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Deep Mining
От 100% Recycled Awesome
Are you short on metal and quartz? Need to find more resources fast for your growing town? Well, ACME Industrial Engineering Solutions has the answer for you: The Deep Mine! ACME’s decades long expertise will help you reach the riches of the underground, harvesting mountains of ore for processing into usable metals. Our patented deep mine elevator will safety descend deep into the Earth and more importantly, bring you back up every time.
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Mine Deed
First things, first, like all contractors doing major projects we first require the proper permits to get started. To access the mine, you’ll need to first have bought the deep mine license from Fletch, placed the deed and the building materials needed to construct it. Our exceptionally fast crew will build the mine elevator in a single a day and ensure it is mechanically accessible every day of the week. However, you’ll need a 25,000 Dink one time use mine pass purchased from John’s shop to descend the mine elevator. Be sure to stockpile these as John’s shop isn’t open Sundays and you’ll need a new pass every time you want to access the deep mine.

In the mine elevator, you’ll notice a few signs telling you to bring vital items like keys, lights and a big reminder that the mines become radioactive at a certain time, which is midnight. You’ll also notice a little box with four holes. That is the level indicator mechanism to determine which mine level you to go, but more on this later.

Regular Mine
Should the level indicator box be empty, you will automatically go to the regular mine. The regular mine contains the fiery crimson gemstones know as Rubies, in addition to nodes of tin, copper, iron, and quartz. All things a bustlingly town needs to keep growing. So bring your pick ax or jackhammer as you’ll be smashing rocks all day to get those metal ores you desperately need.

What else should you bring? It’s quite dark in the mines, so a light source would be great. There are several hats you can bring that provide light, namely the miner’s hat or the candle hat. The miner’s hat has a limited amount of power, so bring several, or bring several spinifex resin, which you can make by putting spinifex found in the desert and jungle into a furnace, which will automatically recharge the miner’s hat when it depletes its battery. You can acquire the miner's hat before going into the mine by gambling at a gacha machine which can be commissioned from Franklyn. The gacha machine takes dinks and the next day will give you a random item, of which are often miner's hats.

The candle hat needs no refueling but provides a dimmer light. The candle hat can be found in the treasure chests in the mines. So if you're just starting off deep mining, this isn't a real option, but can be useful once found.

Miners should also consider bringing a few hundred of the cheaply made torches to place around the dark cavern to light up the mine. These are probably the best and easiest source of light for new miners.

Swinging a pick ax or operating a jackhammer is hard work and you’ll need food to replenish your energy.

Now, you may have heard from miners that they occasionally come across ancient ruins and treasure rooms in the mines. Our archaeologists have confirmed this and we’re still working on theories why and how some ancient culture built these treasure rooms so deep underground. Each treasure room takes two keys to open and in the center lays a chest with wondrous loot. Yellow hang gliders, dog collars, mighty seeds, iron weapons, guitars, and refined metals, miners and ACME employees have found amazing items in these chests while exploring. You can see these treasure rooms as blueish/gray ornament oval shaped locations on your map and mini map. Rubies are also found in these treasure rooms, placed carefully possibly as some sort of worship or altar.

You may also run into a statue of a bat. To ACME archeologists’ best guess, they require some sort of offering, perhaps twenty pieces that come off bats? You’ll have to experiment and see what works and how to activate the statue.

Now, like any mining operation, things can and do get dangerous. The mines are home to five species of animals and insects. Bats, glowing crocodiles, bush devils, the deep fish, and the glow bug. The last two are harmless and actually coveted as collector items by fish and bug enthusiasts. The first is more of annoyance than anything as the bats like to bite humans who venture into their deep mine. Be wary of the glowing crocodile and the bush devil. The glowing crocodile appears to be an evolution of crocodiles that were stuck deep underground, undergoing mutations causing them to have a green bio-luminescence. They still bite like their surface cousins but also emit a form of radiation. The bush devils, being well bush devils, never needed to change as they are chaos incarnate. Just like their surface counterparts, expect bites, fireballs, and relentless chasing.

Thus, it is advised to bring weapons to handle the first three inhabitants. Iron spears, flaming bats and sausage rolls are often standard equipment for miners to protect themselves. Should you have encountered Ted Selly in the wild, he does have a tool to quickly dispatch large numbers of bats. Seek him out if the bats become too much of annoyance for you. You can also stun the bush devils and glowing crocodiles with the flashlight from John’s shop. You are faster than everything in the regular mine, so don’t be afraid to just run. Eventually, everything chasing you will fall so far behind that they’ll stop trying to eat your face. But hey, why kill or flee from animals when you can trap them? Both bush devils and glowing crocodiles fetch a hefty price once delivered at the animal collection point, consider bringing some traps into the mine with you.

Oh right, the rubies. Let’s not forget about those. Rubies are strewn across the map and hidden in treasure rooms. They can either be smashed to shards which are easier to carry, or mined out and left unbroken. Unbroken rubies sell for much more than shards. Miners have reported success moving large numbers of rubies via motorcycle in the mines and the animals seem to ignore miners on vehicles. The motorcycle can also move caged animals.

In addition to rubies, there are ancient relics of automobiles. Break them for tech like springs, gears and other tech you'll need.

Don’t forget, you can mine the walls for rocks and to create corridors to move throughout the mine. There are fossils and shiny stones in the walls as well, so don’t be afraid to punch right through the walls, especially to get to a treasure room. Our elevator shaft is so strong (That’s the ACME guarantee!) that it can support most of the mine’s ceiling on its own, so don’t be afraid to clear cut the walls to get all the rocks you need.

One last thing, the mines go radioactive at midnight and they’ll start to shake at 11 PM giving you a heads up that it’s time to consider heading home. You can alleviate this partially with health kits, but the radiation appears to interfere with regular food or sitting healing.
The Undergrove
So you have four ruby shards on you? What can you use them for? Pursuant to the contract clause with the South City Authorities, section 54 of the Endangered Biomes Act, miners are required to pay for additional access to the Undergrove mine. These rubies are used to cover the costs for environmental protection of the very fragile and wondrous Undergrove.

Placing four ruby shards into the small box with four holes will activate the mine elevator to take you to the Undergrove. You’ll still need a mine pass and to activate the mine elevator, but it is acceptable to prepay and leave the shards, even days before your planned trip to the Undergrove. They’ll still be in the level selector when you’re ready.

Similar to the regular mine, the Undergrove contains ores, but instead of rubies, there are gorgeous green emeralds. The biome is made of a massive underground habitat of lush green ancient forests with winding deep rivers. Several flora and fauna species are bioluminescent, but otherwise, light is scarce in the Undergrove.

Several species of animals and insects inhabit the Undergrove. A myriad of harmless plant species from glowing lilies, large lily pads, birds of paradise, and vines reaching down from the ceiling all inhabit various parts of the Undergrove. Small trees and bushes also make the Undergrove home, found nowhere else in the Dinkum world.

The deep fish and glow bugs are present, seemingly moving between the regular mine and Undergrove by some unknown connection. DNA tests on both by ACME scientists reveal them to be the same species as those in the regular mine. Like the regular mine, the Undergrove has dangerous native species. Large pincher plants wait in ambush, ready to chomp down on unsuspecting prey, but a melee attack is just one of their tricks as they have a ranged attack as well. Blooming frillies, cousins of the frilled lizards on the surface glow as they race to devour players with their poison inducing bite. Finally grub spawn from grub hives, attacking players and other animals with a roll attack. The Undergrove is constantly in conflict with all three species constantly fighting for survival and food. Bring good food, weapons and be prepared to enter a three way war should you step into the Undergrove. Oh, and if you get poisoned by a frilly or a pincher plant, you cannot eat to heal yourself for a limited time. Bottle brew is often a must for this reason as is a hang glider to quickly escape a dangerous pack of frillies.

The Undergrove has its own collection of treasure rooms, with the peculiar ore, Berkonium found in the green chests located behind locked gates. There are also other seemingly magical items, such as one that can modify the weather and another that conjures rocks out of thin air. Each green chest treasure room has two paths, one designed to confuse you, resulting in an extra use of a key, and one straight forward path where only two keys are needed to reach the treasure. Rooms may be guarded by a variety of wildlife. So bring your keys all you treasure hunters!

But wait, there’s more! Green chest treasure rooms are not the only rooms to look for. Emerald treasure rooms can contain one to five or more emeralds. These will take more keys, but the gems are worth thousands of dinks. Both types of treasure rooms can be identified by their mossy brick walls and straight lines. Large Emerald treasure rooms are unlit and thus very dark and contain multiple rooms with multiple emeralds. Small emerald rooms containing just 1 emerald are lit.

You can also harvest the moss covered brick tiles for your town with a jackhammer, shovel, or pickax. Mossy brick tiles cannot be crafted and can only be found in sizable quantities in the Undergrove. Gacha machines occasionally can give mossy brick.

The resource marble has also been found in large quantities in the mine. Look for little white spots on the dirt tiles and harvest the same way you do the moss covered brick tiles. Marble can be used to make all sorts of items for your town.

Unlike the regular mine, the walls are made of ancient trees. So bring an ax or a chainsaw to punch through the ancient wooden barriers. Bombs also destroy the wood walls.

Just like the regular mine, when 11 PM strikes, the mines will shake and at midnight, radioactive spores will fill the air. It’s time to go or use health kits to refill your health. The late/radiation appears to interfere with regular food or sitting healing.
Protips For the Mine
Mine time is precious. Place a bed or sleeping bag next to the mine so you can wake up right next to the mine and immediately head down, wasting no time on travel. Also grab all your inventory items needed the night before so you're ready.

Bring the hand trolley that is new in the Breezy Autumn release. This is game changing in that you can now bring back a chest full of stuff plus your inventory. 24 additional storage slots of stuff to bring back from the regular or undergrove. I cannot stress how important this is. I found that regularly making trips back during chest hunting to unload into a chest near the mine elevator resulted in having nearly everything I found near the elevator at the end of the day. It’s easier to determine what to take and what to leave when it’s all in one place.

If you have the peaceful wish from the wishing fountain enabled, be aware that while animals will not attack you unless first attacked, you can get badly injured or killed in the inter-species conflict in the mines. So you'll still want to bring some health restoring items into the mines even with peaceful wish on.

Placing storage next to the mine and then filling it with stuff you'll need, like keys, food, etc ensures quick access. Also having another storage also near the mines to hold your daily items makes it easy to swap when you're done with the mines.

Eat before you descend into the mine. The dev in Breezy Autumn did restrict hostiles from spawning around the elevator, but you can still run into them once you start exploring. Boost your health and energy prior to leaving the mine elevator as you cannot eat in the elevator.

Learn your hotkeys and setup your tool bar the same way every time so combat becomes second nature. Hotkeys are simple, the first item in your hot bar inventory is accessed by pressing 1. Quickly being able to switch to tools and weapons as needed will make you the most dangerous entity in the mines. Here's an example of my tool bar for the regular mine when focusing on ore collection:

The hang glider is a hugely beneficial in that it lets you fly over water obstacles, quickly avoid enemies and explore both the regular mine and Undergrove dramatically more than you could on foot. Vehicles are clunky in the mines and the helicopter is height restricted. The glider is the best way of getting around quickly.

You can attack enemies through the walls like this to damage or kill them before entering the treasure room.

Gems can either be smashed into shards on the spot or mined and then carried into the mine for transportation to the surface. Full gems are worth significantly more than shards and can be sold to John by placing them on the scale in his shop.

Wattle Brew. lamington, garden salad, pastie, quiche, and damper give mining bonuses speeding up your tools in smashing ore, rocks, canisters, old cars, and mine walls. Wattle Brew, fruit salad, lamington, pastie, and quiche boost logging speed, helping you cut through the ancient tree walls in the Undergrove.

If you have the bountiful wish selected, sparkle deep fish will give either berkonium ore or berkonium bars when caught.

You don't have to sell the your gems. Emulate Smaug from the Hobbit and just collect and horde shiny thing. Like this:

You may see an "X" in the mines on a tile yet wonder, how am I supposed to dig that out since I can't use a shovel? The answer is a bomb. Blow it up. However, that is generally a waste of a bomb as you're likely to get a low value green tech item like an old spring. Use that bomb for better things like blowing holes in mine barriers or killing enemies. It's not worth excavating mundane green tech in the mines. Trust me, I've wasted plenty of bombs doing this.

Check out my other guides!
Want to learn more about the Breezy Autumn update?
Are you interested in a tropical getaway?
What’s the deal with all the new mushrooms?
Are you confused about brewing?
Short on keys and looking for more?
Want to farm other stuff beyond what Rayne lets you?
Want a flying buddy or a silly hat?
Interested in manipulating NPCs for your own gain?
2 коментара
100% Recycled Awesome  [автор] 24 ноем. 2023 в 23:00 
~Dekta, check out my old key guide!
~DkDakty 24 ноем. 2023 в 7:41 
Im struggling to find a ton of old keys for the treasures on deep mines, im not going right now because i dont have too many keys

Estoy luchando por encontrar bastantes Old Keys para los tesoros en las deep mines, por ahora no estoy yendo justamente por eso, preferiría ir cuando las Old Keys no sean un problema y tenga bastantes