Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

305 ratings
uTaunt - We need more taunts!
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Tool
Addon Tags: Cartoon, Fun, Roleplay
File Size
60.157 KB
15 Feb @ 4:04pm
26 Apr @ 2:20am
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uTaunt - We need more taunts!

In 2 collections by Unknown Developer
Jailbreak: Test Server
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User-friendly and simple API to create, play and control taunts, dances and any other player sequences.

By default addon does not contain animations from Custom Taunt, you can install them individually, check out this collection: uTaunt

  • High Performance - addon does not slow down your game and works fast.
  • Simple - users have access to one small menu with all sequences.
  • Extensibility - other developers can expand the list of available sequences.
  • Reliable - all sequences are synchronized both on server and client, implemented work with network and PVS.
  • Co-op Dances - addon supports creating co-dances, as an example we have 2 dances from MMD ( Custom Taunt ).
  • Support - addon will receive all necessary patches and updates during the year.
  • Modifiable - addon lets you replace its menu and individual playback control by other scripts.

  • i - Open taunts menu (UI).
  • Space - Stops the current sequence.

  • utaunt - Performs the animation specified by the first argument.
  • utaunts - Open/close UI.
  • utaunt_stop - Stops taunt if active.
  • utaunt_list - Outputs a list of all available animations for the current player with their duration.

Client ConVars
  • cl_utaunt_audio ( def. 1 ) <0/1> - Enables audio playback for taunts that support this feature.
  • cl_utaunt_loop ( def. 0 ) <0/1> - Enables looping for all taunts.
  • cl_utaunt_coop ( def. 1 ) <0/1> - If enabled player will automatically join/synchronize with dance of another player nearby.
  • cl_utaunt_camera_mode ( def. 1 ) <0-2> - 0 = Simple third person, 1 = Third person attached to head, 2 = Eyes
  • cl_utaunt_menu_auto_close ( def. 0 ) <0/1> - Automatically close the taunt menu when a taunt is selected.
  • cl_utaunt_camera_distance ( def. 128 ) - Distance of the camera from the player.

Server ConVars
  • sv_utaunt_menu_key ( def. 19 ) <0-512> - Default key to open menu of unknown taunts, uses keys from
  • sv_utaunt_coop_distance ( def. 512 ) <0-16384> - Minimum required distance to join in a co-op taunt.
  • sv_utaunt_real_origin ( def. 0 ) <0/1> - Uses player's real position instead of initial position at the end of taunt.
  • sv_utaunt_allow_weapons ( def. 0 ) <0/1> - Allow players to hold weapons in their hands while taunting.
  • sv_utaunt_allow_movement ( def. 0 ) <0/1> - Allow players to move while taunting.
  • sv_utaunt_allow_attack ( def. 0 ) <0/1> - Allow players to attack while taunting.
  • sv_utaunt_collisions ( def. 0 ) <0/1> - Allow players to collide with each other while taunting.
  • sv_utaunt_audio_volume ( def. 1 ) <0-10> - Volume of taunts audio.
  • sv_utaunt_audio_override ( def. "" ) - Overrides the audio of all taunts to the specified one. Leave it blank so it won't be used.
  • sv_utaunt_gamemode_override ( def. 0 ) <0/1> - Overrides gamemode taunt functions to allow players use taunts.
  • sv_utaunt_camera_distance_min ( def. 16 ) <0-4096> - Minimum distance of taunt camera.
  • sv_utaunt_camera_distance_max ( def. 1024 ) <0-4096> - Maximum distance of taunt camera.


1. OMG! Why are there so few animations!!!1
For those who do not understand ( silly ) my addon by default without other addons has in list only those animations that are already in game and that was created as "taunts".

2. i doesn't work, or I want to change key.
If i is already used by a different bind then uTaunt will not use it, you can either unbind i using "unbind i" or set it to another key using "bind key utaunts".

3. I don't have animations in my list.
1. This may be due to a conflict with other addons that could replace animation base ( mmd and fortnite animations are made on xdReanimsBase ), also problem may be with your player model, game has several types of models basic are male, female and zombie ( yes zombie is a separate type ), some animations may not be supported by some models. You can also try to restart your game (this helps in most cases).

2. Custom Taunt is incompatible and should not be installed if xdReanimsBase is installed.

3. In case of problems with xdReanimsBase you can download it from workshop and extract it directly into your addons folder using Crowbar[] or gmpublisher[].

4. Can I add my own animations?
Yes. If you know how to port animations under Garry's Mod player skeleton and want to do it you can contact me, I will help in integrating into my taunt controller ( it is much easier than it may seem ).

5. How do I create a binding for a specific taunt?
For that you need find a "real name" of taunt, you can find it by writing utaunt_list in your console and then you can create a binding as follows: bind k "utaunt gesture_wave"

6. Can I use the i button for a different binding?
Yes of course, uTaunt understands when a button is busy and won't try to open menu if there is already a bind on that button, you probably need to change i key to a different one so here is an example with F6: bind f6 utaunts


Source Code: GitHub[]
Popular Discussions View All (1)
27 May @ 11:11pm
Bugs/Lua errors
Unknown Developer
NNinja1255 12 Jun @ 3:56pm 
If you use normal gmod gestures (i.e. via gesture menu), it will prevent you from being able to respawn if you die during the animation.
dounai2333 26 Apr @ 2:46am 
@Unknown Developer Thanks, and I want to know, was it only me, or slower mouse sensitivity is apply to everyone who are taunting? Because even "cl_utaunt_camera_mode" is set to 2 and I still feels my sensitivity is slower than normal, I never had this issue when using Custom Taunt .
I'm at x86-64 version and had GModCEFCodecFix [] patch.
Unknown Developer  [author] 26 Apr @ 2:21am 
@dounai2333 added
Unknown Developer  [author] 25 Apr @ 3:57am 
@dounai2333 yeah, good idea with 'cl_utaunt_camera_distance', I think this can be added in the next update. I'll check out the bugs you mentioned.
dounai2333 25 Apr @ 2:59am 
While taunting I feels my mouse sensitivity is extremely slower than normal state, and this is very uncomfortable when trying to move the camera in third person mode.

And also, can you disable jumping while taunting? since there are many players that bind jump to the mousewheel and the only way to change the third person camera distance is mousewheel, however jump will stop the taunt. (or do it only when "sv_utaunt_allow_movement" is set to 0)

Maybe you want to consider add a command called "cl_utaunt_camera_distance" so the players who dislike the default third person camera distance won't have to change the distance everytime.
Наконец-то я могу танцевать после убийства врагов прямо как в Team Fortress 2
Господи Благослави этот аддон ты спас мне жизнь!
ZeRelic 3 Apr @ 6:08am 
yes! it works! thanks.
Unknown Developer  [author] 2 Apr @ 11:52am 
@ZeRelic I updated the addon, everything works for me please check it out
ZeRelic 2 Apr @ 6:52am 
Coop dance doesn't work. They dance separately.
How do I fix this? and yes, I checked utaunt_coop value and its 1.
Schick 1 Apr @ 11:51am 
You need more taunts? Yea, id be up to port some, add me if interested.