The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable

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How to get the "Go outside" and "Commitment" achivements!
By cannon9009
Need to know how to get the Commitment badge? Or maybe the "Go outside" badge? Click this guide, I will help you!
Getting to know the achivements
This section is where I will talk about the achivements "Go outside" and "Commitment". If you are easily bored, skip to the next section.

"Go outside":
This achivement can be earned by not playing The Stanley Parable for 5 YEARS. Yeah, it's alot. Basically, this achivement WANTS you to go outside. I mean, it is in the achivement name.

This achivement is for all the no-lifers without a job. You earn this by playing the game for 24 hours on a Tuesday. And when I mean 24 hours, I mean all 24 hours of the Tuesday. If you even miss one SECOND, you will probably not be getting this achivement 'till next week.
"Go outside"
This is actually the only one that you can get by messing around with the date on your computer. In order to get this achivement by doing so, you must go to your date settings on your computer and add 5 years to whatever day it is. Then, play the stanley parable, and there you go. It was that easy.

Computers are da future, man!
Jordan B 7 Jul, 2016 @ 10:34pm 
Try setting your clock to 6 years in the future, 5 didn't work for me
The Heretical Knight 5 Jul, 2016 @ 4:25am 
how do these guys that make the achevments think that we would stop playing the game for 5 fricking years
A fat cat 29 Jun, 2016 @ 7:25am 
I've set my date 5 years ahead and I never get the achievement. I tried logging out from steam, then setting it 5 years, logging in again and playing... Never works!
sprgzr 27 Jun, 2016 @ 7:49pm 
wtf, every time that I try to understand, less I got it '-'