Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

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Survive The Hunt - Concept & Rules 2024 (ONLINE)
This custom concept is one that I have often played with my friends and I decided to add this guide to my profile for those who wanted to join in the same fun with their own friends and also for my friends to use it as a reference when we do take part in these fun sessions.
The Concept:

A concept identical to COPS & ROBBERS / HIDE AND GO SEEK. This game mode has been made very famous online via FAILRACE on YouTube. My version of this game mode is very similar to his just a few additions and tweaks, feel free to copy the rules and as you play add more as you go.

If you have already played this concept with friends and if you have suggestions on rules to add that may be even better or tweaks, PLEASE let me know, any new suggestions to make this game concept more fun would be great.

The primary objective of this custom game mode is simple, two teams, dubbed the Hunters & the Hunted. With the sole purpose of trying to outrun, outsmart & outlast by hiding among the NPCs in a certain part of Los Santos & requires the Hunted to survive for 24 hours (in game) whilst a number of players "Hunt" him/her down. It's primarily done in invite-only sessions.

The thrill of the chase and action; combined with fun moments during the calmness where you search for the Hunted leads to a lot of good fun & severe amounts of paranoia and adrenaline.
The Rules:
⭐ Every single player in the game has to have their HUD (Map & Names Over Players option); turned off - to avoid cheating and to make the game as exciting and as enjoyable as possible. Not only is there a fair sense of a “Gentleman’s Agreement” on whether this rule is followed. Also, it won’t take too long to realise when somebody knows exactly where you are almost all the time or able to pin-point your location.

⭐ Because of the complexity of this game, the Hunted is not allowed to leave the city if it’s decided to host the session in the city. Alternatively, this will change pending where all players agree to start the game from the start.

⭐ Hunters are NOT allowed to use cars that they cannot edit in Los Santos Customs, for example, law enforcement of all sorts including the military are not allowed to be used however non-lethal air units are allowed to be used by the Hunter’s ONLY.

⭐ The Hunted must remain on solid ground at all times, no usage of air or aquatic vehicles is allowed.

⭐ The Hunted is NOT allowed to simply camp, meaning you are not allowed to enter any property owned or not owned by the player nor simply hide behind a building to wait out the time or stall for time. You have to keep moving.

⭐ Hunters MUST wait 2 minutes before setting out to search for the Hunted. Likewise, the Hunted has a 2-minute head start.

⭐ The Hunted is allowed to change his/her appearance, example, hair, clothing etc. but NOTE you only have the chance to do this during the 2-minute head start that occurs at the start of the session.

⭐ The Hunted can choose any naturally spawning vehicle in game that is not customised however if the Hunted decides to use an upgraded vehicle and is revealed to be doing so, the Hunters will automatically be allowed to use likewise upgraded vehicles.

⭐ Nobody can shoot from inside and/or from their vehicles, example, from their cars and from their motorcycles. Instead, The Hunters must exit their vehicles if they wish to engage in a battle with the Hunted. This applies to both teams at ALL times; mutually.

⭐ The Hunted has access to ALL weapons while the Hunters are restricted to handguns, shotguns & SMG's. Hunters are NOT allowed to use any other weapons other then what has been mentioned, this includes not being able to use forms of rocket/grenade launchers, assault rifles and throw-able devices such as grenades, sticky bombs, and IED’s.

⭐ Travel on foot is allowed.

⭐ The Hunted must survive 24 in-game hours (which equates to 45-50 minutes).
There are many ways and variables that allow for a good strategy to survive. Here are a few to consider:

⭐ Changing your appearance to blend in with the NPC’s is advisable. Your friends playing along side you would be familiar with your appearance so changing that would make things a bit harder for those seeking to kill you.

⭐ Learning the behaviour of how the NPC’s travel via foot and vehicle is essential. If you end up ditching your car and having to be on foot for a small period, you will stand out if you end up running around.

⭐ Law enforcement in game will be operational as per normal, it is advisable to take note that your behaviour will be subjected to the eyes of the police, you do however have the option of calling Lester Crest to remove your wanted level, this is an option available to both teams.

⭐ As mentioned, travelling on entirely on foot or for a short period of time is allowed but you leave yourself wide open to being attacked by a Hunter, and killed swiftly if the Hunting Party is also on foot.

⭐ There are many more obvious options but ultimately all the possible strategies will come to you as time goes on. You will slowly start to learn what may or may not work for you. Ultimate hunting a fellow human is not as easy as what one may think it is.
Final Thoughts:
Hey thanks for reading this, if you found it useful consider liking, sharing and commenting and if you are feeling extra generous consider an award. Happy Gaming!

If you would like to support me in the work I do, consider sending me whatever you would like via PayPal, check my profile for the link.

Thank you!