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Stack gap
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Mod, 1.4, 1.5
354.910 KB
3. Nov. 2023 um 16:23
27. März um 9:58
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Stack gap

In 1 Kollektion von Andromeda
Andromeda's mods
4 Inhalte
Are you really sick of watching pawns carry stuff into not-so-important storages and fill them to brim?
Maybe you don't need 80 med kits around your prisoner patients, maybe 5 will do?
Maybe divide your deficit shells among the artillery cannons equally?
Would a couple of meals in the dining hall be enough?
Maybe you don't need to carry rice into the hoppers all day?

But how to do it?
This mod designed to carefully set up your storages!

You can limit storages from top and bottom stack size
• The lower limit means that pawns will not carry items as long as there are more items than a given value
• The upper limit means that no more than a given value of things will be inside
• Unrestricted storages operate as usual

Вам действительно надоело смотреть, как пешки таскают вещи в не самые важные хранилища и заполняют их до предела?
Может быть, вам не нужно 80 аптечек для пленных пациентов, а достаточно 5?
Может быть, стоит поровну разделить дефицитные снаряды между артиллерийскими пушками?
Может быть, достаточно всего пары блюд в столовой?
Может быть, не нужно целый день таскать рис в воронки?

Но как это сделать?
Этот мод предназначен для тщательной настройки ваших хранилищ!

Вы можете ограничить хранилища по размеру стопки сверху и снизу
• Нижний предел означает, что пешки не будут переносить предметы до тех пор, пока предметов больше заданного значения
• Верхний предел означает, что внутри будет находиться не более заданного количества вещей
• Без ограничений склады функционируют как обычно

Mod compatibility:
LWM's Deep Storage - OK
[JDS] Simple Storage - OK
OgreStack - OK
SatisfiedStorage - No sense. This mod does more
Multiplayer - Bad. Testing next update...
Flickable Storage - OK
Pick Up And Haul - OK (11/13/2023)
Must be compatible with any mod that changes stack size

Mid game compatibility:
Add - OK
Remove - OK

Multistack update:
In mod settings you can tune multistack behavior as you wish in three modes:
• No multistacks
• Multistacks enabled globaly
• Multistacks can enabled per storage individually
feel free to look at the tooltip description for more info

Limit similar stack update:
• New additional option to limit similar item stacks in whole storage
• Improved mod compatibility

You can switch to direct input by pressing right mouse button on stack limit slider


Special thx to @biowreck's help in testing
Beliebte Diskussionen Alle anzeigen (5)
18. Mai um 5:52
ANGEHEFTET: Suggestions
16. Mai um 12:42
Performance Impact?
27. Jan. um 22:39
Manual Stack Limit Pasting to other containers
281 Kommentare
d_valroth 11. Juli um 4:43 
But it does? That's what the lower limit is.
francoquesada 8. Juli um 21:16 
The description says this mod does more than SatisfiedStorage. But it lacks the core function of that mod. Let's say I want my storage to have a maximum stack of 10 simple meals. But I only want it to be refilled when there are 5 or less simple meals. That's exactly what SatisfiedStorage does, but this mod doesn't do that at all. I would love to see that feature in this mod. Thanks!
晓山alreShan 4. Juli um 18:25 
mod load order suggestion if you using this mod in HSK1.4, load after PickUpAndHaul to avoid a possible issue that:
hauling job pawn repeatedly picking up and placing down rotten items in chest, e.g. [Rotten mush]
Xavier 27. Juni um 7:09 
Is there a way to limit the storage stack to 1? I can do 1-2 which makes them deliver a stack a 2, or 0-1 which they don't deliver anything.
NuanKi 24. Juni um 12:45 
is this compatible with Adaptative storage framework ?
pterodummy 19. Juni um 17:33 
I have wanted this for so long. Thank you. I don't know how I missed this.
Wolfgang 16. Juni um 19:05 
I love you
Yutoe 10. Juni um 1:56 
Setting stuff to refill at 50% will still refill once one item is removed from the stack, IE kibble being eaten, then pawn filling it back up to 100%, even though its set to refill at 50%
Anon 8. Juni um 0:51 
Specifically setting the limits: min 50%, max 100%
Anon 8. Juni um 0:50 
Changing the limits on a container causes a "Started 10 jobs in one tick" errors when pawns try to haul to the same container.