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LT5M3 Falx
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LT5M3 Falx

In 2 collections by Afjklol
Khertland Military (v4.1.2)
85 items
Khertland Army (v4.1.2)
68 items
The LT5M3 Falx is a light tank of the Khertland army designed to replace the CC1M1 Esturion as the flank security for the armored divisions with active units being prioritized first. With the introduction of the LT4 Flemming, the army gained new insights on autoloading technologies. This experience led to the army to believe they could improve the rate of fire of the Esturion. However due to space constraints, the Esturion would need a complete redesign. According to engineering studies; it was deemed that a new design would provide superior capabilities for a lower cost.
The army laid out the requirements for a new vehicle equipped with a faster firing gun, improved side armor, and must be tracked. The Esturion's wheeled nature meant it struggled to keep up with tanks in soft terrain. Tracks were desired to keep ground pressure low. Additionally, the lack of armor on the Esturion, frontally and its sides were found wanting when forced to engage enemy heavy armor. The army was reluctant on bloating the vehicle's cost and weight as its role was still ultimately flank security, exploitation, and to conduct reconnaissance in force. However improved engine, and autoloading technology meant weight and cost has went down. Engineers decided to use this weight saving to improve the survivability of the vehicle. Roof and floor armor was thinner than the Esturion as part of these efforts in keeping cost and weight down while maximizing front and side protection. While still not a match for main battle tanks; it is expected to at least survive long enough to withdraw or to get into a more advantageous position.

The first prototype, the LT5M1 came with a oscillating turret but was deemed too tall and was rejected by the army procurement office. The second prototype kept the hull albeit with some modifications and featured a new lower profile turret still of the oscillating design although a conventional layout was also proposed. This became known as the LT5M2 and would appear almost identical to that of the final product. One LT5M1 and four LT5M2s were delivered for trials. The oscillating turret design had poor elevation and depression however. Engineers decided to compensate this with a adjustable hydropneumatic suspension. This substantially extended the development time but added an additional 6 degrees of elevation and depression bringing the arc up to +14/-11 degrees. This was retrofitted onto the existing four prototypes. Further trials after this found the turret armor was lacking and so a add-on armor kit was developed featuring a spaced composite array for the frontal turret. Lastly, a improved propellant formula was developed in parallel allowing the APFSDS projectile to have improved penetration. This did require a slight redesign for the gun to withstand the increased pressures. The final design features superior firepower relative to any other gun in Khertland army service at the time save for the 183mm on the Angon.

With the depletion of the initial modernization funds, the army decided to only slowly phase out the Esturion. The first units to receive the new LT5M3 Falx is the 1st, and 2nd armored division followed by the 4th, and 5th armored divisions of 8th Corp.

Basic specifications:
Cost: 16,476
Blocks: 328
Weight: 29,533
Volume: 445 cubic meter
Length: 17m
(hull), 24m (gun)
Width: 7m
Height: 7m (turret roof), 9m (total)
Speed: 23 m/s
(83 kmh)

Caliber: 304mm
Barrel Length: L/46
Projectile: Sabot head-solid-solid-base bleeder-9.82x casing
Rate of Fire: 17 rpm
Kinetic damage: 9,077
Armor piercing: 86.7
Penetration: At least 1 layer of 4m reinforced HA beam

Hull Front: 4m metal + 2m HA Beams
Hull Side: 1m metal + 1-2m HA Beams/blocks
Hull Rear: 1m metal beam
Turret Front: 1m applique + 1m metal block - 7m metal blocks
Turret Side: Metal plate
Turret Rear: None
EMP Resistance: None

Total firepower: 19.99
APS: 19.99
Armor: 15.6% (2566 materials)

Update: Fixed turret rotation after collision was made more restrictive again (Christmas update)