

35 ratings
What type of ship am I flying?
By PK_Ultra
A visual guide.

By PK_Ultra.
Hi I'm PK_Ultra and welcome to my guide.

This guide is meant more for the shipbuilders out there who want to better categorize what kind of ship they are building and understand the naming conventions.

We will be looking at 6 major ship types:
  • The Freighter
  • The Shuttle
  • The Corvette
  • The Frigate
  • The Destroyer
  • The Cruiser

Below is a handy-dandy guide that infers a lot of detail but simplifies them in a way that is understandable at a glance.

You may have heard the terms "Light" Frigate, or "Heavy" Destroyer at some point. Those prefixes refer to how big a ship's guns are. With that understanding you can decide whether your ship is a light or heavy version of itself. Since I can't tell what weapons you'll be using, I'll be referring to each ship-type as their default.

edit: after giving it some more thought, a lightly armed ship would probably be using the lasers and machineguns/missiles vanilla setup, while heavily armed ships would use particle beams and turrets. But again, I leave the distinction up to you.
The flowchart
Why no Battleships?!
Battleships have an interesting real world history. They became obsolete after the second world war because they were too big of a target and were replaced by the more practical fleet carriers.

As for the game, I didn't add a Battleship type for the flowchart because we technically can't build or have one. These are the Legendary M-Class ships like the UC Vigilance, or the ones you run into in deep space with the 7000 hull points surrounded by escort ships.

If you think you have a battleship, you probably have a Cruiser, a heavily armed freighter or shuttle instead.

It bugs me that we don't have space fleet carriers though, but I digress.
I'm PK_Ultra and this is my favourite guide on the Citadel.

Please remember to like and favourite.
PK_Ultra  [author] 26 Feb @ 10:26pm 
keep playing the game Xan, you'll figure it out eventually.
XanAlpha 26 Feb @ 8:48pm 
Huh....Did not know that about the White Dwarf 3015 and other speed factors. Sorry, I was wrong there. And Thanks!

Unfortunately, I still think your flow chart is misleading.
1: the fact that only one engine can go 180 suggests to me that either it is an oversight by bethesda or (more likely) that its a rare experimental prototype engine, so not everyone will have it.
2: I was looking at the stats of only the ship itself, regardless of the player, crew, or power distribution. In other words: A shuttle with a skilled racing pilot is still a shuttle, not a racer.
3: I was also thinking in terms of ships used by NPC's, not just the player. In other words, I was looking at all ships in starfield, not just the player's.
PK_Ultra  [author] 26 Feb @ 6:30pm 
watch this video if youre still confused on how to exploit the white dwarf 3015 engines. @XanAlpha
PK_Ultra  [author] 26 Feb @ 6:21pm 
Heres a picture of my main ship using the 3015 a-class engines with no mods if you need further proof.

Its quite possible, and i can confirm that it does go 180/100, with a max boost of 1000 without any traits. Faster than the 150 A-class thrusters.
PK_Ultra  [author] 26 Feb @ 6:16pm 
Xan you need to tinker more with the shipbuilding mechanics, nothing you said was right. thats not how it works.
XanAlpha 26 Feb @ 5:53pm 
Sorry but it doesn't... The experimental A-class White Dwarf 3015 available at Starship Design 4 (which I do have) on its own has a 180/100 maneuver stat, but the ships final stats are different. They may be derived from the stats of all the parts that make up the ship, but they are separate from the ship part stats (regardless of the class of the ship or the parts). Even if a ship had 0 mass while having a White Dwarf 3015 engine, the game would calculate out the ships top speed at 150 at most...If you are using ship part stats alone without taking into account the calculations that convert that into the final ship stats, then I am afraid to say that whatever diagram or chart you create will be inaccurate...sorry...
PK_Ultra  [author] 26 Feb @ 5:37pm 
Also theres no rule that says you can't use A-class thrusters with B/C-class reactors and weapons, so long as the ship is light enough not to affect thruster performance.
PK_Ultra  [author] 26 Feb @ 5:32pm 
XanAlpha, the experimental A-class White Dwarf 3015 thruster can go 180 speed/100 maneuver. You need Starship Design 4 to unlock it and is intentionally hard to notice when you get it. The downside is you need to make sure your ship is light enough since its an A-class thruster.

Hope that clears things up for you.
XanAlpha 25 Feb @ 11:00am 
Cant help but notice a problem with your chart. The top speed stat for ships in starfield has a cap. Class A max is 150. Class B max is 140. Class C max is 130. That means that (according to your chart) NO SHIPS can be either corvettes or frigates and that the only ships capable of being either a cruiser or destroyer are Class A. Everything else is either a shuttle or frigate. Perhaps this is an oversight on your part or maybe your using a mod that increases or removes the cap on ship top speed. Either way, please fix it...
Bill70 22 Feb @ 1:22pm 
Many thanks PK_Ultra ,really good Flowchart !!! I'm a gonna print me this onto paper for future reference ;)