Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

42 beoordelingen
Nuclear centralized temporary storage facility
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Buildings (by category): Storage, Industrial facility
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10 jan om 7:21
2 apr om 13:49
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Nuclear centralized temporary storage facility

Centralized temporary storage, to safely store large quantities of nuclear waste, is based on the built by COVRA on Nieuwdorp.

Workers needed 50
Road access 1
Loading and unloading area 2
Pedestrian access 4
Factory connections 6
Rail connections 2
Nuclear fuel store 500t
Nuclear waste store 500t
Heating off

For its operation, the containers must be unloaded and reprocessed into used fuel for storage.

Note: If you want to empty it, you must use vehicles prepared to carry nuclear waste, like this and reprocess it again in containers in a suitable facility, such as a nuclear power plant.


Gravel 388.5
Asphalt 395.8
Concrete 425.3
Workers 3650


Gravel 365.4
Concrete 452.6
Steel 170.2
Bricks 140.6
Prefab panels 276.4
Workers 6539


Steel 46.5
Mechanical components 8.7
Electronic components 4.8
Workers 540

Almacen temporal centralizado, para almacenar de forma segura grandes cantidades de resiudos nucleares, esta basado en el construido por COVRA en Nieuwdorp.

Trabajadores 50
Conexiones de carretera 1
Zonas de carga y descarga 2
Conexiones peatonales 4
Conexiones de fabrica 6
Conexiones de ferrocarril 2
Almacen de combustible nuclear 500t
Almacen de residuos nucleares 500t
Calefaccion desabilitada

Para su funcionamiento se deberan descargar los contenedores y reprocesarlo en combustible usado para su almacenaje.
Nota: En caso de querer vaciarlo se debera usar vehiculos preparadaos para llevar resiudos nucleares, como este y reprocesarlo de nuevo en contenedores en una instalacion adecuada, como, por ejemplo una central nuclear.


Grava 388.5
Asfalto 395.8
Hormigon 425.3
Dias de trabajo 3650


Grava 365.4
Hormigon 452.6
Acero 170.2
Ladrillos 140.6
Paneles prefabricados 276.4
Dias de trabajo 6539


Acero 46.5
Componentes mecanicos 8.7
Componentes electronicos 4.8
Dias de trabajo 540
5 opmerkingen
Jaronalsgamerr 22 aug om 11:11 
finaly a Dutch building
gonzaldd  [auteur] 1 jul om 15:52 
I have always liked those old posters, especially those related to space or industrial themes..., in principle I am not going to make more variations, but if anyone wants to make skins for it with the posters or something else, they are welcome.
GreezyHammer 1 jul om 10:20 
That guy you hate 15 jan om 11:35 
Yes... temporary
vajeeking 11 jan om 15:59 
that is pretty close to real building...