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Items (39)
BY 038 - 漆黑之翼
Created by 霜墨城
简介: 因为本人电脑不是很好,所以就做了一些小船。这是我的第二艘小船。联机的时候看见ESF-031 Edelweiss 雪绒花级科考船,当时觉的这个船体的船体我很喜欢于是就进行了改装,内室参考利维坦从新配色进行了装修,加强了火力配备了8门炮塔。 Introduction: Because my computer is not very good, so I made some small boats. This is my second boat. When I was online, I saw the ...
Better Barotrauma
The large expansion package that focuses on expanding the original game content will not break the balance of the original game, greatly improving the growth of the game in the later stage and providing a large amount of expanded content. Note: This module...
Bionic Fish(仿生鱼) N-EX
Created by erya
我做的这么辛苦了,大家记得点个赞啊(哭 Please give it a thumbs up,thank you! 一艘现代化战舰?优化不够,船小来凑!这种秘密船只,往往伴随着复杂的系统。外星人见了都说好! A modern warship? Optimization is not enough, the ship must be small! Such clandestine ships are often accompanied by complex systems. Even the aliens s...
Detectable Alien Materials 可探测的异星矿物!
Created by Zyleand
这个mod只做了两件微小的工作:让异星矿物能够被矿物探测器探测到,以及让它们在黑暗中发光,使其更容易被玩家发现。可以兼容已有存档 This mod does only two simple things: made alien materials detectable to mineral scanner, and made them glow in the dark so that them can be easily found. Should be save to install/remove on ...
Created by soft
Designed for singleplayer experiences, the Dolphin is a tier 1 scout-class submarine. It provides a resource scarce challenge to both one-off missions and the start of campaigns, placing decision making and responsibility on it's sole inhabitant. "Dolphin ...
Created by Goostave
汉化包简介 由老虎脱粒机汉化组代为维护 EK系列的外挂汉化包,只需要启用你想用的部分EK mod即可,不需要全部启用。 EK Mods for 1.x.x.x作为非官方修复版,由于并未更改物品id,所以此汉化依旧生效。 现已同时支持简中与繁中。 此mod是(老虎脱粒机汉化组整合)潜渊症模组汉化补丁整合包 项目的一部分,绝大部分汉化由@Logic_530大佬完成,现经大佬授权,由老虎脱粒机汉化组增补缺漏后上传,并将代为维护。 Logic_530大佬的原汉化: EK Armory CN Patch EK Uti...
Lua For Barotrauma
Created by Evil Factory
Updated for the v1.5.9.1 Summer Update + Hotfix + Hotfix 2 Discord: Consider supporting the project: This is a Barotrauma modification that adds Lua modd...
More XP
Created by SeveredHead
Description Increases skill gain AND multiplies experience gained from missions by square root of your current level in case you have Lua for Barotrauma mod isntalled with CsForBarotrauma addon. (Updated for modding refactor) Skill gain for repairing x2 Sk...
Created by Ma'am
okay, i changed my mind. this mod will now be receiving updates whenever i feel like it. which very well may be never again. who knows though, really. it's a free mod. Neurotrauma completely revamps the health of humans. This mod adds a lot of depth to the...
Neurotrauma in-game guide
Created by ZorenZal
Complete Neurotrauma in-game guide "Neurotrauma Guide" adds a complete guide named as "MedAssistant" to the game, including cross links and back button support. This guide is an exact copy of the official Neurotrauma Guide, which can be found at GUIDE LINK...
T.S.M MISSIONS-问君此去几时还
Created by Lerentine
T.S.M MISSIONS 奇迹之海任务包 Add English translation, the English translation is AI translation, there is machine translation phenomenon, it is impossible to translate completely according to the original meaning, but most of the text should be fine. This is a l...
Wreck Locator
Created by Biff_W
Feature When there's a wreck in 1000m range, you will receive its "SOS" signal on your sonar monitor. This doesn't require starting a new campaign to make an effect. Note Shipwrecks may not be located in the following cases: 1.The shipwreck has no containe...
Created by Noking
简介:Avo级小型核潜艇,凝聚了最新的异星力场护盾科技,轻松抵御大多数巨兽袭击,麻雀虽小但五脏俱全,让我们去探索,去征服,让它们领略创世之威。 定位:模组测试,好友联机,快速通关 售价:1888mk 大小:14x7m 载货:4箱 最高水平航速:55km/h 最高下潜速度:20km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:1-5人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:中 维护难度:低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机/同人交流QQ群:796185005...
Created by Noking
Beacons 信标模组 “为后人指引方向” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加8个信标站变种 2.增加3个信标站类型 3.增加的类型为信标塔、中继站、改装潜艇 ●●●参数●●● 1.信标站(修建中/老化) 2.信标塔(正常/修建中/老化) 3.中继站(正常/老化) 4.改装潜艇(正常) ----------------------- 如果加载MOD时遇到问题,可以在已订阅MOD页面选择重新安装,如果未能解决,请反馈给我! 感谢使用信标模组,点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 ...
Created by Noking
简介:Box级中型核潜艇,结构简单动线合理,内部电路均采用明线设计,适用于新手舰长,火力无死角,轻松构建航路,清扫怪物。 定位:新手入门,电路学习,模组测试 售价:4888mk 大小:24x7m 载货:16箱 最高水平航速:28km/h 最高下潜速度:18km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:3-5人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:中低 维护难度:中低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机/同人交流QQ群:796185005...
Created by Noking
简介:Ero级中型核潜艇,采用仿生学设计,模拟了锤头鲨的外形,并且安装防撞隔舱和间隙外壳,使得无论是撞击或是爆炸都可轻松拿下,同时拥有惊人的货舱大小,如果想要通过运输来获利,那她一定不会让你失望的。 定位:运输任务,多人联机,原版战役 售价:5888mk 大小:50x8m 载货:72箱 最高水平航速:26km/h 最高下潜速度:18km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:3-6人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:高 维护难度:中 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:2003...
Created by Noking
简介:Nova级小型核潜艇,响应新的开拓航线需求而建造的全能型潜艇,在顶部安装有额外装甲,同时拥有强大的火力配置并开创性的加入了基因分析设备。如果你要潜入深渊,那她一定是你的好帮手。 定位:新手入门,多人联机,原版战役 售价:2888mk 大小:25x5m 载货:12箱 最高水平航速:30km/h 最高下潜速度:17-23km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:2-6人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:中 维护难度:低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947...
Created by Noking
简介:Poi级雪橇穿梭艇,需要足够的泡沫修复手雷与精湛的驾驶技术才能安全航行,现在,Show Time!注意!航速过高警告!请勿搭载5人以上成员,否则后果自负! 定位:模组战役,欢乐整活,潜艇挂载 售价:1000mk 大小:3x2m 载货:24箱 推荐船员:1-5人 推荐经验:轻车熟路 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机/同人交流QQ群:796185005...
Created by Noking
Record 唱片模组 CN/EN/RU “音乐无国界” ●●●简介●●● 1.新增一个唱片机,可手持可放置,可调节音量,无需供电 2.包含28首歌曲,唱片可在前哨站柜子、废弃前哨站柜子、沉船打捞获得 3.可在任意前哨站购买《Astronomia》 ●●●唱片●●● 01《白いスーツのテーマ》 02《Astronomia》 03《Auld Lang Syne》 04《Bad Apple!!》 05《Boom Boom Boom Boom!》 06《海阔天空》 07《BRODYQUEST》 08《Califo...
Created by Noking
简介:Rod级迷你核潜艇,俗话说天下武功唯快不破,独特的单层船体轻量化设计,赋予了她顶尖的航速,同时也让日常维护变得非常轻松,如果你没有那么多人手,又喜爱强劲火力的话,她一定是你的最佳选择。 定位:任务潜艇,好友联机,快速通关 售价:1888mk 大小:41x11m 载货:0箱 最高水平航速:65km/h 最高下潜速度:17km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:1-3人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:低 维护难度:低 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:20030094...
Created by Noking
简介:Ula级大型核潜艇,三层重甲防护设计,人员动线经过充分优化,各类设施齐全,适合有一定经验舰长驾驶,强劲的火力配置搭配高度集成的指挥控制系统,她将是你驰骋深海的一座强大堡垒。 定位:主力潜艇,多人联机,高难模组 售价:6888mk 大小:41x11m 载货:16箱 最高水平航速:55km/h 最高下潜速度:18km/h 反应堆功率:50000kw 推荐船员:4-12人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:高 维护难度:中 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机...
Created by Noking
简介:Van级大型核潜艇,吸收新时代、蓝宝石、黑森林等潜艇优点设计的全能型潜艇。在这可以看到大胆的透明船壳设计,简单易上手的电子控制系统,还有标准的火力配置。当然,你需要一些好友与你一同驾驭这艘巨兽,若是孤狼,你也可以在站点招募些船员,与你共赴深渊。 定位:新手入门,多人联机,模组战役 售价:8499mk 大小:63x15m 载货:26箱 最高水平航速:40km/h 最高下潜速度:21-23km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:1-14人 推荐经验:初窥门径 船体强度:中 维护难度:中 感谢使用!...
Created by Noking
Wrecks 沉船模组 “水能载舟亦能覆舟” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加15个原版沉船 2.包括所有原版潜艇与穿梭艇 3.增加一个沉船定位器,感谢Biff_W的代码,原MOD: Wreck Locator 4.将会持续增加,并且符合原版强度,无陷阱(非某些阴间沉船模组 注:此模组兼容其他任何沉船模组,也不会影响沉船生成 ----------------------- 如果加载MOD时遇到问题,可以在已订阅MOD页面选择重新安装,如果未能解决,请反馈给我! 感谢使用沉船模组,点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造...
Created by Noking
简介:Xen级大型核潜艇,她是冰洋中的庞然大物,内饰精美,设备齐全,宛如一艘豪华游轮,只有拥有足够财力与能力的团队才能驾驭,如果想要一段精彩的旅途,那就是她了。 定位:难度挑战,多人联机,角色扮演 售价:8888mk 大小:57x12m 载货:32箱 最高水平航速:35km/h 最高下潜速度:12-20km/h(紧急下潜) 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:6-14人 推荐经验:略有心得 船体强度:中 维护难度:高 感谢使用!点赞评论收藏是对我最大的支持! 造船/模组交流QQ群:200300947 联机...
[BOS]中文优化 停止更新
Created by Noking
中文优化 —— 停止更新/请勿订阅 新中文优化MOD请前往: 中文优化-核心包 此模组对游戏内所有中文进行优化,并翻译已大部分潜艇编辑器与角色编辑器文本! 【自动安装】 在设置中勾选启用后,重启游戏即可 ■可能出现文字闪烁情况,这是没办法的事情 :-( 感谢以下成员对此模组做出的贡献:(贡献排名不分先后) 雨望,下北泽,V1TIA7E,ANSEL,CTos,FZJEEP,老虎脱粒机汉化组,心儿 Github: --------...
[Legacy] EK | Armory
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, fortifications, and research centers; and many items to craft includi...
[Legacy] EK | Dockyard
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces a bunch of new structures and functional machines to build submarines or roleplay maps with. Diesel Generator Variants Reactor Varia...
[Legacy] EK | Gunnery
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces new types of armaments and defensive capabilities for the submarine. Ship ammunition & turrets balanced for vanilla Bonethresher, Ch...
[Legacy] EK | Utility
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, mines, and research centers; and many items to craft including place-...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Railgun EK Armory Pack
Created by Misor63
It's a EK Armory Pack part independent of Unlimited Railgun EK Pack. Railgun Magazines : You can put the railgun magazine into the Railgun Shell Rack. Unlimited Railgun Sonar Decoy Magazine Unlimited Nuclear Sonar Decoy Magazine Unlimited Railgun Flechette...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Railgun EK Gunnery Pack
Created by Misor63
It's a EK Gunnery Pack part independent of Unlimited Railgun EK Pack. Railgun Magazines : Unlimited Heavy Railgun Magazine Unlimited Heavy Railgun Flechette Magazine Unlimited Heavy Nuclear Railgun Magazine Support Languages : Simplifed Chinese Traditional...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Railgun EK Pack
Created by Misor63
Unlimited Railgun EK Pack This mod has been split into their corresponding mod versions. Unlimited Railgun EK Armory Pack Unlimited Railgun EK Gunnery Pack Railgun Magazines : You can put the normal size railgun magazine into the Railgun Shell Rack. Unlimi...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Tool
Created by Misor63
Deprecated, please use Unlimited Items Added the following items : Toolbelt Mk.2 : The improved Toolbelt can carry most items, and the slots are increased to 30. Artifact Transport Case Mk.2 : The improved Artifact Transport Case has 6 slots. Welding Tool ...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Gun Ammunition
Created by Misor63
Deprecated, please use Unlimited Items Added the following items : You can put them to original weapons. Unlimited Alien Power Cell Unlimited SMG Magazine Unlimited Depleted Fuel SMG Magazine Unlimited Exploding SMG Magazine Unlimited Assault Rifle Magazin...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Ammunition Box
Created by Misor63
Deprecated, please use Unlimited Items Added the following items : Unlimited Coilgun Ammunition Box Unlimited Piercing Ammunition Box Unlimited Depleted Fuel Coilgun Ammunition Box Unlimited Physicorium Ammunition Box Unlimited Exploding Ammunition Box Unl...
Created by Lerentine
人人秉持正义之名 与武装不兼容,九州武库现为问君附属武器包,当然你单独启用也没问题。 4.16更新内容 全面重置武库 添加更多枪械和服装,添加更多材料,以及任务 如果在存档中途加入此mod,则无法体验到本mod的全部内容。 创了个群,欢迎大家加入,主要是为了让大家可以提提意见还有及时反馈bug,以及公布一些背景故事。群号:713011672 爱发电地址: 你的支持会使奇迹之海产出更多优质内容
天赋增强 - Talent Enhancement[CN-EN-RU-FRN]
Created by SinerSAMA
#天赋树修改-和其他修改天赋树的MOD互相冲突: #Talent tree modifications - and other mods that modify the talent tree conflict with each other: #Модификации дерева талантов - и другие моды, изменяющие дерево талантов, конфликтуют друг с другом: 通用天赋学习一个就可以解锁下一行,三条线的所有天赋都可以学习并且...
Created by Lerentine
精简平衡版请搜索 九州武库 群号:713011672 有问题尽量群里问,因为我很多时候没有办法在steam上回复...
Created by Loafer
For players of other languages: This is a language patch for Chinese players. 这是一个整合了潜渊症诸多模组的汉化补丁的整合包,旨在减少服务器模组列表的长度,以及维护原作者不再维护的汉化项目。 由于bug,过长的简介会被截断。...