Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Better Report Screen (UI)
Criado por infixo
New v7.0 as of 23.05 - Major technial redesign and several new features, improvements and fixes. Detailed information on the Change Notes tab. More information in the Report Screen. New tabs: units, deals, policies, minors. Compatibility Works with the bas...
Criado por 悸动战士
原型来自影之诗 神巴已死,哦,szb也快死了 以控制人口为特性的文明 造物和共鸣有什么关系 丝碧涅 神秘守门人 进入共鸣状态时,获得可生产的最强抗骑兵单位。 璐契儿 遗物守门人 进入共鸣状态时,从城市中每个遗物获得20科技值和40金币。进行首个“典范转移”项目加速80%。 天空城 神伟的遗物 城市人口数增加为偶数时,进入共鸣状态。进入共鸣状态时,获得80生产力。可在拥有天空城区域的任意城市中开展“典范转移”项目。拥有军事能力的专属特色总督。 天空城 天空城特色区域,替代“军营”。于“国家劳动力”解锁。只能建...
Arknights Iberia
Criado por Ophidy
↑If you like this mod, please throw a 'like' which is important to me Need DLC: Gathering Storm, Rise and Fall This mod add a new civilization, the Iberian Kingdom, to the game, along with her three leaders, Carmen, Irene, and Lumen. The images and music m...
Neuro-Sama and It's Swarm Empire
Criado por Pumpkin
Add a new civilization: Swarm Empire and it's leader: Neuro-sama / Vedal for the game. Civilization: Swarm Empire Unique Ability: Swarm Net All your cities gain +2% Sciences and Cultures, +1% Productions and Foods, +3% Faiths and Golds from each city you h...
Song of Saya
Criado por 悸动战士
A civilization and leader based on Saya, using materials that don't include anything too scary. All those who constantly give me negative reviews can be fed to Saya.() Saya Song of Saya Allows the execution of the 'Grip of Fear' project in any city with a ...
Extended Policy Cards
Quick Deals - View All Great Works
Criado por jboss
This mod extends the original Quick Deals mod by allowing you to view all great works at once when purchasing from the AIs. It appears as a subcategory after all the other great works categories. No more searching through each individual category! From my ...
Criado por Kotomi
Feel my electricity, I'll use my arts for all to see Goldenglow, Rhodes Island Logistics Operator. Primary place of work is the Rhodes Island hair salon; under typical circumstances, is not dispatched in Field Operator capacity. Uses a specially designed s...
明日方舟 由风笛领导的维多利亚文明
Criado por 阿政
添加了一个文明:维多利亚,以及领袖:风笛 推荐开启:资源丰富 —— 支持语言 —— 中文(简体) —— 介绍 —— 文明:维多利亚 文明能力:日不落霸权 占领城市不会减少人口,拥有的非维多利亚城市+1宜居、+35%金币、+5%科技值,从国内贸易路线获得+5金币。拥有的每座原始首都为维多利亚每回合提供+3外交支持 领袖:风笛 领袖能力:军事传统 所有军事单位初始及每次晋升后额外获得8点XP。军事单位击杀敌人可以获得敌人基础战斗力100%的金币,被击杀后返还相当于基础生产力100%的金币。皇家近卫学校可以从相邻...
Azur Lane-Iris the Liberty Civilization
Criado por HSbF6HSO3F
Added a civilization based on the Iris the Liberty in the game work "Azur Lane" - the Iris the Liberty civilization, which has firm people and faith. There are currently four leaders of the civilization: Jeanne d'Arc, Le Terrible, Saint Louis and Richelieu...
Replace Advisor with TB
Criado por HSbF6HSO3F
A simple mod that replaces the in-game advisor avatar with an artificial intelligence NPC character from the work Azur Lane, Navigator-TB....
Azur Lane-Royal Navy Civilization
Criado por HSbF6HSO3F
Most of the English text of this mod is machine translation, and errors cannot be avoided. If there is any error, please correct it. Added a civilization based on the Royal Navy in the game work "Azur Lane" - the Royal Navy civilization. There are currentl...
Quick Deals - View All Stratregic Resources
Criado por jboss
This mod extends the original Quick Deals mod by allowing you to sell all of your strategic resources at once to the AIs. It appears as a subcategory after all the other strategic resource categories. No more searching through each individual category! Spe...
Criado por 336tarot
A button has been added to the notification panel, which can be clicked to clear notifications other than transaction notifications....
Quick Deals
Criado por wltk Introduction Are you tired of asking each AI's price for your items to see who pays the most? This mod provides you an interface to see all AI's offers for the items you want to trade, in sorted order. Now you only need to c...
Flexible Employment
Criado por 520憨批猪
All unit will work on District at the same plot.Get a Citizen Yield change.If in City Center,Get 1 food....
玛纳利亚文明 古蕾雅
Criado por 悸动战士
在之前的基础上增加了古蕾雅作为领袖,同时附加欧文作为英雄单位 另外有问题或者想做mod,欢迎加入特蕾普mod群 519747236( 古蕾雅 龙之心 拥有火山的城市为新城市+1初始人口 玛纳利亚骑士·欧文 玛纳利亚魔法学院独特单位,初始便习得玛纳利亚魔弹和玛纳利亚防御阵 火龙火山 解锁建造者建造古蕾雅特色改良火龙火山的能力。+1文化和2金币。不会被自然灾害掠夺。研究“城堡”后,每个相邻的火龙火山+1文化和2金币。研究完“飞行”后,可从文化获得旅游业绩。只能建在火山土和地热裂缝上。 ...
鏇村ソ鐨勮嵎鍏板拰鍔犳嬁澶ч箙锛圔etter Netherlands And Canada Goose锛?
Criado por Doubility
鐢ㄤ笉浜嗙殑鍏虫帀鏍╂牘濡傜敓鐨勯琚? 鐢ㄤ笉浜嗙殑鍏虫帀鏍╂牘濡傜敓鐨勯琚? 鐢ㄤ笉浜嗙殑鍏虫帀鏍╂牘濡傜敓鐨勯琚? 鐢ㄤ笉浜嗙殑鍏虫帀鏍╂牘濡傜敓鐨勯琚? 鐢ㄤ笉浜嗙殑鍏虫帀鏍╂牘濡傜敓鐨勯琚? 鐢ㄤ笉浜嗙殑鍏虫帀鏍╂牘濡傜敓鐨勯琚? 鐢ㄤ笉浜嗙殑鍏虫帀鏍╂牘濡傜敓鐨勯琚? 鐢ㄤ笉浜嗙殑鍏虫帀鏍╂牘濡傜敓鐨勯琚? 澶氬姞浜嗚惃鎷変竵鍜屽姫姣斾簹
Start With Pantheon
Criado por Lonely
Gain pantheon and pantheon belief when capital is founded. Only human players would take effect. You can ignore it by clicking the cross, it would show again after several turns. Thanks : Every one of the QQ discussion 711403691, Production team of GA and ...
Sekka Of Shadowverse
Criado por
Sekka,What is suitable for One City Challenge(occ),My first Mod.I apologize for any inconvenience caused. About SEKKA,One City Challenge recommends that you have a good experience in HD(harmony in diversity MOD)or GA(golden Age MOD) environment (you can pu...
玛纳利亚文明与结社 安
Criado por 悸动战士
主要概念来自szb,附加了一个结社,文明能力也是和结社关联的,所以开启结社才能发挥最大实力,不过不想开或者没有结社也能玩 另外有问题或者想做mod,欢迎加入特蕾普mod群 519747236( 古蕾雅已更新 玛纳利亚 魔法起源 游戏初始便解锁“写作”科技。从每个玛纳利亚图书馆+1%科技值和1影响力。在游戏中加入玛纳利亚魔法学院结社,结社成员会给玛纳利亚带来各种加成。 安 玛纳利亚...
Pen’s Record Era Score
Criado por Pen
↑If you like this mod, please throws a "like", and I will have more power to update. Are you upset that the Era Scores is overflowing? Are you mad that you can't get to the Era you want? Are you dizzy from struggling to control Era Scores And now it's here...
Criado por A原翼
This mod provides the player with a new governor, the spy Ennis The governor production considered the issue of balance, strength design is as close to the original as possible. Of course, the mod also has a tendency to be fun. Complete the project provide...
[GS]明日方舟:玛嘉烈•临光Arknights: Margaret Nearl
Criado por All
文明:卡西米尔 文明能力:霓虹与骑士之国 拥有商业中心的城市,解锁“银行业”科技后所有单元格+1金币,解锁“经济”科技后额外+1金币。获得一个额外的经济政策槽位。所有城市金币产出加15%。击杀敌人后获得相当于敌人战斗力50%的金币。 特色建筑:监正会 一种特色建筑。需要市政广场。建造费用更低。+5信仰,+5文化。金币和信仰购买陆地军事单位享受折扣(-20%)。获得用信仰值购买陆地单位的能力。掠夺改良设施和区域可提供信仰值加成。奖励1个总督头衔。 特色总督:佐菲娅•临光 基础:教官 此城中生产的所有军事单位若...
Criado por Kotomi
That once burned away is truth, and eternity. Once again, it's the Leithanien civilization led by Eyjafjalla. Although I said, 'Making mods is exhausting, I won't do it anymore,' when the little sheep come again, I couldn't resist and jumped back into maki...
BlueArchive!Shanhaijing led by Kisaki
冲国人炼冲国铜!所以得要有自己的冲国ba领袖mod! 这次是来自BlueArchive的妃咲,包含一个文明 一个领袖 一个特色区域 一个特色单位 (需要 GS 和 RF , 我不确定需不需要其他DLC,但如果出了什么进不了游戏的问题,那应该是需要有。所以有全DLC就更好不过了) 文明: 山海经高级中学 文明能力: 源远流长: 城市中所有包含可通行地貌或与自然奇观相邻的单元格+1 文化值与信仰值。此后,每经过一个时代,额外提供+2 文化值。 领袖: 妃咲 领袖议程: 山海经的黑色君主:喜欢公民幸福快乐的文明,...
Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina
Criado por PhantomJ_M
Gathering Storm is HARD requirement I think this mod currently works only with Windows64. Follow the instructions in Change Logs if you want to roll back to the older version Contains a new Civilization and a new Leader Elaina. Leave a comment below if you...
Enhanced Districts Adjacencies
Criado por 双头南瓜剑
Try to match the vanilla and realistic flavors as much as possible, adding more adjacent bonuses to the district. Most adjacent bonus designs are relatively restrained, with a focus on adding more flavors and choices, allowing players to build districts su...
Original pantheon set by bizark22, English translation, Chinese translation
Criado por only22s
My English skill is not good.This mod adds several new pantheon beliefs. The MOD creator is active on Twitter, Nico Nico Douga, etc. as "bizark22". We will make every effort to improve the bug, but we cannot promise. Please note. ver.2 "Goddess of Lake and...
Genshin Impact: Sumeru Civilization Pack - Nahida, Nilou
Criado por C1sen
Genshin Impact: Sumeru Civilization Pack - Nahida, Nilou ---- Latest Update ---- Major changes to civilization ability and leader abilities. More close to the original. Have fun! ---- How to Play ---- In Genshin Impact, Sumeru is characterized of its acade...
Criado por 千古歌
感谢时代的先驱 感谢提供事件框架的Nea·Baraja --如果对二次元万神不感兴趣,请移步另一个由Nea·Baraja主创的机制mod,  创造万神殿(组合万神)  选择13个基础万神后可以在玩家经过三个时代后选择核心刻印。 救世者的王剑 自己单位+3力,城邦单位+5力,同盟单位+5力 救世者的孤影 自己单位+7力 汝,当受万般戒律 普通刻印的减益提高100%,增益提高100% 汝,当为戒律所佑 普通刻印的减益降低50%,增益降低50% 黄金的咏叹 招募伟人时返还等于消耗点数的金币(或者伟人所需基础点数)...
Hayase Yuuka intelligence officer voice
Criado por Flactine
You need subscribe Red Alert 2 & 3 intelligence officer voice first. Based on "Red Alert 2 & 3 intelligence officer voice", Added Hayase Yuuka's voice for game. You can select intelligence officer of the game in Advanced Setup - Advance Options. Special Th...
Red Alert 2 & 3 intelligence officer voice
Criado por Flactine
Added 6 intelligence officer's voice for game. You can select intelligence officer of the game in Advanced Setup - Advance Options. Special Thanks: Westwood Studios, Electronic Arts...
[YGO] Drytron Meteonis Draconids [remake]
Criado por 影肖GLS_S
A characteristic civilization composed of airplanes. Most texts have been transformed to English. Machine translation, please understand. —————————————————————— Drytron civilization Civilized ability:Bron from draconis Captial+1 Faith. The buildings in the...
[YGO] Tearlaments Kitkallos
Criado por 影肖GLS_S
English is Machine translation. Maybe there are some errors. The Civilization Tearlaments Kitkallos lead. That's right, that's the Tearlaments. Now Tearlaments are starting to rule CivilizationSix! —————————————————————— Tearlaments Civilization Ability: T...
[Gathering Strom]Herrscher of Human Ego:Elysia
Criado por 千古歌
Added the Elysian Realm civilization with Elysia, the Herrscher of Human, as a new leader. Elysia, Herrscher of Human Civilization Ability - Radiant Destiny: Amenity output within the empire is increased by 50%. Buildings in the Entertainment District can ...
Arknights Kjerag Enhancement
Criado por Pen
If you like this mod, please  throws a "like", and I will have more power to update. The following content is from Google Translate. I'm sorry to find that the English text is not working in game, now it's fix. A Enhanced patch for someone need. Detailed c...
Arknights MudRock
Criado por Pen
If you like this mod, please  throws a "like" The following content is from Google Translate Added a civilization: Kazdel, and a leader: MudRock ——Language support—— Chinese, English, Russian ——Introduction—— Civilization: Kazdel Civilization Ability: Bloo...
AuzrLane-Eagle Union
Criado por HSbF6HSO3F
Most of the English text of this mod is machine translation, and errors cannot be avoided. If there is any error, please correct it. Added a civilization based on the Eagle Union in the game work "Azur Lane" - the Eagle Union, which has strong industrial a...
Criado por Hua_Ji_Shooter
可以点个赞吗.jpg 此mod需要风云变幻资料片。 目前只支持简体中文。 新人第一次MOD投稿,可能会遇到未知的BUG,可以在评论区报告,或者在私信B站UP滑稽射手。 新增文明: 结束乐队: 文明产生的旅游业绩的百分之20%将会转化为科技,文化和金币并赋予给首都。建造剧院广场的时间减半。 每获得一名国际游客将会提供+30大音乐家点数。 当遇见除自身以外的第一个主要文明时,获得大音乐家后藤一里的灵感1, 远古时代和古典时代时文明音乐巨作产生的旅游业绩+100%。 特色建筑:音乐博物馆 结束乐队的特色建筑。提供...
10 More Wild Card Slots 10张额外的通用卡槽
Criado por 河口商人Aper
10 more wild card slots,also adds 10 null cards. The first civic code of laws will offer you 10 null cards now,you can use them to fill your policy slots. 觉得5个通用卡槽太少了?50个又太多?试试这个MOD,增加了10个通用卡槽,当你完成第一个市政的时候,会赠送你十张白板卡 特别感谢C.W.的更多政策卡槽MOD Enjoy it....
AzurLane——Vichya Dominion led by Le Marin µ
This time,I bring bring a new leader and civilization——Vichya Dominion Led by Le Malin µ from the Azur Lane In order to thank everyone for their love and favorable support for Gascogne, I worked overtime to produce her. If you like my work, please click a ...
Elysian Realm:Flame Chaser
Criado por 千古歌
English text is added now....
Elysian Realm: Pantheon
Criado por 千古歌
If you like it, please rate it to encourage us to make better. 「Reverie」+13 gold per turn and +13% gold for your cities. 「Vicissitude」units grant more 30% exp from battle ,+1 movement. +50% production for Encampment. 「Stars」plot with 4 appeal and more +...
Full Patheon Effect
Criado por 环己烷
Full Patheon Effect This mod will give the player all Pantheon effects at the start of the game. This mod can adapt to the modified effects of the Pantheon in other mods....
【R-18】《In the Name of Eiko》in Civilization 6 —— Make a Succubus civilization in Civilization 6
【Civilization 6 project maiden work of Himewaka Kawano ——Succubus civilization.】 {Warning: The image material and text description used in this mod are not suitable for users under 18 years old to watch, and as the first work of the author, there may be ma...
[Princess Connect] 4.5 Years Anniversary of Landosol Leader Pack (Ameth, Explorer Maho, Summer Kyoka)
↑ Positive rates can be easily given by simply clicking the thumbs up button. Click it and you can encourage us to do better! Community Awards are also welcome~ You need the Little Lead-rical Leader Pack and either Rise and Fall or Gathering Storm to use t...
[PR] Project Rush: Stirring
Criado por Flactine
It's a Core Mod of Project Rush: Stirring series mods. It not contains any Civilization or Leaders, but it contains the Tables, Luas and Requirements for my mods, which publish after August 18, 2022. Need all official DLCs (except New Frontier Pass & Leade...
Criado por C.W.
在研究法典市政后增加5个通用政策槽位,附带五张白板填位卡。After studying the CIVIC_CODE_OF_LAWS, add 5 general policy slots, with five whiteboard fill cards....
Angela | Library Of Ruina
Criado por Astesia
please note ========================================= 2023/3/18 Added in game English mechanical translation for this mod. ========================================= Only applicable to changes Please note that! The mod strength may be too high!!! The librar...
Criado por IthildinX
Replaced the governor with the spirits from the Date A Live...
Fate/Grand Order Fujimaru Ritsuka's Chaldea
Criado por japhery_cn
Mod Introduction Require Babylon Package!!!(Subsequent consideration of self-built resources to eliminate the need) Languages:English, Simplified Chiniese, Traditional Chinese This mod is in beta stage. If you find any bugs, please let me know and I'll fix...
Enhance all World Wonders by bizark22, English translation, Chinese translation
Criado por only22s
Attention! : To use this mod, you need all the DLC that is sold. My English skill is not good.This mod will enhance all World Wonders. Most World Wonders are enhanced in food and production, and in some cases in science, culture, faith, and gold. "Stonehen...
Is the order a rabbit?
Criado por Jackylove
This a mod of manga Is the order a rabbit.It includes seven new leaders and four new civilizations.This is the first time I try to make a mod of Civilization VI and also the first time I try to translate a mod to English version.My English level is very lo...
Fate/Grand Order Fou
Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou!Fou! Leader & Civilization All traits of Civilization VI. No units, districts, improvements,...
[Animated & Voiced Leader] Murasame from Senren*Banka
Criado por Kevin Liu
This Mod contains fully animated and voiced anime leader Murasame (ムラサメ) from civilization Senren Banka. As the guardian of Hoori, Murasame can protect her people through the power of faith. She maintains the harmony of humans and nature on the common land...
Criado por 小小淡宵
Note: This mod is better at diplomatic victories This mod adds the civilization of Maple Tree, lead by Maple. Maple Tree Has a unique district, three unique buildings, a unique improvement. If there are various problems please contact me, including but not...
Original policy set (Bizark New Policy) (bizark22 works), English translation, Chinese translation
Criado por only22s
My English skill is not good. Add some new policies. Beware of game balance collapse. It is translated into English. The MOD creator is active on Twitter, Nico Nico Douga, etc. as "bizark22". We will make every effort to improve the bug, but we cannot prom...
Auto Apply Science Overflow
Criado por xiaoxiaocat
This mod allows you to complete multiple technologies in the same turn. In the original game, you may only complete one technology in a single turn, even if your science per turn is way more greater than the research cost. With this mod, the overflow scien...
Tech Civic Progress Plus
Criado por D
If you think it's useful, please click LIKE to let more people see it. Features Shows precise tech and civic progress in the tool tip of items on Tech and Civic Tree. (Plus Version added) Show estimated tech and civic progress after boosting (extra boost r...
Better Spectator Mod (BSM)
Better Spectator Mod: v1.2.6 - Tournament Loading Screen Originally built for Civilization esports event (e.g. CWC, ZLAN tournaments), this mod is intended for casters to follow and comment MP games. It is also a good way to simulate AI battle royale in SP...
HUMAN_POWER(PLUS) 人多力量大(聚集效应)
Criado por 天阳的搅拌机
再次更新。 每个市民能够提供1生产力,1食物,1金币,0.5科技值,0.5文化值和0.5信仰值。 当城市市民达到5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50时,城市的所有产出提升5%,10%,15%,20%,25%,30%,35%,40%,45%,50%。 当城市市民达到10,20,30,40,50人口时,城市人口增长速度分别提升10%,20%,30%,40%,50%。 每个城市每五位市民提供1点宜居度(上限10点)。 仅对玩家有效,AI无效。 仅有固定产出没有各种百分比加成的模组在这里:htt...
lycoris recoil 锦木千束和井之上泷奈 Chisato Nishikigi and Takina Inoue
Criado por 悸动战士
领袖: 锦木千束:远程攻击单位+15对所有攻击的防御力且为1格内的敌方单位每回合回复15点生命值 井之上泷奈:远程攻击单位+1射程,解锁神枪手晋升后+5战斗力 Leader: Chisato Nishikigi: Range units +15 defense strength against all attacks and enemy units within 1 tile heal 15 HP per round Takina Inoue: Range units +1 range, +5 combat...
Criado por 白鱼入舟
Partial support en_US.(Just without Garbled Code,Thanks for Online translate) 10.17.2022,add a lot of TEXT without other language....
Criado por YAYAYA
出自手游《碧蓝档案》(Blue Archive)(ブルアカ) 爱丽丝非常可爱, 非常可爱, 因为很可爱所以要说两遍(但是我没抽到),希望大家使用这个角色能玩的开心OwO 文明:千禧年学园 能力:基沃托斯科技的中心 城市的每位人口为城市提供+0.5科技值,学院区域中的建筑为城市提供+1宜居度. 可以建造区域“千禧年校区”,并在其中建造“巨塔” 领袖:天童爱丽丝 能力:光所指引的勇者 爱丽丝的所有单位与蛮族对战时+5战斗力, 城市不会产生厌战情绪。 完成区域建造时获得1名使者, 派遣到城邦的使者提供+1科技值,...
弹丸论破-苗木诚(Danganronpa-Makoto Naegi)
Criado por UFO300
A work of mod rookie. This mod is made to correspond to the mod of Junko Enoshima in the steam workshop. I hope you can like it. The mod pictures are from the Internet. If there is infringement, I will delete them immediately. Civilization:Ultimate Hope Ci...
[Civilization] 嘉然 Diana
Criado por mikumikumiku
"A religious civilization. Be able to build cities and develop in any extreme geographical environment (desert, snow). you can start just like playing Russia" Saint Diana's leader ability Before dying, the unit of Diana will deal 12 mental damage to the en...
闪刀姬-零衣(Sky Striker Ace - Raye)
Criado por UFO300
Warning: The author's English is very BAD!!! So it's all machine translation. A work of rookie. This mod is based on building to enhance the ability of leaders. I hope you can like it. Mod pictures are from pixiv,Inspired by the YGO OCG Sky Striker Ace. If...
Watch AI fight MOD
Criado por 皮皮凯(PiPiKai)
The following describes the specific functions First, you can choose the civilization you want to play or observe(yes, you can switch civilizations。This function comes from "Cheat Switch Civilization"MOD,Thank you very much to the author of "Cheat Switch C...
The Journey of Elaina - Main Menu Movie and Music [1440p/60FPS]
Criado por PhantomJ_M
Replaces main menu movie and music with The Journey of Elaina. Origin workshop page: (by:NPE) ᴘᴀɪɴᴛᴇʀ: あずーる ᴘᴀɪɴᴛᴇʀ's ᴛᴡɪᴛᴛᴇʀ : Audio: 上田麗奈 - リテラチュア ちょうちょ ...
[Princess Connect] Landosol Little Lead-rical Pack (Yuni, Kokkoro, Kyoka)
↑ Positive rates can be easily given by simply clicking the thumbs up button. Click it and you can encourage us to do better! Community Awards are also welcome~ You need either Rise and Fall or Gathering Storm to use this mod. All gameplay balancing is set...
[PR] A.I.Channel - Kizuna AI
Criado por Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion. With Project Rush: Stirring, you can get the best experience from this mod. Civilization Trait A.I.Channel - World's first virtual Youtuber: Each Art Museum can hold 6 Great works instead of 3 and automatically theme...
[GS] Kantai Collection - Shimakaze, Yamato and Naka
Criado por Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion and Viking & Australia DLC. Kantai Collection - Large Ship Construction: Can see Oil, Niter, Iron, Coal, Alumium resource from the start. Canals are unlocked with the Shipbuilding technology. Gain a unique Governor - ...
God's perspective
Criado por Jewbery
Press A to turn on or off the AutoPlay, and press H to hide the interface. If it turns on automatically after reading the file, press A twice to turn it off. long press ALT + T show help of special inputing. Press R to reveal all Press Z unlock technology ...
Astesia | Arknight
Criado por Astesia
The civilization ability icon on the civilization interface will change color, and I have no ability to correct this bug temporarily. Because Civilization 6 was on sale, I bought it with my friends. After playing mod online, I suddenly had a fancy to do mo...
Junko Enoshima and her Ulitmate Despair
Criado por WatcherNinth
This mod contains following content: Add Civilizaton(?): Ultimate Despair Civilization Trait: Desperism You shall get belief "Desperism" after you found a religion: Other Civilization's cities following this religion lose -5 loyalty, -5 amenities per turn,...
Anime CityStates:动画角色城邦
Criado por Wach
将部分动画角色MOD领袖变成城邦,派遣使者、成为宗主国可以获得原始领袖的能力。 当您拥有以上 Wach Anime Project合集 中的领袖MOD时,会拥有相应的城邦。 向该城邦派遣使者、成为该城邦宗主国会获得更强力的能力,比如: 梅普露城邦: ----派遣了8位使者:通过城邦获得的外交支持+100%。 ----成为该城邦宗主国:每个派向城邦的使者提供1 金币与1 信仰。 ----成为该城邦宗主国且派遣了6位使者:战斗单位防御时+10 战斗力,每回合回复20生命值。 ----成为该城邦宗主国且派遣了10...
Governors Nationwide
Criado por Dazz Aephiex
Makes most Governor promotions nationwide rather than single city. They now work somewhat like policy tree from previous Civilization titles. Assign them solely for the loyalty and governor synergy effects. Nationwide effects work even if the governor is n...
Criado por fluo
碧蓝航线柴郡mod,猫猫担心你打不过神级电脑,所以来帮你了。 仅支持风云变幻,仅支持风云变幻,仅支持风云变幻,仅支持风云变幻,仅支持风云变幻,仅支持风云变幻,仅支持风云变幻,仅支持风云变幻。 !!!!!!!强度严重超模警告!!!! !!!!!!!强度严重超模警告!!!! !!!!!!!强度严重超模警告!!!! 新mod塞壬净化亲 mod地址: 新mod碧蓝航线罗马 https://...
Remove Official Civs
Criado por Wach
Maybe you have subscribed a lot of leader mod and it's hard to find them in the selection screen. This MOD removes the original leaders and city states from the selection screen and gives you a clean and tidy selection screen. Leaders, civilizations and ci...
Human_Power 人多力量大(变态版)
Criado por 天阳的搅拌机
玩家每个城市的每单位人口可以产出1生产力,1金币,0.5粮食,0.5科技值,0.5文化值,0.5信仰值。 并且每建立一座新城市,每个单位人口的产出就会加一倍。比如现在玩家有三座城市,那么每单位人口的产出就会变为3生产力,3金币,1.5粮食,1.5科技值,1.5文化值,1.5信仰值。仅对玩家有效,AI无效 不会随着城市数量增加而增加产出的普通版在这 人口数量会增加城市百分比产出的...
Blue Archive----Gehenna School
Criado por Axium
空崎日奈领导的欣嫩谷学园(出自手游《Blue Archive》) 由我制作的另一个碧蓝档案mod:三位一体综合学园 此mod日后会加入更多与其他碧蓝档案mod的联动内容 文明能力:烈火不熄 获得金币,数额相当于1/4的每回合信仰产出,或刚完成的市政所需文化值。无驻军的城市每回合-15忠诚度。无法建造学院,每个公民额外产出0.2文化值。 友情提醒:虽然只能全款招大科,但还是请谨慎( 领袖:空崎日奈(Sorazaki Hina) 能力名称:伊施波设 与自由城市作战时+15战斗力,有驻军的友方城市每回合忠诚度+5...
Blue Archive----Trinity General School (BGM Expansion)
Criado por Axium
Trinity General School (BGM Expansion) Including 29 Bgm from Blue Archive. Diplomatic Interface: mitsukiyo - Coffee Cats Ancient Era: mitsukiyo - Aira Nor - Daily Routine 247 mitsukiyo - Luminous memory Nor - Midnight Trip Nor - Moment mitsukiyo - Morose D...
基于Axium制作的三位一体综合学院mod制作的领袖拓展 平衡性有待调整 (小春没测试过,梓的话......反正她当AI打不过茶会御三家) 4/1 削弱了小春 把战斗力削弱了十点,现在大概相当于一个同时代单位 给召唤小春项目补了贴图 选中音效在做了,音效我都导入了,但是lua脚本我写不明白( 下次写明白了再加 白洲梓 领袖特性:万物皆虚 所有城市-1宜居度,全城市信仰值产出-10%,槽位中每有一项军事政策,所有单位便+1战斗力(参考女希腊),圣地提供等同于其相邻加成的文化值(与科技加成不同,不包括建筑,想要...
这个mod添加了一个来自手游蔚蓝档案的领袖小鸟游星野以及对应文明阿拜多斯 目前仅支持风云变幻(因为我懒得做其他dlc的适配了) 写在前面: 这个mod是我做的第一个mod,从我学习制作mod以来到制作完成花费了我7天的时间,所以可能存在一些我也不知道的bug,如果遇到bug请在下方留言我看到了会尽快修复 由于原先的mod出现了砂狼白子(骑行服)的领袖特性会对所有文明生效的bug,且修复后的更新由于未知原因无法上传,所以重新上传一次,请各位删除原先mod,由此造成的不便我深感抱歉 2/19 21:30 鉴于原...
这个mod新增了一个新文明千年科技学院和对应的领袖优香(没包人) 写在前面:在我不断的摸鱼之下第二个mod也算是正式完工了,这次做的是一个以科技为主的学院,但是因为我确实没有什么好的想法,所以说加成可能比较简单粗暴,这个就请见谅了) 顺便一提,这个mod的初稿其实并没有这么强(在最开始的时候只有总计+15%的科技加成并且领袖特性只到移除地貌加成那里,工程师部只有与学院相邻的+2生产力),但是由于我和我的朋友的mod大乱斗中被虹霓文花的深绿结界暴打因此一怒之下加强了这个mod角色(同样的可能有点破坏平衡) 2...
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