Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Items (17)
Created by 風 鈴
使所有人第一人称变为“人家”,句尾添加“喵~” 主要为以 :我,吾,余,朕,寡人,俺,老夫,洒家 开头的替换为 "人家" 说话结尾添加 喵~ 原MOD为服务器版: 侵权删除。 有BUG别订阅,只在本地有显示效果,没有任何作用,但是能把你和别人的聊天替换成上述。别人看你发的都是正常的。不会在你发送的信息上做任何更改!!! 有BUG别订阅,只在本地有显示效果,没有任何作用,但是能把你...
Created by 1609514709
护甲头盔战斗长矛无耐久 自用...
更多物品堆叠/More Items Stack
Created by 天涯共此时
【Introduction】 Compatible With 3.27.2024 UPDATED Version Chestupgrade tools set stackable now !!! All Stackable items can be stacked up to 100,000. Also, most items will be able to stacked. Max stacksize is configurable in mod, configuration (40; 99; 100; ...
Created by 老实人
1、一次浇水将一格菜地的水浇满(原版需要4次才满); 2、种植农作物如同种树种一样快 3、球状光虫、极光、蘑菇灯具的光线能让农作物在夜间生长 4、猪人兔人会打果蝇王与小果蝇 5、独奏乐器的作用范围跟牛角一样大 6、友好果蝇与作物交互的速度加快 7、石果不会过熟,会一直保持在第三阶段 8、田里的农作物不会腐烂、摘下的巨大作物也不腐烂 9、农作物在正确季节一点巨大化,无需浇水/施肥/包括mod作物 10、大理石树、月树、棕榈树、桦树不会循环生长 11、鸟笼里的鸟腐烂时间增加(时间增加了大概率不会再死) 13、月...
角色附加技能 Character Additional Ability (Dodge/Sprint/Blink)
Created by 小坏蛋
Enabling this module can add sprint and dodge abilities to characters *Sprint: Gain a sudden burst and continuous decay of speed while moving *Dodge: When attacked, dodge can be immune to this attack *Blinking: Blinking in the direction of the face, immedi...
远古肉鸽 (Ruins, but Rougelike)
Created by Dan_烧杯
正式版已上架,介绍视频见 或b站搜索远古肉鸽模组介绍 模组简介: 远古肉鸽是一个聚焦于战斗,流程短而节奏快的模组。在远古肉鸽中,玩家的目标是前往中庭并击败织影者。但迷宫中的危险或许还要胜过织影者本身的威胁——迷宫中充斥着蜘蛛矿,开采它们以获得化石碎片;穿过危险的圣地击败犀牛以获得远古钥匙;在迷宫的尽...
鸢一折纸Tobiichi Origami
Created by 随性
该模组为约战同好集资共同制作,感谢对模组资助的:木公、憾事苦多、微光、听雨、233. 名称 鸢一折纸Tobiichi Origami 描述 鸢一折纸,日本轻小说《约会大作战》及其衍生作品中的角色。她一头白发,是像人偶一样的无性格少女。身份是陆上自卫队的对精灵部队AST的队员,阶级是上士。 代号:天使(Angel)/恶魔(devil) 士道的同班同学。头脑清晰、擅长各种运动、外貌端丽,完美无瑕的少女,另一方面,却对士道有着病态般、异常的执着。 追其缘由是因为小时候士道救过她。 原本隶属于歼灭精灵的组织AST,...
😶‍🌫️防止灭绝 No Extinction
Created by SYXDlsj大爷
原更新:2020 年 4 月 2 日 - v:1.4.0 原作者:防止灭绝 - No Extinction 娱乐至上本地化完善: 模组名称、描述、配置 多人服没处可撸怪? 这似乎很有用!!! 防止皮弗娄牛、伏特羊、蜘蛛巢、空洞树桩、发条骑士、蜂窝、石虾、蛞蝓龟窝的灭绝。 https://steamus...
Created by 傻大君
For the first time doing mod, the quality may be poor. Please forgive me. Thank you! Artox's Sword: Initial attack power of 40, can be upgraded with Ruby, and can be repaired through spider glands. Upgrade to increase attack power by 10 points, up to 10 le...
Created by 安深余
正义裁决者 每次攻击附加5次被攻击者最大生命值百分之1的伤害 为避免崩溃,攻击个别实体不会触发百分比伤害 68伤害 2距离 10%加速 1手杖5蜘蛛丝10绝望石制作 加上了女武神的战斗圆盾的格挡,只不过是360度的 不能被拆解法杖分解 ----- 不和 150伤害2距离 攻击玩家时,如果被攻击者当前理智值低于30%,则为其回复150点理智值,否则扣除150点理智值 15纯粹恐惧50噩梦燃料1暗影香炉10暗影碎布制作 ------ 拟态 150伤害2距离 每次攻击为攻击者回复5点生命值,攻击带有“wall",...
Homura Akemi(Custom Enhancement)
Created by SinerSAMA
Introduction A number of customisable MOD configuration options have been added to enhance Homura Akemi's combat abilities. This is my first time making a mod for a famine game, just a very simple modification of the original mod, if there are problems wel...
Map Jump
Created by 朋也
Open the map and right-click on the place you want to go! Note: Map Jump action can only be displayed with empty hands Enjoy!...
Created by 丧芝 徘徊于冰海之下的神秘身影正在注视着. ______________________________ 生命:150 饥饿:200 理智:150 ______________________________ 【冰海异形】 宁恩免疫寒冷,并且能够下海游泳,游泳时会快速降低体温。(按shift键可开关游泳)...
巫妖王-The Lich King(BUG修复)
Created by Nigrat
Due to years of disrepair and abandonment by the author, the module has developed bugs that make it unplayable, but I really like this module. So, I asked the mod boss for advice and fixed the bug, and made a little (roughly) enhancements and optimizations...
全武器--武器成长(武器升级) Weapon growth(weapon upgrade)--职业养成
Created by 冷冷月
开启全武器兼容模式(包括mod武器) 如果对本mod有bug反馈或有建议加群一起讨论,群号【947534732】 模组介绍: 视频介绍页 仅想体验最基础功能,可订阅往期基础功能怀旧版
Display Attack Range
Created by ClumsyNoob
Shows the attack range of mobs when they are targeting a player. The display will change color when they attack. Configuration options: Red, Green, Blue: Adjust the RGB color that shown for attack. Range appearance: Select range appearing while targeting p...
Simple Health Bar DST
Created by DYC
Click for DS Version Click for OLD Version if the new one crashed A simple health bar! It will be displayed in the combat status automatically. (It will not be displayed when the game is just loaded !!!!!!!!!!!! don't tell me the mod no longer works becaus...