

68 ratings
Best thing to do before starting Starfield
By Dushalski
Best thing to do, really
Yep, that's it
Visit the steam page below:
Refund this game.

You are welcome!
Darkmoor123 9 Feb @ 7:16pm 
@YetAnotherCat Yeah, I was thinking something about rivers and crying personally.
Gexundheit 8 Feb @ 1:57pm 
You own the game and have 21 hours dipshit
mpcolson1964 7 Feb @ 7:50am 
Some people hate Fords, some people love them.... The same applies to Starfield.
LionGod 5 Feb @ 4:41am 
the best thing to do is play skyrim again instead of starfield... but maybe you will have fun for 100 hours... we'll see how long you last
HAWK 4 Feb @ 2:04am 
Starfield is a lot of fun to play with so many things to experience and do, and is also a great game visually. Having spent over 550 hours playing it since it was released speaks to the level of enjoyment and entertainment that I get out of it. What I don't understand is why so many people not only complain constantly about it but also act like it is essentially garbage and not worth playing at all. What is it that these people expect? I can only think that their expectations are so unrealistic that I can't even imagine how they must look at and judge other things if they are so critical of this game. Yes that is right. It is a game. It is not perfect. No games ever are. Everything is relative, and I think many people these days are spoiled and their unrealistic expectations make them unable to enjoy many things. Wake up and smell the roses and enjoy things while you can, and don't be so critical of everything around you. You will be a lot happier for it.
stone 4 Feb @ 12:21am 
You still have the game bro stop being a clown.
Hard Like Potato 3 Feb @ 4:37pm 
It is a fun game. There were so many things I did not like about the game that when the first save-erasing bug hit me, I was content to stop. Starfield is better than a lot of games in a lot of ways. Sadly, the things about the game that aren't so good (spaceflight, crafting, melee combat) are pretty much the reasons I was excited to play. I don't mind if other people like the game. Have fun guys.
Goose_Allergy 3 Feb @ 2:55pm 
the game is just meh, its not good but its not bad.. well maybe kinda bad, unfortunately i cant refund it but thanks
maxal 2 Feb @ 7:02pm 
how about you refund me the money, but i keep the game
Dr_CheekClapper 31 Jan @ 2:47pm 
Gotta love the fun police! I can't understand why someone would spend their weekends cussing at a sports team or scrolling through tiktok for hours but am not a whiny piss-pants about it like people are with Starfield lol. Or maybe you're just mad your potato pc can't run it for shite XD