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Fireplace Stories v1.0 (stories/event sorter and selector)
Type: Resources
Resources Type: Plugins
Flavor: Fantasy
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103.156 MB
1 Oct, 2023 @ 3:10am
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Fireplace Stories v1.0 (stories/event sorter and selector)

Please support me on Ko-Fi[ko-fi.com] for more!
Other plugins on my Itch[winterdreamgamescreator.itch.io] store!

This is an helper for developers, this plugin handles the choice and manages an event selection based on your inputs!

To make it simple: Do you want to make a "randome event" that happens when your party rest? (Or whenever you want, really)

Want to do it with one plugin command call instead of setting up a long common event made with if/random/then?

This is the script for you! Here is how it works:

Add a "Story":
  • Via Plugin Command you can add a "story", the story is just a bunch of rules linked to an ID.
  • You can chain a story to another (it will be elegible for selection only once the chained story is flagged as done)
  • You can add as many conditions as you want: The plugin allows an infinite amount of conditions that involves switches, variables, gold, items, weapons, armours and actors. All those conditions must return true for the plugin to consider the story elegible for draft.
  • You can use the normal percentage of draft (editable via plugin parameters) or assign a special percentage for a specific story.

What the plugin does:
  • The plugin reads the all the stories properties and scraps the stories flagged as "done"
    It controls if a story is chained to another and keeps it if the chained story is done or scraps it if the chained story is still to do
  • Then it proceed to check all the criteria for all stories and scraps the one that don't met their criteria
  • It calculates the Frequency percentage (normal percentages modified by priorities and special percentages) then orders them from higher to lower
  • One by one it runs the percentage, it sets the story ID to a given variable choose by the developer and stops. He flags that story as "done".
  • If no story is activated it sets the variable to 0

What the plugin does NOT do:

The plugin doesn't create or run any event in the game, it's a mere sorter and decider that pass a variable to you, what you do with it is your to decide!

Terms of use

Please refer to the Terms of Use[drive.google.com]. By using this plugin you accept WinterDream terms

Version, bugs and further development

  • Initial Release

Further developments will include: Add "Status" as criteria, add plugin command to change the result variable

You can find more scripts and games on my Ko-Fi page:
and on my Itch.io page: