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List of Ship Vendors - Each with their own Unique Parts
By Brian9824
Helpful list of Ship Vendors to find unique parts
Ship Vendors
So many might not know that each ship vendor sells parts that are specific to them. Aka go to Deimos and you will find Deimos brand cockpits, hab modules, etc while Hopetown sells their own brands with different looks and feels.

So here is a list of each vendor and where they are located so you can browse all the options

New Atlantis - Alpha Centauri System, Jemison
Akila City - Cheyenne System, Akila
Hopetown - Valo System, Polvo
Neon - Volii System, Volii Alpha
Cydonia - Sol System, Mars
New Homestead - Sol System, Titan
Paradiso - Porrima System, Porrima II
Deimos Staryard - Sol System, Deimos
The Red Mile - Porrima System, Porrima III
The Den - Wolf System, The Den
The Key - Kryx System, The Key Space Station