Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon®

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Items (211)
Created by EKG
这套字体有什么特点? 1. 补全了原版字体缺字漏字问题,使其更加适配模组环境,现在任何生僻字都可以正常显示了。 (就算kaze大佬最新爱发电职业"旧裔"的古神低语都没有任何压力) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1814400546064630003/DFF75F2DD2D59DF5DB9E5754433BD9B2C6E6CD4A/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%2300000...
Mod 简体中文化
Created by 小凯先生
暗黑地牢是个好游戏,创意工坊上的mod也为游戏增加了更多的乐趣! 本人接触汉化不久,尝试着翻译了一些个人喜欢的mod,翻译质量如果有bug或者不合理的地方,希望大家在评论区指出,我会尽力完善。 本mod的汉化过程借鉴了创意工坊里其他大神的的汉化成果,在此表示感谢,如果侵犯了各位的著作权,请通知我,我会删去此mod。 以下支援汉化的mod部分原作者已经停更,不建议全部安装,避免出现bug。 01、腥红庭院加强 Courtyard+ (Beta) 02、无限宝石 The Infinity Stones 03、小...
Title replaced with Girls Dungeon【标题改为少女地牢】
Created by Ms.CookieS
Title replaced with Girls Dungeon ============================================= How to use it? Find the file for this mod In your workshop file SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\262060 ============================================= Select fx file copy...
7 Quirks, 7 Lockable
Created by Whisper The Wolf
Just like the good old days... You too can now experience the times when characters could have 7 Good and 7 Bad quirks! This makes it so you can now have 7 of both quirk types on your characters, as well as lock up to 7 of them (Decision brought out as to ...
Fully Lit Darkness
Created by Maester Silvio
WORKS WITH CRIMSON COURT WORKS WITH COLOR OF MADNESS Many players love experiencing the challenge and excitement of full darkness, but the monochromatic tinting of the dungeons can be tiresome at times for both normal players and streamers/content creators...
自用, 修改了祖传兑换比例(只是更合理不是白嫖); 修改了大部分建筑的花费以及效果: 教堂/酒馆: 花费更少; 去除所有有概率获得负面怪癖的事件; 去除获得负面buff事件; 去除丢饰品事件; 增加获得饰品事件的概率。 铁匠铺/生存大师/公会: 每升一级获得15%的折扣。 疗养院: 删除负面怪癖的花费打5折; 锁定怪癖价格同上; 治病花费打5折; 现在治病有100%概率全部治好。 驿站马车: 每周刷新角色增加为9个(最高级); 角色上限升级:47/57/67/77/87/102/; 增加高级英雄刷新的概率 ...
Remove Dungeons Level Restriction
Created by Oks
https://i.imgur.com/OICaz7f.png Feature: Remove the level restriction to enter in dungeons so you can farm with high level heroes in low level dungeons. Other Mods: https://i.imgur.com/YWxrnfv.png https://i.imgur.com/FVTVpUL.png https://i.imgur.com/yjz2wtV...
Curio Hints New Update(Include CC)V1.5 互动提示
Created by Blaink
Curio Hints New Update (Include CC) This mod can help novice understand the interactive props needed for interactive scenes more better. I'm going to reset all the pictures so that the interactive cue more clearer. This mod Include the results of Curio Hin...
Consistent Skill Icon Colors
Created by Lucceri
Recolored Icons The mod provides a better understanding of what exactly a skill does at a quick glance. This is done by recoloring the ability icons to the following format: https://i.imgur.com/qUXWNFg.png https://i.imgur.com/jYlt21h.png https://i.imgur.co...
「马车调整」stage coach adjustment
Created by yyyyy
What is this? Significantly increased the maximum population that can be accommodated in a town, increased the number of people that can be recruited by a carriage per week, and increased the maximum level that a carriage can recruit, now you can recruit h...
Created by
Created by Ego
这个mod增加了马车升级时增加的英雄名册上限,为打了很多职业mod的选手准备,但又不至于在前期就开放几乎用不完的营房位置而丧失对英雄选择性招募的决策。而在等级升级到最高时,营房数量将提升到129。 此外,增加了熟手招募的等级上限,当你把熟手招募升级到最高级之后马车将会刷出等级5、拥有更多正面怪癖和更少负面怪癖的英雄,方便刷英雄特质。 最后这个mod还修改了饰品商店,增加了每周商品数量的同时提高了高稀有度饰品出现的机会,并将出售隐藏饰品。 其实原本是自用的不过封面都画了不发出来说不过去() This mod ...
我全都要_I Want Them ALL
Created by Butterf9
The following content is translated from Google, sorry for English is not my mother tongue :( Modify small patch, please sort as much as possible above the MOD list --------------------------------------------- +Original supply/Gem/Gold/Gold Coin's Stackin...
更快的地牢_Faster Darkest Dungeon
Created by Butterf9
🔊❗便利性小补丁,请尽可能排序在MOD列表上方位置 +2.0倍的战斗速度 +1.5倍的行走速度 +2.0倍的侦察速度 +兼容全DLC +理论兼容任何MOD --------------------------------------------- -没有,毕竟仅仅调整了速度 :D...
better bag can upgrade 24 to 44
Created by 麻风王的盛邀
HOW TO USE:click map/ Inventory Button 使用方法:点击地图/背包按钮 change into map It won't cover up 切换为地图就不会遮挡住 build districts can unlock more Inventory(Stack unlock bag) 建造区域建筑可以解锁更多背包格子(对应未解锁格子可堆叠) If you only want this backpack,Copy the files in folder "48" to the...
Resurrection Event-复活事件
Created by Zagreus
增加了一个事件,有中英翻译 墓园有死者且本周城镇无其他事件的时候,才会触发本事件。 事件效果: 从墓园抽取至多三位死亡英雄,选其中一个复活。 Add an event with Chinese and English translation. This event will only be triggered when there are deceased individuals in the graveyard and there are no other events in the town this ...
【如果不知道怎么改压缩包之类的,直接玩就好了!】 最终我还是受不了dy的重口味了,我和止幽玖决定整个大活,没错就是这个!历经小半个月的成果,为了瑟瑟!在此文本修改中,我个人私自给领主增加了奇怪的背景来解释瑟瑟的原因。 当然这个和dy是冲突的以及因为使用是的游戏原文件修改制作的文本修改mod所以需要尽可能排序靠上。由于实在是没有好的农庄怪美化所以我们决定有两个版本,一个是疯狂的瑟瑟,一个是相对平和的瑟瑟。 其中附带了将猩红的人物框变的有点瑟瑟。订阅之后请去mod文件夹中打开localization文件夹并解压...
阿黑颜化的血肉肖像_Ahegao Portrait
Created by Butterf9
🔊❗UI小补丁,排序顺序无所谓;建议排在MOD列表下方位置 +将极暗地牢之后偶尔闪现的英雄血肉肖像改为阿黑颜 +再也不会掉San了 +好消息,NSFW --------------------------------------------- -坏消息,NSFW 所用图源自于互联网,不要问我出处,我也很期待英雄降临() 这不是我的XP,选取这两张图只是综合考虑了互联网对于“阿黑颜Ahegao”的刻板印象 如有侵权请联系我处理,有其他的问题也欢迎留言 另外本着授人以鱼不如授人以渔的原则,我在Mod文件内放了一...
Created by 并非群导游
已更新dy适配版本,根目录删除文件解压压缩包即可 推荐配合群友做的文本mod食用,一起用的话删除modfiles并且解压根目录的后宫文本适配压缩包覆盖同名即可  大型涩涩文本mod 更新说明 3.8 修复了一些bug,加入了大幅减少暴击并且大幅增加伤害的新银纹 3.10 加入了一个生存型的新银纹,对之前的银纹进行了一些更改,具体改动看改动说明 为6个有回合开始效果的银纹和补给品道具加入了语音(有的是r18的,不要外放 不会每次都触发,如果不喜欢可以删了文件夹的audio文件夹和modfiles 语音只给原版...
Created by shangshanhuiliyi379
需要与"疾病改淫纹"一起使用, 地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3174213424 用于快速获得淫纹。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 制作不易求点赞。 在水晶饰品商店加了个减淫纹抗性的饰品。 学到的知识又增加了,代码半天BUG半周,谢谢大佬指导。 (o´Д`)=з 疲れた・・・ 已将减淫纹抗性提升至-999 ...
Created by Ms.CookieS
没有司马竞技场提示啦!! 该死的初生一直干扰我点马车 大概只能适用于新存档 ___________________ https://space.bilibili.com/43947340?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0 我的b站个人空间 My Bilibili personal space ___________________...
风佑之狐农场无尽本技能次数刷新修复 The Fuujin Kitsune farm fix
Created by InuiDame
非官方mod Unofficial mod 修复了风佑之狐的限制次数技能在无尽本中无法刷新次数的问题。 将该mod放置在风佑之狐本体mod上方。 Fixed the issue where the limited number of times skill of The Fuujin Kitsune cannot be refreshed in Endless. Place the mod above the The Fuujin Kitsune MOD. 此mod已经集成在强化狐面mod中。 This m...
The Flowery Poet Class Tsubame-gaeshi
Created by InuiDame
Unofficial MOD This MOD must be placed above the original MOD! This MOD must be placed above the original MOD! This MOD must be placed above the original MOD! Note: This mod has a significant combat power enhancement effect on characters. This mod has adde...
「Leper Rework」 Leper Rework
Created by 1917194641
The vanilla leper was reworked Slightly stronger than the vanilla Now Leper carries 7 skills It has three modes Each modes has five skills Use Revenge to enter a new mode Each mode will give the Leper's skills new effects Now leper are harder to kill His a...
Porkin's Monster Skin : 1. Cultist
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- Isn it fun? please keep behold (??) ---------------------------------------- Twitch STREAM https://www.twitch.tv/kih0817/ Contact kih08...
Porkin's Monster Skin : 2. Prophet
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- Isn it fun? this is umm. commission! please keep behold (??) ---------------------------------------- Twitch STREAM twitch.tv/kih0817 C...
Porkin's Monster Skin : 3. Siren (Less mutated)
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- Isn it fun? this is umm. commission too! please keep behold (??) ---------------------------------------- Twitch STREAM twitch.tv/kih08...
Porkin's Monster Skin : 4. Fanatic
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- Isn it fun? this is umm. commission! please keep behold (??) ---------------------------------------- Twitch STREAM twitch.tv/kih0817 C...
Created by sonk
“海难夺走了这位音乐家的性命,而她不甘自己的才华就这样被埋没,因此借助伟大之力的馈赠,她向听众展示能让阿撒托斯都迷醉的音乐” ———————————————————— 这是一个pirate(怨鬼小提琴)的娘化mod,在此特别感谢 沉默之舌 的原画,画的针不戳٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶,sonk负责做动作和上传_(:3 ⌒゙)_ 我们将会推出更多的怪物娘皮肤,大家敬请期待ovo~ 下一期是溺尸(≧▽≦) 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?...
Created by sonk
“当海水灌进肺中,她的意识逐渐麻木,在死寂的深渊里,祭司们吟诵渎神的咒语,她再次睁开双目,从此世界一片血红” ———————————————————— 这是一个bloated_corpse(溺尸)的娘化mod,在此特别感谢 沉默之舌 的原画,画的针不戳٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶,sonk负责做动作和上传_(:3 ⌒゙)_ 我们将会推出更多的怪物娘皮肤,大家敬请期待ovo~ 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941045512 —...
Created by sonk
这是一个gargoyle(石像鬼)的娘化mod,在此特别感谢 沉默之舌 的原画,画的针不戳٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶,sonk负责做动作和上传_(:3 ⌒゙)_ 我们将会推出更多的怪物娘皮肤,大家敬请期待ovo~ 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941045512...
Created by sonk
“他说会与你平分那些骇人的遗产,他还说过要与你分享禁忌的知识,但他仅仅付出花言巧语,在你分神的那一刻刺出匕首,从此世间的奥秘与你无缘...可命运无常,在这座被诅咒的庄园里,你再次“活 ”了过来,重新阔步于那名狡诈骗子的家中,慢慢的接管曾经失去的一切。” 开发者名单 ———————————————————— 原画:沉默之舌 骨骼:sonk 介绍 ———————————————————— 这是一个死灵法师的娘化mod。 如果出现bug,欢迎反馈,如果对风格有任何意见,请自行修改文件内容达到自己的预期。 合集:h...
fishman mod
Created by w_s_l
Created by sonk
这是一个maggot(蛆)的娘化mod,在此特别感谢 沉默之舌 的原画,画的针不戳٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶,sonk负责做动作和上传_(:3 ⌒゙)_ 我们将会推出更多的怪物娘皮肤,大家敬请期待ovo~ 下一期是海湾小提琴(≧▽≦) 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941045512...
Created by sonk
“凡人向深渊借取力量,而深渊也回应了这些凡人,他们有的为了一己私利,也有的为了虚无的目标,但最终,他们都将回归到那不可名状之中。” 开发者名单 ———————————————————— 原画:沉默之舌 骨骼:sonk 介绍 ———————————————————— 这是一个cultist邪教徒二人组的娘化mod。 如果出现bug,欢迎反馈,如果对风格有任何意见,请自行修改文件内容达到自己的预期。 关于 ———————————————————— 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sh...
Created by sonk
这是一个collector(收藏家)以及三颗头的娘化mod,在此特别感谢 沉默之舌 的原画,画的针不戳٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶,sonk负责做动作和上传_(:3 ⌒゙)_ 我们将会推出更多的怪物娘皮肤,大家敬请期待ovo~ 下一个是蛆虫🥵 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941045512         ___,,...,,__ /`''/`i   |``~--,...~```     `` * |   i ヽ      ...
Created by sonk
众所周知,哈姆雷特遭受了老祖花样祸害,他需要我们这些继承者出来给他擦屁股,但奇怪的是,随着继承者越发深入,他们发现此地的怪物开始娘化...... 这是一个fishman_crabby(螃蟹)的娘化mod,在此特别感谢 沉默之舌 的原画,画的针不戳٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶,还有 w_s_l 与 想想这把怎么白给 的技术指导和测试,sonk负责做动作和上传_(:3 ⌒゙)_ 附上同系列类型海湾鱼人娘化皮肤:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id...
Created by sonk
这是一个madman(疯子)的娘化mod,在此特别感谢 沉默之舌 的原画,画的针不戳٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶,sonk负责做动作和上传(*´︶`*)╯ 我们将会推出更多的怪物娘皮肤,大家敬请期待~ 剧透一下,下一期是爬爬娘哦,白白的🥰大大的🥵prprpr 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941045512...
Created by sonk
这是一个shambler(跛行者)以及小爬的娘化mod,在此特别感谢 沉默之舌 的原画,画的针不戳٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶,sonk负责做动作和上传_(:3 ⌒゙)_ 不得不吐槽下就是地牢这滤镜很奇怪,为了找到合适紫色背景的爬爬颜色,只能把原画颜色修的非常燥,纯度和饱和度有点高 我们将会推出更多的怪物娘皮肤,大家敬请期待ovo~ 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941045512 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 爬爬娘,我好喜欢你啊 为了你😨😨...
Created by sonk
“从阴沉的哈姆雷特,到肮脏的地下管网,她的暴虐无人不知,无兽不晓,生活在当地的猪人必须十分小心的侍奉女王,唯恐自己成为下一道午餐,这里只有弄臣敢于涉足王座厅,在无尽谗言中,她借助暴君之威肆意泼洒那可怕的力量......” 开发者名单 ———————————————————— 原画:沉默之舌 骨骼:sonk 介绍 ———————————————————— 这是猪人之王与威尔伯的皮肤mod。 如果出现bug,欢迎反馈,如果对风格有任何意见,请自行修改文件内容达到自己的预期。 合集:https://steamco...
skeleton monster girl
Created by w_s_l
This mod is not suitable for all ages, please subscribe it according to your demand. Because of the report a few days ago, some part of the latest version of this mod will be cut. Nevertheless, the version without any cut will be added in 'steamapps/worksh...
crimson court monster girl
Created by 洛艸
又卡steam审核了,所以再次换人重传 Stuck in steam review again, re-upload again with a replacement ———————————————————————— ———————————————————————— 替朋友代发mod,之后会把原作者w_s_l拉进开发者 Send mods for friends, and then pull the original author w_s_l into the developer This mod is n...
w_s_l Courtyard Localization
Created by Knave of Chalices
This is intended to add more...fitting names for the monsters and attacks reskined by w_s_l's crimson court monster girl mod (obviously that mod is required for this mod to work). I was incredibly hesitant about making this mod public, for what I believe t...
Bloodstained Decadence
Created by Hestrir
!Extra versions are found on: - this mod's Nexus page ( nexusmods dot com/darkestdungeon/mods/1242/ ) - my patreon .--*^FoR FrEe^*-- ( patreon dot com/Hestrir ) Welcome one, welcome all! The luxurious replacer made all the way from inside the horny jail is...
Crystalline (apprentice)
Created by Hestrir
Replaces all apprentice level Color of Madness monsters with monster girls. Like what you see? Support me on patreon.com/Hestrir for voting and esrly access! ...
Crystalline ~Champion~ + 'Doomsday' replacer
Created by Hestrir
Replaces all champion level Color of Madness monsters with monster girls AND replaces Doomsday and Doomtrained dog from the Doomsday mod. Like my work? Support me on patreon at https://www.patreon.com/Hestrir Get the amazing Doomsday mod at https://steamco...
monster girl brigand part1
Created by anaertailin
!!!!注意有裸露内容!!!!修改了3个野怪强盗,patreon中有独特内容 !!!!! Warning! Naked content.Warning!!! Unique content on patreon,Turn three brigands into succubus. If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com...
Cult of Depravit(教徒美化)
Created by 十三号侯爵
Well,I can not draw at all,this mod are made by others picture Thanks for Hair and skin(literal meaning) from:special mod modder:yakou 。I’ve got permission Body:modder:JEF /jefuty(eveningheart)。I’ve got permission Face:《Last Origin》 translate:首席汉化师 爱德华(爱德华...
The Cult of Depravity (NSFW)
Created by RichardRomano
This mod replaces cultist witch, brawler, harpy and warlord with anime-faced girls with a slightly different design. This is a re-upload from NexusMods, it wasn't on Steam. Link to Original: https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/ 987?tab=descriptio...
Myconidae plus
Created by Hestrir
x--->> ADDITIONAL VERSION INSTRUCTIONS <<---x-------------------------------------------- 1) download the extra version of your choice here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/42638353 or here: https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/1093 2) extract its a...
monster girl Rabid Dog魔物娘美化野狗
Created by Samui
R18预警!! 第一次做MOD,感谢星魂作者孜孜不倦的教导我,我会在评论区选取下一个美化的怪物,如果有什么好的建议请留下你的评论 成为爱发电上的魔物娘投喂者,你将获得不同于创意工坊的作品与个人定制内容:https://afdian.net/@Samui This is my first time doing a MOD, thanks to the star soul writers for their tireless teaching, I will choose the next beautified...
大史莱姆美化monster girl ectoplasm large
Created by Samui
这次mod鸽了很久才做出来,更换了原版的大史莱姆,为了防止举报,我将上传sfw版本,如果需要nsfw可以前往我的爱发电下载。 最近时间很紧张,质量略低,十分抱歉,同时感谢⑨幻对我的大力支持 Replacement of the SFW art for Giant Slimes, this time the time was short and the quality wasn't very good, this time I did open up the NSFW version on Patreon a...
monster girl unclean_giant
Created by Samui
感谢selldavid的支持,这次上传的正确的版本请放心使用 本mod拥有白色皮肤版本,可以在我的个人主页下载,为了避免举报,R18版本可以在我的爱发电上下载 我的爱发电:https://afdian.net/@Samui patreon:https://www.patreon.com/Samui1145...
Slithering ~Shieldbreaker's snakes replacer~
Created by Hestrir
Replaces shieldbreaker's snakes with monster girls! Support my work at parteon *dot* com/Hestrir! This is a smaller mod than my other ones, so it doesn't have alternate versions. What you see is what you get....
Crystalline Herald Class SCH localization pack
Created by Kamo Master
Crystalline Herald Class Schinese localization pack Original Mod Author:Hestrir Original Mod Author:Deadlist...
The Solution 史莱姆娘 简中汉化
Created by Gas-long
介绍 这是有朋友留言后我才知道没有汉化的,之前一直以为有汉化。已全部汉化并修复了几条蓝字(有几条作者没有加进中文文本里)。 此汉化已收录至本人的汉化合集中,可以直接订阅合集 GAS-LONG的汉化合集 同时也可前往我的另一个汉化合集或者工坊中查看是否有你感兴趣的MOD。 GAS-LONG的汉化合集2 声明 本人汉化的MOD均是我在工坊中或在工坊的汉化合集MOD中(如DD汉化合集)没有搜索到对应的汉化MOD后再进行的汉化,但是难免会有疏漏,如果工坊有相应的汉化MOD请告诉我,我会秉承先入为主原则删除我的汉化M...
The Caitiff (R18+)schinese劣族汉化mod
Created by 拜悼
台词又臭又长懒得写完,随缘补,或者想补的可以加群联系我 This is just a localization mod . 原型是白狼工作室(white wolf)的黑暗世界(World of Darkness)系列的桌面扮演游戏《吸血鬼:避世》中的吸血鬼氏族 劣族/凯蒂夫(Caitiff) 技能名称和饰品也与其相关。具体可以去搜b站up主 小宅英的专栏或者去查white wolf wiki。 我加了一大堆批注,想要了解的可以去看看caitiff.string_table.xml里面schinese部分。 ...
The Divinity(辉耀之神)简中汉化
Created by 纯良嘉心糖
这次带来的依旧是那位大佬的新人物汉化mod,这次这个人物真的是让我大开眼界,就是强度上我觉得可能有点不太平衡(太强了).....先放出原mod链接https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1845068884 废话不多说,使用方法:订阅之后得到文件夹,把这个文件里的所有文件覆盖到原人物mod中,即复制到X:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\262060\1845068884\localization这个地址...
The Ghoublin Enemy汉化文本
Created by 乌鸦先生
一个汉化补丁,已获得作者同意 本体mod涩情警告! 刚刚好看见这个mod,下载发现文本也不大,就用我那贫瘠的英语能力顺手做了汉化 故事背景: 一群邪恶的死灵法师做实验,搞出一个类似与食尸鬼和史莱姆的混合物,称为食尸魅(词根有Ghou食尸鬼之意),这群食尸魅以生物质为食,学者们出现某些变故,导致供给的生物质日益减少,因此食尸魅发生暴动,此前食尸魅因为实验已经发生变异,顺利地屠杀所有的学者后逃脱了。 ps:这个生物群体出现,一次就是两个,会出现在任意地图,死亡会掉落极具价值的多面体晶石,它的技能会可能导致你患上...
Created by 一叶萧然
This is just a self-made Chinese translation patch for Rebalanced spirit lancer. And did not add any other new content. Solemn declaration: No offence, I also don't want to attack and blame other innocent players. If you don't like this mod, please close t...
Orca 奥卡领主纯爱饰品文本包
Created by 渡鸦
注意!请务必将本mod放置于WarLock class 模组上方 本模组已经过原作者授权,大幅修改了文本和新增五个奥卡的专属饰品 模组目前一共有以下四种饰品 领主的锋钢短剑 旧日残片:灵魂链接 (PS:该饰品背景中的人是玩家自己,也就是领主。) 一碗水饺 旧日残片:死境 雾锻婚戒(已更新) 并且大幅度修改了文本内容,主要是以奥卡和领主(玩家)为CP制作的文本修改 此外,您还可以在番茄和起点看到我书写的奥卡同人小说:高墙下的诺言,欢迎批评指教 (不过作者是第一次写小说,写的并不好,更新很慢,请选择性阅读) 小...
「风佑之狐」The Fuujin Kitsune 后宫文本适配
由止幽玖修改的蓝狐文本,经过原作者同意上传。 有疑惑可以加群:571518642...
得到了作者的同意后我们止幽玖做了这款适配文本,同时我自己稍微改了一下让她在城镇哪都可以去,放在原版之上。 原创哥没了,我可以恢复了好耶! 有疑惑可以加群:571518642...
GHS npc R18 Part 2
Created by anaertailin
ust three NPCs If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. patreon.com/anaertailin 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话 patreon.com/anaertailin 在国内的朋友可以选择afdian.net/@anaertailin...
GHS npc R18 Part 3
Created by anaertailin
If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. patreon.com/anaertailin 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话 patreon.com/anaertailin 在国内的朋友可以选择afdian.net/@anaertailin...
abbeyNPC lo_i
Created by TAOSUTI
I have something good in the folder....
Created by TAOSUTI
Created by TAOSUTI
camping trainer...
Created by warawara_kun
After all the NPC skins are changed, I will make a collection mod(including R18 content, please do not download if you are underage) ,and I hope you all support me! 在做完所有NPC换皮后,我会做一个整合包mod(内含R18内容,未成年的您请勿下载),还希望各位支持我! In the mod file, there are images that...
Wolf girl Camping skin
Created by SaKimi
txt modified to zip Modified the texture of the Camping trainer...
Porkin's SFW(?) NPC Skin Compliation!
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hello, I'm Porkin I collected the skins that I use for Darkest Dungeon Stream I had to make it quickly because the people who used it felt uncomfortable clicking it one by one, but it came out too late The Dark-eye version of this collection will be releas...
Porkin's SFW(?) NPC Skin Compliation! _ Ver Darkeye
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hello, I'm Porkin This version is Early access if my stuff will be Darkeye how your feedback is? so. if this stuff is good please subscribe ---------------------------------------- * All character is OVER 20 * Thanks for support my job --------------------...
Porkin's Musketeer Skin!
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) This Musketeer skin is result that stream --------------------------------------------- My skin alphabet number is Musketeer_P Musketeer_Q Musketeer_R Musketeer_S ---------------------------------------- Twitch STREA...
Porkin's New occultist skin
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- there is 4 color! My code is O,P,Q,R Please care with another skins + My old skin was P if you use my old skin. please put this upper! ...
Porkin's NSFW NPC Vol2 : Portrait & Deed
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- * All character is OVER 20 * This Mod's concept is "Have sex with Porkin's NPC" This compliation is maked Building Using Heirloom : Bus...
Porkin's NEW NPC : 11. Town event
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- Yes..! ---------------------------------------- Twitch STREAM twitch => kih0817 Contact kih0817@nate.com There is R-18 skin in patreon ...
Porkin's NEW NPC : 10. Glossary
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- Yes..! ---------------------------------------- Twitch STREAM twitch => kih0817 Contact kih0817@nate.com There is R-18 skin in patreon ...
Porkin's NEW NPC : 9. Stage coach
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- Yes..! ---------------------------------------- Twitch STREAM twitch => kih0817 Contact kih0817@nate.com There is R-18 skin in patreon ...
Porkin's NEW NPC : 8. Graveyard (Caretaker)
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- i have plan release NSFW skin for sale (sanely) but IDK how to please give me some idea ( thanks ) ALL NPC will be changed Based my Pas...
Porkin's NEW NPC : 7. Nomad trinket girl_Small
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- i have plan release NSFW skin for sale (sanely) but IDK how to please give me some idea ( thanks ) ALL NPC will be changed Based my Pas...
Porkin's NEW NPC : 7. Nomad trinket girl_Big
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- i have plan release NSFW skin for sale (sanely) but IDK how to please give me some idea ( thanks ) ALL NPC will be changed Based my Pas...
Porkin's NEW NPC : 6. Comet trinket girl_Normal
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- i have plan release NSFW skin for sale (sanely) but IDK how to please give me some idea ( thanks ) ALL NPC will be changed Based my Pas...
Porkin's NEW NPC : 6. Comet trinket girl_Big
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- i have plan release NSFW skin for sale (sanely) but IDK how to please give me some idea ( thanks ) ALL NPC will be changed Based my Pas...
Porkin's NEW NPC : 5. Guild
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- i have plan release NSFW skin for sale (sanely) but IDK how to please give me some idea ( thanks ) ALL NPC will be changed Based my Pas...
Porkin's NEW NPC : 5. Sanitarium
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- i have plan release NSFW skin for sale (sanely) but IDK how to please give me some idea ( thanks ) ALL NPC will be changed Based my Pas...
Porkin's NEW NPC : 4. Tavern
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- i have plan release NSFW skin for sale (sanely) but IDK how to please give me some idea ( thanks ) ALL NPC will be changed Based my Pas...
Porkin's NEW NPC : 3. Abbey
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- i have plan release NSFW skin for sale (sanely) but IDK how to please give me some idea ( thanks ) ALL NPC will be changed Based my Pas...
Porkin's NEW NPC : 2. Blacksmith
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- i have plan release NSFW skin for sale (sanely) but IDK how to please give me some idea ( thanks ) ALL NPC will be changed Based my Pas...
Porkin's NEW NPC : 1. Caretaker (shop)
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- i have plan release NSFW skin for sale (sanely) but IDK how to please give me some idea ( thanks ) ALL NPC will be changed Based my Pas...
Created by MAMAMAM
我没有找到替换他的mod,所有自己做了,现在最后一片拼图齐了 I didn't find a mod to replace him, all made my own, and now the last piece of the puzzle is complete! ...
「艾丽希斯 苦修重置」Elesis Flagellant Remake
Created by Kaze*
This mod Now have Full English Translation, Just no English Description, Have Fun :) 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助我与画师ZIMIK开发此角色 特别感谢 玺文 提供英文翻译 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催...
「a大火枪重置」Musketeer Remake
Created by Kaze*
致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助开发此重置技能版本 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 玩法与技能设计:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 程序:Kaze*、Abyss Watcher 原画:anaertailin 骨骼动画:anaertailin、長門ちゃん 介绍 --------------...
「天满 赏金猎人重置」Tenma Bounty Hunter Rework
Created by Kaze*
生死界限动画已修复 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助开发此重置技能版本 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 玩法与技能设计:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 程序:Kaze* 原画:w_s_l 骨骼动画:GhastRiv 介绍 ---------------------------------...
「WO 弩手重置」WO Arbalest Remake
Created by Kaze*
致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助开发此重置技能版本 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 玩法与技能设计:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 程序:Kaze* 原画:aneartailin 介绍 ------------------------------------------ 这是官方角色“弩...
「米拉库尔 神秘学者重置」Miracle Occultist Rework
Created by Kaze*
This mod have Full English Translation, Just no English Description, Have Fun :) 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助开发此重置技能版本 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 玩法与技能设计:瑞秋•克劳狄...
「帕梅莉&帕梅菈风格破盾重置」Pameli & Pamela Shieldbreaker Rework
Created by Kaze*
This mod Now have Full English Translation, Just no English Description, Have Fun :) Special Thanks to @mingmingaruns for English translation. 注意:预览图为早期皮肤测试截图所以可携带多个,该角色获得了一些加强所以现在仅可单独携带 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助我与画师w_s...
Jef's MOD Hero Collection
Created by JEF
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content Description. This is a collection of the following 5 mods! https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1167139968 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles...
The Profligates on the Old Road
Created by gilles
My "on the Old Road" serie aims to help players to quick start a balanced team with 100% modded heroes driven by a party name. This one celebrates the crazy good mods from Muscarine. You'll start the game on the old road with the Profligates, a quatuor for...
The Shrapnel - Lewd and Nude Skin
Created by JomoKiN
Edited skins for Muscarine's The Shrapnel class mod to make her even lewder and nuder. Uses shrapnel_B and sharpnel_C by default for the skins. This mod can also be found on Nexus Mods under the name: "The Profligates - Lewder and Nuder Skins", by user: "J...
The Tusk - Lewd and Nude Skin
Created by JomoKiN
Edited skin for Muscarine's The Tusk class mod to make her even lewder and nuder. Uses tusk_B by default for the skin. This mod can also be found on Nexus Mods under the name: "The Profligates - Lewder and Nuder Skins", by user: "JomoKiN" It includes all s...
Tifa Lockhart - CC Trinkets
Created by Muscarine
Tifa Lockhart - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.Description ----------------- Crimson Court Trinket Set for Tifa Lockhart by muscarine. Requires... Tifa Lockhart. An...
The Shrapnel - CC Trinkets
Created by Muscarine
The Shrapnel - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.Description ----------------- Crimson Court Trinket Set for The Shrapnel. Requires... The Shrapnel. And... Crimson Cou...
The Tusk - CC Trinkets
Created by Muscarine
The Tusk - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ http://i.imgur.com/MTRHURf.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/TTWGIEL.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/AEJGu3V.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/4SokHR5.png 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.D...
The Offering - CC Trinkets
Created by Muscarine
The Offering - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ http://i.imgur.com/MTRHURf.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/TTWGIEL.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/AEJGu3V.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/4SokHR5.png 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog -----------------...
The Hollow - CC Trinkets
Created by Muscarine
The Hollow - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ http://i.imgur.com/MTRHURf.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/TTWGIEL.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/AEJGu3V.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/4SokHR5.png 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1...
The Hood - CC Trinkets
Created by Muscarine
The Hood - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.Description ----------------- Crimson Court Trinket Set for The Hood. Requires... The Hood. And... Crimson Court. --------...
man_at_arms conner nude skin
Created by anaertailin
她使用了全动画的技能,你可以用这个模组制作其他mod She uses full animation skills,Anyone can use this module to make other mods ************************ 在勾选界面放在最靠上位置 非原创角色,是来自《雷索纳斯》的康娜 put it on the top of the mod check screen Unoriginal character,She's conner from《resonance》 If ...
Little Red Riding Hood Abomination by Anaertailin
Created by Doodle Rat
Abomination reskin created by Anaertailin ( ). I am simply uploading it to the steam workshop as i feel that abomination lacks skins and all the ones currently on steam and other websites look fairly similar. This skin has a different skeleton and therefor...
Crusader Sexy Skin
Created by Hakket つo_oつ
Different colors for the crusade by skinanaertailin of the mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2602557923 Some colors are not very visible according to the map, due to the brightness of the game, I don't know how to solve it :) comm...
Crusader Profaned Knight skin
Created by anaertailin
****************Warning, nudity*********************** 使用了新骨骼动画,会和其他皮肤冲突 New skeleton animation is used, which will clash with other skins If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. patreon.com/anaertailin ...
Warlock class NSFW skin 【契术师】NSFW 皮肤
Created by stirfry1buki
only skin ,not class 只有皮肤,没有本体 If infringing, contact for deletion 如有侵权,联系删除 Warlock class(角色本体):https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2869512638...
Kaltsit NSFW Version(凯尔希 NSFW 皮肤)
请放在凯尔希mod之上,对皮肤贴图简单的进行了修改。 封面借用了大大的封面(因为懒得改了 = =) TIP:我不确定是不是所有图片方向是对的,有问题可以留言我...
「妖狐巫女」The Kitsune Miko NSFW Skin
Created by 柚子可乐
****************Warning, NSFW content*********************** !!! Please place this mod on top of the original mod !!! NSFW skin for the Kitsune Miko. - Needs the The Kitsune Miko Class mod - Compatible with Suzuran miko skin. - The walking animation may lo...
The Solution NSFW Skin
Created by Sahlo Qah
This is a NSFW skin for the Solution Class mod. It mainly adds nipples. Credits Art - MegaSmitten, Hestrir Animation - Hestrir, Sahlo Qah Fox's Den Patreon for sneak peeks, polls, and just to say thanks: Temporarily down! Legal This item and its contents m...
Created by 丹德里安
替换原版麻风剑客的少女版麻风剑客,性感但不至于涩晴,会与修改同名英雄骨骼的皮肤冲突,将此mod排序至其他麻风皮肤mod上方即可。 第一次做皮肤不知道还要说点啥,如果可能的话也许后续整个少女系列?(也许不会XD),大致先这样吧,如果有任何问题可以私信我反馈,have a nice day! Replace the original leper skin with the wench version, sexy but not horny,will conflict with the skin that mod...
Skadi Riding the waves skin
Created by stratus
这次制作的是A大的作品斯卡蒂独立职业的泳装皮肤!作为骨灰级蒂厨,当初我入坑暗黑地牢就是因为地牢里有蒂蒂!(✪▽✪) 所以一直非常感谢A大,让蒂蒂有机会在地牢里大杀四方,为了表达我对蒂蒂的厨力,这次也是特意花了不少功夫画了蒂蒂的泳装皮肤,身着泳装的蒂蒂更多了几分假日的清爽和悠闲呢,太可爱了,不愧是蒂蒂!(*´∀`)不过由于泳装皮肤覆盖了蒂蒂的黑眼形象,所以可能会对部分订阅者产生不便,在此表示歉意(≧ω≦) 另外非常感谢kaze大佬帮我制作了泳装蒂蒂的封面,并在上传过程中帮了大忙!同时也非常感谢A大同意我将这个...
季灾Jizai Skin
Created by 潇湘火云
嗯。。二次元同学这下可以了吧………… …………至于不够大的问题………… 我只有一句话:别被坐忘道脸上那几层皮给骗了…… 注:如遇到BUG,请留言给我,道爷我光速更新 注2:部分素材借用 @anaertailin 大佬的手笔,如有侵权请联系我或下方留言,谢谢! ...
Shieldbreaker Skin Mod
Created by ZIMIK
说明 1.This mod modifies the Shieldbreaker's anim. To ensure this mod works, please sort this mod above the other Shieldbreaker's skin mod 2.This mod does not have R18,safe for work....
星火 炫彩皮肤
Describe your mod in 8000 characters or less here!...
Destiny Jester Skin Mod
Created by ZIMIK
说明 1.This mod modifies the Jester anim. To ensure this mod works, please sort this mod above the other Jester skin mod 2.This mod does not have R18,safe for work. https://imgur.com/oVpGr0b.png...
man_at_arms conner skin
Created by anaertailin
她使用了全动画的技能,你可以用这个模组制作其他mod She uses full animation skills,Anyone can use this module to make other mods ************************ 在勾选界面放在最靠上位置 非原创角色,是来自《雷索纳斯》的康娜 put it on the top of the mod check screen Unoriginal character,She's conner from《resonance》 If ...
twilight knight Unique animation
Created by anaertailin
. Replaced the original Twilight Knight animation file, so you can't see the original art. No other color matching, if you are interested, you can use any art software to try color matching....
houndmaster_Wuggy skin
Created by 7eakai
This character is my friend refers to the wulg in the monster hunter world. hope everyone like it. 這隻角色是我朋友參考了魔物獵人:世界裡的冰豺狼設計的,希望大家喜歡 Wulg-Wuggy character Profile: 冰豺狼-維琪角色簡介: Wuggy has a lively personality, has a very keen sense of smell and hearing, is ve...
Grave robber Arina skin SFW
Created by anaertailin
在勾选界面放在最靠上位置 非原创角色,是来自《雷索纳斯》的亚莉奈 put it on the top of the mod check screen Unoriginal character,She's Arina from《resonance》 If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon.patreon.com/anaertailin 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我...
Shieldbreaker forcelan skin
Created by STMKII
***因为无论如何看起来都很像是风大师的板娘所以就叫做Forcelan skin*** 1)皮肤2为正常版,皮肤1和5为经过傻吊群友强烈要求增加的的带把美少女版(其实都一样,5号主要用于修改和测试),如果不想要的把mod里面的A和E删了就好。 2)因为整个动画和骨骼都有所修改,所以3号和4号原版皮肤会变成碎片。 3)恕我技术水平有限完全不知道特效文件怎么搞,而且破盾者的技能特效还贼炫酷,各种蛇······所以原版特效和mod角色是不搭的,看不下去可以直接在角色特效文件里抹掉一部分。 ***作者只会画图,英文...
R18-Shieldbreaker nataku skin
Created by 玫胧狐啊
From the character nataku in the Sennen Sensou Aigis.3 and 4 options are not available.which will clash with other skins. 原画为千年战争中的哪吒。3,4号皮肤凑数的,用前两个就行,会和其他皮肤冲突。做骨骼没考虑到图层限制,导致很多效果不理想,甚至有点前后错位 技能特效有问题,现在特效文件已删除,这两天我会重做特效 ...
Suzuran Skin for The Kitsune Miko
Created by 柚子可乐
!!! Please place this mod on top of the original mod !!! Description ------------------------------------------ The Kitsune Miko Skin in the character of Suzuran from ArksKnight https://i.postimg.cc/Xv5vwsh8/char-358-lisa-1.png Note: This mod allows to swi...
Red Skadi new art
Created by anaertailin
重置了斯卡蒂的美术和动画, 模型美术来自env(afdian.net/a/env233) 动画和角色大图由anaertailin制作 图标由stratus制作 Reset red skadi art and animation, sprite Art from env (https://www.patreon.com/user?u=18206241) The animations and Character drawings are made by anaertailin The icon is made ...
Draconblood English Translation
Created by Zoameldar
I had made it for personal use a few days ago, but maybe someone will find it useful. I translated all dialogues. **To make it work you need to place it ABOVE original Draconblood mod.** I tried to contact the original creators, but if they want me to take...
hellion dog girl Skin
Created by anaertailin
She's so cute. She's so charming. She's so funny.PS:You can find the replacement of special effects(fx) under the folder of mod....
antiquarian foxdemon skin
Created by anaertailin
****************Warning, nudity*********************** 使用了新骨骼动画,会和其他皮肤冲突 New skeleton animation is used, which will clash with other skins If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. patreon.com/anaertailin ...
Full Blooded Dragon skin for Serona class mod
Created by MegaSmitten
***VERY IMPORTANT*** I do not own the original skin or character. This is a fan skin I did for the Draconblood class that I adore. This is a nude skin as in its only for 18 and over. As such Steam Workshop would not like any preview images as they'd be ina...
The Twilight Knight
Created by Balgin Stondraeg
No stranger to crossovers the Twilight Knight has been seen in numerous other franchises. Hell Dorado, Wrath of Kings, Myth & Super Dungeon Explore to name a few. Well now she's brought her crazy sentient blade into the world of Kingdom Death to slaughter ...
SANZANG Skin for monkey king
Created by Kamo Master
This mod replaces the original animation,Rank this mod above the Monkey king class mod to be effective. This mod used anaertailin's art material. Attached localization files, but displayed in English in all languages except Chinese and English If you like ...
Porkin's Hero skin compliation
Created by Drawing Porkin
if use my skin it will be annoying many character checking for you enjoy. thx...
Skadi Extra Trinket
Created by ayaya
为斯卡蒂额外追加6件专属、1件通用饰品 2022/04/20.更新内容 海歌之杖属性、描述调整 2022/02/03.更新内容 在这祝大家春节快乐 蒂蒂的模组更新了这也跟着更新饰品: 潮湿的剑袋(爬爬先祖) 2022/01/09.更新内容 冬季更新2件冬泳饰品: 沙滩帽(水晶商店) 虎鲸抱枕(收藏家&密门) 2021/12/16.更新内容 为阿戈尔饰品追加共鸣效果 使用潮汐之剑攻击有小概率获得怪癖“浅海轻唱” 怪癖“浅海轻唱”会为阿戈尔饰品追加额外的效果 稀有度掉落相关 月光大剑(星空怪) 潮湿的剑袋(爬爬...
拔刀剑 Slash Blade
Created by 苏小琪
This mod needs English localization patch https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3314212989 by Just a jar. Pre-mod description: This mod is complete Slash Blade mod, don't run it with other Slash Blade mods. This mod provides exclusive trin...
「艾格雷姆之忆」Eyegrim's Memory Trinkets Pack
Created by Kaze*
This mod is currently only available in Chinese 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:Eyegrim(艾格雷姆) 程序:ayaya 美术:lx 介绍 ------------------------------------------ 共包含11件新饰品,其中6件饰品使用了星夜的贴图,但重做了效果,可以与星夜的共存 前往此处找到对应作品集 查看详细预览 https://afdian.com/a/...
Created by MineInori
修改了补给品掉落数量,叠加上限,以及显示当前补给品给予什么怪癖 将负面怪癖(影,舌,惧)几率调至0 现在扎营获得的专属饰品掉落率约是90%...
Minstrel Class trinkets pack
Created by anaertailin
[妖狐巫女附属饰品包]狐月刀 Crescent Katana
Created by 苏小琪
mod说明 本mod为狐妖巫女与风佑之狐的附属饰品mod。 请勿同时安装拔刀剑mod本体,该mod已包含本mod,前往本体: 拔刀剑总集篇 —————————————————————————————— 非官方mod。 来自minecraft的拔刀剑来到了哈姆雷特镇的世界,受到狐神之力引导的狐月刀「白狐」与狐月刀「黑狐」首先将力量赋予了年轻的继任者们。新加入一对星晶饰品,通过水晶碎片在星晶商店中购买。 本mod需要在同时安装妖狐巫女与风佑之狐的前提下运行,且需要开启疯狂的色彩DLC。 提示:若非新建存档而是中...
好感度怪癖【Love Token】
Created by sunshine
MOD介绍 本mod新增“信物”类别掉落物(战斗结算或奇物互动均可获得),赠予英雄“信物”将提升英雄对您的好感度(由怪癖体现),伴随好感度的增加,英雄将获得额外的属性加成。 100%好感度后赠送史诗信物或传说信物,将特化好感度怪癖,并赋予人物不同的性格和能力,施展特殊能力时会说出对应的台词(部分台词可能需要配合美少女皮肤食用,不然...)。 信物介绍 稀有信物——花:赠予英雄提升10%好感度(最高100%),综合掉率10%。 史诗信物——剑:赠予英雄提升30%好感度,在英雄满好感度时赠予将特化好感度怪癖为“...
好感度饰品【Love Trinkets】
Created by sunshine
This mod has English description, if you want to know more about this mod, please read down 该mod添加了6件饰品,好感之花,审判之剑,钢铁之盾,魅惑之杖,复苏之书和死亡之骨,贴图同我的好感度怪癖mod。 获取方式:好感之花和死亡之骨在水晶商店购买,其余同原版先祖饰品获取方式。 可能有人看不到图片,所以我用语言描述下各个饰品的效果: 审判之剑 +10精准 +10暴击如果敌方生命值高于50% +25%伤害如果敌方生命值...
Pornographic target pictures [Unlimited version] [MrCookieS Mod]
Created by Ms.CookieS
更新了猩红诅咒的涩涩! 我的b站空间 https://space.bilibili.com/43947340?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0 ———————————————————————————— Updated Scarlet Curse My bilibilibili space https://space.bilibili.com/43947340?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0...
The Ghoublin Enemy Mod
Created by Sahlo Qah
WARNING This mod is very NSFW. No part of this mod should be considered safe for streams, showing to your friends, or general human consumption. With that out of the way, let me introduce you to the Ghoublin! Lore "On the bright side, the experiment succee...
Created by MAMAMAM
提供了普通和dd两个版本,大概没什么问题,有问题请留言 r18 警告 如果你有能力可以自行根据psd文件进行修改再次发布,我不在乎 Regular and dd versions are provided, probably nothing to worry about, please leave a message if you have any questions! r18 Warning If you have the ability to make your own modifications ba...
The Solution Class Mod
Created by Sahlo Qah
Lore "It, er, well, she...? She doesn't seem as vindictive as I thought they'd be. Everyone's heard the stories about these things, these monsters. Maybe they've been exaggerated, maybe she's just an exception...still convinced she ate my neighbor's cat th...
Darkest Desires (NSFW)
Created by RichardRomano
Darkest Desires adds a whole new suite of camping skills for the lusty adventurer. Buffs, healing and a good ol' bit of stress relief. This is a re-upload from NexusMods, it wasn't on Steam. Link to Original: nexusmods/darkestdungeon/mods/815?tab=descripti...
The Divinity Class Mod
Created by Seta Nagato
The Divinity “When God left us... We created a new one.” The Divinity, a godlike being created by "The Church" in order to face the darkest times. A forbiden sin ignored, the creation of a "new one" to provide a new hopes... new sterghments born in form of...
Assault Kunoichi Class
Created by Kamo Master
Attention! This version requires DLC like C.C to work properly, And the DLC must be activated The version don't need DLC here. A ninja girl who is good at fighting in many situations According to the movement direction of the skill used last time, assign t...
Created by 乌鸦先生
中文 & English Skill FEATURES: INTERESTING ARTEFACT CHARGING Settings, ATTACKS can be SUBtracted from ENEMY action TURNS, no matter what enemy can be ON poisoned ARTEfact LIBERATION Exclusive diseases: Alcohol addiction is divided into three types, correspon...
Team 3 Lu--Class mod Mecha Jeanne--Monster girl leader--Slime girl
Created by Kamo Master
!!!!注意有裸露内容!!!! !!!!! Warning! Naked content.Warning!!! ---THANKS--- 首先感谢@anaertailin大佬,此mod使用了大量anaertailin大佬的素材。 第一个英雄机械贞德亚鹿忒莉娅(Altria)皮肤使用anaertailin大佬的十字军珍妮和珍妮改变皮肤2.0改造 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1625545019 使用了大量如anaertailin...
skadi class mod
“A hunter walking slowly from the tide” The main creative ideas of this mod it is From mobile games character skadi in 《Arknights》,part of the character design refers to 《Bloodborne》. in our train of thought and skills already installed in mod,deep-sea hun...
LW- Cute Slime Girl 0.91 史莱姆
Created by JEF
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content Description. Changed the game's original small ectoplasm into a girl-like Slime. About the design of this monster. My conception is that a Slime accidentally devou...
Blazing Lord Class
Created by snorlaxxo
"Despite the strange, menacing aura surrounding her, the new traveling visitor explains she means no harm and swears her loyalty to you, her only wish is the conquest of these cursed lands. While her words seem sincere, you can clearly sense she's hiding s...
Abigail Class Mod
Created by ashcarrier
warning!!! nude content included!!! warning!!! nude content included!!! warning!!! nude content included!!! Hello guys, I am a new modder and this is my first mod this is Abigail from Metal Slug Attack... I know the one from fgo is more famous, sry this is...
Created by 乌鸦先生
人物介绍 ———————————————— 血祭猎人是一个23号位置的输出角色,对体型大或者对数量多的怪物有着特别的优势,她可以拥有反击和反隐的技能。 同时她有着8件不同稀有度的饰品。 弹药系统:武器是双管猎枪,有两颗子弹,不同攻击消耗不同数量的子弹,然后需要换弹才能继续使用枪械相关的技能。 连击机制:技能后面带有【连击】的词条是本回合不结束的意思,可以多动。 Blood Sacrifice Hunter is an output character in position 23, with a speci...
浊心斯卡蒂--Skadi the corrupting heart
Created by 慢驼螺
Skadi the corrupting heart The following English introduction is translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Introduction This is a character mod, but also includes additional content such as monsters, accessories and events, and will be update...
塞雷娅/The Saria Class Mod
Created by Sterile Water
At present, the mod have English and Chinese version in the game. bug反馈群号:695427981(看到就修,最好带图) 开始游戏前请务必勾选包括马戏团在内的全部dlc,不然会出问题 Before starting the game, please be sure to start all DLCs, including The Butcher's Circus, or there will be problems 开发者名单(Mod De...
「魔王 姬尔」GeleClass
Created by <Rin>铃
English localization done: 推荐下载汉化Mod获得更好体验https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1741850027&searchtext=Mod+%E7%AE%80%E4%BD%93%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87 警告:"该mod包含成人元素" Warning:"This mod contains mature elements" ———————————— 异世界的大门打开了,魔王姬尔的碎片散落到了世界...
「风佑之狐」The Fuujin Kitsune
Created by Kaze*
IMPORTANT ------------------------------------------ It is recommended to have this mod with The Kitsune Miko and place this mod on top of he Kitsune Miko to activate collaborationcontent Developer List ------------------------------------------ coding:Kaz...
「妖狐巫女」The Kitsune Miko
Created by Kaze*
This mod Now have Full English Translation. Thank you for trying this mod!Have Fun :) Seems there's some issue with Russian translation. Try use the other one on the link below, or use other supported language for now... Special Thanks --------------------...
「殷红迷雾」The Red Mist
Created by Kaze*
You can put your mouse on the move button, slowly move it towards the right direction, then you will find the "PASS TURN" button. It is invisible, but you can still click it and pass your current turn. If your inventory has something occupying the position...
「芙兰朵露」Flan Class
Created by Kaze*
English translate here https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2817806874 Praise Pandora! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 程序:Kaze*、ayaya 原画:anaertailin、lx 骨骼:anaertailin 特效:anaertailin 音效:Kamo Master 文案:古明地觉、爱姐姐的...
「旧裔」The Ancient Ones Class
Created by Kaze*
This mod have full English Translation 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 开发者名单: 程序:Kaze* 原画:核菇 骨骼:GhastRiv 特效:GhastRiv 介绍 ------------------------------------------ 因为技能机制有点复杂 特意写了太长不看版 愿意看详细版的可以去前往此处找到对应作品集https://afdian.com/a/Maikaze/album...
「加百列」The Gabriel Class
Created by Kaze*
开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 开发者名单: 主催:Eyegrim(艾格雷姆) 程序:Kaze* 原画:空白幻想 骨骼:w_s_l 特效:w_s_l 介绍 ------------------------------------------ “加百列!为了你,我变成恶魔模样!”——艾格雷姆 对于此刻的她而言,战斗便是唯一的救赎。 自断双翼,是为了能更好地行于大地 守护天使·加百列 但内含要素和成分及其复杂,如果你是艾尔登之王,是常长老,是光之...
「凯尔希」Kal'tsit Class
Created by Kaze*
English translate here https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2818396277 Praise Pandora! 5.2更新内容 扎营技能获取饰品的概率从5%上调到15% 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------...
「刻俄柏」Ceobe Class
Created by Kaze*
Has English Translation 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 程序:Kaze* 原画:包桑、阿川 骨骼:包桑 介绍 ------------------------------------------ 刻俄柏(Ceobe)是一个后排输出型角色,擅长破甲以及单发高伤害,她也拥有反击...
Lilith class
Created by Deovolente
Including languages: English: full translation 中文:完整 한국어 번역이 완료되었습니다 Español: completo русский язык 日本語翻訳 My other works https://i.imgur.com/ewVkJru.pngRed Lotus https://i.imgur.com/rmeFQWi.pngEnid Houndmaster Skin https://i.imgur.com/FfTkMpD.pngShambler C...
「幻术师」The Mesmer Class
Created by Deovolente
Click here to jump to the nerfed version This MOD must be placed above the Lilith class, as shown here https://i.imgur.com/pfawXBq.png https://i.imgur.com/brBjuX0.png 中文 English https://i.imgur.com/noSLiXI.png https://i.imgur.com/q4GWp1Q.gif Class Descript...
「契术师」 Warlock class
Created by Deovolente
Including languages: 中文 English Русский 日本語 ———————————————————— Optional patch: fixes some issues that would cause the game to crash and memory overflow, extends the memory limit to 4G. In addition, the patch can increase the maximum number of trinkets fr...
「灾厄」Scourge Class
Created by Deovolente
Including languages: 中文 English ———————————————————————— Scourge is a high stats support type Class core mechanic design ideas are not good enough and are awaiting subsequent redraws and reworks. Therefore, this version does not provide a detailed descript...
「莉薇娅」Livia Class
Created by Deovolente
Languages currently included. Chinese English *If you need to add any language patch, you can package it yourself and upload it on Steam Workshop. You can leave a comment below and I will add its link here I really don't know why higher subscription number...
生死簿/The Obituary Class Mod
Created by Sterile Water
At present, the mod have English and Chinese version in the game. bug反馈群号:695427981(看到就修,最好带图) 开发者名单(Mod developers) ------------------------------------------ 画师(Painter):天堂克洛迪娜! 技能设计( Skill Designer):sunshine(主要)、Sterile Water 动画制作(Animator):Sterile Wate...
阎罗王/The Yama Class Mod
Created by Sterile Water
At present, the mod have English and Chinese version in the game. bug反馈群号:695427981(看到就修,最好带图) 开发者名单(Mod developers) ------------------------------------------ 画师(Painter):天堂克洛迪娜!; 技能设计( Skill Designer):sunshine(主要),Sterile Water; 动画制作(Animator):Sterile Wa...
Created by 闲鱼打散人
根据a大火枪手皮肤-g41重置为独立英雄——g41 中~重度魔改技能组,拥有独特疾病、独特美德 通过水晶专属饰品获得怪癖——格里芬指挥中心,可以赋予队友以新怪癖(玩法解释,g41本身没有标记能力,但是在受击后有几率赋予全体敌人标记,也可以携带打标工具人帮忙上标) 借物鸣谢: 突击手class的武器装备贴图 突击手重置(45姐皮)的一个fx p站画师Zeppelin的一张城镇插图 ff14、少女前线技能贴图等 ps:a大创意工坊https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561...
The Crystalline Herald
Created by Deadlist
The little comet stucked the Hamlet, however no damages to the Hamlet was occurred and a little herald emerges out from her shell and see the world once more... This is Hestrir's replacer mod that turns the herald replacer into a actual hero class with uni...
Tifa Lockhart - Class Mod
Created by Muscarine
This Mod is SFW +++ https://i.imgur.com/ltZsZWU.png 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.Description ----------------- Fan's favorite best girl Tifa somehow found her way into your hamlet ~ She is designed ...
2B Class Mod
Created by ShallowIris
Introduction https://i.imgur.com/4c9bYhK.png "Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse?" 2B, formally known as YoRHa No.2 Type B, is a midline DPS, who can assist the e...
「冈崎梦美」Okazaki Yumemi Class
Created by Kaze*
English version available 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:Paysage 程序:Kaze*、Paysage 原画:lx 骨骼:狗狗 特效:Kaze* 介绍 ------------------------------------------ 来自东方Project旧作《东方梦时空》的冈崎梦美 “不要温柔的走进那个良夜” 前往此处找到对应作品集 查看详细预览 https://afdian.com/a/Maikaz...
「樱舞散华」SakuraMai Trinkets Pack
Created by Kaze*
This mod is currently only available in Chinese 封面图来自互联网 侵删 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:Kaze* 程序:Kaze*、ayaya 美术:九九九九归一、OLD ASS、長門ちゃん、段竹 特效:長門ちゃん、Kaze* 介绍 ------------------------------------------ 共包含37件新饰品,其中1件饰品为特效饰品,类似丛雨丸,当你携带“神秘...
齐天大圣/The Monkey King Class Mod
Created by Sterile Water
重大更新!!!2023年4月20日,齐天大圣猴哥已迎来全方位重做! 重大更新!!!2023年4月20日,齐天大圣猴哥已迎来全方位重做! 重大更新!!!2023年4月20日,齐天大圣猴哥已迎来全方位重做! 具体改动可以看这个视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1RL411e7Sm/?spm_id_from=444.41.list.card_archive.click&vd_source=3a5be1cf36c670c699dc202225bf4761 (视频比较无聊,基本是...
Rebalanced spirit lancer
Created by Alpha
Original mod : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1748208573 This mode is separate from the above mode. Do not apply at the same time WARNING - THIS MOD CONTAINS MILD SEXUAL CONTENT ### -spirit lancer rework -Added camping skills. -Adde...
New hero class:A Elf liquor pedlar come from afar
Created by CA6DB20000000
A Elf liquor pedlar come from afar: Mod has finished. >>>>She's 100 year old or more,not child.and the "milk" in which her said is means "cure" . >>>>I won't update any new.Just fix some bug.(if it can be fix).And I won't limit the source. you also can rel...
Hepvier class mod
Created by 爱德华
This mod will add Hepvier-Nygat in your game,she is the second princess of Nygat-Kaper Empire,she's the most powerful Combat Enchanter ,she doesn't like Sharpshooter or Earth Enchanter,she is a mean BXXXX ,she will slain her enemy,sometime also her partner...
Swordmaiden Pearl Class
Created by 爱德华
Swordmaiden Pearl is miller's stepdaughter,she is the survivor of the comet crash,she found a sword with a soul inside. The Sword is a ancient Heroine called Virenn,now,Pearl own the sword,and will be cursed forever. Credit: Code:Myself Spine:Anonymous Pic...
Omen Seeker Class Mod
Created by S-Purple
"All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
Grey hawk Class
Created by Kamo Master
New class the rigid warrior Grey hawk ~Crush the dungeon with her inch by inch This mod includes 7 new trinkets ~ one of which summons Grey hawk 's Grand Banner Bearer ~ to strengthen Grey hawk or other team members' combat power Art: anaertailin Code: me ...
Minstrel Class mod
Created by anaertailin
暴躁老姐登场 饰品(trinkets)https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2122578706 感谢小狼(ad_kege)帮忙写代码,完成了一大堆奇怪的想法 死弟母好友已经满了,有需要请通过下面方式联系 Steam friends are full, please contact us by the following way If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to su...
New Class - Lupine
Created by Alpha
영웅 이름: 인랑 (Lupine) 영웅 정보 -전열 제압능력이 강력한 메인딜러입니다, 전투를 진행하면서 자신을 강화하는 특성을 가져, 장기전에서 강력한 성능을 가집니다. - 능력을 이용하여 아무리 강력한 적이라도, 짧은 시간 내에 단신으로 무력화가 가능합니다. 그 전에 준비시간을 가진다면요. - CRT BUFF CRT +7% (VS bleed) (3rds) - District : outsiders bonfire -팁: 와 은 명중률이 매우 낮습니다. -T...
Drowner Class Mod BETA
Created by anaertailin
If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin and alipay anaertailin@163.com 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话,这是我的微信和支付宝:anaertailin@163.com 以及https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin 在国内的朋友可以...
1,该mod没有非中文语言 因为我不会!我不会非中文语言!所以如果你有能力请自行翻译成你所需要的语言并可以(如果你愿意为其他需要该语言的玩家着想)上传创意工坊供其他需要该语言的玩家使用(如果是来问能不能翻译的,就不用来问了直接自己翻译成自己需要的语言发布创意工坊就行) 2,有削弱版,需要的去下削弱版 # 3,未来某一时刻部分美术会进行些许重置(预计完成时间2028年)(超过了记得催一下) ———————————————————————————— 动画/美术:音痴,还有她徒弟(为什么徒弟会是佚名的?) 代码:...
季灾 jizai
Created by 潇湘火云
202407016更新: 濒死减益增加效果:苍蜣登阶伤害增加30%;Near death benefits increase effect: Skill 7 damage increases by 30% 202407015更新: 1、修复反击没有声音的BUG;Fix the bug of no sound in counterattack 2、登阶20%以上就能用;Skill 7 can be used if the health is above 20% 202407012更新: 季灾从死门恢复后的濒死...
Know Your Curio (Area Expantion Mods)
Created by Zagreus
This is a mod which can show items-to-curio interactions for some well known area expansion mods. Support: The Sunward Isles (New Dungeon) Sunward Expansion: The Night Parade The Mountain - Updated Version Vermintide Mod Also supports all areas of the orig...
Sunward Expansion: The Night Parade
Created by Seal
_____________________________________________ IMPORTANT PLEASE SEE _______________________________________________ This mod has to be loaded above base SI and have high priority in the load order. It has the potential to break your save if it is not. https...
The Mountain - Updated Version
Created by Grim_Reaper
The Mountain This is an updated version of an old mod called 'The Mountain' made by Oks, with his permission I am taking over/updating Warning: Do NOT use this mod and the original Mountain mod together, this is an updated version with many conflicting fil...
The Sunward Isles (New Dungeon)
Created by Seal
The Sunward Isles is a new dungeon that's modeled after Japanese history and culture. Fight new Yokai type enemies, explore the depths of the archipelago, and put an end to some of the ancient horrors of the Isles. =========================================...
Vermintide Mod
Created by LEGO_Johnase
https://imgur.com/tTCK7QC.gif Introduction Not so far from the hamlet A mine there be, not to be known yet. No sights to be seen, you bet. But kids, they sing, in mocking minuet. "Rats! Rats! Horrible rats!" "Rats! Rats! in the streets!" "Rats in the house...
Created by EvilMask
To players using other languages This mod is for Chinese users only. It changes the translation of hero names to "looks" more feminine. You can just ignore this mod. 简介 本MOD修改了所有人物名的简体中文翻译(参考原翻译与英文原名),使其“看起来”更像女性的名字。包括大当家和二当家。适少女地牢玩家入手。 注意事项 与所有更改了以下文本id的m...
Porkin's Hellion Skin!
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) (Long time no see) I'm stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? This Hellion skin is result that stream I will upload another skin too. please behold --------------------------------------------- My skin alphabet number ...