Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Items (59)
俘获战败国将领Captured Enemy's Commander
Created by 杨白给
已修复弹窗,改成决议设定 俘获战败国将领MOD玩法: 很简单的玩法,如果你将一个敌国击败(触发XX停止抵抗事件),或者是在和平会议中将他吞并、傀儡,都可以使该战败国的将领全部转移到你的国家中! 同样这是一个兼容性很好的MOD,几乎和所有MOD兼容! Capture the defeated country's general's Mod play method: It's a very simple way to play. If you defeat an enemy country (trigger X...
Created by Sinni
更多的军官团精神,像kr这种未大改军官团的基本都兼容 b站留言https://space.bilibili.com/35396643...
在外交界面有召回志愿军的按钮 更新了版本号...
Created by Kasumi
欢迎使用"女仆团拓展:更多角色、内容与玩法"mod。本模组为女仆团 Maid Corps 的子mod,目前加入了26位新女仆和47位女仆内阁,以及16个女仆团军工组织和工业部门。与此同时整合了Katherine Fisher的女仆团单位拓展mod(感谢凯瑟琳的加入!) 请一定要配合 女仆团 Maid Corps 或 女仆团测试版 食用哦~祝您玩得开心,让女仆们和您一起扬帆起航吧! DATE A LIVE 约会大作战 女仆将领包:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/f...
Created by Katherine Fisher
感觉女仆团一键夺权多少有些出戏制作的mod,本次抄的mod是Biconter的西班牙权力平衡,顺带一提他的mod抄的RhykerrR的德国权力平衡。 启动女仆团就会开启权力平衡 现在你不能再无脑支持女仆团了,要平衡好建制派与女仆团的关系,可以选择其中一方站队获取增益与减成,或者用一场一劳永逸的内战结束这一切。 注意:鉴于内战发起者属于中立政体,不太建议在使用中立政体时进行内战,可能会被分走十分甚至九分的兵力...
Created by Kasumi
女仆团子mod,约战女仆将领包,请注意必须配合 女仆团拓展:更多角色、内容与玩法 使用哦 正式版已实装,共加入了12位约会大作战女仆将领: 五河士织(完成决议“招募伪娘女仆”后解锁士织招募决议) 五河琴里 夜刀神十香 鸢一折纸 时崎狂三 四糸乃 本条二亚 星宫六喰 镜野七罪 八舞夕弦 八舞耶俱矢 诱宵美九...
女仆团Maid Corps
English Version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2592729928 女仆团扩展:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2991113274 欢迎使用女仆团mod! 数十个女仆准备接受主人的命令。 清扫、处理内政、暗杀、战争、驾驶坦克和战列舰,甚至更有趣的事情——她们都能做到! 开始征服世界的进程吧! 这个模组的主要内容: -选择喜欢的女仆,...
Created by 墨染新月
Gain a trait slot per level 1.14.*✔ 1.13.*or below✔ Change from obtaining 1 feature slot for every 2 level increase to obtaining 1 feature slot for every 1 level increase. lt can be used alone or with the following mods: Higher level upper limit:https://st...
Created by cyno up
添加了个十分高效的占领区镇压方式, 新版本再也不用担心占领区吃你人力了。 2022-10-9:添加了另外两个镇压方式“PUA他们”和“催眠APP” 前者可以免驻军,后者可以-99驻军同时大幅度减少资源与建筑被破坏概率 两者的顺从度与镇压均与原版民间监督相同...
Created by anaki猫猫
给所有国家增加了一个决议事件串,跟原版整合军阀差不多,会在当你有至少一个自治度在殖民地以下的附庸国的时候出现在决议列表里。 1.获得附庸国的陆军海军将领同时获得pp减少的民族精神 2.自己得到附庸国的所有核心(不需要附庸国控制,例如整合延安tg也能获得全国核心) 3.完全吞并附庸国+去掉debuff民族精神 这个决议除非你tag过去否则ai是不会主动使用的,请放心订阅 修复了某些mod增加了特殊傀儡类型导致无法正常使用的bug,现在理论上可以兼容所有mod(如kr,kx,rf) 更新到1.12了,更新的有点...
Created by Wopy
文化同化决议,可以: 1.核心化自己的领土 2.移除其他国家的核心和宣称 支持1.11.x 1.12.x 1.13.x 1.14.x...
Created by Rikki
English Here :https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2908400003 !!!###中文版请和汉化一起使用。###!!! 为除了7个主要国家的国家增加了更多的勋章 名单(2023.9.12): 中华民国 中华人民共和国 中国军阀(来自中华民国的勋章) 波兰 墨西哥 西班牙 葡萄牙 匈牙利 南斯拉夫 芬兰 捷克斯洛伐克 挪威 瑞典 丹麦 保加利亚 罗马尼亚 希腊 土耳其 爱尔兰 尼德兰 比利时 卢森堡 奥地利 阿尔巴尼亚 ...
Created by Wopy
修改了特工槽位上限,每升级3次解锁1个特工槽位 PS:兼容KR、KX...
Created by 寄境π
增加了战舰番号池,使用文化上通用的船名 潜艇全部复制自美国海军番号:鱼 备用番号:S- 驱逐复制自英国海军番号池中文化通用的,备用番号:D- 主力舰一部分自己编的,一部分鸟类 一部分从别的番号池选的 航母的全是编的 帮助次要国家脱离第*巡洋舰的苦海 应该是不会有版本冲突的 ...
本人所写小说的主角,乱入到二战的世界。(来角色养成吧!) 可以选择触发爱丽丝相关决议,获得爱丽丝作为将领并且伴随一系列事件链。获得一些强力精神,专属间谍行动和爱丽丝内阁。 有专属的音乐电台,收藏了28首我在写小说时常听的歌曲。 兼容性很高,理论上所有mod都可以兼容。 小说名字:《爱丽丝的赤红之旗》/《假如爱丽丝不能回来》 《假如爱丽丝不能回来》是对《爱丽丝的赤红之旗》的完全重写,因为剧情框架写崩了。所以推荐去看《假如爱丽丝不能回来》,当然老书也会同步更新重写后的章节。 在刺猬猫,息壤和有毒小说网上面连载。...
Created by vvan2233
Created by 墨染新月
Increase shipyard allocation ceiling Increase the maximum number of simultaneous shipyards Including floating ports, transport ships and warships Dockyards for capital ships 增加船坞分配上限 增加最大同时造船船坞上限数量到150 包括浮动港口、运输船、各战舰、列车炮...
通用坦克模型修改 Generic tank model modification
Created by Draigo
专为强迫症设计。也门工业大学,尼泊尔电子学院强力推荐 修改了小国的通用坦克模型,现在小国造坦克也可以选择美/德/英/法/俄的坦克模型和相应图标 不影响铁人拿成就 “终于不用拿着一个古怪的35t从头用到尾了!” —————某不知名小国领袖留言 This model allow minor nations to use USA/GER/ENG/FRA/SOV tank models and icons when designing tanks....
Created by dybhkc
一个简单的通用中文番号池 玩任何国家都可以使用 不知道为什么这个mod好像不会生效,试过改版本号,也没用,然后我新建了个mod,把文件复制过去,开新的mod,就有用了???就很奇怪。所以如果不生效的,可以去试试新的:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3057428397 如果想自己加点番号或者改一改的,可以改mod文件: steam路径\steamapps\workshop\content\394360\2914783445\com...
Created by Veridis Quo
Current Game Version Compatibility: 1.14.* versions of the game What Does This Mod?Increases your xp limit to 9999. For My Fellow Developers You can use this mod however you like as long as you give me credit in your mod's description about that usage. Als...
Additional ship models
Created by Hunor125
ACHIEVEMENT & IRONMAN COMPATIBLE v1.14.8 ========================================= -Adds numerous amount of generic and country specific ship models to the game. -Needs the "Man the Guns" DLC (will make a vanilla version on popular demand) -This mod only a...
Adjust the tension
Created by 新义州酱
Regulating world tensions Let's get the war frenzy going The big storm has arrived 2022 1 4 Increase the adjustment of world tension 5...
Astrals Millennium Dawn Music Mod
Created by CohenTheBro
Designed to be used with the Millennium Dawn Mod. I wanted to give each cultural group a different music playlist to cultivate a unique feeling for each whilst playing. The music is also weighted that while during peace time the music will change to reflec...
Adorable heart music
Created by 希尔
钢铁萌心音乐包(可单独使用) 钢铁萌心地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2879371758 目标是每个主要国家都来一个电台,如果你喜欢的国家还没有电台,先别急,电台会有的,一切都会有的。 已更新的电台: 奥地利:德意志统一电台 圣杯王国:圣杯同萌皇家电台 苏联:苏维埃革命电台 火车国:火车人偶电台 戴比路克帝国:乐园计划电台 神州帝国:光耀神州电台 幻想乡:幻想乡精选电台 瓦哈拉社:NINE电台...
Better Air Wing Deployment
Created by Burch
https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2430131809748822113/34CBC07D7ED73B6282B3F7AF2E3D47BB462BF9B1/ 1.13.* - Ready! Remember this is a work in progress. WIP Changes the Air Wing Deployment window to be taller and wider, while also adding a second row...
Better Mechanics : Camera
Created by Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif https://i.imgur.com/E5B2Jw8.png https://i.imgur.com/TkXwqUi.png Hello, Have you ever wanted to have more freedom of movement and zoom for the camera ? Do you want some nicer views of the combat that is ongoing ? Do you just ...
Better No End Date
Created by Ereo
Have you ever encountered the End Date Screen while playing HOI4, This mod is for you. It removed the end date! I made this mod due to the peace deals being broken during my timelapses and it ruining my video. so here you go! :D THIS VERSION IS FOR 1.12.14...
Better Preset Colors
Created by Ayzo
Simple mod that changes the preset colors for command groups. =================================== Why ? Some color shades in the game have similar border/highlight on the map (e.g. blue, navy and purple all have dark blue borders) To avoid that, I've been ...
Created by JeanSmasher
RESKIN AND NEW MODELS 3D This mod adds new a redesign and new 3D models of historical British fighter planes of the second world war the models that I have added are the following ######FIGTHER GLADIATOR HURRICANE SPITFIRE MKI SPITFIRE MKXXIV --JET AIRCRAF...
Can Retreat While Force Attack 强制攻击时允许撤退
Created by hjf98
强制攻击时允许撤退 中文cn,可随时拔插,对存档友好。 我不知道为什么,强制攻击时不允许撤退,这太没有人性了。我不希望我的士兵在明知送死时因为游戏机制而无法撤退下来。所以我取消了强制攻击时无法撤退的特性。同志们,我做得对吗? Can Retreat While Force Attack SAVE FRIENDLY I don't know why. It's inhuman not to allow retreat during a forced attack. I don't want my soldie...
Fixed and Bigger Ship Models
Created by Hunor125
ACHIEVEMENT & IRONMAN COMPATIBLE v1.14.1 ========================================= Makes the base game models larger. The enlarged ship models: ==================== - Generic: Carrier, Battleship, Battlecruiser, Heavy Cruiser, Light Cruiser, Destroyer Mode...
Generic Battleship-Battlecruiser Model
Created by Hunor125
ACHIEVEMENT & IRONMAN COMPATIBLE v1.14.1 ========================================= Adds an additional generic battleship/battlecruiser warship model to all nations It uses the turkish "TCG Yavuz" / "SMS Goeben" battlecruiser model from the "Battle for the ...
Created by JeanSmasher
!!!!IMPORTANT!!!! SOME ISSUES FIX This is my new mod of German planes that many asked for, it has been very difficult to do, in the end the 3D models are not seen in the designer, but if they appear on the game map, just give them missions or put them to t...
Historical Chinese Plane
Created by Bitter Tenderness
Update 3.0 Added Jet Plane model for CHI and PRC. Adjusted scale of Plane models. Attention: This is an independent mod which separated from another mod. The mod only contain Planes model! If you want to get more historical experience, which contain tanks,...
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Borders
Created by AdamosTomatos
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Borders A series to improve the graphics of HOI4 The Goal: - New sharp and modern borders What this mod offers: - No performance loss. - Made from scratch. - Hand-made. - The country borders is split between 1 big border to indica...
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Citylights
Created by AdamosTomatos
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Citylights A series to improve the graphics of HOI4 The Goal: - Make the textures ingame look better. What this mod offers: - No performance loss. - Citylights now have a sharp new texture. If you like the mod, feel free to give a...
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Terrain
Created by AdamosTomatos
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Terrain A series to improve the graphics of HOI4 The Goal: - Make completely new textures that is realistic and good looking. What this mod offers: - New textures with matching normal maps for correct depth and light reflection - ...
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Water
Created by AdamosTomatos
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Water A series to improve the graphics of HOI4 There is another mod that also change the watercolor, altough it completely removes the reflections, the way it's done doesn't boost the performance mind you. This mod alters the wate...
Created by JeanSmasher
This mod adds and makes a redesign of the 3D models of the historical Japanese fighter planes, the next added models are as follows. --FIGTHERS Ki-10 Ki-27 Ki-44 Ki-43 Ki-61 Ki-100 Ki-84 MXY-7 Ohka - KAMIKAZE --CV FIGTHERS A4N A5M A6M A7M --HEAVY FIGTHER K...
Jazzy Generic Focus
Created by Barry Bee Benson
This is a generic focus tree replacement mod that is heavily inspired by the Generic Focus Tree Made From Ikea mod. The mod has been getting a bit old now, and I've made fixes for it before, but due to the way the mod is structured, I decided making a focu...
Landmarks Project Revived
Created by Owl
CONSTRUCTIBLES REMOVED FOR COMPATIBILTIY A small project of mine to attempt to add as many landmarks as I can to HOI4 for more flavour To note! These are all purely aesthetic and affect gameplay in no way! Not Ironman compatible last checked Patches All cu...
Maid Corps addon - Battle Maid Battalion
Created by Shura
Add-on for the Maid Corps mod adding an adapted Battle Maid battalion....
Maid group unit expansion
Created by Katherine Fisher
本mod是女仆团的子mod,主要是对女仆团的单位拓展,需要女仆团mod作为前置。目前添加了除步兵特种部队,支援连和特殊科技(骆驼,惩戒营等)以外的各项陆军单位。出于兼容性考虑(特别是56之路等延长科技树的mod),本mod所有单位都使用原版装备。 mod原本是个人自用mod,在CuteTrap大佬的建议和帮助下修改后上传到创意工坊,希望大家玩的开心。由于个人的过低技术力,可能会出现BUG,不兼容一些mod或数值崩坏的情况,如果出现请留言反馈,我会尽快修复(大概?)。 如果觉得女仆单位太强,可以试试把女仆部队...
Major Battlecruiser Models
Created by Hunor125
ACHIEVEMENT & IRONMAN COMPATIBLE v1.14.1 ========================================= Adds the major battleship models as battlecruiser models to the major countries The impacted countries: - England, USA, Germany, Italy, France, Soviet, Japan These models ca...
Major Nations Ship Models added to Minor Nations
Created by Hunor125
ACHIEVEMENT & IRONMAN COMPATIBLE v1.14.1 ========================================= This mod adds the specific Battleship and Heavy Cruiser ship models from Major nations to Minor nations. This mod adds these ship models to all nations present at game start...
Man the Guns Ship Models Fix
Created by Hunor125
ACHIEVEMENT & IRONMAN COMPATIBLE v1.14.1 ========================================= This mod fixes the previously missing ship models from "Man the Guns Expansion" in the ship designer. The fixed ship models: ================= Generic: - Converted aircraft ...
Millennium Dawn: Retexture Mod
Created by CelsiuZ
Hello fellas, I have been playing Hearts of Iron IV: Millenium Dawn recently, and decided that the sprites could look more "modern". I therefore decided to retexture them based off of the modern day uniforms that the respective nations wear irl. Note: If y...
Anime bust. 领导人和将领的头像萌化,做了一部分,以后可能会做顾问、事件的。 嗯,慢速更新。 *本模组仅为娱乐性质,不对任何种族、宗教有侮辱、贬低之意。...
More Division Icons [OUTDATED]
Created by yepiru
This mod adds 115 more division icons to choose for your templates. Ironman compatible. You may include this in your own mods and a credit/link back here is appreciated. Leave your suggestions for new icons in the comments, I'll be happy to add them to thi...
Nuclear Aesthetical Overhaul
Created by Generalis
Nuclear Aesthetical Overhaul (NAO) is a mod that aims to enhance and brutalize the nuclear bomb effects in Hearts of Iron IV. The graphical effects are not entirely historically accurate to WW2, but create a more dystopian feel. The mod does not change the...
Optimization of scoreboard
Created by 903257958
2022.12.28更新:设定游戏结束时间为2023.1.1,这样在1949年以后计分板也能正常工作。 (Update 2022.12.28: Set the game end time to 2023.1.1, so that the scoreboard can work normally after 1949.) 原版返回菜单时显示的计分板中空军的分数十分变态,该mod修改了空军分数的占比(0.1->0.01),同时适当上调了陆军分数的占比(0.15->0.2),使总分更加合理。 (The score...
Random Country Placement 1.14
Created by DarkXFast
Now compatible with 1.14 Randomizes country placement, map resources, manpower, factories, infrastructure, ideologies. Removes vanilla ideas, leaders, focuses, etc. Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/cX6rG4T If you have a problem with the AI not mov...
Ship designer - Universal
Created by RadMolPL
The mod changes the default graphics of the designed ships. Some nations have their own historical designs, others have default ones. If it's UK you'll have UK ships, if Japanese you'll have Japanese ships. However, if you choose another nation that doesn'...
Created by JeanSmasher
the older soviet planes mod not found, thats a new mod and more jet models The previous mod presented me with problems, which made this one not work, since since its creation it turned out to be very unstable, I created this version hoping that it works we...
Strike Witches Ace Pilots mod 501 Waifu Ace Pilots Mod Updated for Arms Against Tyranny
Created by Mopei_ECO200Y
Updated and working for Arms Against Tyranny! This mod adds strike witches characters as ace pilots to their respective nations. This mod does NOT change country leaders or add army leaders. Characters added: Germany: Erica Trude Hannah Miina Japan Yoshika...
Unlimited Dockyards "PER_LINE"
Created by AeneasXI
I made this mod because of a request. To put it in his own words: "Remember when in the past you could assign 15 dockyards to any type of ship? I liked that! You could actually design your naval composition the way you wanted and minors could also build re...
Created by JeanSmasher
This mod adds new aircraft models and a redesign of the 3D models. the added or redesigned models are as follows ### FIGHTERS P1Hawk-Interwar P40 P39 P51D P26 P36 F-86 Sabre Lockheed F-80C Shooting Star F-100 Super Sabre F-102 Delta Dagger Lockheed F-104 S...
Vanilla Super Events Expanded(CN.Ver)
Created by 泠沄
写在前面 本mod非原创,本人仅将其汉化!原mod地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2903857354 已经整合原mod,无需订阅原mod! 由于52汉化目前还是替换英文文本,所以本mod暂未删除替换英文文本的本地化文件, 你可以将游戏设置为英文,然后搭配52汉化食用;也可以搭配官中食用。 经测试在1939剧本下会出现bug,请于36年剧本中使用! 可以与56之路一同使用,但某些超事件将无法正常触发 简介 欢迎使用原版超事件...