Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Ness's Historical Improvement Project
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Ness's Historical Improvement Project

In 1 collection by Ness Scissors
The Overlord Collection (HOI4 Mods by NarcissticScissors17)
6 items
Hypercompatible Better AI
More Accurate Resources

This mod is a personal project to improve the historical accuracy of base HOI4+DLC without considerable overhauling.
Disclaimer: There is content here that was not originally mine but has been heavily edited by me for functionality. All credit in that regard is due to their original creators, who are all very talented (and hopefully very nice to me)! Credits below.

Anyone who has been playing or modding HOI4 for longer than a few years can tell you that the current state of the game is far more historical now than it has been in the past. Unfortunately, it's still not perfect and that bloody bothered my to no end, so into the rabbit hole I go once more, but this time it's just for fun and not a bloated one man project like Nerves of Steel was.

General Features:

-New Subject Types will be enjoyed by those who have Together for Victory DLC, expanded unique Democratic, Communist, Fascist, Neutral, and Imperial subject types.
-Demobilization Lowers World Tension; addition to the decision mechanic that lowers World Tension after a major war between several major countries in more than one faction. This should functionally reduce world tension to 0 once there are no longer any major powers at war after a World War has started. Afterwords there is a grace period in which nobody can increase their manpower or economy laws (unless at war already) that should last about two years.
-Changes to the map to reflect historical accuracy in regards to strategic warfare; new straits, and impassible regions, etc.
-Improved AI: The AI will now be more effective at designing and producing relevant equipment, this includes a fix for an AI limitation in base-game that seems to prevent them from designing or producing Strategic Bombers.
-Improved Historical Aesthetics; specifically in regards to flags. Sorry if this upsets you but I won't be changing it.
-Better Historical Immersion: when playing on historical mode, wars should begin at or around the exact time that they did historically (i.e., Germany declaring war on Poland on 1 September 1939, the United States declaring war on Japan on 7 December 1941, etc.)
-News Event Flavor with country-specific paper aesthetics in line with the time period of the second world war for each nation that has a unique or regional focus tree, including Ideological considerations (I.E., Pravda will be replaced with a different paper if Russia is no longer Communist, etc.).
-New Focus Trees for the following minor nations, with more planned in the future: Siam/Thailand
-Several country specific changes that will be outlined below:

Country Experience Improvements:

The German Reich
-SS vs Wehrmacht Balance of Power mechanic.
-Major changes to both the historical section for flavor improvement and the ahistorical section.
-Anarchist, Communist, and Republican, and Strasserist options for alternate history paths.
-Expanded Wunderwaffe section to facilitate the accurate production of Rockets with which to threaten Britain.
-Naval re-balance, the Kreigsmarine now is capable of producing large expensive weapons of war and concerning numbers of U-boats with which to threaten shipping deep into the Atlantic (the AI will also pursue this strategy).
-New mechanics related to the war against the Soviet Union, which should see shocking success in the first few months but will eventually stall tremendously.
-Reichskomissariat Mechanics.
-AI improvements: Will now always make Reichskomissariats.
-AI improvements: Will produce Heavy Tanks starting in 1942/43
-AI improvements: Will send units to Africa and make a serious attempt both to gain territory and defend from attacks.

The Soviet Union
-Must now participate in the Invasion of Poland. If more successful than Germany, will receive more land than the historical partition.
-Re-balanced the timing of the focus trees surrounding "Desperate Measures" in order to ensure that the Soviets are capable of taking the actions needed in 1941 to avert being crushed by the Wehrmacht.
-Expanded the Industrial might of the Soviet Union after the focus "Desperate Measures" in order to ensure that Russia has an industry capable of producing an army that has the potential to defeat the German Reich, even after losing much larger amounts of territory much faster than the Barbarossa presented by Paradox Interactive.
-AI improvements: Will produce Katyusha divisions starting in 1941.
-AI improvements: Will begin the war using (brand new) T-34 Tanks.

The Empire of Japan
-Minor focus rework.
-More flavor related to the Sino-Japanese war.
-Improved military bonuses following the actions which lead to war with the United States and United Kingdom, resulting in staggering gains in 1942 followed usually by a slow and agonizing death.
-Pearl Harbor (Paradox, why did I have to do this myself, it's so silly).
-Pacific War Flavor.

The United States
-Can now unite the factions fighting against the Axis Powers and the Greater East-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere into a new faction called the United Nations once they enter the war (This is historical, look it up, it's what the Allied Powers were called after the Arcadia Conference in 1942).
-Increased capacity for naval production in order to functionally fight on two large naval fronts (necessary because of German naval industrial improvements)
-AI improvements: Will now engage in large scale strategic bombing campaigns.

The United Kingdom
-Has options when close to capitulation as to what should be done regarding the war situation, Can either unite into an Imperial Government with cores on dominions, and will have to release those dominions as independent nations postwar or suffer large stability hits, OR become a resistance government like Free France and let one of the Dominions lead the faction until liberation, OR grand independence and force a white peace from the Axis on the dominions, preventing the Axis from dominating the whole world in a peace deal instead of just Western Europe.
-AI improvements: Will now establish a competent defense of North Africa.

The Chinese United Front
-Rework on the relationship between the Communist and Nationalist Chinese governments and their satellite warlords, with a more direct overlord-subject relationship established, though with the caveat that consent is required in most cases from the warlords.
-Larger early debuffs and late buffs, meaning you aren't likely to do any winning at all until 1942 or so, but if Japan gets anywhere near Chongqing or takes too long to kill you, you will have options available to prevent total collapse.


-Vanilla Germany Expanded
(This guy is a real one.)
-Improved German Opposition
-Pacific War Flavor
-Thai Focus Tree
-White Russia Expanded

Ness Scissors  [author] 19 Jun @ 11:21am 
@Perceval le Gallois, Glad you enjoy it, and I'll look into that!
Ness Scissors  [author] 19 Jun @ 11:21am 
@Garry, I have no particular plans for this, but if you tell me what mods you'd like me to make an effort to increase compatibility with I can make an effort to either increase compatibility or even see if I can integrate that mod into this one if possible?
Perceval le Gallois 14 Jun @ 9:03am 
Great mod here, love the historical flavor
Rather than the classic bourbon flag, could it be possible for free france to have the gaullist flag ? That would definilty be more historical
Garry 14 Jun @ 5:32am 
could we ever get a version with just the flavour? i really like the new events and stuff but it doesn't work with most other rework mods
Ness Scissors  [author] 8 Jun @ 11:33am 
yeah times of peace is probably not compatible with this mod sorry.
konkape9 8 Jun @ 11:25am 
bloodruns187 in case you still dont know it is the better mechanics mods. is because times of peace and national economy being together.I dont remember but i think its because times of peace so removing it will fix your issue. If it already isnt fixed already.
Luftwaffle17 30 May @ 11:18am 
Needs more gayness
bloodruns187 21 Apr @ 12:06pm 
I have all DLC. Maybe there's some conflict between some mods. Ill see if i can figure it out
Ness Scissors  [author] 19 Apr @ 3:21pm 
That does not sound like my mod. I'm curious, Do you have La Resistance?
bloodruns187 19 Apr @ 12:09pm 
Not sure if this is your fault or a mod incompatibility but France keeps entering a civil war both facist and communist before WW2 even happens. I'm using all better mechanics mods but yours is loaded last.