Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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it just a test mod
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566.000 B
13 DIC 2023 a las 7:47 p. m.
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it just a test mod

it just a test mod for sit on anything

to use: c_spawn("testlog") and wait 10seconds
1 comentarios
󰀏Niko 26 ENE a las 11:57 a. m. 
The core of the problem with the testlog is that you are both using SpawnPrefab to spawn a log which causes said log to run it's spawn code like normal, but then also return it in testlog's main function which will cause it to run the spawn code a second time.
This is likely to cause issues with almost any mod that uses PrefabPostInits as most are designed to only be ran once per object.