Perfect Heist 2

Perfect Heist 2

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The complete classes guide
By ManBearPig and 1 collaborators
An extensive overview of all the classes, different strategies, combinations and tierlists
In this guide, we'll attempt to give everyone willing to read this an extensive overview of all the classes, and the best strategies.

Please note that this is a guide for beginners. Even the basic abilities will be explained. However there might be things that even advanced players might find useful in here. It turned out to be very lengthy, so it's not recommended to read it all at once, but rather look up specific classes you're interested in playing or countering.

I will NOT cover masks and movement in this guide, I've written seperate guides covering those aspects. This guide's focus is on the different classes. However, I'm mentioning masks in this guide, and if you don't know what the mask does, then please look at the masks guide.
We've made several tierlists over the course of a year or so, taking into account the different nerfs and buffs. This one is already 2 months old, but except for chairmen, which got a huge buff, it's still accurate.

Our last tierlist for the robbers:

Our last tierlist for the cops:

Cop Classes
For Cops, you would roughly distinguish 5 types of roles: Combat, Intel, Support, Mobility and Counters. Classes can have multiple roles.

Officer (support) can report dead bodies to give his team rifles and gain barricades. Rifles are arguably the best cop gun in the game. It's a very useful upgrade for weaker classes. His barricades are useful for blocking off certain spots, but often you'll also block the cops. Single barricades can be jumped over in most cases, but you can stack two of them if you keep the right distance.

Spy (intel, mobility) Being able to change disguises helps to spot the more stealthy robbers and is often sadly used to camp escape vans. However being stealthy requires you to walk slowly, sprinting will give away your disguise and with the silenced pistol you also have a rather weak weapon for a cop. You have, however, a grapple that enables you to quickly check the roof or even hunt snipers! As a spy, you have to clandestinely observe the bank while not giving away your position or role and only act when you've spotted a robber in the act. Playing against a spy, it's recommended to kill them, if you can spot them. Also keep an eye on red shirts and suits with red ties, since those are the only two disguises a spy can have.

Swat (combat, intel) The Rifle and his secondary ability kevlar helmet (no extra damage from headshots) make him a strong combat class. With the ability to see rough outlines at a limited distance through walls, he can spot robbers in the act without having to be near them. However he can't use any weapons while he's using thermal vision. If you see him with no weapon in hand, it's a good opportunity to kill him. When using the thermal vision, be on the lookout for robbers holding a weapon, crouching or running. These are the actions you can see. Also keep an eye on restricted areas, such as some vaults or the roof of the bank.

FBI (Combat, intel)
He can place motion detectors, which will stun anyone walking through them, even NPCs. Also the whole team gets pinged. This can be especially annoying with bad motion detector placement.
They should be placed at the inside of certain fire doors, at the cash registers door on Big Bank, in the vent at casino or in the tunnels in casino, just to name a few. His ability to take reduced body shot damage makes him a decent combat class, even with a rather weak SMG. His motion detectors can be blocked by stickies, c4, barrels, agent screen, you can taze them with drones and use crypto's EMP ability.

Riot Control (combat)
His shield can negate any amount of damage in the current state of the game. He can wear the shield on his back, or hold it in front. He also takes 20% less damage from all sources, can't be slowed by damage and starts with a rifle, making him one of the best classes for combat in the game. He also has teargas grenades, which he can launch at suspects. It slowly reduces the HP down to 1. What many people don't know, is that you can shield bash, dealing 60 damage. He's especially good if the robbers play combat classes like poison or mafia boss. However, beware explosions! Your shield doesn't protect you from them!

Detective (intel) Detective's unique ability allows you to view the footsteps of all robbers, cops and NPCs. There is however, no difference between the footsteps of an NPC, teammate or even your own! To ease the tracking process, you can close in on one print until the prompt to press E appears to highlight a set of prints. Repeat this process to follow the correct path from crime scenes. Detective's strength is in finding a money bag, recently started fire, opened vault, hacked atm or PC, just about anything indicative of criminal activity and hitting X. Now you see whose footprints lead away from the crime scene and are free to follow them until you catch the culprit. Beware however as smart robbers will notice you slowly approaching and will take advantage of your attention being on the steps and easily execute you with a few precise headshots

Combat Medic (support, intel)
His ability to overheal his teammates to 120 HP is underrated. He can also revive himself with low hp when killed during the healing process, which is a bug, but was never fixed because he isn't exactly strong. His shots will poison robbers, making them stand out visually to other cops. He can place heartrate monitors on NPCs, cops and robbers, notifying him on their deaths. When he self revives, remember to keep shooting.

Sergeant (combat, support)
Her vest bags not only provide 2 vests, which act as an extra 50 HP shield, but also a carbine and a heavy pistol. This can upgrade many of the weaker cop classes. Just be careful not to leave the vest bag laying around, because robbers can also pick up the guns and even the vests if they want. Also your starting weapon, the rifle, is stronger than anything in the vest bag, so don't replace it. Sergeant also possesses the ability to heal 1hp per second and is, alongside riot, the best combat class in the game. Playing against a sergeant, your best shot is to avoid fighting her alone, if she's wearing her vest. Tazing her, then switching to your pistol and killing her also works, but it's still risky if you miss the headshot or the timing.

Cyber Police (intel)
Her ability to see the robber's outfits can be useful in the later stages of a round. Arms dealer has a special ability that makes him unaffected by this.
However it's a class which is only effective against slower playstyles. Against robbers rushing with explosives or combat she won't be very useful. Her ability to check PCs for when they've been hacked is considered useless, because by the time you checked that PC, you'll lose track of the robber.

Hornet (mobility)
The hornet has a jetpack which allows him to do triple jumps, which enables him to get up to the roof early in the round. His carbine makes him the best counter against roof rushing robbers in the game. His drone can be used to block doorways or drone flying. Drone campers are hated though and it might get you kicked if you do nothing but camp on your drone above the bank.

Developer(counter, support) is supposed to be a counter against Tech, crypto and Engineer on all maps except for Big Bank, which has just too many PCs.
Once installed, her Antivirus ability sounds an alarm whenever certain PCs, ATMs or Arcades are hacked, which everyone except the hacker can hear.
She's also got Frequency jammers, which will instantly destroy drones and bomb buggies, as well as preventing sticky grenades, C4s and poison grenades from being triggered. Those are especially useful for the gold vault on New York or the elevator and stairs on Arcade.

Manager (counter)
With the ability to open and close vaults, or even adding new doors to replace broken ones, she counters several robber classes, most notably Vault cracker and Tech, but also all the breach classes. However, her strong ability comes with a downside, as robbers get 5,000$ for each kill on the manager, and she also has the weakest weapon loadout of any cop. Combined with a sergeant though, she's a force to be reckoned with. When playing against a manager as robbers, you should empty the vault right after blowing it up and get the money out, rather than waiting.

Sheriff (intel, mobility)
The sheriff spawns with a Horse, a carbine and a rope launcher, which can be used to cuff NPCs.
The horse can be used to rush the robber spawn and catch some of them off guard. It onehits robbers, when you ride through them, but has also high risk of getting yourself arrested. A rather cheesy strategy involving sheriff is to cuff all the NPCs in the employee area to more easily spot robbers. To counter this, robbers need to uncuff NPCs by holding E and looking at them. Unfortunately there's a very common guide freezing the sheriff in place after respawning or dismounting.

Cop Classes 2
Firefighter (mobility, counter, combat)
The Firefighter is a multi-purpose cop class fit for any map and any situation! He has the most versatile paraphernalia of all cops!
1. His ladders allow you him and his teammates to reach high places
2. His auto-sniper allows you to engage in long range combat
3. His carbine is well-suited for close to medium ranged combat
4. He resists poison and fire damage by 75% and on top of it all, he can put out fires permanently, denying overzealous mechanics and distractors the pleasure of burning down your bank!

Reinforcer (combat, counter, support)
The ultimate anti-explosion class! Boasting a formidable 75% resistance to all explosive damage, the Reinforcer is the perfect choice to put those pesky sticky launcher brandishing Demo players in their place! In addition to looking like a true bomb squad man, he can also place H.A.S stations which provide extended mags to his team as well as 50% health pack. Not only does it tase robbers for suspicious activity, it also resist stains and always smells like fresh lemons! Reinforcer is armed with a Bullpup MP, a high damage, high firerate weapon suited for both short and long ranged combat. He also has the ability to reinforce four walls and windows to make them almost impervious to explosions. Stealing the briefcase bombs of the robber team provides him with extra reinforcement kits.

Inventor (support, intel)
Inventor's only ability is placing turrets to protect certain spots. For each kill he or his turrets get, he'll get another turret. Most players go for vaults or rooms with open cash. Protecting entry or exit routes can also be a good approach. Turrets also give you some limited sound queues of where the robbers are. However, his good ability comes with two downsides: He has weak weapons and he takes more damage, making him rather bad in combat. The best way to get rid of turrets as robber is to use explosives.

FED Agent (counter, combat)
Want your friends to hate you? Well, do I have a class for you! Introducing the FED agent! A class that can steal the money from the robbers! If any careless robber leaves his hard-earned money bag lying on the ground, the FED agent can swoop in and claim it for her own with the modest penalty of -10% movement speed whilst carrying it. Her ability allows her to hide the money anywhere in the employee zone. She can also place holograms which tase the attacker when shot.
But they can also work against you if placed during combat. As a robber, you shouldn't leave your money bags laying around when facing her.

Vigil (intel)
His second screen allows him to keep an eye on the cam without having to stand still. He can also place a "smart" camera, which pings suspicious activity on its own. It's sort of a niche class, with a heavy focus on intel.

Traffic Cop (intel, support)
The traffic cop can place barbed wires to block off certain areas. They only deal damage to robbers, which is based on movement speed, so crouching through it will deal the least damage, while sprinting through them has the potential instakill you. Not only does it damage, you'll also leave bloody tracks for 5 seconds. His second ability are the tire locks, which he can place at the escape vans, delaying the robber's escape by a few crucial seconds. His SMG is rather weak.

FED Chairman(support)
Just like his robber counterpart, he can place printers in employee zones, which will print a stack of 2,000$ every 20 seconds. Once he printed 10,000$, he can revive nearby teammates in a 5m radius. Also for each 2,000$ printed, the required money to win for the robbers will be raised by 1,000$ and the gold price for each bar will be raised by 500$. If each team has a chairman, the "chairman battle" event will happen, most notably raising the money required to revive to 20,000$. You can waste your ability, so make sure that the yellow font on the bottom left confirms "1 revive" or more.
Most chairmen will try to hide their printers and stay close in disguise, tasing every robber attempting to take his printer money, especially in the later stages of the round. When playing against a cop chairman, you should save the gold bars for the end of the round for maximum profit.

Backup(Combat, Mobility)
Backup can report dead cop bodies to spawn BOT cops. Those can be both a blessing and a curse. If the server has lives enabled, good players will just farm the bots and life drain your team.
The can be especially annoying to robbers running with money outside and doctors. His "X" ability calls the NPCs to him and gives him a speed boost, which makes him rather mobile, despite the lack of a grapple or jetpack.

Bodyguard (combat, intel)
His ability to put vests on NPCs can be used to mark NPCs for your teammates, so it's easier to spot robbers. For each kill, he gets another vest. He also has a "laser" shield, which blocks shots from one side but allows them from the other, which can be placed in desperate combat situations. As a downside, he spawns a VIP, which will raise the required money by 10,000$ but will reward the robbers 10,000$ when killed. Despite sounding decent, I can't recommend it to newer players.

Pilot (mobility, combat, counter)
His grappling hook allows him to be the first cop on the roof. This can be especially useful to counter players, who rush the roof every round. However, his weak SMG will not be enough to contend with multiple robbers at once. He also has a "paper plane" which is supposed to be recon, but it deals devastating damage, even without upgrades. Those can be found in random boxes scattered around the map. Useful against snipers and other robbers on the roof. If you're a ropbber and see him standing still, which means he's flying his plane and the coast is clear, you should absolutely go for the kill, it might save a teammate's life.

Janitor(support, intel)
Janitor has two great abilities. For one, he can lock doors, which will take robbers 8 seconds to pick, and can be used to make it harder for robbers to access certain areas, aswell as blocking some of their escape routes. Dead NPC bodies, destroyed robber gadgets and cams can be recycled to get a new lock for 3 of them. What makes him so strong though is his ability to place down puddles. Robbers walking through puddles will leave footprints for 20 seconds and will make it easy for cops to track them down. To get rid of footprints, robbers have to change their disguise. On top of that, he has a decent weapon loadout.

Canine (combat, intel)
Starting with a heavy pistol, a tazer and a dog, the canine is well equipped to sniff out any stealthy attempts to rob. He can make his dog sniff dead bodies and the dog will slowly make its way to the victim's killer, regardless of what weapon was used to kill them. The dog can also sniff money bags.
Against a Canine, you should pay extra attention to hiding corpses and overall, try robbing fast before he can sniff you out.
DLC cop classes
The DLC introduced melee weapons to the game, changing some mechanics. Melee combat in general is rather inconsistent as of yet.

His state of the art roman armor protects him from bullets and explosions, but not from melee attacks, fire and poison. Makes sense right? No? Sounds like a you-problem. He has a sword and a dagger. The sword will deal significant damage, the dagger can oneshot robbers from behind. He also has roman guards, which can be used to block doors. When attacked, those guards will attempt to stab robbers. Caesar cannot pick up guns.
When playing against caesar, try to use mobility classes, for instance with grappling hooks, to get away from him. If you feel like you have to fight him, shoot him until the tooltip shows up that he can't be killed by bullets, then switch to your fists and hit him. Veni vidi vici.

Queen Elizabeth
Even though she spawns with a melee weapon, she can pick up guns, unlike caesar. She can also give herself and nearby cops a movement speed boost. When holding her sceptre, she can hold right click to activate a "divine shield" which will block any bullets for a limited time. Her magic sceptre can overheat, making you unable to swing or block. She's wearing a crown which can be stolen by robbers for 15,000$, but the required money is also raised by 15,000$.

Marie Curie
Having discovered radiation, she's willing to put it to use. She can add radioactive material to jewels, cash piles, PCs and gold bars, and use her secondary weapon, the geiger counter, to track down any robbers carrying the money or having hacked certain PCs. However, she's very vulnerable, because the geiger counter cannot be considered a weapon, and her main weapon is a tommy gun, arguably the weakest automatic gun possible. She can also place X-ray screens, which lets everyone see the bones of NPCs and players moving behind walls.
Robber strategies & roles
Naming all the strategies in the game is almost impossible. However, you can distinguish between the most common approaches and roles. Those will be used in the robber classes list as keywords or tags to describe their roles.

- Breach: Opening vaults and walls is key to winning rounds, I would almost call it a necessity.

- Stealth: Stealing money from under the cop's noses without being discovered is an approach, but alone without any breach classes it's usually not viable.

- Rush: Going in and out fast

- Combat: Why steal stuff, when you can just kill the cops over and over until they run out of lives? Even if you fail at that and die, usually you'll keep the cops busy for long enough to allow other robbers to get enough money out of the bank to win the round in the meantime. Even though I'm not a big fan of the meta devolving into deathmatch, it's a viable strategy.

- Support: This includes all the roles, which either give stuff to your teammates or heal them, making other classes better.

- Value: Classes that fall into the value category increase the values of certain lootable items or generate value by different means.

- Distraction: Keeping the cops busy or simply annoying them can be a viable strategy to buy some time for your teammates.

- Arrests: The goal of this strategy is to get the cops arrested by tricking them into shooting NPCs.

- Info: Giving your team information on the cop's whereabouts, either through abilities or by pinging with the middle mouse.
Robber classes
Heavy (support, rush, combat): Easily one of the best robber classes overall. His Helicopter is probably the most important robber gadget. Not only does it heal you and supply you with ammonition, it can also be used to deposit money and escape. You can aim down, shoot and jump at the same time, to do rocket jumps. This is a very common technique to get to the roof early. On Big Bank for instance, it's frequently used to open the top 2 vaults. Once you reach the roof, you should instantly call the heli, so you can get the money from the 2 vaults in there safely. Heavy is a hard class to counter, but your best options are reinforcer and hornet.

Tech (support, rush, stealth, info)
The tech is another strong and very basic robber class. He can hack 3 PCs to open up all the vaults on the map. He can also use his drone to bring money bags out of the bank or bomb bags into the bank without risking his life. His grappling hook allows him to get into upper floors or the roof very early in the rounds and make him hard to stop. What I think not enough techs do, is using their drone to get info on the cop's whereabouts and pinging them. Techs can be countered by listening to the audio queues whenever PCs are hacked and chasing them down. Developer offers a counter too, but you'll need to be there before the tech, which only works on smaller maps.

Demo (breach, rush, combat)
Demo is probably the best breach class in the current state of the game. His C4 can be placed and detonated instantly, and his sticky launcher can also be used to perform rocket jumps, we'll refer to those as "sticky jumps" from here on. He spawns an extra bomb bag for his team, which is decent, but not his main strength. Probably the best strategy as demo is rushing, getting into the vaults fast and sticky jumping from the roof into the escape van. On top of that, he's a great combat class too, if you ever run into a cop don't be shy to use your sticky launcher aswell. You can detonate sticky grenades mid air, dealing up to 50 damage to a cop. The best counter against demo would be a Reinforcer.

Ninja (stealth, rush, arrests)
The ninja is a niche class, which is fun to play. There's a few different approaches. I like to make use of his silent sprinting ability and carry a body with the unicorn mask for an extra 20% sprint speed. The idea is to rush any loot behind fire doors on big bank and engage in combat on the way, using smokes to escape or get cops arrested. Others would turn themselves into boxes and use the bandana to slowly increase the stolen money. Many new players have the vision about turning themselves into a box, lighting a fire to get a cop arrested, but that won't work against experienced cops.

Sniper (combat, support, info)
With his combat role being rather obvious, his support role is often forgotten about. He can place supplies at the start of a round, giving a grappling hook to one of his teammates. Those can be especially useful for doctors, but many other classes will gladly take them aswell. What many people don't know aswell, is that he can change ammo. Explosive ammo will open vaults with 3 shots, emp ammo will taze cops. Sniper is also the only robber class that can access the cameras, enabling him to give valuable info to his team. When facing a sniper as a cop, the best idea is to use your spawn protection to run straight into the bank after dying, rather than trying to fight the sniper.

Insider (stealth, breach, value, info)
If there's an insider on the robber team, a drill bag will spawn, which usually allows access to a vault. That's why I technically consider him a breach class, even though other teammates can also pick up and use the drill. He'll spawn in an employee disguise, allowing him to set fires very early in the round and any secret files picked up by him will be worth a little more. Since he spawns in the bank, he can give info about the cops positions early in the game.

Agent (stealth, rush)
The Agent's main ability is to silently break glass, which can be used to rush any loot that's out in the open on many maps. He's the only class to have access to the roof spawn. His screen ability might fool some newer or unaware cops, but if you know about it, it's rather obvious. He has a grappling hook which is more silent than on other classes.

Doctor (support)
The Doctor can revive teammates by carrying them to an ambulance and dropping their body in the zone. He can also use his syringe gun to heal and speed up his teammates if he presses X before firing. I recommend changing outfits at the beginning of the round, since many people will look for the green hat after the revive. It's a very dangerous role to play, since you have to get into the bank, pick up and carry a body outside, running through the whole map and then getting killed after reviving in most scenarios. Other robbers can greatly help by throwing their dead comrades out of the windows for easier access.

Distractor (distraction, arrests, info)
Distractors can disable the cameras by hacking and set fires by throwing molotov cocktails at ignitable plants. The molotov cocktail can also onehit most cops, when directly hit. It's a great class if your goal is getting into your opponents heads and make them shoot the wrong NPCs. His distraction grenades will play glass sounds, which can be especially annoying to cops when fired in the jewellery, forcing them to constantly check it. A good tip for beginners would be to change your disguise at the beginning of the round and then try to frame a red shirt NPC by throwing your molotov cocktails while standing behind or next to him. Also ping the cops when you see them going for your fires. When facing a distractor, a good counter to the constant fires would be a firefighter. A canine might be useful too in tracking him down, once the first NPC died to his fires.

Scout (rush)
The scout has the "energy drink" ability, which makes him the fastest robber class for a short duration. He can also climb walls by jumping against them. Most scout players would play the grey beard mask and pick up the bomb, to open all the vaults quickly. However, I don't consider him a breach class, because without the bomb he has no means of breaching. He also has a grappling hook.

Engineer (breach, distraction)
I would consider the engineer to be the weakest of all the breach classes, while simultaneously being the most beginner friendly breach class. The reason for this being that he can operate from outside the bank, with a high risk of his buggy being shot. He only has a shotgun and pistol, compared to other breach class which have explosives it's very weak in combat.

Madman (breach, combat, distraction)
The Madman's main ability is his "improvised explosive device" or IED in short. It will detonate after 30 seconds unless defused. It destroys vaults and breakable walls aswell as killing any players and NPCs in a 7m radius. His grenade launcher deals 95 damage, but is hard to handle, since unlike the sticky launcher, you cannot time the explosion. His passive ability is that he can only be killed by a bullet or melee attack.
Robber classes 2
Geek (value, stealth)
The Geek can hack ATMs and arcades much faster and also generates 3,000$ extra cash for ATMs and 1,000$ extra for arcades. The cash pile looks more like a rectangle than a pile if a geek made it, therefore it's good to change disguises, since most cops will look out for an NPC wearing a green shirt, when they see the bigger cash pile. He also gets 2,000$ more from cash registers. His doxxing ability reveals the nearby cops for his whole team on activation with a 30s cooldown, helping him to stay clear while doing his thing.

Poison (combat, distraction, arrests)
Poison is the only robber class with an SMG, making him the best non-explosive combat class.
He can place poison grenades and trigger them, damaging both cops and robbers in the cloud, but not NPCs. Changing outfits is recommended aswell. He's immune to both his own poison and Riot's tear gas.

Mafia Boss (support, value)
Spawning a box of tommy guns for your team can be a deciding factor and help the whole team, even if you die. I wouldn't consider mafia to be a combat class, since he should be the one going for the jewels, while his team uses his guns to kill and distract the cops. He gets double the money from jewels. It's wise to grab them before an unaware teammate does.

Mechanic (breach, combat, distraction)
Two of his explosive barrels destroy a vault door, one destroys a destructible wall. When shot, they leave fire for 7 seconds, killing most cops when they try to pass it. The initial explosion deals 80 damage. Every 10 seconds he gets a new barrel charge, up to a maximum of three.
Barrels can be chained, even through walls, as long as they're close enough to each other. Placing a barrel in fire will set it off immediately. Another useful ability is unhinging all kinds of doors (except vault doors) and making them fall to the ground. Opened doors can be unhinged much faster, while closed doors will take longer and need to be opened before collapsing. Barrels are also great tools to set plants on fire. When facing a mechanic, good counters are Firefighter and Janitor, since he's the only class that can remove the barrels.

Crypto (stealth, value, distraction)
With the ability to turn any PC into a slow money printing machine, the crypto is best played stealthy. You want to get your cryptos installed before picking up any money, making a lot of noise or even going into combat. It's better to start with less obvious PCs and saving the most visible ones for last. When the cop team notices the cryptos, you can either try to defend your PCs by tazing them, or focus on robbing lose money and any vaults opened by your teammates, while your cryptos distract them. His active ability is the EMP, which disables most devices like turrets, cams, elevators etc. helping with the stealthy approach. Unfortunately, most standard maps lack the amounts of PCs to make him work. New York and Big Bank are the only ones, where he's really good. Can easily be countered by a detective.

Arms Dealer (support, combat)
Arms dealers can buy a wide range of weapons, aswell as bomb bags and grappling hooks for himself or robber teammates, but cops can also pick them up. For 5,000$ he can buy a BOT robber, which has just been buffed, but they can probably still be considered to be a bad investment. He starts with 3,000$, I recommend buying a sticky launcher and a grappling hook or two. He cannot be detected by vault lasers, metal detectors, FBI motion detectors and doesn't show up in Cyber Police's database.

Pickpocket (stealth, distraction, arrests)
The Pickpocket was designed as a stealthy class with his ability to carry up to 5,000$ without a money bag showing on his back. He can throw a coin as is active ability, which attracts NPCs.
This is part of a strategy to get cops arrested by hiding in a crowd in smoke, while periodically leaving the smoke cloud to shoot at cops and then going back into it.

FED Chairman (support, value)
Just like his cop counterpart, he can place printers in employee zones, which will print a stack of 2,000$ every 20 seconds. Once he printed 10,000$, he can revive nearby teammates in a 5m radius and heal his whole team. Also for each 2,000$ printed, the required money to win for the robbers will be raised by 1,000$ and the gold price for each bar will be raised by 500$. If each team has a chairman, the "chairman battle" event will happen, most notably raising the money required to revive to 30,000$. You can waste your ability, so make sure that the yellow font on the bottom left confirms "1 revive" or more.

Vault Cracker (breach, rush)
While being the only robber class unable to change disguise, she's equipped with two very powerful abilities. She can open and close vaults by holding E, and she has a sensor ability, which she can activate by pressing X. It will reveal all nearby cops and their gadgets. There are many combos involving this class, this guide has a whole section dedicated to them.

Joker (value, rush)
The Joker gets 60% more value on anything that he picks up, but the downside is that he leaves a calling card which reveals his current position to any cop interacting with it, visible for the whole cop team. So the only good play as a joker is to rush in, get the money before they find your calling cards and then get out. He also has a teargas launcher and the ability to blind nearby cops for 3 seconds, which can help him escape for a short period of time. Why so serious?

Hitman (info, value)
The Hitman has probably one of the best info abilities on the robber side. He can reveal VIPs, and when those are dead, he can reveal the current positions of all cops every 20 seconds. (10 with sombrero mask!) Also, the reward for killing a VIP is 17,500$ rather than 10,000$ for your whole team. His suit is black, unlike the employee's dark brown suits. The difference is only apparent with sufficient lighting on a closer look.

Micro(distraction, stealth, arrests)
Being able to shrink yourself down to the size of a coffee cup comes with advantages and disadvantages. You can easily hide, but you will be one shot. You can carry bomb bags, drills, gym bags and money bags up to 3k.
The micro can be used to frame NPCs by igniting plants while small with one NPC nearby, or shooting at a cop without killing him and then hiding. He's often used to rush the cash registers on Big Bank. He can be easily countered by a SWAT.

Gym Buddy (support, rush)
Can place trampolines and treadmills. Trampolines let you jump up to roofs or inside a first story window, while treadmills give you a speed boost for 5 seconds. His gym bag is invisible as he's carrying it, and when placed correctly, it helps robbers change outfit without having to kill NPCs.
The cop spawn entrance is always a decent position. It doesn't make a lot of sense to put it near the clothes basket. In addition, he can also throw money bags, bombs and the gym bag. I personally consider throwing money bags into the vans safer than using the drone. This works especially well on Big Bank and New York with some of the vans backs turned towards the bank.
Stay Natty!

Master Thief (value, stealth)
For each Master Thief, a diamond worth 20,000$ will spawn, replacing a random piece of jewellery. Can replace jewellery in glass cases aswell as the ones out in the open. He has a very tiny drone, which has an emp ability that can deactivate certain cop gadgets and cams. Aswell as pushing elevator buttons.

Actor (stealth, arrests)
Considered to be one of the worst robber classes, the actor can play dead in an attempt to hide from the cops or getting them arrested. It's hard to make it work, and I've had countless situations where I set it up and the cops didn't fall for it, or just ignored the sound queues. He can also turn one NPC into a BOT robber.
DLC Robbers
Karl Marx (breach, value, support)
FOR THE PROLETARIATE. He spawns with two melee weapons, a hammer and a sickle, but he can pick up weapons. His hammer can be used to break walls. He can give money to NPCs and invite them to his commune. That money will count as being deposited. The more people he invites to his commune, the more effects his active ability will have. (listed in game)

Al Capone (support, value)
Spawns with a rum bag, which any robber can pick up and use to sell rum to NPCs. Customers pay 1,000$ and employees pay 2,000$. He can also build escape tunnels on ground level or lower, which take 15 seconds to complete and make a lot of noise, but once they're finished, they can be used as a teleport. Spawns in a suit, so the first thing you should do is find a new outfit. Fuhgeddaboudit.

Albert Einstein(combat, distraction)
The historically correct inventor of the time machine can be an absolute menace to the cop team. He even invented a slow motion grenade launcher to make cop's lives miserable. E=mc² or cop=dead.
Robber class combinations
Geek + Joker:
Geek hacks ATMs, joker collects the money. Turns each 5k stack into 12.800
No real specific counters, other than killing the joker on his way to the van or installing antivirus with a developer against repeat offenders.

Agent and Mafia Boss:
This one is rather simple. Agent silently destroys the glass in the jewellery and the mafia boss picks up the jewels for double the money.
Counters: Inventor's Turret, Reinforcer's H.A.S. Station, Vigil's camera or cams in general.

Vault Cracker combos:
With the ability to open and close vaults, the vault cracker is probably the class with the most possible combos. They usually include a bandana and a healing class. You could use sniper, doctor or gym buddy to heal the vault cracker, while she's holding the money with the bandana mask. If there's more than two robbers collaborating, the vault cracker can use the paper bag mask to be able to open and close the vault faster and have someone else carry the money. Al capone can put his escape tunnels inside of some vaults, as long as they're on ground level or below. FED chairman can put down his printers in the vault, preventing cops from destroying them and adding value to the bandana money.
Counters: Manager can open it, otherwise you just gotta camp the vault door or destroy capone's escape tunnel outside.

Doctor and Sniper:
One or more snipers killing any cops on the roofs and outside, protecting the doc while he revives. Snipers drop a grappling hook at the beginning of the round, so if one sniper dies, the doc can grapple up, grab his body and revive him.

Gym Buddy and Ninja:
Another bandana strategy using the Gym Buddy's bag to heal, and ninja's box on top of the gym bag.

Capone and Marx:
Karl Marx can use Al Capone's rum bag to sell rum and invite NPCs to his commune, enabling him to do his thing outside until reaching the maximum of stacks.