

27 ratings
Weight Distribution 101
By Toxophilite [East]
Trouble running out of storage space? Don't worry, I got you!
Gaming the Star System!
It's still a Bethesda Game after all...
Contrary to what you've probably heard, storage, carry weight, and storing items in Starfield isn't limited. The first and obvious thing to know - is that your companion(s) can carry stuff too, they'll sometimes even suggest that you give them stuff if you're holding on to too many items. In addition, if you weren't already aware of it, the Crewmates for hire, that will help with improving your Spaceship's performance, can also carry some of your loot. You can even get creative and use each Crewmate as a specific 'storage container' [Weapons, Materials, Outfits, etc.]; hire as many Crewmates as you can afford and your Spaceship can fit, it's much cheaper if your Persuasion Skill is high.

Note: I'm lead to believe that this is an intended and encouraged mechanic from Bethesda, seeing as how there's a special button designated for dumping all of your current resources into a container at once.

Also, as a side note... keeping your O2 levels high will mitigate many of the negative effects of carrying too many items, you'll lose the ability to fast travel though, so be careful when doing this! There are some useful Outfits and Food Items that can assist with Carry Weight a tad bit, but if possible, invest in some kind of Helmet/ Spacesuit that improves/ reduces O2 consumption, as you'll see more significant, substantial results from these items.

Bonus: Don't forget about the 'Captain's Storage Bin' on your Spaceship [usually near the Captain's chair, on the right-hand side], it doesn't hold much, but it's-its own special storage container, separate from the rest of the Ship's Cargo.
"Weight", there's more...
Three free Storage Containers? Who could say no to that?!

I hate having to state the obvious, but this is a guide, and I have to assume that some ways to "Game the Star System" might be missed; that being the case, let's make the absolute most out of some very obvious information.

If your goal is to have an obnoxious amount of Storage Space, as early as possible, then I'd recommend following the Constellation Faction Questline, all the way up until "Back to Vectera" (the mission to rescue Barrett). Engaging with this quest will net you three [3] total possible followers, in addition to any others you might've collected [Sarah Morgan, Supervisor Lin and Heller].

Note: Completing quests for the Constellation Faction will give you access to VASCO again [the robot NPC], this nicely plays into some other interesting aspects of storage that I'll discuss a little later, but keep this in mind.
Work it Out!
Being fit, helps it fit in your pocket!

Though it's not mandatory, I do recommend getting at least the first level of Weight Lifting early-game, only second to - or after upgrading your major skill(s). Unless there's something I've missed, your Major Skills will always contribute more Credits in your pocket, then being able to haul around a lot of random 'stuff'. For now, just focus on whatever it is your character is good at, and treat retrieving a big haul as a secondary, or even tertiary benefactor. Just keep in mind that the more you can carry, the higher your chances are of retrieving a Unique, Legendary, or Secret item by accident.

Unless you have Skill Points to burn, the first level of Weight Lifting is where you should probably stop investing points in Physical [that specific skill], as many other game mechanics explained in this guide will help you circumvent the supposed "limited storage options" in Starfield.
Free Storage??
Bonus points if you pull this off!

In Akila City [Cheyenne System], the Mayor may have a quest for you to investigate "Sahar's Farm", just north of this location may be an outpost/ military facility with Spacers, Pirates, Smugglers or Ecliptic, depending on how you've been playing. Either way, there's a decent chance [not 100%] that the group will have a Cargo Vessel of varying sizes, parked on the landing area.

>>> I recommend killing at least several of the members of the group/ squad, only if they see you and attack you, but afterward, make a dash for the Cargo Vessel, ignoring the rest of the group, and focus on killing everyone inside! Once you do, you'll be given the option to "Take over the Ship", obviously select "Yes" and now you have more potential storage space!

There's more, because you'll still have to register the Vessel before getting the full benefits, when returning about the quest at "Sahar's Farm", unless you're trying to do something specific, give the Deed to "Frank Langston" instead, he'll reward you with ꞓ10,000 credits, which can go toward registering your new Cargo Vessel!

Note: Larger Ships/ Cargo Vessels allow you to assign more followers to positions on your Spacecraft, this will come into play in some very interesting ways, giving you many kinds of options when it comes to 'loading' and 'dropping off' larger hauls.
Drop "Shipping"!
First in, first out!

Okay, so it's time to play Captain Obvious again, but with some minor details that'll likely be very useful in the long-run. So obviously you can off-load a good portion of your items by dropping them in your Ship's open Cargo Hold, especially if it's full, right? You already knew that!

Here's where it might get a bit tricky though, using this method will, in some cases, cause your Storage Unit of the ship to become "over-capacity", now this isn't a bad thing by itself, but it can cause several unforeseen issues.
  • You won't be able to collect the Loot from wreckage of other ships you destroy in space.
  • One of your most convenient off-loading containers will no longer be accessible.
  • You'll likely miss out on having access to Ship Parts, a vital resource in Space Combat!

If this ever happens to you, there's an easy 'fix'/ solution to this problem. If you didn't already know, you can actually "get up from the pilot seat" while in Space, by simply holding down [a few seconds longer than usual] the usual 'get up' button, once up, you can manage your Storage Units as you normally would in any other case, but with many more options to work with; especially if you have a larger Crew.

Everyone will usually have their own methods of cycling through Storage Units, but I'd recommend just using the 'transfer' method [Take All], by taking everything out of the Cargo Hold of the Ship first, placing about 3-5 'Ship Parts' back in second [for combat purposes], and then filling the rest up with everything you consider to be top priority. Whatever else can't be placed at the moment, goes right-back to being dumped in the physical hold, until you're able to get rid of some stuff and get organized.

Also, I do recommend filling up your "Inventory Ship Cargo" with the items you want to sell or get rid of fist, because you can trade from your Cargo Inventory when talking to Vendors. Try off-loading as much as you can to keep your Ship's Inventory as clear as possible, your Character being encumbered while aboard your Ship won't really affect you negatively very much [so if you can, just hold on to some stuff in your personal inventory while in Space], but do make sure you empty-out your Player inventory when entering planetary "Combat Zones" etc.

To be continued...

Contraband not Country Band!
Milquetoast, Trust me Bros., need not apply!

I'm sure you've all heard the myths and rumors surrounding Contraband [it's not worth it, etc.], right along with claims about Storage, well... of course you have, which is why you're here; to get information that's actually useful, right? Right!

Here's some things you should know, and also keep in mind if you wanna engage in the Black Market. The "going price" for an item, and what a person is willing to pay you for it, are two different things. Even at the first/ second level of Commerce [Social Skills], you only make about 14.3% of the 'going price' for most Black Market items/ materials [especially if you sell to the Trade Authority]. However, in most hauls [if you know where to look], you'll stumble on a collection of about 10-15 items. So let's say on average, you'd be paid ꞓ2000 Credits per item/ material/ case, that's potentially ꞓ20,000 - ꞓ30,000 Credits per haul!

Let's put that into perspective, in case someone missed it. For one successful Contraband haul, you could potentially afford to buy a Rapid Shot [shotgun] at level [5] five! This is huge, because unlike other Bethesda games, a respectable portion of Starfield's progression is locked behind credits, which means, there's some serious 'pay-to-win' going on with the economy! Don't let these "milquetoast chumps" sway you into downloading their 'snake-oil' Mods, to fix a problem that doesn't exist.
Again, here stating the obvious but, dealing in the Black Market is still buying and selling [commerce], so if you want the most out of selling your Contraband, you can just 'store it away' somewhere safe [discussed later in this guide], or until you can get the absolute most out of your sell, or of course until you find a buyer [outside of the Trade Authority].

For everyone else, sorry to disappoint you my picket-fenced, middle-class, suburban friends but, a life of crime is a job just like every other job, if you're expecting to be a Kingpin after only two Contraband hauls, then sorry, you're in the wrong business.

Notice: Most of the Contraband items/ materials that you'll find while exploring, have a mass of 3.5☗ and up to about 4.0☗ units [with some rare exceptions]. The mass to selling value alone for these items/ materials, debunks any myths and rumors about the supposed, questionable value of Contraband in Starfield's economy.
"Moving Weight"
Honest Thief, Honest Criminal!

Since we're already here, talking about managing storage, how about some information about safely moving Contraband around? Any good criminal organization [or whatever you consider yourself to be] needs a discreet place to operate, store goods and move them around, and I know just the place!

This one's a bit complex, so it'll take some doing to get things off the ground. While engaging in quests for the Constellation Faction with Sarah Morgan as your companion, you'll end up taking a trip to "The Old Neighborhood" [named Mission], on the planet Mars [Cydonia].

.jpg]Once there, you'll be asked to meet one of Sarah's contacts on the surface, but that's not the focus of today's guide, who you're looking for-for the purposes of "Moving Weight" is a guy named "Phil Hill", he's a representative from a real-estate organization called L.I.S.T, just tell him you're willing to help, it gives you insight to a mission you'll really wanna focus on called "Failure to Communicate" in the Maheo System [Maheo III].

This mission is a bit extensive and can get a lil' "difficult" if you don't have a good spaceship. If you do plan on following this mission, and I recommend that you do, you're gonna want to upgrade your Vessel and Crew a bit, to get the most you can out of your ship's capabilities. I don't wanna spoil the mission for you, because it's a really good one, but just know that completing it successfully gives you access to a TON of credits!

The main reason you should consider completing this mission, is that it'll give you access to a safe place to store your Contraband in the Cheyenne System, without the worry of it being picked up by the Planetary Sensors. Simply store your stuff here [Lopez's Farm] once he's your ally, until you find a buyer, and move your illegal items around accordingly!

WARNING NOTICE!!: When completing certain Missions and Quests, after several days have passed, or the Player picks up more/ other Missions, some locations will disappear from the Planet entirely, Lopez's Farm for example, lasts about 3-4 in-game days after being completed. Be sure to collect your Contraband before the time expires, or it may be lost forever!
The Den.
Keep it simple, stupid!

.png] In United Colonies Space, just outside of sensor range, there's a Space Station called "The Den" [Wolf System, Chtonia]; a great place to "store" and sell your Contraband. Here you'll have access to a Trade Authority rep named 'Marcel Duris' and also a Trade Authority Terminal [Kiosk]. This is one of the easiest places to store and sell-off your illegal wares, and cycle though items, ammo and gear, until Marcel and/ or the Terminal [Kiosk] are out of credits, and then come back at a later time to 'safely' repeat the process.

The only real, likely risks here - is having a high bounty [getting caught at some other location], or traveling to this location before doing this quest with Andreja [Constellation Faction Member]. Unless some major event, bounty or unique instance is taking place when you travel here, there really shouldn't be any issues; just be sure to store your illegal items out-of-sight, because picking them up in front of Security will likely get you arrested!

Top Gun Maverick!

Stronghold is a great example of the many "end-game", C-Class Starships in the game, while also having the least requirements [with no specific Missions, Quests or special conditions]. There's some really cool vessels to choose from [Stronghold being sold by a vendor] and unlock, but I don't wanna spoil one of the best parts of the game for you. Just keep in mind, most C-Class spaceships will require you to have a high, or Master-Level - Piloting Skill, and filling out your Ship with a larger Crew-Size, Leadership Skills.

Obviously one of the best aspects of C-Class Ships is their rather large Cargo Capacity. There are some B-Class Vessels with less storage space and defense, but with really good offense; which might serve you well in Ranking up your Piloting Skills faster, by destroying Enemy Ships much quicker. Honestly, having a good, quality Spaceship pays for itself, as you'll quickly make the money back that you spend on it; taking several Missions at a time from the 'Mission Board(s)' will be quite easy, considering the amount of space you'll have and the overwhelming defense or offense you'll have as well!

Notice: There are some Spaceships with potentially "infinite storage" options, similar to the Basement Storage Exploit at The Lodge, but they oftentimes require the Player to complete extremely tough Missions set in deep space!
My Starfield Review Series.
If you liked this guide, found it useful or enjoyable, please check out my other Starfied content. I'm currently working on a 4-5 part series, explaining, rating and reviewing Starfield in the proper manner a Bethesda Game should be analyzed.
Toxophilite [East]  [author] 29 Sep, 2023 @ 8:07am 
@Famine good stuff! Once I wrap my head around the gameplay flow of these features, it's definitely gettin' added; thanks! :steamhappy::steamthumbsup:
Famine 29 Sep, 2023 @ 5:12am 
for smuggling- you can add shielded cargo modules at your outpost, if you build the larger landing pad there. you cannot have both a small (40m) and large landing pad at the same outpost.

shielded cargo gives a % chance of not being caught by the scan, and the achivement awards the first time you bypass the scan this way.

outposts with cargo links can move items between planets. and with helium-3, they can move items between systems. storage items can also hold a lot of stuff. takes a while to set up, but very worth it to get vast amounts of goodies to build with, or sell to shipyards for credits (have seen them ask for 500 or 2000 of aluminum or nickle, and you can fill this quota by however much you have at the time)
Toxophilite [East]  [author] 28 Sep, 2023 @ 11:22am 
@derplemonade I think you're misunderstanding, I'm not critiquing how it is that you play the game, or suggesting what aspects you should or shouldn't enjoy about Starfield; for the context of this guide , your input or advice isn't very useful [to anyone]. I would never suggest to a Player any strategies that'd make their experience worse, or intolerable, for that sake of 'metagaming', especially if there's much better, more enjoyable ways to accomplish a task [you only get one first playthrough].

If your advice had been closer to something like... "hey, here's how to bully your way through Ship combat - because I don't like it"! The added bonus of the Storage Units would've been worth mentioning, but your suggestion is basically "Ship combat is trash, so just make a flying suitcase, and make it an even worse experience"; which I can't support or get behind. :steamfacepalm::steamthumbsdown:
derplemonade 28 Sep, 2023 @ 5:18am 
ground combat better
if i wanted good ship-to-ship combat i'd be playing something else
Toxophilite [East]  [author] 27 Sep, 2023 @ 5:20am 
@derplemonade I'd never recommend this - if that's the case [making your Ship unusable in combat], Ship combat in Starfield's is actually quite good , with a LOT more depth then Players might initially think. If it's "too easy", crank up the difficulty and see what you think then. If it's "too clunky", try buying a Ship that's actually good and mobile [and get a good Crew]. Torturing yourself, or ruining your experience, as a means to an end, isn't gameplay I'd ever recommend. If you're currently doing this to yourself, I'd recommend you stop... immediately, and just start a new game. :steamsad:
Toxophilite [East]  [author] 27 Sep, 2023 @ 5:12am 
@Fgundam that's actually great if it works that way, but my goal here is to be a bit more general in my approach, in case having the Dream Home perk isn't desirable; but it is worth looking into, especially if you can dodge scanners and avoid Containers and Locations refreshing. Please let me know if you find out more, I'll add it to the guide and credit you if it's noteworthy enough. :steamhappy:
Fgundam 27 Sep, 2023 @ 12:32am 
wouldnt your own house from the trait in character creation be a good place to store stuff?
derplemonade 26 Sep, 2023 @ 7:37pm 
fun fact: with some noodling around in the ship builder you can easily increase onboard cargo capacity to 4000+ kilos
relatively easy to do, and the only downside is the cost (still under 100k for me) and reduced mobility (space combat isn't that great in this game imo so it doesn't matter to me) and now i can carry anything i could ever want
Toxophilite [East]  [author] 24 Sep, 2023 @ 3:39pm 
@Rashizar I did plan on discussing the idea of using the Lodge as a Storage Unit in the "Drop Shipping" portion of this Guide, but there's a number of reasons I held off doing it just yet.
1.) I wanted to be sure that the Basement portion of the Lodge was unlocked only after rescuing Barrett.
2.) I want to be sure that Storage Containers don't "refresh" after a certain amount of in-game time has passed, deleting everything the Player has stored in them.
3.) If an Outpost is or isn't the better, ultimate solution instead, seeing as how it'd significantly cut down on 'travel time'.
4.) Is there something more convenient that exists in Neon, which would solve a bunch of other possible issues as well.
5.) How well does the Storage Facility you ultimately settle on deal with Contraband, which is its own issue.

So yeah, the Lodge Seems like the obvious choice for now, but until I'm 100% on it, I'll hold off on adding it just yet. :steamhappy::steamthumbsup:
Rashizar 24 Sep, 2023 @ 1:37pm 
The simplest solution is to store all your resources at the Lodge, as there are multiple infinite capacity storage containers in the basement, along with all crafting tables and a research lab. It can be a bit of a pain hauling things from the ship to the lodge, but overall it's the best way I've found to deal with capacity issues, especially in a Science/Tech focused build like I'm doing where you want to craft EVERYTHING.