Оцінок: 734
Enshrouded | Ultimate guide
Автор: Jackhammer (Wholf)
In this guide, I will be showing you all the information, tips & tricks, handy things to know, and much more. The guide is in full development and will be updated in the future. I'm nowhere near done yet and I'd like to put the guide to the fullest to help every single one of you out! If you have some ideas, improvement suggestions, and more, please comment down below.

TIP: If you are looking for a specific thing, press "CTRL + F" on your keyboard. This will bring a search feature.

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Survival system

Unlike many other survival games, Enshrouded doesn't necessarily have strict requirements when it comes to your character's daily needs. You don't really have to worry about hunger, thirst, or stress. At best, you just need to make sure that you have available slots in your backpack or that you've built a storage chest(s) in your base.

As for stamina itself, this is tied to your character's comfort level, which includes the following:

  • Cooking and eating food - You can cook food at campfires. Interact with one and select a type of raw ingredient or food item. Then, press and hold the button to place it over the fire. After a few seconds, you'll see an effect that denotes that the food has been cooked.

    Here are some additional tips:
  • You can eat three different kinds of food to have three effects/buffs active at the same time.
  • Food items need to be assigned to your hotkey if you want to cook them by a campfire. You cannot select them if they're in your backpack.
  • Try to avoid eating raw meat as this might cause poisoning, too.
  • Source of warmth - The aforementioned campfires provide a source of warmth.
  • Sleeping/resting - Finding a bed to sleep in or constructing your own lets your character get some rest.
If your character is well-rested, you'll gain additional stamina, as well as increased stamina regeneration. The duration of the effect also varies depending on how long you've rested.
Use the right tools when gathering resources.
When it comes to survival in Enshrouded, you should definitely avoid using your regular melee weapons when gathering materials. Instead, try to craft and use the proper tools:
  • Axe - Requires 4x Twigs, 1x Stone, and 1x String; speeds up and improves the yields when cutting down trees.
  • Pickaxe - Requires 4x Twigs, 1x Stone, and 1x String; has a small radius which automatically collects rocks and dirt that get hit.
Other resources can be gathered normally even without the use of tools. For instance, Twigs and Plant Fiber come from shrubs that you just need to interact with.
Destroy and loot everything.
Speaking of gathering materials, bear in mind that a lot of objects and structures in Enshrouded can be destroyed using your weapons. These include barrels, chests, crates, fences, panelings, furniture, and more. These also yield resources for your crafting needs.
Best basic food
The best foods you can eat in Enshrouded varies depending on whether you’re playing early on or deeper into the game. You won’t have access to everything you need to make the absolute top-tier foods right away, so here are both the best foods you can eat when just starting off and the ones that are ultimately the best overall.

Food is a very helpful resource from the first moment you begin playing Enshrouded, so you need to know which dishes are the best ones you can use early on. When you first start off, you’ll be learning how the game works and won’t have access to the entire map until you craft items to help you get around like the Glider and Grappling Hook.

Grilled Wolf Meat:
Wolves are fairly easy to kill and can be taken down quite easily with even the simplest of weapons like a torch, which you get very early on. You need to cook Raw Wolf Meat to make it a viable food source, but it’s easy to do this since all you need is a campfire or another source of fire for cooking.
- Can be cooked using Raw Wolf Meat.
- Grants +2 Constitution.
- Lasts for 20 Minutes.

Purple Berries:
These aren’t the most fulfilling, but they’re growing everywhere you look which makes them a super accessible food source early on.
  • Found growing on bushes in the wild.
  • Supplies +2 Health Regeneration.
  • Lasts 30 seconds.

Grilled Lean Meat:
Another good source of food in the early game is Lean Meat. It provides slightly less of a Constitution boost in comparison to Wolf Meat, but it’s still decent.
  • Obtained by killing small animals in the wild.
  • Grants +1 Constitution.
  • Lasts for 20 minutes.

An incredibly simple but effective drink, Water provides some pretty solid benefits. What’s great about this resource is you can obtain a lot of it by visiting wells like the one in Longkeep, which is near where you first start off.
  • Can be obtained from wells or found in villages. Eventually, you can add a well to your base, but you can easily find Water elsewhere earlier on.
  • Gives +1 Endurance and +2 Stamina Recharge.
  • Lasts for 10 minutes.
Best overall food
Here are the overall best foods you can eat in Enshrouded, all of which require a lot more work to unlock and make. You’ll generally need to travel far to access everything you need for these which means you need the Glider and Grappling Hook.
Fruit Bowl:
A Fruit Bowl is a great dish to eat in a pinch because it supplies a strong health restoration effect and a quick boost to your stamina, making it a great food when you feel you’re in danger of dying and need to make a quick getaway. It also has a really long duration.
  • Requires the Farmer and can be made with one Honey, two Purple Berries, two Strawberries, and one Yucca Fruit.
  • Grants +6 Health Regeneration and +3 Stamina Recharge.
  • Lasts 45 minutes.
Grilled Yucca Fruit:
When you’re in need of a massive stamina boost, this dish is a great way to quickly replenish a ton of lost stamina.
  • This dish requires a Farmer and a Yucca Fruit to be cooked.
  • Gives +20 Stamina Recharge.
  • Lasts for seven minutes.
Chamomile Tea:
Drinking this tea will grant you some strong buffs for a decently long period of time. It’s also not too difficult to make once you unlock the Farmer since it only has two ingredients.
  • You need the Farmer to make this drink plus one Water and one Chamomile.
  • Supplies +5 Health Regeneration and +2 Endurance.
  • Lasts for 35 minutes.
Meat Wrap:
This is a fairly strong dish you can consume if you’re looking for a boost to Constitution and Intelligence.
  • Requires the Farmer, three Red Mushrooms, one Water, one Raw Sand Digger Meat, and one Flour.
  • Grants +5 Constitution and +1 Intelligence.
  • Lasts for 45 Minutes.
In addition to these main dishes, it’s also a good idea to keep foods capable of enhancing the statistics for your specific class. You might like Hazelnuts if you need to boost Strength, Mushroom Omelets if you need Intelligence, or Sage Leaves if you need Spirit.
The Shroud & Shroud Cores
The Shroud in the aptly named Enshrouded is a thick fog that blankets specific areas in the game world. Traversing it causes a five-minute timer to appear at the top of your screen.

As such, not only do you need to avoid or eliminate creepy enemies that are lurking in the shadows, but you also need to make sure that you reach a safe zone (i.e. a place without the mist) within the time limit. Failure to do so will cause your character to succumb to the effects of the corruption.

One more thing of note is that fog-covered areas have lampposts. As you explore, you might notice glowing sparkles that light the way, leading you down a path to eventual safety.

Devices that increase the Shroud timer:
If you want to survive longer in the Shroud in Enshrouded, you should be on the lookout for the following objects:
  • Hourglass Capsules - These look like small containers with a reddish glow. Interact with these to refill your Shroud timer back to its maximum value. Do note that using this type of object makes it unavailable for a certain duration in-game.
  • Return Beacons - These are also the respawn points in case your character perishes. Standing near one replenishes your timer back to full. As such, you can just keep coming back to a spot that has a Return Beacon if you need to gain more time.
Items that increase your survival time in the Shroud:
One particular consumable item that helps in this regard is the Shroud Survival Flask, which can be looted randomly from containers. The item adds two minutes to your total Shroud timer (i.e. five minutes by default becomes seven minutes). The effect also lasts for 45 minutes.

Don't forget that you can gain a permanent boost to your Shroud timer by strengthening the Flame Altar, but you do need to gather several materials. You can learn more in our Flame Altar upgrades guide.

In any case, this is how you can survive longer in the Shroud in Enshrouded. These lands are dark and dangerous, so make sure you're always prepared. Otherwise, you might find yourself in tense situations that come down to the wire.

Lastly, we should mention that there's an even deadlier mist in certain sections of the game world. The fog in these locations has a pinkish or reddish hue. Entering these areas will cause your Shroud timer to drop at a faster rate, and your character will likely die within seconds.
Shroud Cores:
Shroud Cores are an essential resource in Enshrouded, particularly if you're looking to upgrade your Flame Altar. Shroud Cores are collected similarly to Shroud Spores. But while Shroud Spores are dropped by most enemies in the Shroud, Shroud Cores are only dropped by higher-level enemies like bosses and Wraiths.

Thankfully, though, once you unlock the Alchemist, you also unlock the recipe for Shroud Cores. That way, you can craft them yourself instead of putting yourself in harm's way to farm them from dangerous enemies.

The easiest way to find a Shroud Core in the early game is to complete the Clear the Elixir Well quest for the Blacksmith. That quest sees you heading to the nearest Elixir Well to defeat the Thunderbrute boss and cut down your first Shroud Root.

Head down the mine to reach the Shroud Root and defeat the Fell Thunderbrute. Fell Thunderbrute is a powerful foe, so focus on jumping and dodging with CTRL in between attacks, and you will take the boss down in no time. From that point, all you need to do is complete the Powerful Alchemy quest and Awaken the Alchemist to unlock the ability to craft your own Shroud Cores.
How to use the Shroud Cores?
Shroud Cores are used for a number of recipes, such as Magical Chests, for example, but their best use is to upgrade your Flame Altar.

Upgrading your Flame Altar shouldn't be confused with Strengthening the Flame, which gives you more Shroud time and other bonuses. Upgrading your Flame Altar expands your build zone, giving you significantly more space to expand your home base or settlement. Each upgrade costs you Shroud Cores and calls for you to Strengthen the Flame to a certain level as well.

Your current Flame Level and a list of materials needed to Strengthen and Upgrade it can be found in the Journal section of the menu.
How to get/use/find Clay
Clay isn’t something you can get early in Enshrouded. Here’s when you should consider finding Clay:
  • Be at least level ten
  • Unlock the Carpenter
  • Unlock the Farmer
  • Have flame level three

Clay isn’t available in early-game areas, and the mobs around the Clay spawn points can be pretty tough. Because of this, I don’t recommend you go looking for Clay until you are at least level 10.

You also won’t have much use for Lumps of Clay unless you’ve unlocked the Carpenter and the Kiln. Additionally, the area where I found the most Clay spawn points is where you unlock the Farmer, so you may as well clear that out and unlock the Farmer. Finally, Flame level three will expand the explorable area and make enemies weaker.

If you have all of these, you are ready to go out and mine some Clay.
You can find Clay spots in the area north of Ancient Vault Farmer. Of course, you can find Clay spots all over the world, apart from the early area, but it’s around Ancient Vault Farmer where I always find the most Clay and Flax flowers.

You can find Clay spots in the area north of Ancient Vault Farmer. Of course, you can find Clay spots all over the world, apart from the early area, but it’s around Ancient Vault Farmer where I always find the most Clay and Flax flowers.

Clay is found on the sides of large mountains and boulders. You can easily spot it because of its brownish-orange color. To mine Clay, approach it and hit it with a Pickaxe. As you get Lumps of Clay, you will also terraform the area you are hitting, so make sure not to lock yourself out from obtaining those higher Clay spots.
How to use Clay.
Once you have Lumps of Clay, visit your base and use the Kiln. You unlock this after you recruit the Carpenter. You need one Lump of Clay and one Wood Log to make one Fired Brick. You can us the Fired Bricks as a new building material.

Additionally, you can also talk to the Carpenter and have him craft things like a Clay Smelter, Mortar, Crucible, and many decorative items. Clay is pretty much a must if you enjoy making a cozy base.

How to get/use/find Copper
Copper Ore is one of the stronger resources you need to track down in Enshrouded after you have an established base. It’s a basic material you’ll need for more advanced crafting projects, and tracking it down takes a bit of time.

There are multiple locations where you can reliably find Copper Ore. The trick to finding it is recognizing the areas where you need to go and how out of the way you have to go for it. Once you do this, several crafting projects should become available, making your life much easier in Enshrouded.
Where to find copper?
The more reliable locations are to the north of the Farmer’s shelter and to the east of the Ancient Spire – Low Meadows. You can make your way to either location as you progress through the main story of Enshrouded, and you’ll want to bring a pickaxe with you to break away the rock to find it.

If you’re looking for it in the Low Meadows region of your Enshrouded world, I had to climb up several rocks to find copper. It almost looks like clay, but it will have distinct green colors through the middle of the rock. The green makes it a standout resource from clay, which is purely orange and brown. You should be able to approach it and begin smashing it with your pickaxe of choice. I’ve been using a Scrappy Pickaxe to make the process faster. You might want to bring a second pickaxe with you to help climb up the rocks to reach this area, similar to salt.

Both locations are good, and you’ll likely have a chance to find more in the equally dangerous regions of your Enshrouded world. These are two solid starting positions where you can regularly find Copper Ore and bring it back to your base. After you have enough, speak with any crafters to see what they can complete for you, giving you access to more advanced recipes. You’re still going to want to find plant fibers, though.
How to get/use/find Amber
Amber is hard to spot and particularly rare in Enshrouded, so you're not alone if you've been struggling to find some. Thankfully, though, there are some great spots to mine the resource, which we will go over here.

Specifically, you can find Amber in the following locations:
  • In the Shroud northeast of the Revelwood Ancient Spire
  • In the Shroud south of the Revelwood Ancient Spire

Amber can be found protruding from walls and pillars in the Shroud. It has an orange color and smooth texture with light gouges covering its surface. Resources respawn every time you load up Enshrouded, so feel free to reload and return to the same veins every time you boot up your save file. That trick will essentially provide you with an endless source of Amber for all your crafting needs.

How to use Amber.
Amber is an essential resource to unlock and craft recipes like the Fireball II and Eternal Fireball Staff Charges and to strengthen the Flame at your Flame Altar.

Strengthening your Flame to level 4 increases your Altar activation capacity to 6, your Shroud Passage Level to 3, and offers 2 Character Attribute Bonuses. But most importantly, it boosts your time available in the Shroud to 8 minutes.

To strengthen your Flame to level 4 you will need:
  • 15x Goo
  • 15x Mycellium
  • 10x Spark
  • 15x Indigo Plant
  • 15x Amber
  • 15x Copper
  • 1x Fell Wispwyvern Head
How to get/use/find a Rake
You'll unlock the recipe for the Rake early on in the game around the time you reach level 4 and you awaken the Blacksmith. The Rake has to be crafted at your workbench, but all it requires are:
  • 6x Wood Logs
  • 2x String
  • 2x Stone
You'll find Wood Logs and Stone around your base, as well as Plant Fiber, which you'll need to make String.
How to use the Rake?
The Rake is intended to flatten the ground, so you can have a level foundation on which to build your base. However, if you use it on raised areas, you can create your own little hills. When you use the Rake, the area you're working on will match the terrain around it, so if you're working on a mound, the ground around it will also be raised so it's level.

Later on in the game, you can create a Scrappy Rake at the Blacksmith. You'll need your original Rake to do this, as well as Wood Logs and Charcoal. For the latter, you'll need to ensure you've created the Blacksmith's Charcoal Kiln.

The Scrappy Rake is even better for flattening hilly terrain, and can be crafted with:
  • 1x Rake
  • 2x Metal Scraps
  • 1x Charcoal
How to get/use/find Flintstone
Flintstone veins appear all over the map in Enshrouded, with a particular concentration in the Springlands, the starting biome. This is good because you'll need a lot of Flintstone if you plan on using it as a building material for your home. Flintstone veins are a dull blue, with patches of bronze. It can't be missed.

If you see a Flintstone vein in the floor or a cliff wall, you can mine it using the Pickaxe. You can craft a Pickaxe out of 1 Stone, 4 Twigs, and 1 String - no need for a Workbench, you can craft it by hand using the Crafting screen.

As you can see in the picture above which is an example, you see what flintstone looks like. Mine it with your pickaxe and *poof*, you got flintstone!
How to get/use/find Resin
There are different ways for players to obtain Resin in the world of Embervale, and the main source will come from the abundant nature that surrounds you whenever you drop into the game. The giant trees that offer shelter and plenty of Wood Logs are also home to Resin, making it worthwhile to always be chopping down trees as much as possible.

If you see trees like this in the picture below you will have a chance to get more Resin, little tip.

Equip a suitable Felling Axe, and proceed to chop down the surrounding trees. Having the right tool for the job will speed things up significantly, so don't go punching the trees with just your hands. Generally, players should be looking for the thicker trees rather than the thinner ones, as those will often drop more Resin alongside Wood Logs. This should reliably get players a bunch of Resin each time a tree is felled.

If, for some reason, you find yourself in an area without any vegetation, there is always the chance that Resin can appear in containers or chests in camps, so be sure to search high and low to add to your collection. Destroying objects can also yield Resin, so do not be hesitant about wrecking the shop if the need arises.
Resin and how to use it.
Resin will come in handy when there is some crafting to be done, and it is a key ingredient in several categories of items as the game progresses. Some of the earliest examples that require Resin include staff as weapons, armor to increase defensive capabilities, furniture, and even sources of light that can be used back at base.

Thus, players must know exactly how to gather this particular resource and aid them in their journey to save the world from the Shroud.
Strings & Plantfiber
Plant fiber is one of the core items you need in Enshrouded. The primary reason you need it is to make string, which is used in many of the starting items and can become difficult to track down consistently.

There are several ways you can find plant fibers while playing in Enshrouded, but there are a few methods that can make it faster. The way you do it does require a bit of progression through the main story, and it makes it much easier to craft string at your base.
The farmer.
It all comes down to finding the Farmer. The Farmer is one of the crafters you can add to your Enshrouded base and, in my experience, the toughest. They will appear to the north of the Ancient Spire – Springlands Fast Travel tower. You must make your way to the tower and solve the puzzle for this location to add them to your base and to create a summoning staff.

After the Farmer has arrived, speak with them to work on crafting flower beds at your base. You’re going to need Farm Soil, which you can make by combining bonemeal with dirt. Thankfully, unlike the bonemeal, you can pick up dirt anywhere by mining the ground underneath where you’re standing, so don’t worry about that too much. You can acquire bonemeal by defeating the skeletons in the Enshrouded regions or by taking their bones and crushing them at the grinding stone. It’s easier than mining salt.

When you have enough Farm Soil, the next step is to make a Seedbed by combining 10 wood logs with two metal scraps and 10 Farm Soil. You then want to place this outside your Enshrouded base and plant the shrub seedlings using plant fibers. You can find Shrub seedlings after you have the Farmer, and by scouring the wild for them and harvesting from them at least once.

Once the shrug seedlings are finished, you can plant them anywhere at your base, turning one plant fiber into five.
Charcoal, Tar & Acid
When you have unlocked the Blacksmith you can craft and place down the Kiln. When you have placed down the Kiln you can craft three things early on. Important charcoal, Wood Acid, and Tar. These three items are very handy and useful and you will figure it out. I recommend crafting a lot of charcoal and tar early on in-game cause you need it later on. But I will not spoil too much.

Enhancing & Salvage
You cannot make any advanced armor or weapons without the craftspeople, a small group of survivors like the Flameborn with specializations.

Each Craftsperson will have recipes for different armor and weapons that will be more well suited to a specific type of class players choose. The first craftsperson players will find is Oswald Anders, the Blacksmith.

He will have two armor recipes for players to craft and the recipes to craft a shield and a one-handed weapon, either a club or sword. The more quests you complete the more you unlock.
Enhancing weapons | Blacksmith.
Now that you know how to obtain Runes, it won’t be long before you’re stockpiling hundreds, if not thousands of them. These will form the basis for upgrading any weapon that you choose to keep, but the capacity for different weapons to be upgraded varies depending on their type. In general, you’ll find that the rarer weapons (that fall into the Epic and Legendary categories) have more options for enhancing than the regular ones. There are even plenty of weapons that can’t be enhanced at all, so don’t be alarmed if you don’t see the option for it.

When it comes to the process of enhancing weapons, in this case you actually do need to speak with the Blacksmith. You should be able to see the “Enhance Equipment” tab next to the default “Blacksmith” tab when interacting with him, but if you don’t you should try advancing his quests more first.

Assuming you do have access to this feature (it shouldn’t take long after getting the Blacksmith!), you’ll see a list of weapons that are either on your action bar or in your inventory. You’ll see which weapons have enhancements available for them, and how much they cost in terms of Runes. You can actually see the available enhancements just by inspecting a weapon from your inventory, without h having to take it to the Blacksmith first, so you can see its potential for upgrades if you find it out in the wild, without having to return to your base first.
What happens when enhancing a weapon.
In terms of the improvements you’ll see when you enhance a weapon, this will vary considerably depending on its type and rarity. You can see in the screenshot above that the Misfortune Mace can gain extra Cutting Damage, Cutting Protection, Piercing Damage, and a Mana Leech. This makes it particularly good against mage-like enemies, but it has enough improvements to be worthy against almost any foe.

If you’re upgrading a bow, you might see more potential enhancements that relate to damage type, such as fire, or you might see improved ranged, accuracy, and so on. For a wand, the enhancements will generally relate to improving your magic damage, and for shields, you can expect more defensive enhancements. You get the picture!
How to salvage.
Unfortunately, there’s currently no way for you to enhance armor in Enshrouded. However, given that the Blacksmith’s service states “Enhance Equipment” and not “Enhance Weapons”, we might expect this to become available in a future update.
Dried Fur & Salt
Salt information.
For my experience, the best place to retrieve salt is at Egerton Salt Mines which is not far away from the beginning as you can see on the map. However, it is a bit rough to get there early on so when you go there, gear up and have quite some food ready cause you will encounter enemies on your road over there and they do quite some dagame. There's a cave down there with plenty of salt.

Of course, there are also other places where you can get salt which I might update later on.
If you want the most salt, get yourself at least 2 pickaxes.

Dried Fur information.
Dried fur is a type of resource you have to make while you’re at your Enshrouded base. This requires a Drying Rack and multiple resources to bring back to your base where you can begin making it relatively often.

You must have a drying rack to craft Dried Fur, which requires Animal Fur and Salt. Like the other crafting stations in Enshrouded, you can place these two ingredients in a drying rack, and these recipes will automatically complete as time goes by.

Animal fur is relatively easy to find, thankfully. You can track this down by hunting nearly all the animals you can find in Enshrouded. These include rabbits, wolves, deer, or even boars. There’s also the chance to find Animal Furs while exploring any of the abandoned settlements and discovering them on a table or inside a cabinet.
Staff & Spells
Staff Charges and Eternal Spells are magical ammo for staffs in Enshrouded. Eternal Spells are a type of staff charge that never ends and can be “used infinitely.” You’ll unlock more staff charges and eventually eternal spells as you progress.

Little tip:
While the staff can deal the most damage in Enshrouded, you cannot BLOCK with it, so you’re vulnerable. Wands are another magical weapon type that can return some mana to you on kills. As a result, the best strategy is to attack with the staff regardless of whether you use Staff Charges and Eternal Spells, then swap to wand and shield to block any incoming enemy attacks. Combining a wand with a shield and staff, you will deal significant damage and quickly escape to defense.
While casting Staff Charges and Eternal Spells in Enshrouded, your character will use their mana, so having a decent pool will help you be effective in combat longer without recharging. Your character tab contains the spirit statistic, which determines your total mana. Intelligence determines your damage and staff damage bonus. You can increase Spirit and Intelligence statistics with weapon or armor bonuses and specific skills, usually from blue passive skills.

You must have staff and staff charges or eternal spells in your inventory to cast. Equip a staff, and right-clicking and holding lets you use the mouse wheel up and down quickly to select different spells (default keys). You can pick a charge type and quickly swap between various elements or healing depending on a situation and needs.

Also, with the staff, you can cast spells in one of two ways:
  • Primary method (easy): equip your staff and hold down the left mouse. This will charge the spell with the tiny circle reticle to the left like the stamina symbol (white) and automatically cast.

  • Best method (pro): you hold down the right click, which charges it, and then you can release it when you want. So you can decide when the staff will be fired. You can hide behind a pillar, charge a long spell, turn a corner, and let loose.
Various skills, such as the Dark Arts (10% to shroud damage) and Abyss (20% to shroud damage), can increase your damage. There are bonuses to all elements and, consequently, all Staff Charges and Eternal Spells in Enshrouded.

The Quickcharge pell reduces the time to prepare the spell by half. If you are hit while charging your spell, you get interrupted and may need to recast it. This skill speeds up the cast time and overall damage per second.
The difference between staff charges and eternal spells.
Eternal Spells are a type of staff charge with multiple uses. However, they are considered an ultimate end-game ammunition and a better version of lower-grade spell charges.

Significant differences exist between Staff Charges vs. Eternal Spells, including damage, casting time, usage, level, and crafting recipes. Additionally, eternal spells in the staff spell selection are marked with the infinity symbol (∞). In contrast, staff charges will have a number next to them, telling you how many are left in your inventory. The Eternal Spells solve the major issue of the staff charges needing constant ammo. However, Eternal Spells’ long cast time is hard to deal with in specific situations.

Here is a full list of differences between Staff Charges vs. Eternal Spells:
  • Damage: The exact same element staff charges can have different damage compared to ethereal spells.
  • Casting time: Even the same spell, such as fireball, available in both staff charges and eternal spell charges, will have different cast times. Eternal Spells usually have longer cast time.
  • Usage: Eternal Spells have infinite uses, while staff charges are consumed on each cast.
  • Level: Most eternal spells are higher-level ammunition compared to regular staff charges.
  • Crafting: Higher-level staff charges and eternal spells require more advanced crafting resources.
A complete list of all staff charges and eternal spells.
There are 15 staff charges and eternal spells in Enshrouded. Each is unlocked at a certain level, with significant differences between them. The following list chronologically presents all Staff Charges and Eternal Spells, arranged from lowest to highest levels.
  • Ice Bolt (level 5)
  • Heal Channel (level 5)
  • Fireball (level 10)
  • Chain Lighting (level 12)
  • Chain Heal (level 12)
  • Fireball II (level 15)
  • Acid Bite (level 17)
  • Eternal Ice Bolt (level 17)
  • Eternal Chain Heal (level 17)
  • Eternal Fireball (level 17)
  • Eternal Heal Channel (level 22)
  • Lighting Channel (level 22)
  • Eternal Light Burst (level 22)
  • Eternal Acid Bite (level 22)
  • Shroud Meteor (level 27)
Now, for the locations, the in-depth information, and related I highly suggest checking out Google and YouTube as this will be way too much to write down and could be a bit boring for the eye. One thing I also suggest that if you want to know locations for example is to check the following website. Now keep in mind, exploring and finding it on your own is way more fun than searching everything up. My girlfriend did it and she got quite bored of it as she had a lot of Legendary Items and whatever :D

Best way to level up
Leveling in Enshrouded might seem to be a very slow process compared to other games of the genre. That is because certain activities do not provide any XP at all - like building, for example.

Focusing on day-to-day activities that provide a significant amount of XP that will not stray you from your main objective in the game is the best way to level fast in Enshrouded.

The good news is that all the methods below are meant to be used together and are complementary, so don't worry about endless farming or convoluted methods of leveling up.
Common sense.
You will be pleased to know that fighting enemies across Embervale will help you collect a decent amount of XP. Small enemies you come across randomly across the map might not give you the best level boost ever, but if you focus your attention on visiting enemy-flooded like Elixir Wells or Bandit Camps, you will see your XP bar start to fill.

As a rule of thumb, stronger and bigger enemies will reward you with more XP. It may become a difficult task, but successfully defeating enemies that are above your level is a great way to farm XP. You will notice whenever an enemy has a higher level than you when its health bar is colored purple, with red meaning that they match your level or are levels below it.
New POV discovery.
Exploring the world can be a dangerous endeavor if you are ill-equipped and even under-leveled, but don't only focus on fighting enemies. Discovering new areas will grant you XP in itself, meaning that actively walking across uncharted territories will be rewarding. This has the bonus that you will eventually discover either new Wells or camps as well as more difficult enemies to beat, which complements the first method of leveling fast.

Exploring is the best way to get XP not because of the actual XP you get for discovering, but due to the subsequent activities you can engage in after discovering new places across the world. Sticking to the quests you have assigned is great to gain XP, but don't be afraid of venturing yourself into the unknown.
Mining resources.
The name of this method may be a hyperbole but mining extremely valuable resources - and even lower-tier ones - helps you amass a significant amount of XP. This makes the pickaxe a must-have item so that you can collect all the ores and materials that drop from mining. Focus on finding mines across the world while you explore and swing your pickaxe like there's no tomorrow.

Moreover, if you are planning to create more bases across the world, take mine positioning into consideration so that the trip to the mines does not become a hassle. In general, explore the world, fight powerful enemies, and mine all the veins you come across. Again, these methods are meant to be used simultaneously and in conjunction. If you do, you will see your level increase in no time.
Bonus - Farming related YouTube videos.
DEV | All classes
DEV | Base building
Useful videos

Коментарів: 67
Jackhammer (Wholf)  [автор] 15 лют. о 6:46 
Will do, I have returned.
Tarciryan 15 лют. о 6:19 
This guide is a work of art, you should really keep it updated.
Elotty 12 січ. о 20:14 
To the north east of your first base there is a spot called saline something. I find it easier for salt!
WOLFY 29 груд. 2024 о 11:59 
27 груд. 2024 о 2:36 
Thanks for your help. Rated it and added it to favorites. Please also rate my guide. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1365168611
Madhatter_1295 20 груд. 2024 о 9:17 
Thanks for this amazing guide and the effort you put into it!!
stillday 16 черв. 2024 о 11:06 
Thanks for all the time and effort you put into this. This will be very helpful as I begin to explore this game and a valuable resource to many others as well as myself. You are top-shelf and a real treasure to the community.
NortheastBlackwood 6 черв. 2024 о 16:35 
This is wonderful and thank you. And there are still a lot of people who can read, and would prefer that over other... forms of information, let's say. You're working hard to make something everyone can use and it's admirable! Don't let your desire to write words be squashed by people who want everything to flash and make sounds.

And again, thank you.
Jackhammer (Wholf)  [автор] 29 лют. 2024 о 12:12 
Later this week another update!
Fell Mor 22 лют. 2024 о 15:23 
leather is made in the tanning rack, dried fur in the drying rack, fabric in the loom, linen in the spinning wheel. padding is produced by the hunter directly.