hope u guys enjoy!! Music:John Lucas- I'ts a Wonderful Life...
Created by Dero_BiopsyhoZ
Rivendell - The Lord of the Rings [4K]
Created by General Iroh
https://i.imgur.com/BoFZdCR.png 🎥 Resolution: 3840x2160 and lower 🎧 Music: Howard Shore: - Evenstar - The Council of Elrond - The Leave Taking - Twilight and Shadow - Many Meetings 🏆 Artist who made this masterpiece Sara Lazzeroni https://www.artstation.co...
Sanctuary under the sea
Created by Max
🎨Artist: Alejandro Burdisio 🎵Music: Waves - Mattia Cupelli...
Sergey Vasnev - Northern Landscape
Created by Bruhsty
Make sure to check out original content creators, without their works these wallpapers wouldn't be possible. Original artwork: Northern Landscape by Sergey Vasnev....
Created by 大污师!
新年快乐!Happy New Year! 这是我给你们的新年礼物 B站频道:https://space.bilibili.com/59514408 原画来自画师guweiz 画师推特 https://twitter.com/ttguweiz 转载标明出处及原画,勿作商用 大家好,我是大污师,首先感谢大家这几年的支持和厚爱,我有些话想说一下,也许你们注意到了,近些日子我的壁纸产量放缓了,我的收入并不高,还在使用五年前的电脑进行创作。 制作壁纸几乎占据了我所有的业余时间,有时还需要熬夜,最近我的第二个宝宝降生了...
Snowed In (4k)
Created by Mudman
A horse braces against the cold outside a mountain cabin, as seen in the game Red Dead Redemption II. 1920x1080 version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1913864061...
Sci-fi Water Station by VISUALDON - 4K 60fps
Created by visualdon
A futuristic sci-fi scene, somewhat inspired by the Blade Runner & Cyberpunk styles. Collab with my buddy @illuskate - https://instagram.com/illuskate Enjoy!...
Snowy Plains
Created by Bewie
--------------------------------- Tags --------------------------------- - Nature - Snow - Winter - Forest - Blizzard - Day Night - Cycle ---------------------------------...
Created by Max
🎨Artist: OrangEsw 🎵Music: The End of the World (Piano) - Skeeter Davis ...
Created by Boris
Wanted to edit this image for a while, finally did it. As always, image does not belong to me. Suggest same music to put into the work ( I couldn't find anything suitable )...
Space Engine Galaxy 2 [4K]
Created by FlyingPOTATO
Resolution: 3840x2160 Framerate: 60 fps...
Space Storm
Created by Max
🎨Artist: Hypnoshot 🎵Music: Look To The Stars - Luke Richards ...
Created by 飞龙探云手
StarCitizen-area18 1080P 60fps...
Snowy winter night
Created by witolszewski
Original content. Nostalgic, snowy winter suburb animated diorama wallpaper. Seamless perfect loop. 3840x2160 4K@30fps More games-related, fan art, and other wallpapers are on the way. Please check www.witolszewski.com to learn more about my recent artwork...
Created by 大污师!
Sunset [4K]
Created by S3BR4
Animated wallpaper based on a photo by Johannes Plenio https://www.pexels.com/de-de/@jplenio...
StrikeFreedomGundam UE5
Created by 贱贱0079
Created by HEgre
视频来源于ANTONIO CLEMENS.COM,我非常喜欢这个视频,所以分享到创意工坊上供喜爱此类艺术的人们欣赏,如有侵权,请联系我删除,感谢支持。 (内容含裸露元素,请注意使用场合! /The content contains exposed elements, Please attention to the use occasions!) Video from ANTONIO CLEMENS.COM, I share her based on the principle of love, if inf...
The Journey of Elaina
Created by NPE
ɪᴍᴀɢᴇ sᴏᴜʀᴄᴇ: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=5838770 ᴘᴀɪɴᴛᴇʀ: あずーる ᴘᴀɪɴᴛᴇʀ's ᴛᴡɪᴛᴛᴇʀ : https://twitter.com/azure_0608_sub ʙᴀᴄᴋɢʀᴏᴜɴᴅ: https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=984331...
The Lord of the Rings
Created by Honnoror
Music: BO Le Seigneur Des Anneaux La Communauté de lAnneau - La Dissolution de la Communauté...
The Cave
Created by Waffle Ranger💯
Minimal and chill. Lake moves, petals fall from tree, water on the rock flows, dust motes in the air, sunshine through the top, moving sunshine reflection on the water and tree. Twitter: twitter.com/waffleranger Twitch: twitch.tv/waffleranger Youtube: yout...
The Witcher Artwork [4K]
Created by Alex20434
🪛Customizations🔧 Lens Flare On/Off Leaves On/Off 🎨 Original Artwork: https://www.uhdpaper.com/2020/09/geralt-witcher-minimalist-4k-62513.html 🎵Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF6CCZ5csck My Wallpaper Collection: Workshop Previews: YouTube ...
TouHou project Onozuka Komachi (dynamic picture)
Created by cz
Character:TouHou project Onozuka Komachi Picture: take from PIXIV (if your rights are violated, tell me. And i will delete it immediately) BGM:Forest306 - 在りし春を忆う TOOL:AE C4D PR PS...
Unused Subway Station
Created by Forever
The subway station where people used to come and go is no longer in use. Because it's classified as a danger zone. Since dangerous creatures that are deadly to humans began to appear, the areas in which people could operate were extremely limited. Game by ...
wind v3
Created by Kira Nightly
music ^Disciples III Renaissance - Empire ambient; daniel-sadowski-morning-elvesy ; Peter Gundry - Nordic Music - Lady of the Daw...
Viking Village
Created by MrBandaj
Image from Vikings War of Clans...
Warm And Cozy Winter NYC Ambience At Night | Christmas | Happy New Year | Ambient Renders
Created by SW★Shockwave
Author of render: AmbientRenders I found this video on the Internet, but I didn't find a wallpaper with it in WE. So let it be now. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to everyone. === Нашёл данное видео на просторах интернета, но не нашёл обоев с ним в WE....
Windmills by Visualdon (Loop)
Created by visualdon
Another retro/anime inspired car loop, enjoy! 12 hour 4k version on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z90rTdVoomY&ab_channel=VISUALDON...
Created by Alyxhalflife
WLOP - Nap
Created by Kim
https://i.imgur.com/Xwr3g1R.png Author: WLOP - https://www.artstation.com/wlop Coser: 小圣AnX Photo: Kang ...
World of Warcraft - Horde
Created by .Dedulya
Background animation of Horde from World of Warcraft Disclaimer: I didn't make the original video. Creator: http://pikabu.ru/story/animirovannyie_oboi_dlya_rabochego_stola_orda_wow_4385408...
[明日方舟/Arknights] Animated Wallpaper - Fireworks Amiya Doctor
Created by Bonzomi
This time I'm making an animated wallpaper based on Dishwasher1910's illustration. Tried pushing things further. Original Illustration by Dishwasher1910: https://web.facebook.com/Dishwasher1910 https://www.artstation.com/dishwasher1910 Animation by Bonzomi...
Created by lxuu
我永远喜欢星极小姐姐 原作品网址:https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/77329543 如有侵权请联系我删除...
[1080p] Xenoblade Chronicles
Created by Kiba
NEW REMASTERED VERSION MADE BY PYRUS OF IMPETUS (Scene): https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1684993444 1080p title screen loop wallpaper of Xenoblade Chronicles with original soundtrack best quality audio. YouTube video with the downloa...
[4K 60FPS] Kimi no Na wa (Your Name) Live Wallpaper v2.5.3
Created by Naanmana
Kimi no Na wa (Your Name) Live Wallpaper v2.5.3 in glorious 4K 60FPS (no music) Features: - Animated sky and comet particles - Subtly moving clouds - Obligatory lens flares - Music (*moved to a separate wallpaper here: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles...
[4K]艾尔登法环 动态壁纸/Eldenring Wallpaper
Created by Remedios
自制艾尔登法环壁纸 Fan made eldenring wallpaper...
[Hikari]starry sky - Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Created by bai22331
Source/来源:https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/91065294 Artist/画师:Roy Music/背景音乐:CMJ - 萤火之森 ====================================== Tags/标签:Xenoblade2,Xenoblade2,XenobladeChronicles2, Hikari,Mythra,异度之刃2,异度神剑2,光,ヒカリ(ゼノブレイド2)...
[Music Dialogue] 新島 真 Makoto Niijima from Persona 5 [4k HDR] by Becco38
Support me I finally managed to Implement this widget without rainmeter or other programs running on background. Works really well with Spotify and Youtube videos. This wallpaper was not possible without the Original Artwork by ASK on Pixiv and the Music a...
[4K] Blade Runner City
Created by sini
ブレードランナー Do you like this wallpaper? Feel free to show your appreciation by going to my profile and awarding it. Thank you! ATTENTION: I was given full permission to post this file with the original authors consent. This was created by a redditor named Jak...