Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Items (9)
Chinese United Front Radio 中国统一战线电台
Created by pasta_roni
Hello! I noticed that there weren't a lot of comprehensive military march packs for China out there, so I decided to make one myself! All credit for the music goes back to their original owners, I got all of the music from Youtube. Most of the Nationalist ...
The road to 56 CN
Created by Hungry Fool
支持1.14新版本 现在只加载56汉化一个mod即可,不需要再订阅56原版 已经启用中文模式,请在启动器切换中文使用 游戏本体于每月的八号更新,届时我们的更新会导致旧存档闪退,想接着玩旧存档的请及时备份mod旧版本文件,我们的模组ID是2129897125 !!!重要!!! 注意: 请勿挂载52汉化、人名和部队名称汉化 、 原版汉化补全 、 以及任何修改将领领导人名称图片和部队船名的模组,除非它是专用于56之路打造的,因为其代码很**地把检测触发条件的代码写成了按名称检测,可能会出现,国策条件不满足,事件无...
新增了多个陆军单位: ----步兵单位:轻步兵;重步兵;中央军;近卫步兵 ----辅助单位旧式步兵;民兵;警察、骑警、戍卫部队与海防部队 ----支援连:政治部与综合支援连、中型坦克支援连与中型坦克侦察连 ----为原版惩戒营、非正规步兵、自行车营与骆驼骑兵营等取消了特殊限制 所有的单位图标因个人原因均暂不包含北约兵牌与除简中外的其他任何语种,采用北约兵牌可能会出现不显示的问题 目前正在初步学习制作mod,单位属性及数据都为临时确定,如有不足与问题请在评论区留言并指正 感谢英语翻译:Trident Than...
True Mao Zedong
Created by 蝦夷守0765sg_Q
このmodは、毛沢東同志の顔グラを以前のもの(ver.1.4.x)へと戻します。 Ver.1.5.x以降の顔グラに違和感を持つ方にお勧めです。 ~毛沢東同志よ永遠に~ ...
True historical FLAG
Created by WDTN123
Do you hate the unrealistic banner of the PSP reform??? I will gradually make it more realistic (continuous updating) Currently, there are only a few countries (commonly used) China All the flags of the regime of the Republic of China are now red flags Red...
More Division Icons
Created by Mask
This mod expands the selection of division icons. - makes all base unit icons available as division icons - adds new icons Ironman compatible Can be removed savely without breaking savegames. Custom icons will be replaced by standard icons. Troubleshooting...
The New Order
https://i.imgur.com/t6GK7yd.png The year is 1962, and Mexico is held fast by the Leviathan. Before the Second World War overturned the global system, the Mexican Revolution destroyed the Porfirian regime in a deluge of violence. Now, under the New Order of...
The New Order: Last Days of Europe(CN.Ver)
Created by Camouflage
时值西历1962年,欧罗巴正在长筒靴下苟且偷生。 第二次世界大战将旧世界彻底焚毁,一个新秩序从它的废墟中涅槃重生。在它的暴政之下,数百万人归于黄土之中。在它的威胁面前,自由的最后灯火行将熄灭。 大日耳曼国在世界大战中崛起,成为欧洲无可置疑的霸主。无数的生命在终焉之战逝去,但他们的鲜血换来的只有耻辱。德国的雄心壮志最终都化为了痴人说梦。它的军队如死尸般臃肿涩滞,它的政治如马戏团般内讧不休。如此种种,悉数印在阿道夫·希特勒那行将就木的视线之中。在他的身下,无数秃鹫盯着他,目露饥渴凶光。 东亚细亚在共荣圈的大旗下...
TNO Thermonuclear War Switch
Created by _Computer_
Do you want to take over the world for Göring normally, ignoring the nuclear war, but the submod Mr. Göring's Wild Ride hasn't been updated? Do other mods, which disable nuclear war seem too complicated and breaking TNO? There is a reluctance to dig into t...