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Navigating Pre-release Charaacter Customization Issues
By Wisp Cat
The (early September 2023) Starfield character customization UI has some quirks which might be considered bugs.

This little guide outlines some of those issues and has a few suggestions for how to deal with them.
Starfield offers a new Bethesda character creation UI, and while I don't know all the details of how it works, it currently has some frustrating features which should probably be changed.

But if we understand them, we can better deal with the quirks.

This mini-guide aims to help people learn some of the biggest quirks quickly, avoiding some of the frustration.

(But my biggest hope is that Bethesda changes their character creation UI to eliminate the need for this guide.)
Face sliders
Face sliders provide most of the character customization options in starfield, starting with Skin Tone.

Many face sliders have an additional custom UI which pops up. There's a "refine" option that it offers to change the focus from the face slider to the top of the slider's detailed ui. And here we start running into problems.

The detailed UI is on the right of the face sliders. For example, if you are adjusting the shape of your mouth, and you drag your mouse too far to the left, you might be adjusting some part of your cheeks or ears without realizing it.

Rule 1: be very careful with your mouse.

But, also, the mouse does have some constraints on what it can change, even if they aren't quite the right rules. If you make a change to these detail sliders and then come back to the other sliders, you can lose your changes. Sometimes this might mean that you lose your accidental changes. But this can also make you lose your intentional changes.

Rule 2: Hitting the "refine" button to is one way (not the only way) of keeping the changes.

Sometimes it's also important to switch between parts of the detail UI to properly engage mouse related changes.

Rule 3: If you don't hear a clicking sound when moving a slider, try something else.

Meanwhile, a number of the face sliders offer "Shape Blending". For these sliders, the main choice on the left will be an all or nothing pick of each of the shapes. Usually towards the end of the main choices will be a neutral option (with all of the shape blends zeroed out). You can walk through the main picks and get a good idea of what your options are, and then you can tone things down using the blending sliders. (Or, of course, you can also combine toned down versions of the main shapes.) Everyone probably figures this out pretty quickly.
Enhance is an in-game outfit which offers you the chance to change everything in your character customization, including your name, for a small charge (500 credits). Once you have enough money, it's a good place to go to update how your character looks.

Unfortunately, currently, the sliders which it shows you are *NOT* the sliders you picked. And, there's no undo in this UI. So if you touch them you've lost whatever information you had on that slider.

To cope with this issue, ideally you will have made screen shots of showing each of your slider settings (or written down that information somewhere).

Rule Of Ultimate Cope: take screenshots showing each of your detailed sliders while in the character creation UI so that you can come back later when something gets lost.

Failing that, ... be sure that you like your look before you accept the changes.

If you don't like how you look, you can revert back to a previous save. Or, at the end of the Enhance procedure, you are given the option of "saving your changes". Saying "no" here prevents the changes.
What's next?
These issues seem simple to describe, but they probably reflect deep issues in the design of the game.

Whenever Bethesda changes things, that potentially interferes with the work of modders (and the work of other people at Bethesda), and also potentially brings in other unintended changes.

The changes I would like to see are:

(1) When the left mouse button is down, it should not be possible to change which face slider is selected.

(2) When the mouse does make changes to the character's appearance, nothing should undo that change except an explicit Undo action. (But this would be a major change, and would require making a copy of customization information every time the mouse button is released. Undo/Redo would walk forward and backwards through that information. New customization would probably toss the Redo information.)

Other people probably have noticed things which I have not noticed. Maybe some of that will show up in comments here.

I will try to check back here occasionally and I might update this guide.

Redshirt68 4 Sep, 2023 @ 10:23am 
Well, I can't send you a screenshot because when I got to the naming screen and went to take a shot after hitting "enter", the screen went black (well, a very dark grey; almost enough to be considered black, but not quite) and it accepted the name I put in. This is just more proof that Teledyne is a real company that's alive and well & SkyNet is testing our responses through video games and internet addictions. Thank you for your help and time, but this issue (I'm sure I'll find more though) is fixed, apparently.
Redshirt68 4 Sep, 2023 @ 9:27am 
Typo; I meant will not fix it but I'll give it a try.
Wisp Cat  [author] 4 Sep, 2023 @ 8:43am 
The game does have problems which I think should be fixed. Thus, this guide.

But also, for example: (object id 0026DFBF Clothes_Crowd_LayeredTee_01_NOTPLAYABLE).
Redshirt68 4 Sep, 2023 @ 8:28am 
Currently reinstallng the game, but will make a screenshot for you. I'm pretty sure that reinstalling will fix it, but wanted to give it a try.
Wisp Cat  [author] 4 Sep, 2023 @ 8:01am 
I would like to see a screenshot of this error message with your character's name.

If you make a screenshot in steam, and upload it, you can then look at the online version and get the url of the page which contains it. You can post that url in a comment here.
Redshirt68 4 Sep, 2023 @ 7:45am 
And yes, I'm on PC, Ryzen 7 eight core 2400 ghz, with an Nvidia RTX 2070 and 32 GB memory.
Redshirt68 4 Sep, 2023 @ 7:43am 
I've gone through the entire process; Character/Body/Facial (& scrolled all the way through, hitting each slider if they have to be altered or not)/Background/Traits/& Naming when it opens. I've gone through a couple dozen names at least, changing Body/Features/Backgrounds/Traits) with Names & as soon as I hit "Confirm/R" after Names I get told "the character must be renamed". All I can do is hit ok.
I found out after writing you that when I hit "~" (under "Esc", It greys the lower half of the screen & opens a text bar, and all I can do is hit the Win key & close the Steam window, start again. Do you know what that's for or heard of it? A dev/live support tool for when things really hit the fan?There's nothing more I can do but endlessly rename & keep rechecking for a fix or if anyone else is having/had the issue.
Wisp Cat  [author] 3 Sep, 2023 @ 8:11pm 
Naming your character is the last step of character customization.

When you hit Finish ("R" by default, on the pc), you should be getting a "Complete Profile" popup where you type in your character's name.

After you have entered your name, and hit Enter, should get additional options on the popup, one of which lets you confirm that you wish to complete character customization.

From your description, I cannot tell where you are in this process. Perhaps you could show a screenshot illustrating the problem?
Redshirt68 3 Sep, 2023 @ 4:34pm 
Curious to know if you've heard of this or had it happen; I've gone all through the customization tabs (body, background, traits, etc.) and cannot name the character. No matter what I enter, I am told I "Must rename the character." I've been doing this for 7 hours of gameplay now, having deleted everything twice and starting from nothing. Still cannot name the characters I create at all. Any ideas? I can't even open a ticket because there is no choice or even close for my issue. SO I'm trying the discussions page and found this, too.