Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

33 ratings
3rdstreet Remake
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Map
Addon Tags: Roleplay, Scenic
File Size
78.770 MB
4 Dec, 2023 @ 1:37pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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3rdstreet Remake

In 1 collection by Penoltinum
Remade/Edited maps
8 items
Another busy day..
Unlike the "remake" version available on the gamebanana released somewhere in 2011, my remake cherry picked both that version's goods and the OG version's goods, added some of my touches and combined all the effort into making a true complete remake package.

If you see errors, get CSS

Map filename : zs_3rdstreet_remake

Be sure to check out my other maps in my workshop!

Featuring :
  • A simple skybox
  • Improved the overall lighting and HDR tone and brightness,
  • Added soundscapes,
  • Experimental lightmap values to test out beautiful and sharp shadows in bright areas,
  • Opened up a lot more rooms, areas and rooftops, some having an entire interior facelift. On top of this, each room has been designed to feel a little "different" than the rest, also filled them up with props and rustic-tier designs,
  • Added areaportals and prop fading for further optimization. Experimented with the usage of hint/skips to see if I did a good job (I hope so). Areaportal windows feel a bit too aggressive, but I will let the community decide for it,
  • Changed the graveyard into a small garden of sorts,
  • Removed the annoying train in the subway that would get the team killed because of a funny trigger,
  • More misc changes around the map to make it feel less dull,

[DNv]Cross : Original map creator []
LurkyUK : Original remaker []
Penoltinum : Remaking the map Skrillex style
mr man 9 Dec, 2023 @ 3:44pm 