Dishonored 2

Dishonored 2

Dishonored 2 - A Long Day in Dunwall (Very Hard/Low Chaos)
"Dishonored 2
Very Hard
Mission 1 - A Long Day in Dunwall
Low Chaos - Ghost - Non-Lethal

A rather simple run, not much flair. Initially I wanted to explore more of the buildings, but it takes too much time to get it perfect. I also skipped the courier side mission due to its buggy nature. The end result shows 1h 20m runtime, it's because I reload saves a lot to get this right. This run consists of two save points, which are Royal Palace & Dunwall Streets.

I hope this will be a nice introduction for those who are interested in Dishonored games. Enjoy!

00:00 Intro
07:36 Royal Palace
12:23 Dunwall
18:34 End Result

Dishonored 2 - A Long Day in Dunwall - non lethal - ghost - low chaos - fist only undetected
#dishonored2 #dishonored #dishonored_2 #stealth"