Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Personnel Orbital Dropship (POD) MK2
Type: Blueprint
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329.027 KB
9 Feb @ 4:10pm
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Personnel Orbital Dropship (POD) MK2

The Personnel Orbital Dropship (POD) MK2, is a fully automated, fully programmable alternative to expensive and dangerous space elevator construction.

Originally created by Grav Corp, to easily ferry engineer personnel to orbital construction stations, and then return them to the planetary surface. The POD Mk2 can safely deliver up-to 4 seated personnel, while maintaining hyper-speeds of 3000m/s during near-surface orbital descent.

Run-down of how it does work when configured properly.
  • Enter the drop pod, Hit the "launch or RTB" button and sit down. The door (if configured) will auto close and a soundblock playing space elevator music will activate.
  • the POD will immediately take-off along a pre-recorded route to avoid landing/leaving obstacles.
  • Upon reaching about 1000m from the landing pad, it will activate the AI basic block, and fly at hyperspeeds towards the orbital station's GPS point
  • upon reaching the GPS point, the AI basic block will trigger the "orbital station landing sequence"
  • this requires the other recording block to be configured as well...... it will then land.
  • the other basic block will have to be configured for the return path.
  • the connector is used to charge the POD batteries

    Programming Instructions: (approxmiate, as my reference world file is corrupted)

  • while seated inside the ship, use shift+K to access the network screen, and select "remote control".
  • position the ship where you would like it to land.
  • using the "RTO" AI recorder block keybinds, create the firs waypoint "planet_landed"
  • use spacebar to increase altitude by about 100m (or whatever you desire), create another waypoint } "land_descent"
  • fly up about 1000 (or whatever you would like as a deceleration zone) and create a waypont "land approach"
  • stop recording
  • Create a GPS marker slightly above the last waypoint, called "planet approach"
  • Fly directly to your destination, about 1000m out (deceleration zone), and create a GPS marker "station approach"
  • Fly to the orbital landing pad, and position it where you would like it to land.
  • using the "RTB" AI recorder block keybinds, create the first waypoint "orbital_landed"
  • fly upwards about 25-100m (it doesn't really matter), create a waypoint "orbital_descent"
  • fly directly away from the station, along the path you desire it to approach. Create a waypoint "orbital_approach"
  • stop recording
  • Using a timer block, set it up to "toggle on" either the RTO/RTB AI basic block. (the opposite will be auto toggled off)
  • configure the buttons to activate "trigger now" the timer blocks/
  • configure the basic task blocks to activate the recorder blocks prior to their approach.