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CVN Mechanoid Naval Warfare
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Mod, 1.4, 1.5
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3 сен. 2023 г. в 6:55
8 мая в 19:07
Обновлений: 24 (просмотреть)
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CVN Mechanoid Naval Warfare

В 1 коллекции, созданной ShunTheWitch
Coventech [ CVN ] Mechanoid Warfare Collection
Предметов: 4
This update is Experimental! Utilizing new features added to the CVN Core before Anomaly released, while most have been updated and tested, there are likely edge cases or things I missed!

This mod adds Mechanoid Navy Themed and related ships, it will be updated with more over the coming weeks.
The first ship is the Thunderhead, a mechanoid that more resembles a standard unit of their design with two twin machine guns, somewhat slow firing but firing twice with each shot.
it's cost is similar to that of a centipede and while more expensive in raw resources it requires instead Two basic subcores and is unlocked with Standard mechtech.
it can hold three passengers and later will have other variants such as ones upgraded with ultra mechtech.

The Hammerhead is comparable to a Gunboat in terms of it's role in a naval group.
The Beach Breaker is a heavily armored frigate which will be able to crawl on land and force it's way through entrenched positions
The Plasma Slug is a frigate with medium armor which uses three plasma blasters to unleash wild destruction
The Annihilation is a Cruiser capable of complete domination over most battlefields that could be found on the rim, built soley to destroy the enemies and keep it's allied forces alive under a heavy shield dome.

Obviously these require the Vehicle Framework and Biotech


A:Maybe You Decide.

1.1 - Thunderhead buffed I was too conservative with it's stats leading to it being severely weaker than a bulldog, now it is not entirely stronger since it's still cheaper but it is far more capable of handling single and multiple targets

1.2 Beach Breaker added, an amphibious design which while finicky in how it wants to leave the map for the time being (you may have to dev send instantly in the caravan screen)
it is a heavy duty powerhouse that was *made* to siege heavily fortified positions head on

1.3 Corrections to Beach Breaker stats and buildable

1.4 minor bug fix and a variant for the thunderhead, it relies on High mechtech

1.5 Addition Of the Plasma Slug, which uses high rate of fire plasma blasters for Maximum Wild Destruction

1.6 Annihilation.

1.7 Added Dazzle camo

1.8 Dominion Pre-release, its a pain to find the right amount of shallow water, and it currently cannot summon planes but it has more accurate heavy charge blasters which will stick around later on

1.9 Dominion can now launch a kamikaze low reaver, shot cost will be rebalanced in the coming 2.0 and the graphic for the annihilation's main gun has been updated.

Art commission credits with details.
Farmer Joe or Sandwish made the assets for the Thunderhead, Beach Breaker, PlasmaSlug and I thank them greatly for interpreting my 3 am ramblings of shark mechanoids, they did an excellent job and I'll be looking to commission them again.

Anthitei has also lent their talent to this project, they did an excellent job which was worth the wait for such a Meaty project and I greatly appreciate them looking forward to working with them more.
Current inclusions from them: The Annihilation.

Got an opinion about the mod? You know where to put it.
Комментариев: 35
ShunTheWitch  [создатель] 3 сен в 15:44 
@Lordtrott Yes and once my other mod Combined Arms is updated (sorry bout that just been a little fucked up) the aircraft from it will exit the carrier in flight mode
Lordtrott 3 сен в 8:09 
Cool thanks for the info, i am currently in my playthrough not far enough to build it but i wanted to know if it actually can store aircraft of sorts in it or something like that.
ShunTheWitch  [создатель] 2 сен в 20:58 
As far as I know rimthunder should have like 2-4 but yeah I'm one of the only ones who wants the ocean, and since my core supports colonizing the ocean, this is the best one atm for having your little oil rig in the middle of nowhere.
MajorityOfTheInternet 2 сен в 20:56 
Is this one of the only mods with military ships out there now?
ShunTheWitch  [создатель] 2 сен в 17:37 
@Loadtrott thats the Dominion aircraft carrier
Lordtrott 2 сен в 7:32 
which ship is the carrier in the last image?
ShunTheWitch  [создатель] 24 июл в 14:01 
I'm hoping to add a few more inbetween stages for the boat progression, so like a medium/small carrier for instance
Velxra 24 июл в 13:56 
Hope to see whatever it turns out to be in the soonish future. The mod adds lots of depth to the game so even more is welcome.
ShunTheWitch  [создатель] 24 июл в 13:52 
AH that update forgot about that nah havent gotten any work on it since one artist I work with normally I cut ties with and another only *yesterday* became available again, so progress on that will likely be good soon, Apologies
Velxra 24 июл в 13:51 
"theres no comprehensive list but besides the start of a second module to go with this one, this module will be getting *at minimum* 6 new mechs and a few reworks to existing ones, it *will* be on a new worksho page however so I'll post a comment when that comes to pass"