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Starfield: Beginner's Guide
By Klingenwart
Venture into the expansive universe of Starfield, where a blend of exhilarating freedom and thrilling challenges awaits every intrepid traveler. This guide is meticulously crafted to immerse you in a fitting introduction, setting the stage for a cosmic journey like no other. Whether you're just beginning, creating your first avatar and delving into quests, or battling formidable foes like the Terrormorphs, every facet of the game is addressed with precision.

Designed for both the novice star traveler and the seasoned spacefaring rogue, our insights combine the essence of strategy with hands-on practical advice. Discover the intricacies of trading and looting, grasp the art of swift resource acquisition on diverse planets, and even unveil the shadowy domain of intergalactic smuggling.

Every section, from general tips to combat strategies, ensures a holistic understanding of Starfield's vast realm. So, whether you're taking your first zero-gravity steps or are well-acquainted with the murkiness of space politics, this guide promises to be your invaluable companion.

Embrace the myriad of paths before you, equip yourself with foundational knowledge, and prepare to make your mark in the universe. The stars are not just a destination; they're a journey. Power up, and let's explore the cosmos together!
Starfield: Beginner's Guide

A thematically appropriate introduction that prepares players for the epic space adventure that is Starfield.

General Tips for Starfield

This section provides basic advice and tips that cover all aspects of the game, from character creation to quests and handling bounties.

Character Creation

Don't necessarily pick all the traits in the character editor, as each comes with its disadvantages.

Fast Travel and Inventory

To fast-travel, simply select it from the map.
You can store items in your spaceship to unburden your inventory.

First Steps in the Game

It's normal to feel overwhelmed initially. The first two main quests do a good job of introducing many gameplay mechanics.

Quests and Bounties

The game has random quest goals and various types of quests.
If a bounty has been placed on you, you can pay it off at special stations in settlements.

A Nap as the Solution
Are you injured or has your merchant run out of credits? A short nap and your vitality is fully recharged. Plus, you'll receive an XP bonus for the next 24 hours, and your merchants will be restocked with credits.

Skills and Their Mysteries
To master all 82 skills in their four expansion stages, you should reach level 325. There is no maximum level. Note: Each expansion stage presents you with a small challenge that you must overcome before moving on to the next step.

Ship Classes and Their Characteristics
Class A ships are known for their low firepower and high mobility, whereas Class C represents the exact opposite. Class B? The best of both worlds. The built-in reactor significantly determines the class of a ship as well as the compatible modules.

Planetary Scanners and Landing Secrets
You can scan planets from orbit and then land at any desired location. The landmarks are procedurally redistributed with each pass, but the resources? You'll always find them in the same spot.

A Little Bonus to Start
For the prologue, you can collect a compensation of 500 credits from Argos Extracors in the Valberg Building in the business district of New Atlantis.

Legendary Enemies: A Special Challenge
You'll encounter legendary enemies both randomly and at specific key points in the game. They can be recognized by their four health bars. Their white main bar is refilled from three segments of the red health bar.

Exploration of Planets

Activate scanner: Press the F key.

Scan: After activating the scanner, scan with the E key.

Resource Mining

Mine minerals: Once you've found minerals, you can mine them using the Cutter mining tool.

Collect plants and geodes: Press the E key to collect.
Most Useful Starting Skills
When you start Starfield, you'll be overwhelmed with a plethora of skills. To help ease your entry, we recommend the following talents:

Jetpack: Invest at least one point here to use jetpacks - an essential mode of transport and combat tool.

Flying: A point here unlocks the booster for your ship. More points improve your turning speed and equip your ship better for space combat.

Weight Lifting: Carrying equipment in Starfield quickly becomes a challenge. This skill increases your carrying weight, allowing you to take more with you.

Diplomacy: Many quests can be solved without violence. As a pirate, you can even obtain cargoes without fighting.

Looting: Get extra credits, medipacks, and highlighted resources.

Even if you'd like to be the gunslinger, specialize in at least two types of weapons. Ammo is scarce, and different situations require different weapons.

Ballistics Skill: Ballistic weapons are available from the start and remain powerful until the end. Other types of weapons, like EM weapons or lasers, become available later on.
Planet Exploration
Activate Scanner: To activate the scanner, press the 'F' key.

Scan: After activating the scanner, you can scan using the 'E' key. This helps you locate valuable minerals, plants, or geodes.

Resource Gathering

Mining Minerals: Once you've located minerals, you can mine them with the Cutter mining tool.

Collect Plants and Geodes: To collect plants or geodes, simply press the 'E' key.

Avoid barren planets; they are often of little value. While they do offer exploration opportunities, they are frequently lacking in valuable materials or quests. Instead, use them to collect data and sell to traders.
Rapid Progression in Starfield: Your Path to the Top
We all started small - even in the vast expanse of Starfield's universe. Maybe you recall your first time lifting off, when your spaceship's engines hissed, and you nearly crashed into the nearest asteroid? Well, whether you've just changed your interstellar diapers or already have a few light years under your belt – this guide will get you up to lightspeed! Buckle up, tighten that helmet, and get ready to truly take off in Starfield. Here are the best tips to gain experience in no time and conquer the universe.

1. Use the "Well Rested" bonus

How it works: Sleeping in a bed grants you the "Well Rested" bonus, which provides an additional 10% XP for a limited time.
Tip: Try to sleep before major endeavors or battles to maximize this bonus.

2. Marry a Companion

How it works: Strengthen your relationships with companions to get the chance to marry one of them. Completing the "Bonding" quest grants you the "Emotional Security" bonus, which boosts the XP you receive from sleeping by 15%.

3. Drink "Alien Tea"

How it works: This special tea grants you an additional 1% XP boost for 15 minutes.
Tip: Take advantage of every boost you can get. This small bonus can accumulate significantly over time.

4. Complete Missions

Quests are the primary way to collect XP. Whether it's main quests, side quests, or radiant quests, every completed mission will help you level up faster.

5. Optimize Your Ship

Your ship should have a cargo space ranging from 2000-3000. Ensure you always have the required resources on hand and familiarize yourself with your ship's features and capabilities.

6. Establish Your Mining Outpost

Required materials:
Adaptive Frames: 18
Aluminum: 124
Beryllium: 24
Copper: 30
Fiber: 2
Iron: 99
Tungsten: 24
Solar Panels: 10
Storage Containers: At least 6 (3 per resource group, e.g., 3 for aluminum and 3 for iron)
Industrial Workbench: 1
Bed: 1

The moon Andraphon in Sumati is abundant in iron and aluminum. It's advisable to set up an outpost in the mountains to tap into this rich resource supply. Optimal distribution is essential when placing extractors and storage containers. With the right setup, you can mine both resources simultaneously.

Ensure you have a solid power supply with 10 solar panels. Connect your extractors to the storage containers and link them within their respective resource groups. Additionally, place an industrial workbench for processing the resources and a bed for rest breaks. A unique feature of Andraphon is that a 24-hour sleep here equals 140 hours in universal time. This means you can accumulate a remarkable amount of resources while you sleep.
Quick Money Making in Starfield
Do you want to make money fast in Starfield? We may have expanded beyond Earth and colonized dozens of new star systems, but the universe still revolves around money. In Starfield, credits aren't hard to come by, which is great considering how much you can do with them.

Main Money-Making Methods
There are many ways to make money in Starfield, but the most lucrative ones we've found so far are:

Looting: Everything you find can be sold, from items of fallen enemies to seemingly useless things like cups. At its core, this developer is known for creating intricate dungeon crawlers, so gather as much as possible during your travels and then sell it. As Whiterun's Belethor says, "Some call this junk. Me, I call them treasures."

Effective Trading: With the right trading skill, you can buy items for less and sell them for more. This increases as you upgrade the skill and can make a difference in your financial prosperity.

Using the mission boards: Missions are a constant source of money. Starfield not only offers main quests but also mission boards at various locations that provide dynamic quests. Whether you're transporting goods or hunting pirates, rewards await.

Ship Raids: This is a riskier method, but the rewards can be immense. By raiding enemy ships in space, you can steal their cargo. However, be aware that stolen items are marked as contraband, and you'll need specific upgrades to sell them successfully.

Selling Exploration Data: In Starfield, you can explore and scan over 1000 planets. This scan data can then be sold for a good price. Especially players familiar with games like "No Man's Sky" will be acquainted with this concept, but it's a method not to be overlooked.

The galaxy of Starfield offers countless ways to get rich. Whether you're a ruthless pirate, a savvy trader, or a diligent researcher, credits are waiting to be earned. Utilize the above methods to maximize your wealth and purchase everything from new equipment to entire spaceships. Good luck!
Smuggling in Starfield - How to Make Credits and Evade the Law
Need credits and ready to explore the shady corners of Starfield? Here's your ultimate guide to smuggling!

Identifying Contraband

Notice the Markings: Contraband is indicated by a yellow symbol in the lower right corner of the name, similar to the red icon for stolen items.
High Value: Contraband often stands out for its high value. These fetch between 1,500 and 2,000 credits with traders. Remember: You only get about 1/8 of the displayed value.

Where to Sell Contraband?

Trade Authority: This trading guild has outposts everywhere and isn't picky about purchases.
Crimson-Fleet: As a last resort, Crimson-Fleet is always available.

Where to Find Contraband?

Pirate Outposts: Here you'll often find yellow boxes labeled "Contraband Cargo Crate." Break them open!
Other Ships: Persuade, attack, or hijack - many ships carry valuable contraband.
Police Stations: The riskiest but sometimes the most profitable option. Contraband is often stored in police stations on main planets. Be careful!

What Happens If Discovered?

If caught, you'll end up at the police station, must pay your bounty, and lose all illegal items.
However, skilled thieves can retrieve their items from the police chest.

Tricking the Scanner

You'll often be scanned when approaching large cities or other faction areas.
Cargo Room Shields: Without special equipment, contraband will always be discovered. Purchase shielded cargo rooms from the Crimson-Fleet or in the Porrima system at 'Red Mile'.
Special Equipment: With the support of the Crimson-Fleet, the chance of discovery can be further reduced.

Useful Skills for Smugglers

Deception (Social Tree): Makes scans less effective.
Logistics: Increases your cargo space, reducing the relative amount of contraband and making scan detection harder.

Your best bet is to sell contraband at the Trading Authority Space Station "The Den" located in the Wolf System, perfectly positioned between Alpha Centauri and Narion. Here's the kicker: Entry into this system comes without that pesky scan by the Planetary Authority. If you're lucky, you might also encounter Trading Authority ships in open space, allowing you to dock directly and offload your precious cargo.

Smuggling in Starfield can be lucrative but requires skill, the right equipment, and a good network. With this guide, you're well-prepared to make quick money and always stay one step ahead of the law. Good luck!
Crafting & Workbenches

Workbenches in Starfield are essential for progress. This guide will take you through the main types and their functions.
Types of Workbenches and Their Functions

Suit Workbench: Create mods for your spacesuit and helmet.

Weapon Workbench: Create new weapons or upgrade existing ones.

Industrial Workbench: Create basic building elements and advanced resource gatherers.

Pharmaceutical Lab: Mix useful substances for health boosts or buffs.

Cooking Station: Prepare food and drinks.

Resources and Crafting

At each workbench, choose the desired product. On the right side, you'll see the required resources.
Mastering Research and Skills
The key to success in Starfield lies in intelligent use of research and skills.

Starting Steps

Your first research site can be found in the basement of the lodge in New Atlantis.

Beginner's Research

To expand your research projects, go to the skill menu and use your points.

Essential Skills

Research Methods (Level 1), Suit Design (Level 2), Weapon Technology (Level 2), Chemistry (Level 3), Outpost Technology (Level 3)
Ultimate Guide to Defeating Terrormorphs

Weapon choice: Make sure to bring high-damage weapons.
Equipment: Have enough shields and healing items.
Team: If possible, recruit team members or use NPC help.

Combat Phase

  • Lures: Use grenades to divert the Terrormorph's attention.

  • Timing: Wait for the right moment to attack the Terrormorph's weak points.

  • Shields and Healing: Use shields and healing items when your health is low.

Ending Phase

Call for support: If possible, call for NPC support to defeat the Terrormorph more effectively.

Finishing Moves: Use your strongest attacks to finally defeat the Terrormorph.

After the Battle

Collect resources: Terrormorphs often drop valuable resources.

Update Quests: If the fight was part of a quest, make sure you've met all the requirements and return to the quest giver.

Dive deep into the atmospheres of unknown spheres and have a blast!
Baggage Guru: How to Never Be Overburdened in Starfield
The vast expanses of Starfield offer numerous opportunities for adventure, but they also come with dangers. With this guide, you'll be prepared for any eventuality.

Breathless in Space
The danger of running out of oxygen in your suit is real. If you find yourself too far from your ship and realize you're running low on air, don't panic! A brief sprint, even if it impacts your health, won't be fatal. But remember: prevention is better than cure.

Quick Inventory Swap
Your ship isn't just for traveling; it also serves as a storage hub. Within a radius of 250 meters, you can transfer items from your inventory to the ship. Some players have even found that this is sometimes possible from even further away.

Extra Capacity with Companions
In the boundless expanses of space, companions are more than just company. Use them as additional carriers to expand your inventory space. If necessary, don't hesitate to leave behind less important items.

Outpost: Your Mobile Base
Sometimes, a temporary stay on an alien planet is the best strategy. Ensure you have the right resources to build cargo containers and optional landing zones. These outposts can later serve as crucial bases for you.

Landing Plattform: 20x Iron / 88x Aluminum
Cargo Container: 3x Adaptive Frames / 5x Aluminum / 6x Iron

Space for Infinity
Inside the Constellation, there are two special containers with endless storage space. They're especially valuable when your standard storage fills up and are strategically located near the main workshops.

Armed with these tips and tricks, you'll navigate your journey through Starfield with flying colors. The cosmos calls, astronaut!
How to find Heller's cutter
Are you ready to mine more resources than you can carry?

To the moon Vectera: This is your first step. Vectera orbits the planet Anselon in the Narion system. By the way, this is also where the Starfield story begins. You'll notice that during the game, the main quest "Return to Vectera" will naturally guide you back here.

Look for the orange entrance hatch: Once you've landed on Vectera, look straight ahead from your spawn point to the right. There, you'll see a facility marked by an orange entrance hatch. Found it? Great!

Enter the facility: There's a switch in front of the door. Press it to open the door and step into the facility.

Find Heller's Cutter: Stay alert! Because in the second room of the facility, you'll notice a small cabinet on the right side. And guess what's hidden inside? That's right, Heller's Cutter! Just grab it.

Utilize the advantage of Heller's Cutter: This special tool is not only more potent than your usual cutter, but it also has a unique advantage: With it, you inflict 20% more damage on robots. This can be incredibly useful in heated battles.

Now that you know how to find Heller's Cutter, good luck on your adventure, and may it serve you well!
Starfield: The Ultimate Guide for All Snow Globes and the Earth-time Suit
To unlock the secret Earthtime Suit in Starfield, you need to collect all 13 snow globes. Each snow globe is cleverly hidden throughout the game world, and often you'll need clues from books to determine their exact locations.

Snow Globe Locations:

Opportunity Snow Globe

Location: Sol System → Mars
Landing Site: Opportunity Rover

How to Find It:
During your main mission "Secrets of Earth", you'll wander through a large NASA exhibition room showcasing the history of space exploration. On the left, you'll spot an info panel by the Mars Rover. Interacting with this will unlock the task "Search Mars for the Opportunity Rover". If you've already completed the mission, you can still return and try again.

NASA Snow Globe 1

Location: Sol System → Earth
Landing Site: NASA Launch Pad

How to Find It:
As part of the "Secrets of Earth" main mission, you'll discover this snow globe on a bench. This bench is located close to where you found the info panel about the Mars Rover, right next to the restrooms. If you missed it, no worries, you can come back anytime and pick it up.

NASA Snow Globe 2

Location: Sol System → Earth
Landing Site: NASA Launch Pad

How to Find It:
Continue with the "Secrets of Earth" mission. You'll soon come across a locked door that only opens with an energy cell. Between this door and the slot for the energy cell, you'll find the snow globe on a desk. If you overlook it, don't stress; you can come back later and retrieve it.

Dubai Snow Globe (MISSABLE)

Location: Sol System → Earth
Landing Site: Dubai Landmark

How to Find It:
You can only unlock the landing site for this snow globe by reading the book "Race to the Sky". This book is only found during the faction mission "Blast the Bank" of the Crimson Fleet. During this mission, you're aboard the "Siren of the Stars" ship. The book is in Suite 05 of Larry Dumbrosky. The quest will automatically lead you here. Note: Once the quest is completed, there's no way to return to the ship!

Cairo Snow Globe

Location: Sol System → Earth
Landing Site: Cairo Landmark

How to Find It:
Unlock the landing site for this snow globe by reading the book "Ancient Egyptian Civilization". You can purchase this book at "Sinclair's Books" store in Akila City for around 600 credits. The bookstore is in the district to the left of the Freestar Collective headquarters.

London Snow Globe

Location: Sol System → Earth
Landing Site: London Landmark

How to Find It:
To unlock the landing site, you need to read "Oliver Twist". You can find this book at various locations in the game, including at "Sinclair's Books" (as mentioned earlier) in Akila City for about 90 credits.

New York Snow Globe

Location: Sol System → Earth
Landing Site: New York Landmark

How to Find It:
Unlock the landing site by reading the book "Our Lost Heritage". This book is located on the desk of President Abello in the "Central Command/Office of the President/Systems Defense" section of the MAST building in New Atlantis. Sneak to the desk and stealthily pick up the book since it's considered theft. Make sure not to get caught!

Los Angeles Snow Globe

Location: Sol System → Earth
Landing Site: Los Angeles Landmark

How to Find It:
To unlock this landing site, you need to read the "Hope Family Tree" book. Find the book on the desk of Ron Hope in the Hopetech Building in Hopetown (Valo System, Planet Polvo). The door to Ron's office might be locked. If so, first go to the factory hall in the back and take the stairs up to the back door of Ron's office.

St. Louis Snow Globe

Location: Sol System → Earth
Landing Site: St. Louis Landmark

How to Find It:
The landing site is unlocked by reading the book "The Price of Fate". This book is on the desk of Benjamin Bayu in his penthouse in Neon: Core (Volii System, Planet Volii Alpha). First, head to the Astral Lounge (where the main mission "Money Talks" took place) and take the elevator on the left to the VIP area. In one of the lodges, you'll meet Benjamin Bayu. Stealthily steal his penthouse key. Then leave the Astral Lounge and take the elevator to your left to reach the penthouse.

Osaka Snow Globe

Location: Sol System → Earth
Landing Site: Osaka Landmark

How to Find It:
Unlock this landing site by reading the "Diary of Kyosuke Nagata". This book is located on the table next to the bed in Delgado's room at the Key in the Kryx System. It would be helpful if you join the Crimson Fleet beforehand to move freely there. Delgado's room is in the upper area next to the command center.

Hong Kong Snow Globe

Location: Sol System → Earth
Landing Site: Hong Kong Landmark

How to Find It:
To unlock this landing site, you need to read "Maurice Lyons' Diary". You can find this book on the shelf to the right of the "Starsap Tours"