Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

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31 Jan, 2024 @ 9:58am
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In 1 collection by BingJ
346 items

An invisible force has been scorned.

Ferras was once an esteemed blacksmith for the Fire capital who worked the grandest forge in all of aether. Deep underground, enormous crucibles containing tonnes of molten metal were at his command via his natural magnetic abilities. His supply to the fire capital's warring efforts was second to none. So esteemed and high quality was his work that Loxodont himself came to commission his own weapon. A dagger. It was far too small for loxodont to use, but despite Ferras's recommendation for a larger armament, Loxodont was adamant that this was the weapon he required.
Obedient, Ferras constructed the dagger to the exact specifications he was given. It was only when he received the news that Renburn had been assassinated that he realised the true nature of the request. Before long, the fire council confronted him with a choice. He could keep silent and keep supplying them with weapons, or he could die there. Betrayed, hurt and furious, Ferras tried to fight back, but could not win against the very weapons he had created. Loxodont, after Ferras had been tired out with the fighting, picked the scorpion up by the tail, ripped off his stinger and his arms and threw him down into the crucible below as the rest of the council started destroying his forge.

When the crucible collapsed and fell from its hanging chains, it tipped its contents out, spilling them deep into the underground caverns the forge had been built around. Down and down Ferras fell, deeper and deeper into the Earth until he could go no further. He reached the bottom of the cave and lay their, motionless, for a time. He had been betrayed and he could fight back. He had helped the hands of corruption and caused the fires of destruction to grow brighter. Now, while they continued their reign in the land above, here this scorpion lay in agony, powerless to do anything. Was this his fate? Was this the ending to his story?
The ground around Ferras rumbled and shook. Something welled up inside of him. No. This was not the end of his story. No. This was not going to be where he died. No, he would not allow them this victory over him. With his defiance, the earth seemed to agree. The iron in the walls of the cave burst out to him. With just a glare, the approaching hunks of metal froze in mid-air. Where the fire gave him scars, the earth would give him strength. The metal of the crucible, now fused to his body amplified his natural magnesis. Fueled only by a thirst for revenge, Ferras began his ascent; a survivor, a loose end that the fire council could not get rid of.
He came from the core and was returned to the core. Now, he rises again, with a vengeful fury. The deepest parts of earth run hotter than any fire, and Ferras's spirit burns far more dangerously than any flame. The fire capital will pay.

Elemental Powers

Ferras has magnesis originating from deep below the ground. Covered in the ferromagnetic iron, this gives him many options for attack:

Iron defence. As it turns out, punching a 21,000kg block of metal isn't a great idea. With two of these guarding him, ferras is able to protect himself from attackers. With Neutral special, ferras can pull enemies towards him while granting himself super armour. If you are hit, you can cancel out of the move and retaliate. Additionally, on a successful parry, he boosts his power briefly and can deal additional damage and knockback for a short time.

Rust. Iron rusts and Ferras is an unfortunate victim of this. The iron that now coats his body like an armour is an excellent defence, but plagues him with a painful cough. His body builds up rust that he frequently needs to spit out. In fact, although it isn't pleasant, he has become quite good at spitting it far. Using Fspecial or Dspecial can inflict your opponent with the rusted status effect. This slows their movement speed. The additional friction caused by coating his opponents in rust also means he can strike them with more precision. Hitting rusted opponents will allow you to cancel out of your lighter attacks into any other attack, allowing Ferras to attack opponents with extreme aggression.

Magnesis. Using Uspecial will cause ferras to magnetically link to his blocks and focusing all his energy, will propel him upwards. This does tire him out though, causing him to go into pratfall.


Ferras has quite a few options for spiking opponents, but has quite a few slow attacks and poor recovery. He's extremely strong when grounded and has plenty of range, but can feel sluggish when running as the blocks carry quite a bit of momentum with him. Utilising rust and his counter options will give you the best results when fighting as Ferras. If you come up against him, watch his magnet meter and try to use areal options to force him up off of the platform.

Huge thanks to the workshop community for helping me with the coding. I'd be lost without you.
Redeemed Revan 19 Oct, 2024 @ 9:52pm 
Either I'm bad at the character, or none of the attacks seem to connect
Redeemed Revan 19 Oct, 2024 @ 9:51pm 
This one just needs some tweaks
BingJ  [author] 19 Oct, 2024 @ 9:50am 
I'm sorry to hear you didn't like the character. Hopefully if I make another one, it'll be more to your liking.
Redeemed Revan 19 Oct, 2024 @ 2:56am 
this character is horrible
BaaCloud 23 Jul, 2024 @ 8:01pm 
correction, i stumbled >:3
Badungus Kablungus 23 Jul, 2024 @ 7:59pm 
Great character. love em. Hope you're doing ok, BingJ. Sorry if i'm bothering you, but i stumbled upon this character and wanted to say hi.

-Badungus, formerly known as Meme
Quantumleaper NEO 17 Jun, 2024 @ 7:19pm 
Cool character, great animations, feels very unique to control.

I think rust is a bit of an underdone mechanic here, some cancels that should work apparently don't, others feel a bit wack to use and don't quite connect most of the time, Might just be a skill issue on my part but I think it lasts too short to try any reliable setups as well. Also, it's not quite enough reward for DSpec which has such a long startup time and small hitbox.

Love the command parry NSpec though
gengar.2010 11 May, 2024 @ 5:13pm 
I reckon it would've had a great Rivals of Aether story mode
p.s. I like Ferras, he is cool.
limemaster6 27 Jan, 2024 @ 7:32pm 
this design should have been a Pokemon than a rivals of aether character
Kleebus J. Longular 12 Jan, 2024 @ 2:22am 
man too angry to die