アイテム (17)
Braking Distance Display
作成者 Sineme
Displays the current braking distance below the velocity bar. 1.0 Release 1.1 Added Icons and Sound when on a collision course with an object Yellow: the object is within twice the braking distance, slowing down or adjusting course recommended Red: the obj...
Fleet Ship Status UI
作成者 zaigan
This mod allows you to select ships and stations to see their status in real time. Use the settings menu (hold shift -> click 'FSS' button in top right) to select ships/stations whose HP/shields you want to see at all times and click 'enable'. You can also...
Resource Display
作成者 Rinart73
Avorion: 0.29 - 2.0 Always displays player resources and cargo hold capacity in the top left corner of a screen. This is a client-side mod. If you install it on server, all players will automatically download it. NOTE: This mod will be updated to the stabl...
Galaxy Map QoL
作成者 Rinart73
Avorion: 0.31 - 2.0 Improves Galaxy Map UI to provide more info. Allows to mark sectors with icons. This is a client-side mod. You can install it on server for more features and to make all players automatically download it. NOTE: This mod will be updated ...
Auto Research (2.4.+)
作成者 Izen
fixed version of 1731575231 Automatically researches specified upgrades from lowest to highest. Will not research favorited items....
Mercenary Hiring Terminal Subsystem
作成者 Macawesome75
Quick Description Adds one new Subsystem that hires a NPC Mercenary from a nearby friendly faction that will fight pirates and other hostiles in the sector for 15 minutes. Mercenary Hiring Terminal The factions have multitudes of spare arms and armor for h...
Industrial mining bomb / 工业开采炸弹
作成者 丢雷楼某
En:This is a mining equipment that can launch rockets.well You can mine over long distances.But it can only excavate raw ore Unable to smelt Zh:这是一种工业开采炸弹mod,添加了一种新的作业炮塔,你可以从远距离上发射智能开采炸药进行远程作业,但是需要注意它只能开采粗矿无法精炼 2023/5/1 Lowered the price 2023/4/26 Optimize...
作成者 丢雷楼某
zh: 半自动和全自动霰弹枪模组 该mod可被定制炮台mod识别 en: Semi-automatic and fully automatic shotgun modules This mod can be recognized by customturretbuilder5 mod 2023/4/28 Data optimization 2023/4/26 Modified damage type fragment ---> physics ...
vertical launching system/垂发导弹井模组
作成者 丢雷楼某
vertical launching system 垂发导弹井模组 zh:你可以在能刷到粗矿枪的地方刷到它,因为它集成度高,拥有更小的占位和大小,但也因此更贵。 但是值得庆幸的是它全部为制导射击,并拥有更远的距离。此外它还拥有 电力伤害、等离子伤害、反物质伤害 注释:如果处于射程内却无法击中目标,那是因为导弹的上升段消耗了他的最大射程,你可以尝试让导弹正对目标 en:You can brush it where you can reach the coarse ore gun because it has ...
混穿能量高斯炮/PierceEnergy Gauss Cannon
作成者 丢雷楼某
zh: 慢射速,高精度,高爆发,狙击炮 同时对护盾和船体造成高额伤害 并造成10%---20%的能量贯穿 贯穿能量会对船体造成穿透,并以被穿透部件为中心造成约20%范围衰减伤害 注释:感谢Jeff的技术帮助,如果没有他的帮助这个mod很可能会夭折 en: Slow firing rate, high accuracy, high explosive, sniper cannon Cause high damage to both the shield and the hull at the same tim...
EAPFSDScannon / 电热脱壳穿甲舰炮
作成者 丢雷楼某
EAPFSDScannon / 电热脱壳穿甲舰炮 zh: 这是一种可以连续射击的中口径舰炮,可以持续提供火力输出,从较远的距离上进行密集的火力投射,当然缺点是炮塔转速较慢。 我将它定位为游戏前期,前中期 一种快速火力输出武器。比动能炮射程更远,并且弥补前期没有爆发武器的空缺。 如何高效的使用该武器?: 它可以十分有效的对敌人技术类部件产生翻倍伤害,即使有船体或石头包裹,穿深属性依然可以攻击到飞船内部。所以在前期敌我没有护盾的前提下,这是一个非常具有优势和威胁性的武器 en: This is a medium...
Phase photon cannon / 相位光子炮mod
作成者 丢雷楼某
Phase photon cannon / 相位光子炮mod  zh:   相位光子炮常被DENEB运用于中程中远程作战。其搭载的重力效应场使其发射的等离子团轨道变的可控,稀有度越高的相位光子炮,其弹道修正越加明显。拥有非常优秀的炮盾效果。该武器拥有两种子型号,一种为多连发短点射,满能量拥有极高的爆发效果。另一种为持续输出型号,75--85发每分钟的射速,可以进行长时间的射击  en:   Phase photon guns are often used by DENEB in medium to long...
Capital class weapons
作成者 crazyscientist
This mods ads 4 classes of capital ship turrets. Turret size is 6 with 9 slots. All of them have slow turret traverse and slow rate of fire, but they deal massive damage to far targets. They have small change to be coaxial Spawn area is inside xanion =====...
Arsenal Extension - Mass Driver
作成者 KnifeHeart
A long-range, high-damage, low fire rate turret with a massive projectile velocity. Excellent burst damage, but low sustained DPS. A love letter for the sniper in all of us. === A bit hard to see but the ship in the thumbnail is Bear's Gunship found here: ...
Jump Bomb Launcher mod by Panthaquest
作成者 Panthaquest
Adds a new weapon designed to fight superheavy ships or stations. With a slow fire rate and enormous damage it is a potent anti-station weapon. The Jump Bomb Launcher uses small one-shot jump drive to drop huge explosive charges on enemy ships. While poten...
Star Trek Weapons Pack | 24th Century Federation Edition | Beta v1.0.2 | [v2.5.*]
作成者 Kxawzìtan
https://i.imgur.com/CDPBup7.png https://i.imgur.com/KNzmmmW.png This pack is a standalone pack for Star Trek weapons that has been implemented into the game! As time passes, there shall be other separate packs, for you to choose what weapons you want, with...