Lobotomy Corporation

Lobotomy Corporation

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Shameless Binah cheese
By rol
So, you're tired of the bloodthirsty arbiter besting you each and every time you even get a close grip on the dub? Want to crush Binahs hopes and dreams of rampaging your employees? Well, this is the guide for you. Just a quick warning, this guide will contain spoilers for a lot of the abnormalities of lobcorp.
Ok, there is one MAJOR part in this cheese. This cheese, if preformed improperly, can lead to a day 1 reset. If you dont preform the cheese properly, a hefty toll of your employees will die and at the day you are at, ♥♥♥♥ will be unmanagable with all the empty slots, so be sure you lose around 5 employees tops, any less is up to you to decide, but, personally, losing more than 5 draws the line unless you are willing to start back at day 1.
You will want to make sure you have stocked up on as much Aleph gear as possibly, (Preferably White Night, Censored, and Nothing There's ego set, and upgrade your employees justice for speed. You will REQUIRE the rabbit team. Slowing bullets are optional. You will also want to hope and pray you haven't picked up the following abnormalities: Big Bird, MoSB, Alriune, Firebird, QoH, and ESPECIALLY PRAY THAT YOU DONT HAVE Censored in ANY department where nobody is STACKED on aleph ego sets. Now, assuming these conditions are met, we can begin.
Destroying Binahs dreams ( phase 1 )
Binah will begin in her own department. You will immediately want to move your employees out of the range of her spikes that will begin as soon as she begins with her meltdowns. Pause IMMEDIATELY when the shockwave arrives. Open the rabbit team, and send them after her ass. Dont unpause yet, as you must move the employees out of the spikes ASWELL, in the same pause you called in the rabbits. After this happens, immediately send your employees into the meltdowns she causes. ( meltdown of gold, meltdown of dark fog in phase 1 ) After this, let the rabbits chip away at her.
Keep shredding her hope ( phase 2 )
♥♥♥♥ begins to get real, the Arbiter will cause more meltdowns, but the rabbits will FEAST upon her desperation to beat us. Repeat the pause process with the spikes and now is when you may want to prepare to restart over and over to get the right meltdowns. Once you move your employees, manuever them to the meltdowns ( meltdown of gold, meltdown of dark fog, and meltdown of the waves in phase 2 ) around the golden creatures binah spawns in the halls.
RNG be with you ( phase 3 )
This is the final phase of the Arbiter getting her ♥♥♥♥ kicked in. Moving your employees away from the spikes will be nearly impossible as Binah stops allowing you to Pause.This is where binah essentially says "square up ♥♥♥♥♥" and we respectfully say "nuh uh". Binah will not allow you to puase, instead, LITERALLY telling you to square up in the message displayed on screen at attempt to pause. Deal with ANY meltdowns ASAP. Employees WILL die. The day WILL be restarted. Try your hardest to do it and once you are satisfied with the death rate, you can move on.
Now that Binah absolutely got her ♥♥♥♥ kicked in by your very own hands, she will obey you and save every employee from losing their EGO upon death. Enjoy your rewards, and hope this helped.