Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

1,094 ratings
Battlefield 3 M1014
Game Content: Weapons, Sounds
File Size
21.791 MB
31 Aug, 2014 @ 10:24pm
11 Oct, 2014 @ 11:45am
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Battlefield 3 M1014

In 1 collection by Twilight Sparkle
Battlefield 3 Collection
34 items
Continuing with the stuff, here is another another shotgun model, it will replace the Auto Shotty not the Spas one, with the M1014, comes with custom sounds as well, the bad thing aobut this is that the shell ejection when shooting, the shell looks like it was made out of paper you can see that on the screenshots, but since the animation didnt come with its own custom shell animation i couldnt do much of it, but well i will try to one myself if it let me do it, but anyway, thats all for now, i hope you guys like it or not and so good bye.

In any case you see missing texture on the shooting animation, be sure to use Doktor Haus Particle Effect

Also, do not tell me what to do, i know exacly what to do.

Also, do not ask me to do more weapons or if this should replace something because im not going to change that and i already finished like 31 weapons from the game, i already know what model is going to replace who.

Have fun, Or dont.

Porting and Rigging - Twilight
Animations - Dblazz/Unkn0wn
Model and Texture - Dice/EA
Urik - Particle Effects
Doktor Haus - Particle Effects
Shooting sound - SaInT or Saint1024 or MrSaint1023
The Shark Dude 9 Aug, 2022 @ 7:57am 
We all like different things. Some people are fine with tons of screenshake, others get motion sickness and therefore don't like it.
The Shark Dude 9 Aug, 2022 @ 7:55am 
The people complaining about screenshake aren't as bad as the people getting mad that screenshake is disliked by people.
Division 9 Aug, 2022 @ 4:10am 
Idiots rambling about camera shake when all they can do is to ignore it, why don't you try creating it by your own?
【불닭볶음면】 8 Feb, 2022 @ 8:26am 
댓글에 카메라 너무 흔들린다는거 많은데
솔직히 이 애드온 쓰면서 개인적으로는 그렇게 게임에 지장갈 정도로 어지럽게 흔들리진 않는거같음
모델링도 깔끔하고 소리도 적당해서 자동샷건 애드온 중엔 이게 제일 괜찮은거같음
| Chill Jill | 14 Dec, 2021 @ 3:23pm 
The distaste towards screen shake in custom weapon animations not only limits the type of animations modders can create but it can also lead to stupid comments from people ranting about a mod having screen shake in the comments section. If you don't like the mod because it has a feature you dislike then simply shut up and leave it. You don't sound mature or cool when you complain about a well made mod having a preference that you don't like, all you're doing is sounding like a child and potentially influencing the modding community to avoid screen shake to please your sorry ass which would just limit the variety of weapon mods we have on the workshop! There are people who enjoy screen shake and would prefer to have the option of good weapon mods that come with said feature.
pusi 31 May, 2021 @ 11:07am 
It's too shaky
Return 22 Jun, 2019 @ 1:03pm 
why does the cam shake so much though?
THE PUNTRESS 8 Apr, 2019 @ 5:31am 
great mod, there's not this much good mods for the autoshotgun, finding this made my day ! : D
Wolfsmaul-GER 11 Nov, 2018 @ 9:35am 
i liked this model a long time and also noticed that the model isnt the right m1014 from the tubmnail but it didnt bother me much, but it really started to bother me
Vergil 15 Jul, 2018 @ 5:01am 
good looking for it