Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

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[1.5.x] Veteran Talents & Mechanics
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This guide explains all of Veteran's talents and related mechanics. Talents of the other classes are detailed elsewhere:

For details on weapon blessings and their mechanics:
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Base Stats
Veteran has the following base stats which can be modified by respective talents. Some of these base stats interact with the respective toughness, stamina, dodge, sprint, and handling templates of currently equipped weapons.

Health (alive)
Health (downed)
Crit chance

Toughness on Melee Kill
5% of max toughness

Coherency Toughness
Coherency toughness regeneration is active only when there are no enemies occupying slots around the player unit (Darktide's slot system is similar to Vermintide 2's slot system). Coherency toughness regeneration is disabled while the player is downed, while in fire patches from Bomber grenades and Flamers' flamethrowers, and while in toxic gas; while carrying luggables (e.g. batteries, containers) the regeneration is extremely slowed and reduced.

The coherency regen delay (i.e. the time until coherency regeneration kicks in after its conditions have been met) is currently bugged: If the last enemy occupying a slot is in melee combat, it varies depending on the length of the death animation of this enemy and hence, only in this case, is unaffected by the toughness_regen_delay_multiplier provided by Toughness Regeneration Speed curios.

Coherency Radius
Base Coherency Toughness Regen Delay
Base Coherency Toughness Regen
(allies: 0) 0 toughness per second
(allies: 1) 3.75 toughness per second
(allies: 2) 5.625 toughness per second
(allies: 3) 7.5 toughness per second
Coherency Toughness Regen Grace
Time after Leaving


Stamina Regen Delay
Stamina Regen Speed
1 stamina per second

Minimum Direction Input Requirement
Minimum travel distance needed before a dodge can be performed
Dodge Distance
How far the dodge can move the character
Dodge Cooldown
Time until next dodge can be performed
Dodge Cooldown after Jump
Time until next dodge can be performed if interrupted by a jump
Dodge Count Reset Time
Time to reset the effective dodge count
Melee Dodge Linger Time
Grace window after finishing a dodge in which the character is still considered as is_dodging against a melee attack
Dodge Stop Threshold
Maximum dodge time after dodging into an obstacle
Toughness Damage Taken Modifier (Dodging)
Modifies toughness damage taken while dodging; below 1 means taking less damage, above 1 means taking more damage BUT due to the complexity of the calculation, neither does 0 translate into taking no damage at all nor does 2 translate into taking double damage. For an in-depth explanation, refer to this write-up (still up to date despite some values having changed).

Base Movement Speed
Movement Speed when Jumping
Climbing Speed
Crouching Speed
Sprinting Speed
Sprint Multiplier when out of Stamina
Toughness Damage Taken Modifier (Sprinting)
Modifies toughness damage taken while sprinting; below 1 means taking less damage, above 1 means taking more damage BUT due to the complexity of the calculation, neither does 0 translate into taking no damage at all nor does 2 translate into taking double damage. For an in-depth explanation, refer to this write-up (still up to date despite some values having changed).
Speed Requirement to Slide
Minimum movement speed required to perform a slide
Toughness Damage Taken Modifier (Sliding)
Modifies toughness damage taken while sliding; below 1 means taking less damage, above 1 means taking more damage BUT due to the complexity of the calculation, neither does 0 translate into taking no damage at all nor does 2 translate into taking double damage. For an in-depth explanation, refer to this write-up (still up to date despite some values having changed).
Passive Talent
Veteran has one passive talent that is always active by default:


Allows Veteran to peek over obstacles when crouching closely behind them. Usually, while crouched behind adequate cover, the player camera does not move in any additional way when aiming down sights with a ranged weapon. This talent enables a brief 'peek over object' animation in first person and adjusts the camera position so that Veteran's view is less obstructed by the obstacle. Note that this does not hide Veteran's hitbox from enemy fire in any additional way.

Currently, does not apply to: Autopistol and Plasma Gun.
Talent Nodes (Part I)
Agile Engagement
Killing an enemy with a Melee Attack grants +25% Ranged Damage and killing an enemy with a Ranged Attack grants +25% Melee Damage. Lasts 5s.

stat buff:

Killing an enemy with a melee attack grants 25% damage to ranged attacks for 5s; killing an enemy with a ranged attack grants 25% damage to melee attacks for 5s. Active buff duration starts on the respective kill. Stacks additively with other related damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings.

Born Leader
Allies in Coherency Replenish 15% of any Toughness that you Replenish.

function: recover_flat_toughness

Spreads 15% of any toughness amount generated by Veteran to allies who are in coherency with Veteran. This is effect is always active, even if Veteran is at 100% toughness, and considers all toughness replenished by talents, weapon blessings, and coherency regeneration. Does not stack with the same talent from another Veteran, each Veteran spreads their amounts separately.

The effectiveness of this talent's toughness replenishment is affected by certain player debuffs like toxic gas.

Bring it Down!
+20% Damage (Ogryns & Monstrosities).

stat buff: damage_vs_ogryn_and_monsters

Increases any damage against enemies with the ogryn tag (Bulwark, Crusher, Reaper) and against enemies with the monster tag (Beast of Nurgle, Chaos Spawn, Daemonhost, Plague Ogryn). Stacks additively with other related damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings.

Does not buff damage against Scab Captain/Twins who do not have the monster tag.

Catch a Breath
Replenish 5% Toughness per second when there are no Enemies within 8m.

function: recover_percentage_toughness

If no enemy is within an 8m radius around Veteran, replenishes 5% of max toughness every second; the effectiveness of this toughness replenishment is affected by certain player debuffs like toxic gas. The proximity check ignores map geometry. Does not interact with coherency toughness.

+50% Aura radius.

stat buff: coherency_radius_modifier

Increases Veteran's base coherency radius of 8m by 50% to 12m.

Close Order Drill
Up to +33% Toughness Damage Reduction the more Allies in Coherency.

stat buff: toughness_damage_taken_multiplier

Reduces toughness damage taken by 11% per ally in coherency. Stacks linearly with itself (i.e. 2 allies = 22%, 3 = 33% toughness damage reduction), and multiplicatively with other damage reduction buffs.

Confirmed Kill
Replenish 10% Toughness on Elite or Specialist Enemy Kill, and a further 20% Toughness over 10s.

function: recover_percentage_toughness

Killing an elite or a special does two things:

(1) Immediately replenishes 10% of maximum toughness per kill; can proc multiple times when cleaving.

(2) Additionally per kill, replenishes 2% of maximum toughness per second for 10s. This replenishment over time effect can proc multiple times when cleaving and stacks without a cap (the default HUD displays only a limited amount of buff icons).

The effectiveness of this talent's toughness replenishment is affected by certain player debuffs like toxic gas.
Talent Nodes (Part II)
Competitive Urge
2.5% chance of +20% Base Damage, +20% Melee Impact & +20% Suppression for 8s whenever an Ally kills an Enemy.

stat buffs:

Whenever an enemy dies to anything but Veteran, there is a 2.5% chance for Veteran to receive a 20% increase to any damage, melee stagger strength, and suppression dealt for 8s; can be refreshed during active duration. The damage buff and stagger buff stack additively with other related buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings; the suppression buff stacks additively with Keep Their Heads Down!, the small suppression node, and weapon blessing Powderburn.

Covering Fire
When you kill an Enemy with a Ranged Attack, Allies within 5 metres of the target Replenish 15% Toughness & receive +10% to all Base Damage for 3s.

function: recover_percentage_toughness

stat buff: damage

Whenever Veteran kills an enemy with a ranged attack, any ally who is within 5m of the killed enemy replenishes 15% of their maximum toughness. The effectiveness of this toughness replenishment is affected by certain player debuffs like toxic gas.

Also increases any damage by 10% for all affected allies for 3s; can be refreshed during active duration. Stacks additively with other damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings.

+25% Critical Chance & +60% Sway Reduction while using your Ranged Weapon's alternate fire, but lose 0.75 Stamina per second and an additional 0.25 per shot.

stat buffs:

While aiming down sights and having more than 0 stamina, grants 25% crit chance. 60% sway reduction, 19% spread reduction, and 12% recoil reduction; these buffs stack additively with respective buffs from Executioner's Stance; the spread reduction also stacks with the related buff from the Run 'n' Gun weapon blessing; the recoil reduction also stacks with the related buff from the Powderburn weapon blessing.

While aiming down sights, drains 0.75 stamina per second and an additional 0.25 stamina per shot. When stamina reaches 0, the talent loses its effect and applies a fixed immediate sway.

For example, a Veteran with 7 max stamina aiming down sights for 5s and shooting twice during this time will have 7-(5x0.75+2x0.25)=2.75 stamina left after the 5s have elapsed; or 39% as per player HUD. The stamina cost reduction buffs from Conditioning and Celerity Stimm reduce this drain effect.

Demolition Stockpile
Replenish 1 Grenade(s) every 60s.

Recharges 1 grenade every 60 seconds; does not interact with the 'Enhanced Blitz' mutator.

Demolition Team
You have a 5% chance to replenish a Grenade when you or an Ally in Coherency Kills an Elite or Specialist Enemy.

Whenever Veteran kills an elite or special, grants a 5% chance to restore 1 grenade to Veteran; procs regardless whether Veteran is in coherency with allies or not. Also grants a 5% chance to restore 1 grenade to Veteran when an ally who is in coherency with Veteran kills an elite or special.

+10% Melee Critical Hit Chance & +25% Melee Finesse Bonus.

stat buffs:

Grants 10% additional crit chance to melee attacks and a 25% melee finesse damage bonus; also applies to melee special actions of ranged weapons. Crit chance stacks additively with other sources of crit chance; finesse bonus stacks additively with other weakspot and finesse damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings.
Talent Nodes (Part III)
Gain Suppression immunity.

buff keyword: suppression_immune

Grants Veteran immunity to suppression dealt by ranged enemies at all times.

Duck and Dive
+30% Stamina on avoiding Ranged Attacks by Dodging, Sprinting or Sliding.

function: add_stamina_percent

Replenishes 30% of max stamina per dodged ranged attack; has an internal cooldown of 3s. Procs on regular dodges, sliding dodges, and dodges while sprint dodging (note that the is_sprint_dodging[i.imgur.com]condition requires the character to have more than 0 stamina).

The Ghost, Hit & Run and Stripped Down weapon blessings can also proc this talent.

Exhilarating Takedown
Replenish 15% Toughness and gain +10% Toughness Damage Reduction for 8s on Ranged Weakspot Kill. Stacks 3 times.

function: recover_percentage_toughness

stat buff: toughness_damage_taken_multiplier

Killing enemies with ranged weakspot hits does two things:

(1) Replenishes 15% of maximum toughness; can proc multiple times per shot when cleaving. The effectiveness of this toughness replenishment is affected by certain player debuffs like toxic gas.

(2) Grants stacks (up to 3); stacks last for 8s and can be refreshed during active duration. Per stack, reduces toughness damage taken by 10%; stacks multiplicatively with itself, up to 27.1% at max stacks (1-0.9³=0.271), and with other damage reduction buffs.

Exploit Weakness
Melee Critical Hits apply 10% Brittleness to the target.

Stacks 2 times and lasts 5s.

stat buff: rending_multiplier

Critical hits with melee attacks apply a rending debuff to enemies boosting damage against armor types Carapace, Flak, Maniac, Unyielding (including the damage of explosions and DoTs); lasts 5s, can also be applied by crit hits with melee special actions of ranged weapons. Stacks additively with rending buffs that only boost a character's own damage ('rending').

This talent's rending debuff is unique: rending_debuff_medium. It stacks 2 times and applies a rending_multiplier of 10% per stack (whereas the regular rending_debuff stacks up to 16 times and applies 2.5% rending per stack). This debuff being unique also means that it is, in regard to the rending debuff cap on an enemy, in fact a separate debuff which stacks additively with the regular rending debuff ('brittleness') from Onslaught and from weapon blessings Armourbane, Can Opener, Rending Shockwave, Shattering Impact, Supercharge, and Thunderous. It also stacks additively with the other unique rending_burn_debuff from the Penetrating Flame weapon blessing.

As a result, the total rending ('brittleness') that can effectively be applied to an enemy when this talent is involved is:
 • 20% (only rending_debuff_medium)
 • 40% (rending_debuff_medium + rending_burn_debuff)
 • 60% (rending_debuff_medium + regular rending_debuff)
 • 80% (rending_debuff_medium + regular rending_debuff + rending_burn_debuff)

Field Improvisation
Ammo Crates also restore Grenades. Medi-Packs Heal +100% faster, cleanse Corruption & Replenish 1% Toughness per second.

buff keywords:


Upgrades the properties of deployables: Lets deployed ammo crates also restore all grenades to players. Lets deployed med packs heal corruption damage up to the next health segment, doubles their healing rate from 6% of max health per second to 12%, and replenishes 1% of maximum toughness per second. The toughness replenishment is also active while on full health.

This talent upgrades all ammo crates and med packs deployed by any player as long as Veteran is alive.

Note that the healing effect is always actively 'fighting' against the initial grimoire_chunk of 40 base corruption damage per book. But since this chunk cannot be removed, this can quickly drain a med pack's limited reserve of 500 health. To a minor extent, this also applies to players who are downed within the med pack's 3m radius: Despite the consumption of the health reserve being reduced by 70% when healing a downed player (the amount of health restored to a downed player is also reduced by 90%), the med pack still can drain fairly quickly.

Fully Loaded
+25% Ammo.

stat buff: ammo_reserve_capacity

Increases Veteran's maximum ammo in reserve by 25%, rounds down.

Get Back in the Fight!
Stun Immunity, Slow Immunity for 6s & restore +50% Stamina when your Toughness is broken.

30s Cooldown.

buff keywords:

function: add_stamina_percent

Every 30s, when Veteran's toughness reaches 0, grants immunity to stuns and slowdowns from both melee and ranged attacks for 6s; lets Veteran move through fire patches without hindrance. Additionally, when toughness breaks, replenishes 50% of max stamina.
Talent Nodes (Part IV)
Grenade Tinkerer
Improve your chosen Grenade.

Krak Grenade: +50% Damage.
Frag Grenade: +25% Damage & Radius.
Smoke Grenade: +100% Duration.

stat buffs:

Increases the explosion damage of Krak Grenade by 50%; increases the explosion damage of Shredder Frag Grenade by 25% (does not affect bleeds applied by the explosion), and increases the radii of its epicenter and max range by 25% to 2.5m and 12.5m respectively; increases the cloud duration of Smoke Grenade from 15s to 30s.

The grenade damage buffs stack additively with damage buffs from Bring it Down!, Close Quarters Killzone (if within 30m to the enemy), Competitive Urge, Covering Fire (if applied to Veteran by another Veteran), Longshot (if not within 12.5m to the enemy), Redirect Fire!, Skirmisher, Superiority Complex (against elites), Surprise Attack, and aura Fire Team.

You can carry 1 extra Grenade(s).

stat buff: extra_max_amount_of_grenades

Allows Veteran to carry 1 more grenade; stacks additively with the 'Enhanced Blitz' mission mutator that adds another 2 grenades to Veteran's maximum grenade capacity.

Iron Will
+50% Reduced Toughness Damage if above 75% Toughness.

stat buff: toughness_damage_taken_multiplier

While above 75% of maximum toughness, grants 50% toughness damage reduction; stacks multiplicatively with other damage reduction buffs.

If Veteran has bonus toughness (yellow) from Duty and Honour or Zealot's Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude, the talent considers the temporary new maximum for its 75% threshold. For example, with 198 max toughness, the talent will be active as long as Veteran is above 198x0.75=148.5 toughness; however, with 50 bonus toughness, the new temporary threshold is (198+50)x0.75=186 toughness. This temporary threshold lasts until the duration of bonus toughness expires.

Keep Their Heads Down!
+50% Ranged Attack Suppression.

stat buff: suppression_dealt

Increases the amount of suppression dealt to enemies by 50%; stacks additively with related buff from Competitive Urge, the small suppression node, and the weapon blessing Powderburn.

Kill Zone
+20% Base Ranged Damage when there are no Enemies within 8m.

stat buff: ranged_damage

If no enemy is within an 8m radius around Veteran, increases the damage of ranged attacks by 20%; stacks additively with other damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings. The proximity check ignores map geometry.

Leave No One Behind
+20% Assist Speed & Revive Speed. +20% Movement Speed and Stun Immunity when moving towards a Knocked Down or Incapacitated Ally. Whenever you Revive a Knocked Down Ally, they receive +33% Damage Reduction for 5s.

stat buffs:

buff keyword: stun_immune

Always grants Veteran 20% increased interaction speed when reviving and rescuing allies, when pulling allies up from ledges, and when freeing allies from nets. The revive speed buff stacks additively with Revive Speed (Ally) from curios.

If an ally is downed or incapacitated, also grants Veteran immunity to stuns from both melee and ranged attacks and increases movement speed by 20% as long as Veteran is looking towards the ally (view check ignores map geometry); the movement speed buff stacks additively with related buffs from Infiltrate, aura Close and Kill, the small movement speed node, and weapon blessings like Rev it Up.

'Incapacitated' includes: netted (by Trapper), pounced (by Pox Hounds), grabbed (by Daemonhost, Chaos Spawn, Mutants), eaten by Beast of Nurgle, hanging from ledge, and waiting for rescue after respawn.

Allies assisted by Veteran gain 33% toughness and health damage reduction for 5s; stacks multiplicatively with other damage reduction buffs.

Deal up to +20% Ranged Base Damage. Bonus is reduced the nearer the target.

stat buff: damage_far

Increases any damage against enemies beyond 12.5m. The damage buff increases linearly up to 20% at 30m. Within 12.5m distance, the talent has no effect:

to Target

This also increases the damage of explosions and DoTs as long as Veteran stays more than 12.5m away from the enemy.
Talent Nodes (Part V)
One Motion
+25% Weapon Swap Speed.

stat buff: wield_speed

Increases wield speed by 25%. This reduces the time of wielding actions when swapping between item slots (weapons, grenades, stimms, med packs, ammo crates, books, etc).

For example, when swapping to Helbore Lasguns, it takes 1.5s (left-click) or 1.25s (alt fire) until the shot charging action can be started. The talent reduces these times to 1.2s and 1s respectively.

Continuous hits to a Single Target applies 2.5% Brittleness for 5 seconds to the target. Stacks 16 times.

stat buff: rending_multiplier

Repeated melee and ranged hits against the same target apply a rending debuff ('brittleness') to enemies boosting damage against armor types Carapace, Flak, Maniac, Unyielding (including damage of explosions and DoTs); procs on the second hit against an enemy, lasts 5s.

Stacks additively with the unique rending debuff from Exploit Weakness, with other rending debuffs ('brittleness'), and with rending buffs that only boost a character's own damage ('rending').

Opening Salvo
The first 20% Ammo after a Reload has +10% Ranged Critical Hit Chance.

stat buff: ranged_critical_strike_chance

Grants 10% additional crit chance to ranged attacks as long as the ammo count in the current clip is at or above 80%. For example, with a weapon that has a clip size of 43 rounds, the additional crit chance is granted for the first 9 rounds (i.e. as long as the current ammo in clip percentage is greater or equal to 0.8; 35/43=0.81 but 34/43=0.79).

Out for Blood
Your Kills Replenish an additional 5% Toughness.

function: recover_percentage_toughness

Replenishes 5% of maximum toughness on any kill; procs on melee and ranged kills as well as on kills from explosions and DoTs. Procs additionally to weapon blessings like Inspiring Barrage, Reassuringly Accurate, Gloryhunter.

When the talent procs on a melee kill, it replenishes 5% of max toughness additionally to Veteran's base 5% of max toughness gained on melee kill. For example, killing three enemies with a melee attack with 184 max toughness, Veteran would replenish 184x(0.15+0.15)=55.2 toughness (HUD rounds: 56).

Precision Strikes
+30% Weak Spot Damage.

stat buff: weakspot_damage

Increases the weakspot damage of melee and ranged attacks by 30%; stacks additively with related damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings.

+5% Critical Hit Chance for 8s on successful Dodge. Stacks 5 times.

stat buff: critical_strike_chance

Successfully dodging enemy melee or ranged attacks (except Gunners, Reaper, Sniper) and disabler attacks (Pox Hound jump, Trapper net, Mutant grab) grants stacks (up to 5); stacks last for 8s and can be refreshed during active duration. Per stack, grants 5% additional crit chance to melee and ranged attacks. 'Successful dodge' means dodging an enemy attack that is locked on the player with an accordingly timed dodge or sliding action.

The Ghost, Hit & Run and Stripped Down weapon blessings can proc this talent (only against ranged attacks).

Rending Strikes
Gives +10% Rending to all weapons.

stat buff: rending_multiplier

Grants 10% rending to all attacks boosting damage against armor types Carapace, Flak, Maniac, Unyielding (including damage of explosions and DoTs). Only affects Veteran's own damage. Stacks additively with other rending buffs ('rending') and with rending debuffs that are applied to enemies ('brittleness').

Serrated Blade
1 Stack(s) of Bleed to the target on Melee Hit.

Melee attacks (including melee special actions of ranged weapons) apply 1 stack of bleed to enemies; up to 16 max bleed stacks on a target. Can't apply bleed through shields.

Bleed: same as other sources of bleed; lasts 1.5s; ticks every 0.5s; refreshes duration on stack application; above average armor damage modifiers across the board, low armor damage modifier against Carapace.
Talent Nodes (Part VI)
Shock Trooper
Critical Hits with Las-weapons consume no Ammo.

buff keyword: no_ammo_consumption_on_crits

For Helbore Lasguns, Infantry Lasguns, Laspistols, and Recon Lasguns, allows every shooting action that crits to not consume ammo. Weapons with guaranteed crit squences (Recon Lasguns) don't consume ammo for any of the critical shots.

+5% to all Base Damage for 8s after Sprinting. Stacks 5 times.

stat buff: damage

Every second spent sprinting grants stacks (up to 5); stacks last for 8s and can be refreshed during active duration. Per stack, Increases any damage by 5%; stacks additively with other damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings.

Superiority Complex
+15% Base Damage (Elite Enemies).

stat buff: damage_vs_elites

Increases any damage against elites by 15%; stacks additively with other damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings.

Tactical Awareness
Combat Ability Cooldown reduced by 6s on Specialist Enemy Kill.

function: reduce_ability_cooldown_time

Killing a special reduces Veteran's remaining ability cooldown by 6s. Procs additionally to Concentration Stimm's remaining cooldown reduction effect of 3s per second.

Does not interact with Combat Ability Regeneration from curios which only reduces the maximum cooldown of a combat ability.

Tactical Reload
+25% Reload Speed if your weapon contains Ammo.

stat buff: reload_speed

Increases reload animation speed by 25% if the current ammo count in clip is above 0 when reloading. Stacks additively with reload speed buffs from Fleeting Fire, Marksman's Focus, Volley Adept, the small reload speed node, weapon perks, weapon blessings, and Celerity Stimm.

This also increases the speed of the loading special action of Combat Shotguns.

Trench Fighter Drill
+10% Melee Attack Speed.

stat buff: melee_attack_speed

Increases melee weapon attack animation speed by 10%. Stacks additively with related buffs from Weapons Specialist and Celerity Stimm.

Twinned Blast
20% chance to throw an additional Grenade (this still only consumes a single Grenade).

stat buff: extra_grenade_throw_chance

Grants Veteran a 20% chance to throw one additional grenade when throwing grenades; does not interact with the 'Enhanced Blitz' mission mutator. The twinned grenade's fuse time is increased by 0.3s.

Volley Adept
+30% Reload Speed on Elite & Specialist Enemy Kill.

stat buff: reload_speed

Killing an elite or special increases reload animation speed by 30%. The buff is held until consumed upon reloading. Stacks additively with reload speed buffs from Fleeting Fire, Marksman's Focus, Tactical Reload, the small reload speed node, weapon perks, weapon blessings, and Celerity Stimm.

This also increases the speed of the loading special action of Combat Shotguns.
Small Nodes
Toughness Boost
+X Toughness.

stat buff: toughness

Adds 25 or 15 toughness to Veteran's base maximum toughness of 100 thereby increasing Veteran's max toughness. Stacks additively with other small toughness nodes.

Current max toughness is multiplied by the toughness percentage buffs from curios. For example, at 150 max toughness (Veteran's base 100 and two +25 toughness nodes) with one +15% toughness curio with a +4% toughness perk, Veteran's max toughness of 150 is increased by 150x(0.15+0.04)=28.5 to 178.5 toughness (HUD rounds up: 179).

A character's maximum toughness is the base value that is used in toughness replenished calculations of most talents and blessings.

Availability on tree:
2 (+25 toughness)
1 (+15 toughness)
Toughness Damage Reduction
+X% Toughness Damage Reduction.

stat buff: toughness_damage_taken_modifier

Grants 5% or 10% toughness damage reduction. Stacks additively with other small toughness damage reduction nodes; their sum stacks multiplicatively with other damage reduction buffs.

Availability on tree:
1 (+10% toughness damage reduction)
1 (+5% toughness damage reduction)
Stamina Regeneration Boost
0.25s Stamina Regen Delay Reduction.

stat buff: stamina_regeneration_delay

Reduces Veteran's base stamina regeneration delay of 1s to 0.75s. This time is the delay before stamina starts regenerating after having spent stamina. Stacks additively with the other small stamina regen delay reduction node.

Availability on tree: 2
Health Boost
+5% Health.

stat buff: max_health_modifier

Increases Veteran's maximum health by 5%; also applies to health while downed. Stacks additively with health buffs from curios. For example, one +20% health curio with a +4% health perk and this 5% health node increase Veteran's max health of 150 by 150x(0.2+0.04+0.05)=43.5 to 193.5 health (HUD rounds up: 194).

Availability on tree: 2
Ranged Damage Boost
+5% Ranged Damage.

stat buff: ranged_damage

Increases the damage of ranged attacks by 5%. Stacks additively with other small ranged damage nodes and other related damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings.

Availability on tree: 2
Melee Damage Boost
+X% Melee Damage.

stat buff: melee_damage

Increases the damage of melee attacks by 10% or 5%. This also applies to melee special actions of ranged weapons. Stacks additively with other small melee damage nodes and other related damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings.

Availability on tree:
1 (+10% melee damage)
1 (+5% melee damage)
Inspiring Presence
+10% Toughness Replenishment for you and Allies in Coherency.

stat buff: toughness_regen_rate_modifier

Increases the base amount of coherency toughness regenerated while in coherency by 10% for Veteran and allies who are in coherency with Veteran; stacks additively with Ogryn's aura Stay Close! and Toughness Regeneration Speed from curios.

Coherency Regen
per second
w/o node
Coherency Regen
per second
w/ node
Total Toughness
after 5s
20.625 (HUD rounds: 21)
30.9375 (HUD rounds: 31)
41.25 (HUD rounds: 42)

Availability on tree: 1
Reload Boost
+5% Reload Speed.

stat buff: reload_speed

Increases reload animation speed by 5%. Stacks additively with reload speed buffs from Fleeting Fire, Marksman's Focus, Tactical Reload, Volley Adept, weapon perks and blessings, and Celerity Stimm.

This also increases the speed of the loading special action of Combat Shotguns.

Availability on tree: 1
Stamina Boost
+1 Stamina.

stat buff: stamina_modifier

Adds 1 stamina to Veteran's base stamina of 2 thereby increasing Veteran's max stamina to 3. Stacks additively with stamina values from curios, weapon perks, and weapon stamina templates. Each segment of the stamina bar in the player HUD represents 1 stamina.

Availability on tree: 1
Critical Chance Boost
+5% Critical Hit Chance.

stat buff: critical_strike_chance

Grants 5% additional crit chance to all attacks that can crit; stacks additively with other sources of crit chance.

Availability on tree: 1
Movement Speed Boost
+5% Movement Speed.

stat buff: movement_speed

Increases movement speed by 5%. Stacks additively with movement speed buffs from Infiltrate, Leave No One Behind, aura Close and Kill, and weapon blessings like Rev it Up.

Availability on tree: 1
Suppression Boost
+25% Suppression Dealt.

stat buff: suppression_dealt

Increases the amount of suppression dealt to enemies by 25%. Stacks additively with suppression buffs from Competitive Urge, Keep Their Heads Down!, and weapon blessing Powderburn.

Availability on tree: 1
Blitz Nodes (Part I)
Shredder Frag Grenade / Frag Grenade
Throw a frag grenade that explodes after a short delay. Applies 6 Stacks of Bleed to all Enemies Hit, causing Damage over time.

Starting version: (Frag Grenade)
Throws a frag grenade that explodes.

• Fuse time: 1.7s
• Max velocity: 30 (aimed, quick throw), 8 (underhand)
• Deals very low direct impact damage
• Suppression radius (explosion): 15m
• Explosion radius: 10m (max), 2m (epicenter)
• Explosion damage: enemies inside epicenter will take more damage, enemies between epicenter and max radius will take less damage depending on distance; base damage epicenter: 500, base damage between epicenter and max radius: 200; average armor damage modifiers across the board, very low armor damage modifier against Carapace; explosion damage is increased by 'rending' / 'brittleness', by Skullcrusher blessing (while staggered), and by damage buffs from Bring it Down!, Close Quarters Killzone (if within 30m to the enemy), Competitive Urge, Covering Fire (if applied to Veteran by another Veteran), Focus Target! (if tagged), Grenade Tinkerer, Longshot (if not within 12.5m to the enemy), Redirect Fire!, Skirmisher, Superiority Complex (against elites), Surprise Attack, and aura Fire Team
• Stagger: Deals high stagger against all enemies including monstrosities, except for Scab Captain/Twins
• Ammo: replenishes all grenades per grenade pickup

Augmented version: (Shredder Frag Grenade)
Throws a frag grenade that explodes applying bleed to all enemies within its explosion radius.

• Same properties as starting version
• Applies 6 stacks of bleed on explosion; is the same bleed like other sources of bleed: 16 max stacks on a target, ticks every 0.5s, lasts 1.5s; bleed damage is increased by the same sources (except Grenade Tinkerer) that also buff the grenade's explosion damage (see above)

Additionally, bleed damage is affected by perks of currently equipped weapons and the following buffs from:
if procced with weapon before or during bleed's active duration: Executor, High Voltage (while electrocuted), Skullcrusher (while staggered), and Slaughterer
if procced with weapon before or during bleed's active duration: Blaze Away, Deathspitter, Dumdum, Execution (while staggered), Fire Frenzy, Full Bore, No Respite (while staggered), Pinning Fire, and Run 'n' Gun (while sprinting)

Krak Grenade
Throw a grenade that deals devastating Damage. Sticks to Flak Armoured, Carapace Armoured & Unyielding Enemies.

Throws a grenade that can home in only on Carapace armor and that always sticks to armor types Carapace, Flak, and Unyielding before it explodes for high single target damage.

• Fuse time: 2s (thrown), 2s (stuck on target)
• Max velocity: 30 (aimed, quick throw), 8 (underhand)
• Deals very low direct impact damage
• Suppression radius (explosion): 6m
• Explosion radius: 1.5m (epicenter), 5m (max)
• Explosion damage: enemies inside epicenter will take more damage, enemies between epicenter and max radius will take less damage depending on distance, enemies that the grenade sticks to always take epicenter damage; base damage epicenter: 2400, base damage between epicenter and max radius: 500; inside epicenter, good armor damage modifiers across the board and very high armor damage modifiers against Carapace, Flak, Unyielding; outside epicenter, decent armor damage modifiers across the board; explosion damage is increased by 'rending' / 'brittleness', by Skullcrusher blessing (while staggered), and by damage buffs from Bring it Down!, Close Quarters Killzone (if within 30m to the enemy), Competitive Urge, Covering Fire (if applied to Veteran by another Veteran), Focus Target! (if tagged), Grenade Tinkerer, Longshot (if not within 12.5m to the enemy), Redirect Fire!, Skirmisher, Superiority Complex (against elites), Surprise Attack, and aura Fire Team
• Stagger: Deals high stagger against all enemies including monstrosities; against Scab Captain/Twins only without shield
• Ammo: replenishes all grenades per grenade pickup

How homing and sticking work:
Homing in on a target and sticking to a target are two separate mechanics. Void shields (Scab Captain, Twins) cancel both mechanics.

(1) Homing only applies to regular throws, not to underhand throws; the grenade can only home in on Carapace armor hit zones; if the projectile is within 3m to a valid target after a minimum lifetime of 0.33s, it will automatically connect to the closest valid armor hit zone; valid hit zones are:

Carapace Hit Zones
Shield, both arms, both feet
Full body
Both hands, shoulder pad
Rinda Karnak
Head, right upper arm
Rodin Karnak
Head, left upper arm

(2) Sticking applies to both regular and underhand throws; the grenade can only stick to Carapace, Flak, and Unyielding armor hit zones; as soon as the projectile directly connects with a valid armor hit zone, it will stick to the target until explosion; for example, Dreg Bruisers have Flak armor hit zone on head and Unarmoured on body so the projectile can only stick to their head and never to their body.

Regardless of the hit zone the projectile sticks to, the explosion will always target center mass hit zone dealing the same damage.
Blitz Nodes (Part II)
Smoke Grenade
Throw a grenade that creates a lingering smoke cloud for 15s. The cloud blocks line of sight for most enemies and reduces the sight range of enemies inside it.

Throws a grenade that explodes leaving a smoke cloud behind. The smoke impacts enemies' perception.

buff keyword: concealed

• Fuse time: 1.5s
• Max velocity: 30 (aimed, quick throw), 8 (underhand)
• Deals very low direct impact damage
• Initial explosion deals no damage and very light stagger, 10m radius
• Suppression radius (explosion): 15m
• Smoke cloud effect: 5.5m radius, lasts for 15s; disables HUD nameplates of allies; players inside smoke are considered 'concealed' which alters the line of sight distance requirement of enemies during target selection; if a player holds aggro of an enemy who is in melee combat, the smoke has no effect on enemy perception; if a player holds aggro of an enemy who is in ranged combat, then the smoke makes the ranged enemy stop firing and change positions (Reaper is less likely to reposition); Gunners and Reaper when they are inside the smoke cloud's area of effect themselves keep firing at a player's last known position; Pox Hounds cannot lock on a player who is inside smoke cloud's area of effect and will keep circling the cloud (no effect on Mutants and Poxbursters)
• Ammo: replenishes all grenades per grenade pickup
Aura Nodes
Survivalist / Scavenger
Replenish 1% Ammo for you and Allies in Coherency whenever any of you Kill an Elite or Specialist Enemy. This can only occur once every 5s.

Killing an elite or special replenishes a fixed percentage of max ammo in reserve for Veteran and allies who are in coherency with Veteran; has an internal cooldown of 5s. Allies receive the ammo amount replenished by Veteran. Does not stack with the same aura from another Veteran, multiple Veterans spread their replenished ammo amounts separately.

For example, with a weapon that has 180 bullets max ammo in reserve: On the first proc, Veteran regains 180x0.01=1.8 bullets which is rounded down to 1; the leftover amount of 1.8-1=0.8 is carried over to the next proc. On the second proc, Veteran regains 180x0.01+0.8=2.6 bullets which is rounded down to 2; the leftover amount of 2.6-2=0.6 is once again carried over to the next proc, and so on. This means, in this case, Veteran gets 1 bullet on the first proc, 2 bullets on the next four procs, and then 1 bullet again on the fifth proc, and so on.

Starting version: (Scavenger)
Replenishes 0.75% of max ammo in reserve per elite or special kill.

Augmented version: (Survivalist)
Replenishes 1% of max ammo in reserve per elite or special kill.

Fire Team
+5% Damage for you and Allies in Coherency.

stat buff: damage

Increases any damage by 5% for Veteran and allies who are in coherency with Veteran. Stacks additively with other damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings. Does not stack with the same aura from another Veteran.

Close and Kill
+5% Movement Speed for you and Allies in Coherency.

stat buff: movement_speed

Increases movement speed by 5% for Veteran and allies who are in coherency with Veteran. Stacks additively with movement speed buffs from Infiltrate, Leave No One Behind, the small movement speed node, and weapon blessings like Rev it Up. Does not stack with the same aura from another Veteran.
Combat Ability Nodes (Part I)
Executioner's Stance / Volley Fire
Enter Ranged Stance for 5s. When in Ranged Stance you instantly equip your ranged weapon, deal +25% Ranged Damage, +25% Ranged Weakspot Damage, and your Spread and Recoil are greatly reduced.

Human-sized Elite Enemies and Specialist Enemies are highlighted for 5s.

Killing a highlighted Enemy refreshes the duration of its bonuses for 5s.

Base Cooldown: 30s.

stat buffs:

buff keywords:

Ranged Stance
• On activation, forces a swap to ranged weapon playing a short wield animation
• Grants a plethora of buffs to Veteran: immunity to stuns and slowdowns from both melee and ranged attacks; immunity to suppression; Veteran's attack actions cannot be interrupted as part of hit reactions; weapon spread reduced by 38%; weapon recoil reduced by 24%, randomness in recoil patterns replaced by a fixed one; weapon sway reduced by 60%; and slightly zoomed in field of view
• Lasts for 5s
• Killing an outlined enemy refreshes the active duration by 5s; this also refreshes the duration of outlines on enemies for Veteran
• Ends early when switching off of ranged weapon or when Veteran gets disabled

Starting version: (Volley Fire)
• Increases both ranged damage and ranged weakspot damage by 15%; stacks additively with related damage buffs
• Increases ranged stagger strength by 50%

Augmented version: (Executioner's Stance)
• Increases both ranged damage and ranged weakspot damage by 25%; stacks additively with related damage buffs
• Increases ranged stagger strength by 100%
• On activation, adds outlines to all specials and human-sized elites who are currently within 50m of Veteran; outlines last for 5s and are only visible to Veteran
Enhanced Target Priority
Executioner's Stance now outlines Elite & Specialist Enemies for Allies in Coherency for 5s.

Enables Executioner's Stance's outlines on all specials and human-sized elites to be visible to allies who are in coherency with Veteran. Outlines visible to allies always last 5s.
Executioner's Stance now outlines all human-sized Ranged Enemies.

Enables Executioner's Stance to add outlines to Scab/Dreg Stalker and Scab Shooter, additionally to all specials and human-sized elites.
The Bigger they Are ...
Executioner's Stance now outlines all Ogryn Enemies.

Enables Executioner's Stance to add outlines to Bulwark, Crusher, and Reaper, additionally to all specials and human-sized elites.

Voice of Command
Replenishes your Toughness & Staggers all Enemies within 9m.

Base Cooldown 30s.

Releases a shout around Veteran.

function: recover_max_toughness

Sets Veteran's toughness to 100% upon activation.

• Holding the ability button shows shout range; preview can be block canceled
• Radius: 9m
• Staggers all enemies within radius; stagger strength decreases with range; does not apply to enemies who are already staggered
• Always forces a heavy stagger against Crusher, Mauler, Mutants, Reaper, monstrosities, and Scab Captain/Twins (only without void shield) for 2.5s; does not apply to enemies who are already staggered; staggers Bulwark only if Veteran is not in front of the shield
Duty and Honour
Voice of Command now also provides you and Allies in Coherency with +50 Toughness for 15s. This can exceed your maximum Toughness.

stat buff: toughness_bonus_flat

For Veteran, Voice of Command adds 50 bonus toughness (yellow), additionally to setting Veteran's toughness to 100% upon activation.

For allies who are in coherency with Veteran, Voice of Command adds 50 toughnes upon activation if their toughness is below 100%; if their toughness is at or above 100%, Voice of Command adds 50 bonus toughness (yellow) to allies. Charismatic increases the effective range of this talent.

Veteran's bonus toughness lasts for 15s, can stack additively with itself and with bonus toughness from Zealot's Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude. It acts as a 'second' toughness bar and can be replenished by melee kills, respective talents, and weapon blessings.
Only In Death Does Duty End
Voice of Command revives Knocked Down Allies within Radius, but also reduces that Radius by 33% & increases your Ability Cooldown by 50%.

stat buffs:

Enables Voice of Command to revive knocked down allies within its radius; the revive effect ignores map geometry. Reduces Voice of Command's radius by 33% to 6.03m. Allies who are not in this radius do not get revived regardless of whether they are in coherency with Veteran or not.

Also increases Voice of Command's maximum cooldown by 50% to 45s. This max cooldown increase stacks additively with max cooldown reductions from Psyker's aura Seer's Presence, Combat Ability Regeneration from curios, and the mission mutators that reduce ability cooldowns by 20%.

For example, a Veteran with this talent playing the Maelstrom mutator (-0.2) with three 4% Combat Ability Regeneration curios (-0.12) will have a Voice of Command max cooldown of 30+30x(0.5-0.32)=35.4 seconds.
Combat Ability Nodes (Part II)
Replenish all Toughness and enter Stealth for 8s, gaining +25% Movement Speed. Leaving Stealth Suppresses nearby Enemies. Attacking makes you leave Stealth.

Base Cooldown: 45s.

buff keyword: invisible

stat buff: movement_speed

function: recover_max_toughness

Sets Veteran's toughness to 100% upon activation.

• Become invisible for 8s dropping all enemy aggro: melee enemies reaggro immediately to another target if possible; firing ranged enemies stop shooting, then reaggro if possible; Daemonhosts keep aggro once they are locked on a player
• Can still take damage during invisibility
• Stealth breaks on: hitting enemies with a melee attack; any ranged attack; throwing a grenade (quickthrow or aimed); finishing a rescue/revive/pull up/free from net action
• Stealth does not break on: throwing a grenade (underhand; Krak Grenades do break stealth on underhand throws if the projectile hits an enemy); pushing enemies; using stimms (on self or team mates); exploding grenades that have been thrown before going invisible; active DoT ticks; operating the Auspex device or minigame
• Stealth grace window: actions that would break stealth do not if they are executed within 0.5s after going invisible; this allows, if timed accordingly, for one additional melee or ranged attack that already benefits from all applicable buffs but does not break stealth yet
• When stealth ends, staggers enemies within 9m (except for ogryns, Mutants, monstrosities, Scab Captain/Twins) with increased stagger duration
• When stealth ends, against suppressible enemies within 9m, additionally applies very high suppression

Breeds that can be suppressed: Groaner, Dreg Gunner, Dreg Stalker, Reaper, Scab Gunner, Scab Shooter, Scab Stalker

The movement speed buff lasts as long as the invisibility (8s) and stacks additively with related buffs from Leave No One Behind, aura Close and Kill, the small movement speed node, and weapon blessings like Rev it Up.
Low Profile
-90% Threat for 10s on leaving Stealth.

stat buff: threat_weight_multiplier

When invisibility ends, grants a weight multiplier for 10s. There are multiple factors that are used to calculate the score which determines enemy target selection of player units. The tl;dr is that this talent grants a multiplier which manipulates the score calculation in the player's favor to make it less likely to be targeted by enemies.
Hunter's Resolve
Infiltrate provides +50% Toughness Damage Reduction for 10s on leaving Stealth.

stat buff: toughness_damage_taken_multiplier

Upon combat ability use, immediately grants 50% toughness damage reduction; the 10s duration starts when invisibility ends. Stacks multiplicatively with other damage reduction buffs.
Surprise Attack
Infiltrate now also grants +30% Damage for 5s when leaving Stealth.

stat buff: damage

Upon combat ability use, immediately increases any damage by 30%; the 5s duration starts when invisibility ends. Stacks additively with other damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings.
Your Combat Ability gain +1 charge, but +33% Cooldown.

stat buffs:

Adds a second charge to the combat ability. The cooldown of the second charge only starts after the first charge finished its cooldown.

Also increases Infiltrate's maximum cooldown by 33% to 59.85s; this max cooldown increase stacks additively with max cooldown reductions from Psyker's aura Seer's Presence, Combat Ability Regeneration from curios, and the mission mutators that reduce ability cooldowns by 20%.

For example, a Veteran with this talent playing the Maelstrom mutator (-0.2) with a Psyker who has the cooldown aura (-0.1) will have an Infiltrate max cooldown of 45+45x(0.33-0.3)=46.35 seconds.

On Ability use, for 10s any Weakspot hits gain +20% Strength.

When using Infiltrate, this is applied after leaving Stealth.

stat buff: weakspot_power_level_modifier

Upon combat ability use, increases the power level of melee and ranged attacks against weakspots by 20% for 10s. Stacks additively with other power level buffs from weapon blessings, and multiplicatively with damage buffs. 'Power level buffs' increase the base power of attacks which benefits damage, stagger, and cleave (where applicable).

For Infiltrate, the buff is active immediately, only the duration starts when invisibility ends.
For the Emperor!
Your Combat Ability gives you and Allies in Coherency +10% Melee Base Damage & +10% Ranged Base Damage for 5s.

stat buffs:

Upon combat ability use, increases the damage of melee and ranged attacks by 10% for 5s for Veteran and allies who are in coherency with Veteran. Allies get the buff as long as they are in coherency when the buff is triggered. Stacks additively with the same talent of another Veteran and with other damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings.
Close Quarters Killzone
+15% Close Damage for 10s on Combat Ability use.

When using Infiltrate, this begins on leaving Stealth.

stat buff: damage_near

Upon combat ability use, increases any damage by 15% for 10s against enemies within a 12.5m radius. For Infiltrate, the buff is active immediately, only the duration starts when invisibility ends. Stacks additively with other damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings. Beyond 12.5m, the damage buff decreases linearly until it loses its effect at 30m:

to Target

This also increases the damage of explosions and DoTs as long as Veteran stays within 30m to the enemy.
Keystone Nodes (Part I)
Marksman's Focus
Ranged Weakspot kills grant 3 stack(s) of Focus. Up to 10 Max Stacks. Sprinting, sliding and walking removes stacks.

Each stack of Focus grants +7.5% Ranged Finesse Strength, and +1% Reload Speed.

Ranged Weakspot kills let you move without losing stacks for 6s. Ranged Weakspot hits lets you move without losing stacks for 3s.

stat buffs:

Killing enemies with ranged weakspot hits generates 3 Focus stacks (up to 10). Drops stacks based on movement: Walking removes 1 stack per second, sprinting removes 1 stack every 0.5s; also accounts for respective move speed while sliding. A weakspot kill with a ranged attack allows for 6s of moving without dropping stacks; a weakspot hit with a ranged attack allows for 3s of moving without dropping stacks.

Per Focus stack, grants a 7.5% ranged finesse damage bonus and 1% increased reload animation speed. The finesse bonus stacks additively with other weakspot and finesse damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings. The reload speed stacks additively with buffs from Fleeting Fire, Tactical Reload, Volley Adept, the small reload speed node, weapon perks, weapon blessings, and Celerity Stimm. The reload speed buff also increases the speed of the loading special action of Combat Shotguns.
Crack in their Armour
+10% Rending when at, or over, 10 stacks of Focus.

stat buff: rending_multiplier

When at or above 10 Focus stacks, grants 10% rending to all attacks boosting damage against armor types Carapace, Flak, Maniac, Unyielding (including damage of explosions and DoTs). Only affects Veteran's own damage. Stacks additively with other rending buffs ('rending') and with rending debuffs that are applied to enemies ('brittleness').
Long Range Assassin
Increase Maximum stacks of Focus from 10 to 15.

Allows Veteran to generate up to 15 Focus stacks, up from 10.
Gain 1 stack(s) of Focus every 0.75s when standing still, or walking when crouched.

Allows Veteran to generate 1 Focus stack every 0.75s when not moving or when moving while crouched.
Tunnel Vision
+5% Toughness Replenishment for each stack of Focus. In addition, weakspot kills restore 10% Stamina.

stat buff: toughness_replenish_modifier

function: add_stamina_percent

This talent does two things:

(1) Per Focus stack, increases the amount of any toughness replenished by melee kills and talents by 5% (up to +50% or, if Long Range Assassin, up to +75%). Does not apply to coherency toughness regeneration.

For example, at 10 stacks, a Veteran with 152 max toughness killing an enemy with a melee attack replenishes 152x(0.05+0.05x0.5)=11.4 toughness (HUD rounds up). The effectiveness of this toughness replenishment buff is affected by certain player debuffs like toxic gas.

(2) Ranged weakspot kills replenish 10% of maximum stamina; can proc multiple times when cleaving.

Focus Target!
Gain Focus Target every 2s (Stacks 5 times).

Tagging an Enemy applies the Focus Target stacks to them, causing them to take +4% additional Damage for each stack, and resets your Focus Target stacks to 1.

stat buff: damage_taken_multiplier

Every 2s, generates 1 stack of Focus Target (up to 5). Upon tagging an enemy, applies the amount of Focus Target stacks currently held by Veteran to the enemy (always at least 1), and resets Veteran's stack count to 1. Per applied stack, increases any damage taken by the tagged enemy by 4%. This debuff lasts for the duration of the tag (25s) and can stack up to 8 times on a single enemy. Enemies tagged with this talent are highlighted yellow.

The current amount of stacks on an enemy can only be overwritten if the amount of new stacks to be applied is higher than the current one. Successfully overwriting stacks refreshes the 25s duration. Multiple Veterans can overwrite each other's tags unless there are already 8 stacks on the enemy.
Target Down!
If an Enemy you have Tagged dies, replenish 5% Toughness and 5% Stamina for each stack of Focus Target applied, to you and Allies in Coherency.


When a tagged enemy dies, replenishes a fixed amount of 5% maximum toughness and 5% of maximum stamina per Focus Target stack on that enemy to Veteran and allies who are in coherency with Veteran. This is up to 40% of max toughness/stamina (at 8 stacks).
Focussed Fire
Focus Target Max Stacks increased to 8.

Allows Veteran to generate up to 8 Focus Target stacks, up from 5.
Redirect Fire!
If an Enemy you have Tagged dies, grant +1.5% Damage for each stack of Focus Target applied, to you and Allies in Coherency. Lasts 10s.

stat buff: damage

When a tagged enemy dies, increases any damage by 1.5% per Focus Target stack on that enemy for Veteran and allies who are in coherency with Veteran; lasts for 10s. This is up to 12% increased damage (at 8 stacks). Stacks additively with other damage buffs, and multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings.
Keystone Nodes (Part II)
Weapons Specialist
Gain Ranged Specialist on Melee Kills (Stacks 10 times). Gain Melee Specialist on Ranged Kill (Stacks 1 times.)

When you wield your Ranged Weapon, you activate your Ranged Specialist effect to gain +2% Ranged Attack Speed, as well as +33% Ranged Critical Hit Chance on your next shot, per stack. Lasts 5s.

When you wield your Melee Weapon, you activate your Melee Specialist effect, to gain +15% Melee Attack Speed, and 10% Dodge Speed and Dodge Distance. Lasts 10s.

Ranged Specialist

stat buffs:

Melee Specialist

stat buffs:

Grants different buffs when switching weapons: Gain Ranged Specialist after switching from melee to ranged; gain Melee Specialist after switching from ranged to melee. Ranged Specialist can stack up to 10 times; generates 1 stack per enemy killed with melee attacks. Melee Specialist stacks up once; generates 1 stack per enemy killed with ranged attacks.

Generally, whether a stack is allocated to Ranged Specialist or Melee Specialist depends on which weapon is equipped when the enemy dies; kills by DoTs allocate stacks accordingly; kills by DoTs while having other items equipped (grenade, med pack, ammo crate, Auspex device, books, luggables, etc) do not generate any stacks.

Note that the forced weapon swap upon activating Executioner's Stance does also fulfill the proc condition of Ranged Specialist, Always Prepared, Fleeting Fire, and On Your Toes.

Ranged Specialist increases ranged attack animation speed by 2% per stack (up to 20%); stacks additively with Celerity Stimm. Also grants 33% additional crit chance to ranged attacks per stack to the first shot after weapon swap; this crit chance increase caps out at 3 stacks in practicality, granting a guaranteed ranged crit. These two buffs last for 5s.

Melee Specialist increases melee attack animation speed by 15%; stacks additively with related buffs from Trench Fighter Drill and Celerity Stimm. Also increases dodge speed and dodge distance by 10%. These three buffs last for 10s.
Always Prepared
Activating Ranged Specialist replenishes up to 3.3% of your missing ammo in your Clip from your Reserve, rounded up, for each stack.

function: Ammo.transfer_from_reserve_to_clip

When activating Ranged Specialist, per stack, transfers 3.3% of a weapon's missing ammo in clip from the current ammo in reserve to the clip. For example, Veteran with 6 Ranged Specialist stacks and a weapon missing 36 bullets in its clip transfers 36x0.33x(6/10)=7.128 bullets which is rounded up to 8.
Fleeting Fire
Activating Ranged Specialist grants 20% Reload Speed for 5s.

stat buff: reload_speed

When activating Ranged Specialist, increases reload animation speed by 20% for 5s; stacks additively with buffs from Marksman's Focus, Tactical Reload, Volley Adept, the small reload speed node, weapon perks, weapon blessings, and Celerity Stimm.

This also increases the speed of the loading special action of Combat Shotguns.
Activating Melee Specialist restores 20% Stamina.

function: add_stamina_percent

When activating Melee Specialist, replenishes 20% of max stamina to Veteran. Procs separately to the stamina replenishment from Duck and Dive, Get Back in the Fight!, and Target Down!.
Activating Melee Specialist grants 25% Stamina Cost Reduction for 3s.

stat buff: stamina_cost_multiplier

When activating Melee Specialist, reduces all stamina drain by 25% for 3s; stacks multiplicatively with the stamina cost reduction buff from Celerity Stimm:

(1) Reduces stamina drain while sprinting; stacks multiplicatively with the sprint cost reduction buff from Celerity Stimm and Sprint Efficiency perk on curios, ranged and melee weapons.

(2) Reduces stamina drain when blocking a melee attack; stacks multiplicatively with block cost reduction buff from Block Efficiency perk on curios and melee weapons.

(3) Reduces the stamina drain when pushing and also during Deadshot's duration.
On Your Toes
Activating Melee Specialist and Ranged Specialist replenishes 20% Toughness. 3s Cooldown for each.

function: recover_percentage_toughness

When activating Melee Specialist, replenishes 20% of maximum toughness. When activating Ranged Specialist, replenishes 20% of maximum toughness. Each replenishment has a 3s internal cooldown that is tracked separately. The effectiveness of this talent's toughness replenishment is affected by certain player debuffs like toxic gas.
Комментариев: 8
Magpie 22 дек. 2023 г. в 22:09 
Awesome guide. Just wanted to add that if Focus Target is used, resets to one stack, and you kill the tagged enemy before it goes to two stacks, it will immediately go to two stacks. Unsure if this is a bug, but it seemed almost completely consistent.

Essentially, you always have two stacks available assuming you kill the previous target. Might want to check for yourself to see if it's valuable information. Getting a bare minimum 10% toughness per elite/specialist ping when it has no cooldown is gnarly.
[DEMIGOD FELLED] 16 дек. 2023 г. в 2:29 
close range vet goes hard
kuli  [создатель] 11 дек. 2023 г. в 4:45 
Yea, that does seem convoluted on a second look. I added those bits.
NinjaSloth 10 дек. 2023 г. в 23:33 
for most units*
NinjaSloth 10 дек. 2023 г. в 23:33 
*forgot to mention that VoC applies heavy stagger on first 2/3rds, and light stagger on the last 1/3rd
NinjaSloth 10 дек. 2023 г. в 23:30 
Stagger on VoC is impressive spaghetti code. Heavy stagger only applies to (most units) for the first 2/3rds of the shout, 6m~ 4m~ with Only in Death.
It will apply to all units updated in P14 (Monstrosities, Ogryn, Maulers and Mutants) up to max range - however it also seems to apply a lesser stagger and won't knockdown bulwark, reapers or maulers if they are in the first 2/3rds range.

I assume it is applying both the light stagger out past 6m, along with the updated heavy stagger past 2/3rds range making it stronger on those updated units at 2/3rds+ ranges - but doesn't apply both heavy staggers if they are inside the 2/3rds range.
Effigy 10 дек. 2023 г. в 13:12 
Nice work! I pretty well-informed about the game and I still learned a few things reading this.
Rakkori 10 дек. 2023 г. в 1:56