Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

44 평점
HEROES OF LEGEND - CADIAN Edition (New Heroes)
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149.250 MB
2023년 8월 10일 오전 10시 07분
2024년 7월 5일 오전 9시 44분
변경 사항 23개 ( 보기 )

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HEROES OF LEGEND - CADIAN Edition (New Heroes)

Devian님의 1 모음집
아이템 33개
Heroes of Legend - Cadian Edition

This mod adds new heroic units for the Astra Militarum. All the characters are from the Cadian novels of Justin D. Hill (except Pask).

Compatible with Too Many Voices, you must use this patch.
Compatible with Gladius+, you must use this patch.
Compatible with EBF Super Heavy Wrecks, you must use this patch.

A big thanks to Timmeh to let me use his texture from his mod. And ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, Clown for the Plasma Gun mesh, to BRENDANMINT[cults3d.com] and to MAOCHAMINIS[cults3d.com].

Available in FRENCH and ENGLISH.

Regardless of the player color used, heroes will keep their own colors. They are like mercenary only available to the Astra Militarum in the Heroes building like vanilla heroes. The Cadians comes to Gladius Prime with their own color scheme, heraldic and assets to teach the other regiments how to fight and win.

The Saint

Role : Support Vehicle

Research needed : Chimera (Tier 1) => DLC ASSAULT PACK REQUIRED

Skills :
  • 1st A little bit of rest : The Saints do not move to creates an area of healing for the infantry and adds morale to all allieds units.
  • 2nd Deployment of Cadian Shock Troopers : The Saints deploys a Cadian Shock Troopers, much more efficient than regular guardsman.
  • 3rd Additional platting : The Saints gains temporary some bonus armor.
  • Elite Cadia Still Stands ! : The Saints makes all allies in range to be more violent against the enemy.

Traits :
  • Maintenance of the Saint : The Saints heals each turn, the effect is rencorced when in a outpost or a city.
  • Cadian Honor : All units in range gains some damage resistance.
  • No room vacant : The Saint can't embark units because they are already full with supplies and Cadian Shock Troopers. And the vehicle can only carry three items (If need balance, just tell me).

The Cadian Shock Troopers gains a powerfull attacks when the Las Damage (Tier 4) research is done.

Colonel Rath Sturm

Role : Leadership

Research needed : Sanctum Imperialis (Tier 3) => DLC REINFORCEMENT PACK REQUIRED

Skills :
  • 1st Deployment of Kasrkins : Sturm deploys a kasrkin trooper squad.
  • 2nd Field promotion : Strum promotes a unit. If it's a guard, the unit will become a Tempestus Scion. If the unit is a Cadian Shock Trooper, the unit will become Kasrkin.
  • 3rd Remonstrance : Sturm shouts to an allied infantry unit to restore his morale. The unit will be fearless temporary.
  • Elite Cadia Still Stands and me too ! : If Sturm is struck down, he will rise again (10 turn of cooldown).

Traits :
  • Veteran aura : All infantry unit in range gains accuracy.
  • Heroic figure : Sturm generates loyalty but the effect is less powerful as his morale drop.
  • Hatred of Chaos : Sturm deals more damage against Chaos Space Marines.

The Kasrkins are heavily modular. With proper research (and influence), you'll be able to equip them with flamethower, hotshot marksman rifle, plasma gun, melta gun and medical supplies.

The research list :
  • Kasrkin medics (Medical ability) => Medipack (Tier 3)
  • Kasrkin sharptroopers (Range+ ability) => Las Damage (Tier 4)
  • Kasrkin flamers (Vehicle/Fortification repair ability)=> Recovery Gear (Tier 5)
  • Kasrkin gunners with plasma gun (Sprint ability) => Improved Frag Casings (Tier 6)
  • Kasrkin gunners with melta gun (Sprint ability + no accuracy reduction when moving) => Kraken Bolts (Tier 9)

General Isaia Bendikt

Role : Commander
Research needed : Baneblade (Tier 10)

Skills :
  • 1st Munitorum influence : Bendikt gains more resources from outpost.
  • 2nd Mechanical Pack Rat : Bendikt gains passive health regeneration.
  • 3rd New orders : Bendikt can give additionnal action to a unit.
  • Elite Charge ! : Bendikt gives more movement, range damage reduction and less morale losses for nearby units. Time to Charge !

Traits :
  • Aura of Command : Bendikt makes other units much efficient with more damage, attacks an accuracy.
  • Backup : Bendik can summon Cadian Shock Trooper and Kasrkin.
  • Command Tank : This Baneblade is the heart of your army, if it's destroyed... it will be painful for your troops.
  • Knight Of Piety : This Baneblade gains ranged damage reduction, it's not an easy prey but don't be too bold.

Knight Commander Pask

Role : Ranged DPS
Research needed : Leman Russ (Tier 6)

Skills :
  • 1st Hunter-Killer : Pask gains health when he killed a unit.
  • 2nd Electromagnetic shell : The next shot will stun the vehicle targetet.
  • 3rd Roll over them ! : Like the Tank Commander, Pask will roll on its target.
  • Elite Cannon Nova Expertise : The Nova Cannon gains range, accuracy and armor penetration.

Traits :
  • The Steel Tithe : Pask adds accuracy and armor to nearby allied tanks.
  • Hand of Steel the Immortal : The Hand of Steel gains invulnerable damage resistance.
  • Side Plasma Cannons : When the research "Additionnal Heavy Bolter" for Leman Russ is done, Pask gains two Plasma Cannon as side turret.
  • Heavy Flamer : The hull is equiped with an heavy flamer... beware !

My other mods

More Items and Artefacts - A mod that adds new items, artefacts and relics to the game + a loot drop system.
HEROES OF LEGEND - Mods that adds new heroic units.

Top mods <3
EBF Super Heavy Wrecks by Kurziel.
Echoes of the Past Battles by :\Kriegsbringer.
Too Many Voices by George_VA, Runeforged and TOFFster.

인기 토론 모두 보기(1)
2023년 12월 24일 오전 11시 30분
HEROES OF LEGEND What's next ?
댓글 41
Devian  [작성자] 2024년 6월 9일 오전 1시 09분 
New compatibility patch with EBF Super Heavy Wrecks available !
Devian  [작성자] 2024년 5월 17일 오전 10시 24분 
Thanks to wonderful new meshes, the Kasrkins have now a new helmet and Flamer !
Devian  [작성자] 2024년 4월 14일 오전 12시 49분 
I've updated the mod yesterday, sometimes the Workshop seems to keep some olds files instead of new ones. Maybe this fixed the issue :)
Ciupca, the Sequel 2024년 4월 13일 오후 4시 38분 
it did,i i tried to recreate the bug and now it's fine,idk why but thanks anyway
Devian  [작성자] 2024년 4월 13일 오후 3시 32분 
Indeed, it's pretty weird. Does the buff really affect the Kastelan ? I just create the same situation than yours and the neutral Kastelan don't receive the buff at all.
Devian  [작성자] 2024년 4월 13일 오전 1시 23분 
Can you provide a screenshot ? Because the buff is restricted to ally, i've just runned a test and enemy units are not affected.
Ciupca, the Sequel 2024년 4월 12일 오후 6시 27분 
hey sorry to bother but i think Colonel Rath Sturm's Veteran aura also affects enemy units
Devian  [작성자] 2024년 3월 25일 오후 1시 01분 
Plasma Gun model added to Kasrkin ! - Thanks to Goddamnit, Clown for his mesh.
Devian  [작성자] 2024년 3월 25일 오전 9시 20분 
Yeah ! That's so great to use real model than the power of imagination xD

Obviously, i'll revamp old stuff to become more realist. As for Drukhari, since they're lacking helmet at all, i'll do my best with the Aeldari stuff to compensate.

The way it look, Chaos Space Marines will be the next edition. I'll revamp some old models before this and let's go !