Your Only Move Is HUSTLE

Your Only Move Is HUSTLE

115 ratings
Mods: Character
File Size
6.633 MB
6 Dec, 2023 @ 12:33am
2 Jan @ 2:33am
10 Change Notes ( view )

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Jynx Recht

Too many trumpets.
Popular Discussions View All (1)
19 Nov @ 9:52am
Kaihan Fidaiy
Nut Flogger #1 24 Nov @ 9:38am 
jury duty def crashes
White Rider 8 Nov @ 2:29am 
Can confirm. Might be Jury Duty that does it. needs more testing.
Had a CTD right after selecting it. Could be something else, but that's when I crashed.
washedAwry 2 Oct @ 1:16pm 
jury duty crashes the game
Laix_lake 25 Sep @ 10:05pm 
has anyone crashed their repeatedly when using this character?
goobingtongoober 17 Jul @ 7:50pm 
the person below me has no idea
Retsumi Games 8 Jul @ 3:31am 
Guys, why is there a small bird with a red spot on its chest, another with a long, half-twisted neck with a golden scale and bandages on its face, and another that is huge with a lamp in its hand and many eyes?
dyce930 29 Jun @ 9:32am 
Guys I got lamp
Simping Delphox 15 Jun @ 8:57pm 
because of this characters "slow start", it can lost in alot of matchups. its good at keeping at bey with its long moves but because of no grab makes the rock paper scissors of jab, block, grab not possible in close range since its jab has no range or anything special. being at far range losses value because you have no hustle to build meter incase of zoners. and people with armor easily beat judge because of the long start up of moves
Padex 16 May @ 1:30am 
this character causes mod mismatches error in the latest version, pls fix ;_;
0sikin0 26 Apr @ 1:25pm 
well, okay, maybe a little too harsh, his ability to use Death Row(Ban enemy moves) for 0 meter(when its originally 3) and on 4 frame(instead of usual 20+ i think?) when he is hit, as an option any time he wishes, is pretty damn good. still, it lasts pretty long time for combos, and thus you cant reuse it untill it goes away(a move to dismiss a ban you made, cant be done while youre in combo), as also him being able to use it for free ONLY when he is in combo, do make it situational. but it does make it less horrible to lose burst)(if by a little)