Portal 2

Portal 2

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lokiture robot tests!
this series takes place during lokitures 2000 closure lokiture put your consonance into a robot for testing
Items (20)
lokiture robot tests! PART 1
Created by fleaman
loki : hello test subject loki here welcome to our new testing track now get a load of this your dead! now what do i mean? well this morning we put your brain into a testing robot! now get to testing...
lokiture robot tests! PART 2
Created by fleaman
loki : ok now if your thinking about turning on us you might wanna rethink that becouse we can make you self-destruct at will so be a good robot or get blown up...
Lokiture robot tests! PART 4
Created by fleaman
loki : ok we added danger but please dont break yourself you are VERY expensive both figuratively and literally...
lokiture robot tests! PART 6
Created by fleaman
loki : ok you are about to get an upgrade for your portal device you will be able to place TWO portals...
lokiture robot tests! PART 9
Created by fleaman
loki : here is the fleaman cube! now if it starts talking IGNORE IT AND DESTROY IT thank you now start testing...
lokiture robot tests! PART 15
Created by fleaman
loki : hey our funds are running low so were going to have you do a test from a diffrent testing track...
lokiture robot tests! PART 17
Created by fleaman
loki : ok our funds are starting to decline we are having to reuse test chambers...
lokiture robot tests! PART 19
Created by fleaman
loki : the funding is not doing so good...
lokiture robot tests! PART 20
Created by fleaman
loki : sorry our funds are gone we have to reuse the first chamber for the final were going to shut down and put you into storage thanks for testing...